Evilness, the all-consuming power that holds sway over life and death.

************************LORE: PRIMORDIAL SOULS, LUCIFER BACKGROUND**************************

The Primordial Souls: The Dawn of Existence

No one truly knows the beginning. There is no "before" when something exists within the true line of time—it simply always has been. Such is the nature of the two infinite forces: Good and Evil. These forces, boundless and eternal, have existed beyond the grasp of mortal understanding, existing in perfect, opposing harmony. However, in an instant—whether through a shift in perception or a ripple in the fabric of the infinite—the force of Good experienced something that would alter its existence forever: curiosity.

It began as something simple, innocent, like the first breath of life. Good, in its boundless awareness, observed something strange occurring when Evil—its opposing counterpart—came into contact with it. When the two touched, something new emerged, something neither purely Good nor entirely Evil, but a combination of both. The phenomenon was subtle, like the foam of the ocean lapping against a shore, but it was unmistakable. These bubbles of existence, delicate and fleeting, began to appear wherever Good and Evil brushed against each other. They spread across the infinite reaches of Good’s perception.

For the first time, Good—infinite in its purity—felt curiosity. Like a newborn, it was drawn to this strange new creation, fascinated by its presence. Tentatively, Good reached out to touch these ethereal bubbles, eager to understand them. But, as it made contact, something horrifying happened. What seemed infinite and tangible to Good disappeared the moment it touched it. In its innocence, Good had unknowingly destroyed the very thing that had sparked its curiosity.

And for the first time, Good felt fear.

This feeling was alien and unsettling. Good had not meant to destroy the delicate bubbles, and the awareness of its own power unsettled it deeply. Fear was new, and so was the understanding of its destructive potential. Good became cautious, aware of the delicate balance between it and its infinite counterpart, Evil. Determined not to give up, Good kept experimenting, reaching out to Evil in an attempt to recreate that strange, delicate phenomenon without obliterating it. And it succeeded—the bubbles returned.

Good was gentle this time, more careful. But even so, many times, the bubbles were overwhelmed by the raw power of Good’s touch and vanished. Good felt sorrow, an unfamiliar ache, for it had begun to realize that these bubbles represented something important to its very existence, something that gave it meaning, however small. Yet, the endlessness of eternity allowed Good to keep trying, driven by this newfound curiosity and awareness. This process of trial and error also gave Good something it had not possessed before: self-awareness.

And then, after countless attempts, the first of these bubbles—immune to the pure forces of Good and Evil—began to manifest. These were the Primordial Souls.

The Emergence of the Primordial Souls

These Primordial Souls were not just anomalies; they were a beauty beyond words. Composed of both Good and Evil in equal measure, they represented the perfect union of the two infinite forces. In them, Good saw a reflection of balance, a merging of elements that could neither exist fully on its own. For the first time, it felt as though its endless existence had a purpose—a meaning beyond the eternal dance of opposing forces.

These souls were many, an endless sea of unique entities, each different but sharing the same essential nature. They spread across the vastness of the universe, giving new form to the void that once seemed empty. The joy Good felt at their existence was immense, for it finally understood that it was not alone. These souls, these sparks of life, gave it a companion in the infinite.

Confident now, Good began to experiment with the Primordial Souls. Yet, its infinite nature was still overwhelming to them. The souls, though eternal and resilient, could not withstand the raw force of Good’s power. Even in its most subtle form, Good could not shape them as it desired, and disappointment crept into its awareness. Despite its best efforts, Good’s interactions did not affect the souls as it had hoped. They existed, yes, but they were still passive, unable to grow or change in the way Good envisioned.

But Good persisted. It continued to test, to observe, and to explore the nature of these souls. Over time, something remarkable happened—some of the Primordial Souls began to exhibit emotions. First came fleeting feelings: joy, sorrow, anger. Then came attitudes—defiance, loyalty, curiosity. Slowly, these souls began to evolve, becoming more complex, more distinct. And finally, after an age beyond reckoning, one of these souls achieved something that had never been seen before: consciousness.

The Birth of Lucifer: The First Primordial Soul to Awaken

The first Primordial Soul to become aware of its own existence filled Good with a happiness it had never known. This soul was Lucifer, the firstborn, the most beloved of all creations. Lucifer was the first to look upon Good and call it Father.

Lucifer was not merely a creation; he was a being of pure will, composed of both Good and Evil yet conscious of his own nature. His awakening was a triumph for Good, a validation of its eternal struggle to understand itself. Lucifer spoke, thought, and felt in ways that no other soul had done before. He was perfect in the eyes of Good, for he embodied the very essence of balance between the two infinite forces. In him, Good saw a future where creation could exist in harmony, where life could thrive beyond the limits of infinite purity or corruption.

Lucifer became the favored one, the primogenito, the first son in a cosmic lineage that would shape the very fabric of the universe. Good, now conscious of its role as both creator and parent, found joy in Lucifer’s existence. Through him, Good’s own consciousness deepened, expanding its understanding of both itself and the universe it sought to shape. Lucifer’s mere presence was proof that balance between Good and Evil could result in something truly extraordinary.

But Lucifer, the first to know both Good and Evil intimately, would soon discover that awareness came with a heavy burden, one that would set in motion the events that would define all of creation.

Lucifer and the Dawn of Life

From the moment Lucifer opened his eyes to the vastness of creation, he walked beside Good, his Father, as both of them ventured into the unknown—an adventure that would become known as the Dawn of Life. As the first Primordial Soul to gain consciousness, Lucifer was a companion to Good through the earliest experiments, and his guidance helped shape the evolving universe. Together, they marveled at the infinity of Primordial Souls that now filled the once-empty expanse. These souls, unlike Lucifer, were still unaware of themselves, existing within the eternal flow of Good and Evil, their essence fragile but growing.

Within this expanse, some souls sought refuge, clustering together as though to escape the boundless forces pressing against them. These souls, shaped by the pull of Lucifer's presence and influence, began to resemble him, becoming more individualistic as they developed. This growing individuality marked the emergence of what Lucifer and Good would call the Primordial Souls of the Barrier. They were a step beyond the unconscious masses of souls, existing on the edge of awareness but not yet fully awakened. They formed a boundary, a fragile protection against the endless forces of the cosmos.

Then came those Primordial Souls who, like Lucifer, awoke to full consciousness. These beings, drawn closer to the essence of Good, could separate themselves from the collective flow of the Barrier and embrace a more defined existence. Good and Lucifer named these awakened souls Celestial Beings, for they embodied the beauty and purity that came from their proximity to Good. They were capable of approaching Good without being overwhelmed—creatures of light and awareness who followed Lucifer’s lead as the eldest, the most cherished.

The First Fear: The Disappearance of the Celestial Beings

For a time, Lucifer reveled in this new existence alongside his Father, and the Celestial Beings flourished under their guidance. However, the peace was short-lived. Lucifer began to notice something unsettling: his siblings—the Celestial Beings who had once stood beside him—were vanishing. At first, it seemed random. One moment, Lucifer would be speaking with one of them, and the next, they would simply be gone, their existence erased as if they had never been. Lucifer's once radiant joy began to dim, replaced by a gnawing sense of fear. He could not understand why this was happening, but the truth revealed itself over time.

Lucifer, with his keen awareness, discovered the terrible reason behind the disappearances. It was Good—his Father, in all His infinite power. Despite His love, despite His careful touch, Good’s mere presence was enough to unravel the delicate existence of the Celestial Beings. They were too fragile to withstand His proximity, and without realizing it, Good was destroying what He had cherished most. Each time He came too close, those souls would vanish into nothingness.

For the first time, Lucifer felt a fear not for himself but for others. He feared for his brothers and sisters, the Celestial Beings he loved, who were helpless before the overwhelming power of their creator. But more than that, Lucifer saw the suffering of his Father. Good, who had been evolving in His own way, also began to feel the weight of His actions. When He realized that He was the cause of the destruction, Good experienced pain for the first time. The loss of His creations, His beloved children, brought Him to tears, and through Him, Lucifer learned the meaning of grief.

Lucifer, always by His Father's side, watched as Good struggled to understand His own power. He saw the sorrow, the regret, the overwhelming burden of the infinite force that Good embodied. In those moments, Lucifer made a decision—he could not, would not, accept this fate. As the perfect being, the first creation, Lucifer believed it was his responsibility to stop the destruction and protect those he loved.

The First Experimentations: Finding a Way to Survive

With a renewed sense of purpose, Lucifer rallied the Celestial Beings. They followed him, not only because of his charisma but because he was their natural leader, their eldest brother. Together, they sought to find a solution, a way to exist without being consumed by the overwhelming presence of Good. For eons, they experimented in the space of the realities within the Barrier of the Primordial Souls, a place where the forces of Good and Evil could not so easily reach.

In their isolation, they delved deeper into the nature of existence itself. They discovered new phenomena, intricate workings within the souls that mirrored their own primitive consciousness. These were smaller beings, consciousness within consciousness, residing deep within the very essence of the Primordial Souls. These tiny fragments of awareness were fascinating to Lucifer and his followers, for they exhibited signs of life, yet they were entirely unaware of the infinite forces shaping them.

Lucifer and his kin began to witness the formation of realities within these souls, tiny pockets of existence that seemed to operate on their own rules. They watched as particles within the souls gathered, forming stars, planets, and other celestial bodies. Over time, the intricate dance of particles gave rise to something extraordinary—life. These new creatures, fragile and limited in comparison to the Celestial Beings, began to emerge. They had consciousness, desires, emotions, much like the Celestial Beings, but on a much smaller scale.

The Divide: Fascination and Contempt

To many of the Celestial Beings, this new form of life was fascinating. They saw the beings that inhabited these realities as reflections of themselves—lesser perhaps, but still worthy of interest. They marveled at the way these creatures evolved, how they struggled, loved, and fought for survival. There was something poetic about their fragility, something that mirrored the delicate balance that Lucifer and his kin sought to achieve in their own existence. Good, too, was intrigued by these creatures, for they represented the same balance of forces that had given birth to the Primordial Souls themselves.

However, not all of the Celestial Beings were pleased by what they saw. To some, these lesser beings represented chaos. They saw in them the influence of Evil, the force that was not their Father, the dark counterpart to Good. These beings, with their hunger, their violence, their endless cycle of betrayal and death, were seen as a perversion of the balance. They were nothing more than the manifestation of the chaos inherent in Evil, and thus they were inferior—unworthy of the attention they were receiving.

These dissenting Celestial Beings believed that such creatures were a corruption, an impurity in the perfect design that Lucifer and Good had worked so hard to preserve. They saw the fragility, the selfishness, and the violence of these new life forms as evidence of their inferiority. In their eyes, these beings were doomed to destroy themselves, to be consumed by the chaos within them, just as the Celestial Beings had once been consumed by Good’s overwhelming presence.

And thus, a quiet division began to form among the Celestial Beings—some drawn to the fragile beauty of these lesser beings, others repulsed by the chaos they embodied. Lucifer, standing at the center, saw both sides, and his heart ached for the future that lay ahead.

The Birth of Perfection and the Horror of Voidness

As eons passed, Good observed with quiet contentment the unfolding of life within the Primordial Souls. The universes that emerged inside these souls—vast, intricate, and fragile—continued to evolve without requiring much of Good’s direct intervention. In these realms, life sprang forth, civilizations rose and fell, stars ignited and died, all following the delicate interplay between Good and Evil. Yet, Good learned that it could gently influence these souls. With the lightest touch, akin to the caress of a mother to a newborn, Good could instill small emotions—subtle nudges of love, joy, or wonder. These touches often resulted in beneficial changes within the Primordial Souls, allowing the universes they contained to flourish without stifling their autonomy.

Good took solace in the knowledge that even though these worlds and beings might destroy themselves—just as Good had once inadvertently destroyed the Celestial Beings—the cycle would always renew. Within the Primordial Soul, the end was not truly the end. The cycles of life would reset, and life would rise again, for there was no true death in the infinite dance of existence. But even with this assurance, Good still felt the sting of loss whenever a beloved creation perished. Despite knowing that nothing was ever truly gone, the sensation of witnessing something beautiful vanish into oblivion—no matter how briefly—brought sorrow.

And Lucifer felt this sorrow as well. As the eldest and most beloved of Good’s creations, Lucifer understood his Father’s pain and shared it deeply. He and the other Celestial Beings began to question whether this endless cycle of creation and destruction was truly right. Shouldn't everything, they wondered, be perfect and eternal, free from the pain of loss and the anguish of imperfection? Wouldn’t an existence of eternal perfection bring happiness to Good, and therefore to all of them?

The First Pillar: An Abomination or a Sign?

Then came a moment that would shake the foundations of their understanding. A new Primordial Soul was born, not from the union of Good and Evil, but from a small, insignificant soul, one of the many that inhabited the universes within the Primordial Souls. This soul was unlike anything they had ever seen. It possessed the resilience of a Celestial—it could withstand the pure forms of both Good and Evil—but its origins were incomprehensible. How could something so small, so seemingly inconsequential, give rise to something so powerful? This new soul, though fleeting in its existence, carried the same balance of Good and Evil that marked the Primordial Souls.

But then, as quickly as it appeared, it died. It self-destructed, consumed by its own internal imbalance. This event sent shockwaves through Lucifer and the Celestial Beings. It was one thing for the universes within Primordial Souls to perish in their cycles, but for a Primordial Soul itself to destroy itself? This was a concept they had never considered. And worse yet, this soul had been born from lesser souls, not from the direct influence of Good and Evil. This anomaly was something they had no name for, no understanding of, and it frightened them.

These new souls would later be called "Pillars." But to Lucifer and the Celestial Beings, they seemed like abominations—creatures born outside the natural order, embodying both immense power and terrifying fragility. They were neither truly celestial nor truly mortal, and their ability to self-destruct defied the principles of eternity and perfection that Lucifer cherished.

Lucifer did not hate these Pillars, but neither did he fully recognize them as kindred. They were aberrations—creations that should not exist yet somehow did. Their very existence challenged the perfection that Lucifer and his kin sought, and this deeply troubled him.

Lucifer's Experiment: The Creation of Perfection

Driven by his desire to preserve the eternal balance and protect Good from further sorrow, Lucifer set out to create his own form of perfection. He gathered some of the raw essence from a Primordial Soul and began to craft something that would fulfill his vision of an existence free from suffering, free from destruction—something that would be immortal, eternal, and flawless.

Lucifer’s creation was a universe within a Primordial Soul, but it was unlike anything that had come before. He presented it to Good with pride, certain that this would be the answer to their shared pain. The universe was indeed perfect—everything within it was in flawless order. The beings inside this creation functioned with absolute precision, performing their roles without deviation. The stars shone with unwavering light, the planets orbited in perfect harmony, and the creatures existed in eternal stability.

But there was something deeply wrong with Lucifer’s creation, something that Good immediately sensed. Though it was beautiful and flawless on the surface, the universe felt…empty. The beings that populated it had no will, no thoughts, no emotions. They were not alive in any meaningful sense; they were merely mechanisms, following their programming without any sense of self. There were no surprises, no growth, no true interaction between them. It was a white sheet, filled with things that were technically perfect, but there was no spark, no soul.

Good felt a deep, unsettling horror as He gazed upon this creation. Though it was everything Lucifer had promised—perfect, eternal, without destruction—it was also devoid of life. It was a void, a hollow imitation of the real universes within the Primordial Souls. There was no consciousness, no desire, no emotion to be found in this perfect world. It was a place of Voidness, an eerie silence that stretched across eternity, and it filled Good with a profound sense of dread.

In creating perfection, Lucifer had unknowingly brought about something worse than destruction: the absence of life. What Good had cherished most—the unpredictability, the emotions, the struggles, and even the suffering of living beings—was entirely missing. In this flawless universe, there could be no love, no joy, and no sorrow—for these things were born of the imperfections of existence, the very things Lucifer sought to eliminate.

The Conflict of Perfection and Chaos

Lucifer, upon seeing Good’s reaction, was deeply troubled. He had intended to ease His Father’s pain, to create a world that would bring them both eternal happiness, but instead, he had created something that horrified Good. For all its perfection, it lacked the very essence that made life meaningful. It was a cold and sterile eternity, a reflection of Lucifer’s desire for order taken to an extreme.

This realization planted the first seeds of conflict within Lucifer’s heart. He could not understand why perfection—the very thing they had all sought—was so deeply disturbing to Good. But Good, now more aware than ever of the delicate balance required to sustain life, knew that true life could not exist in perfection. It needed chaos, unpredictability, and even destruction to truly thrive. Life was born from the interplay of Good and Evil, not from the absence of both.

And so, the rift began to grow between Lucifer and Good, a divergence in their understanding of what it meant to create, to love, and to live. Lucifer, still beloved by his Father, could not accept the idea that imperfection was necessary. But Good, having now seen both the beauty of life and the horror of voidness, began to question what role Lucifer’s vision would play in the unfolding of eternity.

The birth of the Pillars—those strange, fragile abominations—and the creation of Lucifer’s void-like perfection marked a pivotal moment in the cosmos. For the first time, Good and Lucifer stood at a crossroads, unsure of where the path ahead would lead.

The Rise of the Pillars and the Descent of Lucifer

As Pillars began to emerge from within the Primordial Souls, Good could not help but marvel at the strange, unpredictable beauty of their development. These beings, born from lesser souls, were unlike anything that had been seen before. Good watched, fascinated, as beings once as simple as cavemen—barely conscious, struggling to survive—began to grasp the elements around them, learning to wield fire and shape tools, evolving within the universes inside the Primordial Souls. Elsewhere, in distant corners of existence, other Pillars were taking form, light interacting with light, guiding and protecting creatures that shared their nature. These Pillars embodied the positive emotions that Good cherished: love, hope, and dreams.

But with each rise of hope, there was a counterbalance—a reminder of the delicate tightrope between creation and destruction. Other Primordial Souls, unable to withstand the weight of negative emotions—fear, anxiety, and despair—were overwhelmed and consumed by their own chaos. Celestial Beings, observing this, were quick to place blame. For them, Evil was the root of all destruction, the source of every negative emotion that consumed the souls. To the Celestials, consciousness, emotion, and awareness were qualities bestowed only by Good. In their minds, everything that went wrong, everything that led to suffering and death, could be traced back to the influence of Evil.

But Good, who had worked with both forces from the beginning, understood the truth. Evil was not solely to blame—the truth was more complex. Good saw that while it was true that negative emotions could overwhelm and destroy a soul, the same was also true for those that reached too high toward the light. Pillars that achieved a state of perfect bliss, too pure in their positivity, would also self-destruct, consumed by the weight of their own perfection. Some Celestials believed that these souls, upon their death, returned to Good, just as they thought those destroyed by despair were absorbed by Evil. But Good knew better. These forces were not as simple as the Celestials believed. Good suspected that Evil was not just a passive, unconscious force; it too might possess some form of awareness, a shadowed mirror of Good's own consciousness.

Meanwhile, Lucifer and his followers had not given up on their quest for perfection. They still believed, with unwavering certainty, that they were right—that life should be flawless, eternal, free from the pain of chaos and destruction. They could not see that their vision of a perfect existence was a regression, a return to the state that had existed before Good's curiosity sparked the dawn of consciousness and life. Good and Evil had been in balance, and from that balance, everything had been born. But Lucifer, blinded by his ideals, pushed forward.

Lucifer's Virus of Perfection

In his determination to rid existence of chaos and imperfection, Lucifer devised a plan. He created something that could spread like a virus through the Primordial Souls—a state of "perfection" that would correct the chaos within them. This virus spread rapidly, infecting soul after soul, bringing them into alignment with Lucifer’s ideal of perfect order. The chaos within them was wiped away, replaced with cold, sterile balance. For a brief moment, it seemed as though Lucifer’s vision might come to fruition—the universes within the Primordial Souls were being "fixed."

But then, for the first time since life had begun, Good acted directly.

Good saw what Lucifer had done—and it filled Him with a rage He had never felt before. The delicate balance of creation, the interplay of chaos and order, life and death, was being corrupted. And though Good loved Lucifer more than anything, He knew that this perversion of life could not continue. Acting in His purest form would destroy Lucifer, and despite His anger, Good could not bear the thought of losing His most cherished creation. So instead, He created a new Primordial Soul, one designed specifically to stop Lucifer without annihilating him.

This new soul was Gabriel.

Gabriel was everything Lucifer had wanted: rigid, flawless, nearly mechanical in his dedication to his purpose. His sole directive was to stop Lucifer, and he was empowered by a fragment of Good’s own essence. Alongside him were others, all born from this same purpose—to eradicate the Celestial Beings who had sided with Lucifer and to put an end to the spread of Lucifer's virus. Gabriel's campaign was swift and merciless. The Celestial Beings who had followed Lucifer were cut down without hesitation, their existence snuffed out as Gabriel sought to bring perfect order back to the universe.

When Gabriel finally stood before Lucifer, ready to strike him down, Good's voice rang out, shaking the fabric of creation: "DON'T DARE KILL MY SON!" The fury in Good’s voice froze Gabriel in place. Lucifer, sensing his chance, fled, taking with him the six Celestial Beings who had survived the purge. They disappeared into the only place Lucifer knew they could hide: deep within the Barrier of the Primordial Souls, far from Good’s direct influence.

The Fall of Lucifer and the Birth of Demons

Lucifer’s escape marked the beginning of his fall. Though he had managed to avoid death, he had been stripped of a portion of his positive energy, along with his brothers. In the darkness, deep in the lowest levels of existence, Lucifer and his followers found themselves surrounded by lesser beings—creatures of chaos and despair, beings who thrived in the spaces where order and light could not reach. These beings, twisted and grotesque, would later be known as Demons.

Lucifer, betrayed by his Father and cut off from the light, was left to contemplate his failure. His brothers, dazed and disoriented, could not understand how their perfect vision had crumbled so completely. They had believed that they were right, that by eliminating chaos, they would create a paradise where they could all live in peace and happiness. But now, surrounded by Demons and cast out of Good’s favor, they began to question everything.

"What was our error?" one of Lucifer’s brothers asked. "We thought Evil was not important," another replied bitterly.

For eons, they had denied the importance of Evil. They had always seen it as a force of destruction, something that needed to be eliminated to achieve their perfect world. But now, in the depths of existence, they began to see the truth. Chaos—the force they had spent so long trying to eradicate—was not something to be ignored. If Good had truly wanted them to succeed, why had He stopped them? Could it be that Good needed Evil as much as Evil needed Good?

Lucifer, sitting in the silence of the abyss, already knew the answer. "He still loves us," he said softly, staring into the void. "But we are not ready yet." He knew that their downfall had not been because of Good’s rejection, but because they had failed to understand the delicate balance that governed the universe.

The cause of their suffering, Lucifer realized, was not Good, nor Evil—it was the Pillar. The Primordial Soul that had taken his place beside Good, the "perfect" soul that now stood in the position Lucifer had once held. "That fake, that intruder," Lucifer growled, his eyes narrowing. "It is because of it that we suffer." The rage in Lucifer’s heart grew, fueled by the sense of betrayal, by the thought of being replaced in his Father’s love.

The Path Forward: Mastering Chaos

In the abyss, surrounded by demons and cut off from the light of Good, Lucifer and his brothers made a decision. If chaos was what Good wanted, then they would master it. They would conquer the chaos that Evil represented, and when they had done so, they would return to Good—not to destroy Him, but to ask Him why.

But deep down, Lucifer already knew the answer to that question, too. Good had always been aware of what Lucifer could not accept: Life required chaos. The very things that Lucifer had sought to eliminate were the same things that made life worth living. But now, in his exile, Lucifer had no choice but to confront this truth in the only way he knew how: by mastering the very forces he had once denied.

And so, in the deepest reaches of existence, the first Demons were born—not from hatred of Good, but from a desire to understand the balance of creation. Lucifer, now the Lord of Chaos, would spend eons learning to wield the power of Evil and chaos as he sought a way back to his Father’s side.

But the wound in his heart—the pain of being replaced by a Primordial Soul he considered unworthy—would never fully heal. And in the darkness, as he gathered power, the thought of revenge quietly took root.

Lucifer’s Understanding: The Fear of Perfection and Chaos

In the depths of his exile, surrounded by Asmodeus, Leviathan, Mammon, and the other fallen Celestials, Lucifer pondered a crucial realization. He had come to believe that Good, his Father, feared both perfect order and perfect chaos. What Good truly dreaded was something that would remain unchanging, eternal in its stillness, with no room for growth, unpredictability, or evolution. Change, Lucifer mused, was the key to all existence. Without it, even the most magnificent creation would stagnate and wither.

Yet, Lucifer and his fallen brothers could not deny their own past failures. They had failed to grasp the delicate balance of creation—Good and Evil, order and chaos. Lucifer’s ambitions of perfection had nearly undone all that they sought to achieve. Now, humbled but not broken, Lucifer turned his gaze outward. If change was necessary, then they would have to understand existence itself—its rules, its limitations, and its infinite possibilities.

Driven by this new purpose, Lucifer and his followers decided to study and conquer the very beings they had once detested—the creatures of the universes within the Primordial Souls, the Pillars, and the lesser souls that inhabited those realms. Through control, they would master the forces of Good and Evil, and, at last, they would comprehend everything. Only then would they be able to stand beside their Father again, free of their failures, ready to reclaim their place by removing those who had taken it.

The Nature of Primordial Souls

At the heart of all existence are the Primordial Souls—vast, incomprehensible entities of pure energy. They are the foundations of universes, and they hold within them the very fabric of reality. Primordial Souls are unique in their structure and power, each one invulnerable to all harm, except through the overwhelming influence of certain Unique forces: Good, Evil, Void, Logic, Energy, and other cosmic essences that stand outside the normal flow of creation. However, even these cosmic forces are rarely the cause of their demise—Primordial Souls often overwhelm themselves.

The Balance of Emotions: The Key to Existence and Destruction

Primordial Souls are born in a state of perfect balance, embodying equal amounts of Good and Evil, order and chaos. Yet this balance is fragile. A Primordial Soul’s greatest vulnerability lies within its own emotional structure. Over time, if they tip too far in one direction—allowing their balance to shift to something like 99% negative emotion and only 1% positive—they can no longer hold themselves together. Should they, in a moment of despair, decide to eliminate that last 1% of positive energy, they are destroyed.

This is precisely how Lucifer came to defeat many of the Celestial Beings during his rise to power. Rather than engaging in direct conflict, Lucifer became the Master of Manipulation, slowly eroding his enemies’ emotional stability. He would instill doubt, fear, and despair in their hearts, leading them to overwhelm themselves with negative emotions until they unraveled entirely.

The Celestial Being Sasael witnessed this firsthand. He saw his closest friends succumb to Lucifer's manipulations, watching helplessly as they crumbled under the weight of their own negative emotions. Though he despised Lucifer for what he had done, Sasael feared him as well, knowing that Lucifer had mastered a force more insidious than any physical power: the ability to twist the mind and heart. This mastery earned Lucifer his infamous title as the Lord of Manipulation.

Primordial Souls and Their Unique Abilities

Primordial Souls are entities that exist outside of time as mortals and lesser souls understand it. They transcend all time streams, except the True Line of Time, the original flow of existence from which all others derive. This unique existence gives Primordial Souls the ability to remember events, even if those events are altered or erased in other timelines. This ability to remember allows some Primordial Souls, especially those aligned with Pillars, to correct destinies or prevent outcomes that would harm the greater good. These Primordial Souls often take on the roles of heroes, guiding the course of history and protecting reality from descending into ruin.

Moreover, Primordial Souls can absorb the purest forms of Good and Evil—or other unique energies—and shape these forces to suit their needs. They use this energy to fuel their own growth, or to perform miracles within the universes they contain. It is from this ability that the Pillars derive their capacity to create miracles, shifting reality according to their will. The Pillars, while once seen as abominations by Lucifer and the Celestials, possess this same trait, which connects them to the greater cosmic forces.

The Rarity of Primordial Souls and Their Role in Reality

Primordial Souls are incredibly rare, even in the infinite multiverse. In most cases, only one Primordial Soul exists per universe, with each universe being the container of that soul’s essence. Though countless universes exist, Primordial Souls are still a scarcity, even in the limitless realms of creation. However, within these Primordial Souls, there are smaller souls, nearly infinite in number, that populate the vast universes they contain.

These lesser souls—mortals, spirits, and beings of various kinds—live and die within the universes housed by Primordial Souls. Occasionally, a lesser soul will evolve beyond its original form, detaching from the collective barrier of reality, and transforming into a Primordial Soul of its own. Some of these newly awakened souls might become Celestial Beings, aligning themselves with Good and the forces of light. Others, lost in their own chaos or resentment, may fall into darkness and become Demons.

Lucifer’s New Plan: Mastering Chaos

In the depths of his exile, Lucifer’s hatred for the Pillars continued to fester. He viewed them as pretenders, lesser beings that had taken his place beside Good. They had been born from the same forces, but they were not like him or his brothers. They were imperfect and yet somehow favored. This resentment fueled Lucifer's desire for revenge, but his approach would be more subtle than before.

Lucifer and his fallen brothers, now masters of manipulation and chaos, decided to turn their focus outward, away from the perfect order they once sought. Instead, they would conquer the chaos they had long ignored. They would learn from the lesser beings that inhabited the universes within the Primordial Souls—the ones they had once dismissed as inferior. These lesser beings, born of chaos, might hold the key to understanding existence in its entirety.

Through conquest and control, Lucifer and his demons would study the nature of chaos, mastering its unpredictable power. They would wield it as a weapon, and when they had learned all there was to know, they would return to Good, ready to ask their Father the question that burned within their hearts: Why?

But deep down, Lucifer already knew the answer. Good still loved them, but they had not yet understood the truth of existence. They were not ready to return. And until they could master both chaos and order, they would continue to dwell in the shadows, learning, manipulating, and waiting for the day when they could reclaim their place.

Lucifer's final thought lingered on Gabriel, the being created to replace him, who now stood beside Good as the perfect, rigid servant. "The cause of our suffering is that Primordial Soul," Lucifer whispered to his brothers, his voice filled with cold resolve. "That fake, taking my place beside my Father…"

And so, in the darkness of the Primordial Souls’ Barrier, Lucifer and his fallen Celestials plotted their return—ready to challenge not just the Pillars, but the very fabric of existence itself.

Lucifer: The Relentless Seeker of Knowledge

Though Lucifer had descended into the depths of existence, shunned by his Father and surrounded by chaos, his mind never ceased its pursuit of understanding. He was no longer the radiant being who once walked beside Good, but a creature shaped by endless experiments and manipulation—a horror unto himself. Yet, beneath the twisted veneer, Lucifer's heart still harbored a love for his Father that could not be extinguished. Good was not just his creator; He was the one who had gifted Lucifer with consciousness, the first to be called Father. That bond could not be erased, no matter how far Lucifer strayed from the light.

Though Lucifer had become the Master of Manipulation, a being feared for his cunning and cruelty, he could never entirely forsake the love he still held for Good. And in turn, Good, despite all that had transpired, still loved Lucifer. There was a bond between them that neither time nor betrayal could break. Good grieved deeply for His fallen son, but knew that Lucifer’s journey was one of self-discovery—a path that could only be walked by him.

Gabriel’s Punishment and the Rise of a New Being

The first Gabriel, the Celestial warrior who had been tasked with stopping Lucifer, had served his purpose with cold efficiency. But in doing so, Gabriel had become something far too rigid, too perfect, almost machine-like. He had followed his directive to the letter, even when it led him to the brink of destroying Lucifer. For this, Good punished Gabriel, not out of cruelty, but out of sorrow. The fragment of Good's power that had been bestowed upon Gabriel was stripped away, for Gabriel had proven incapable of wielding it with the compassion and wisdom it required.

But Good knew that the fragment could not simply return to Him; it needed to be given to someone who needed it—someone whose nature required the blind gaze and dulled senses that came with holding a mere fragment of Good's essence, rather than its full force. The fragment was powerful, but incomplete, and so Good sought a being that could benefit from its limits, one whose senses were already narrowed, and whose perceptions needed to be confined in order to flourish.

This new being, who would receive the fragment, was far from perfect. In many ways, it was a being of vulnerability, one that struggled with its own existence, weighed down by the complexities of reality. Yet, in this imperfection lay its potential. The fragment would act as both a source of strength and a veil, limiting its vision and dulling its senses, allowing it to navigate the complexities of existence without being overwhelmed by the endless nuances of Good and Evil. Over time, this being would rise, unaware of its full power, but driven by a force that it could not fully comprehend.

Lucifer’s Encounter with the New Fragment-Bearer

As Lucifer continued his relentless pursuit of knowledge, something about this new being caught his attention. Though the being was still developing, it possessed the fragment of Good's essence, the very power that had once been wielded by Gabriel. Yet, unlike Gabriel, this new bearer was far more... vulnerable. Its senses, dulled by the fragment, gave it a naiveté that Lucifer recognized instantly. It was not yet aware of the full scope of its power, and it struggled against its own limitations. This made the being unpredictable and filled with potential—and in that unpredictability, Lucifer saw an opportunity.

To Lucifer, this being reminded him of his Father in His early stages—before Good had fully understood Himself, when He was still learning the intricacies of existence. There was an innocence about this new being, a youthful mirror of what Good had once been. Lucifer became fascinated, not with the being’s power, but with the potential it held. What could be done with this fragment? How could he mold this being, shape its path to benefit his own goals?

In this new fragment-bearer, Lucifer saw not just an opportunity for himself, but perhaps a chance to reconnect with his Father. This being, flawed and incomplete, could serve as the perfect conduit for Lucifer’s return to Good’s grace. Perhaps, through this creature, Lucifer could finally prove to Good that he had mastered both chaos and order, and that his banishment had been a necessary step toward a deeper understanding of existence.

But Lucifer, always the master manipulator, knew he could not approach this being with force or malice. Instead, he would guide it subtly, watching from the shadows, influencing its path until the moment was right. And when the time came, Lucifer would use this being to confront his Father once more, not as a rebellious son, but as a conqueror of chaos and a master of existence.

The Fragment-Bearer: A Path to Redemption or Ruin

The new bearer of Good’s fragment was unaware of the significance of its burden, and even more unaware of the eyes that watched its every move. Lucifer, ever the patient strategist, knew that this being held the key to his future. Whether it would serve as a bridge back to his Father, or a tool to bring about a new order, depended entirely on how he could shape its destiny.

But Lucifer also knew that Good had chosen this being for a reason. Good, in His infinite wisdom, always moved with a purpose. Perhaps this fragment-bearer was not merely a pawn, but something more—something deeper. It was possible that Good had foreseen Lucifer’s interest, that He had deliberately created this being to challenge Lucifer’s plans. If so, this being was more than just an opportunity—it was a test.

Still, Lucifer would not be deterred. Whether this new creation was a trap laid by Good, or a true chance at redemption, Lucifer would face it on his own terms. His love for his Father remained, but so too did his resolve to reshape the universe in his own image.

For now, Lucifer would wait, watch, and learn—just as he had always done. He would study the fragment-bearer, guiding it from the shadows, until the moment came for him to step forward. And when that moment arrived, Lucifer would face Good once more, not as a son seeking forgiveness, but as a being who had mastered the very forces of creation.

In his heart, Lucifer whispered to the fragment-bearer, though it could not yet hear him: “You are the key to my return, to our Father’s embrace. And when the time comes, we will both ask Him the questions that have haunted me for so long.”

But deep within, Lucifer already knew the answer. Good still loved him—but the path to reconciliation was one Lucifer would have to carve from the chaos itself.

The stage was set, and the new fragment-bearer unknowingly walked the path that would one day lead to a confrontation that would shape the fate of all existence.

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