Evolving infinitely from ground zero

Chapter 161 - 161: 128. The disdain of the student council

Chapter 161: 128. The disdain of the student council

Yi: Qi-Blood.

Xuan: Essence Qi.

Cao: Acupoint.

Liang: Upper limbs.

Zhe: Lower limbs.

Lin Zichen skimmed through the translation materials in his hand at the speed of reading ten lines at a glance, studying the text on the Blood Tempering Technique.

After studying for a while, it felt like he was learning Classical Chinese from a previous cultural class.

Only, it was more obscure and more concise than Classical Chinese.

From which era were these texts?

Thousands of years ago?

Or perhaps… tens of thousands of years ago?

Lin Zichen was very curious about this.

What made him even more curious was why, given that the Blood Tempering Technique was so powerful, it had fallen into obscurity?

Was it because the Age of Dusk was not conducive to cultivating later generations?

While Lin Zichen was musing over these things.

Song Yuyan, who had changed out of her yoga clothes and into a martial arts uniform, walked in from outside and said, “Zi Chen, someone from the student council is looking for you. They’re waiting at the entrance of the institute right now.”

“Looking for me?”

Lin Zichen was somewhat puzzled.

Song Yuyan brushed her bangs from her forehead, her voice rational as she said, “I think it’s highly likely they’re here to invite you to join the student council. After all, you performed exceptionally well in yesterday’s initiation trial. As the strongest student organization in the school, they definitely want you to join.”

Hearing her say this, Lin Zichen figured that if the student council president was looking for him, it was probably for this reason.

However, he had no interest in the student council and didn’t want any positions or titles.

Seeing that he was uninterested, Song Yuyan said with a smile, “Members of the student council get a credit subsidy every month, and there’s not much to do on a regular basis. Joining is like making a profit. I suggest you join.”

Lin Zichen’s eyebrows lifted. There was a credit subsidy?

Well, in that case, he would have to take his talents to the student council.

With that thought, Lin Zichen hurried to the institute’s entrance, so as not to keep the people from the student council waiting too long.

Upon arriving at the entrance of the institute.

What met his eyes was a group of males and females with formidable auras.

All were upperclassmen, and the biological pressure emanating from them was such that even the lowest among them was at the level of an ordinary seventh order.

The highest among them, the leading student council president—Zhou Xuehong—stood out.

The biological pressure radiating from him had broken through the ordinary category and stepped into the advanced level.

He was a genuine advanced-level creature.

Seeing Lin Zichen come out, Zhou Xuehong introduced himself in a neutral tone, “Hello, I am Zhou Xuehong, the president of the student council.”

Although he had already introduced himself in front of the new students yesterday, he still gave a brief self-introduction in front of Lin Zichen out of politeness.

“President Zhou, hello.”

Lin Zichen also returned the greeting politely.

Zhou Xuehong didn’t like to waste time, so without any small talk, he got straight to the point, “You performed exceptionally well in the initiation trial yesterday, meeting the student council’s recruitment requirements.”

“My visit today is to invite you to join the student council and become a presidential seed, to be groomed for the role of a future student council president.”

“There are many benefits to joining the student council, such as enjoying special treatment and privileges not available to ordinary students,” he continued.

“For instance, special provisions for meals three times a day, participation in the school’s major and minor decision-making processes, and a monthly credit subsidy, among others.”

After explaining these perks, Zhou Xuehong asked, “Are you interested in joining the student council?”

Lin Zichen: “Of course.”

Zhou Xuehong nodded, then said, “You can join, but there is one condition: you have to give up the Pureblood Human Path and choose the Genetic Fusion Path.”


Lin Zichen’s eyebrows furrowed slightly, puzzled.

Zhou Xuehong explained, “The student council only accepts future geniuses. You are very talented now, but if you do not choose the Genetic Fusion Path, no matter how talented you are, you will become mediocre like everyone else.”

Lin Zichen was unconvinced, “I believe the Pureblood Human Path has a future and won’t become mediocre.”

“The Pureblood Human Path has no future,” Zhou Xuehong stated decisively.

Then, he added, “If the Pureblood Human Path had a future, President Liu and Instructor Song wouldn’t be in such a sorry state now.”

“President Zhou, must I choose the Genetic Fusion Path to join the student council?”


“Then forget it, I’m not joining.”

After dropping that remark, Lin Zichen turned and went back inside the institute.

How could the benefits of joining the student council ever outweigh those of joining the Tianren Pavilion?

If he had to give up the Pureblood Human Path just to join, then there was no point in joining the student council.

Seeing Lin Zichen turn and leave without further discussion, Zhou Xuehong was stunned.

He hadn’t expected Lin Zichen to be so decisive.

The other members of the student council around him were also quite surprised.

When they came to their senses, they started cursing one after another.

“This newcomer king really has a screw loose, insisting on following the Pureblood Human Path. Must’ve been brainwashed until his brains spilled out.”

“Got the title of newcomer king and got cocky, huh.”

“Such a stupid freshman, he’s gonna regret it later.”

“By then, if he comes to his senses and wants to join the student council, it won’t be so easy.”

“President, I told you before, Tianren Pavilion’s brainwashing is intense, no need to waste time trying to recruit him.”

Zhou Xuehong didn’t say a word, just shook his head and quickly led the others away from the entrance of the research institute to recruit other talents.

Having talent without a future is not being a genius.

It’s called — a waste.

Since Lin Zichen wasn’t willing to give up the Pure Blood Human Path, there was no need to recruit him.

He didn’t have much hope to begin with, just wanted to see if he could persuade him, to try.

As a result, Lin Zichen didn’t give them any chance; he turned around and left without a word.

One can only say, Tianren Pavilion’s brainwashing is too powerful.

First Song Yuyan, now Lin Zichen, their brains were thoroughly washed out.

On the other side.

As soon as Lin Zichen returned to the research institute, Song Yuyan asked him if he had joined the student council.

Lin Zichen told her what had just happened, infuriating her and causing her to swear, cursing the entire student council as fossils.

They were all around twenty years old, yet their thinking was so antiquated, totally hopeless.

Close to 11 a.m., Liu Chuanwu, who hadn’t been seen all morning, finally showed up at the research institute.

He looked absolutely drained, with dark circles under his eyes and a listless air about him, as if he’d been squeezed dry.

Seeing him look like this, Song Yuyan felt a wave of emotion: “President, you are truly great. For the advancement of the Pureblood Human Path, you sell your body night and day to draw in investments. If the Pureblood Human Path makes a breakthrough in the future, your name is bound to go down in history!”

Liu Chuanwu’s mouth twitched slightly at this.

Can’t you give a compliment?

Would it kill you to leave out the words “sell your body”?

With those four words, even the phrase “go down in history” took on a different taste.

It turned into the “green” of brothels.

Muttering complaints internally, Liu Chuanwu turned to Lin Zichen and advised him with a rather shaky voice, “Zi Chen, remember, women are the stumbling block on the evolutionary path. They’ll knock your bones and suck your marrow. If you can avoid women, then avoid them.”

Lin Zichen just smiled and said nothing.

He couldn’t possibly avoid women.

Intimacy between men and women is human nature.

To put it broadly, it’s biological nature.

Suppressing biological nature is certainly detrimental to evolution.

Once he and Shen Qinghan break through the last step in the future, he plans to revel night after night. He’s going to fully combine his physical strength with Shen Qinghan’s special constitution and enjoy every moment of pleasure.

“By the way, Zi Chen, the school provides housing arrangements for the families of geniuses and can even arrange work within the school. Do you want to bring your parents over to live?”

After speaking, Liu Chuanwu added, “With a talent like you, heretical sects will likely target you in the future, and your family could be implicated. I advise you to bring your parents to live at the school as soon as possible.”

Lin Zichen: “I understand, President. I’ll go home this weekend and talk to my parents about it.”

Liu Chuanwu nodded, then continued, “Give me your phone, and I’ll help you activate the permissions to accept school tasks.”

Lin Zichen was puzzled: “Isn’t this only available to activate in the second semester of freshman year?”

He had read the student handbook and was aware of how school tasks worked.

Every day, the school posts various tasks on the student app.

Tasks to assist campus tutors with their work.

Tasks to help the security department catch criminals off-campus.

And tasks to eliminate members of the Heretical Sect or Exotic Beasts off-campus, and so on.

Completing tasks earns school credits.

And these school tasks, freshmen can’t accept them during the first semester; they must wait until the second semester to do so.

“With your strength being so strong now, there’s no need to wait until the second semester of freshman year like everyone else. Start accepting tasks now, the sooner you start, the sooner you earn credits, don’t waste your time getting stronger.”

As Liu Chuanwu spoke, he activated the task acceptance permissions on Lin Zichen’s phone.

About two minutes later, he handed the phone back to Lin Zichen, saying, “I’ve already activated it for you. Enter the task page from the bottom right corner of the school app’s homepage.”

Lin Zichen took his phone and curiously clicked into the task page to check the tasks.

At that moment, Song Yuyan said, “Your Sister Yan here goes off-campus to do tasks every week to earn school credits. You can join me on tasks in the future, get familiar with the process, and gain experience in completing tasks.”

Lin Zichen: “Then I’ll have to trouble Sister Yan when the time comes.”

“Don’t mention it, don’t be so formal. It’s only right for a senior to look after juniors. After a while, I’ll accept a task to eliminate Exotic Beasts, and I’ll take you to broaden your horizons.”

Song Yuyan smiled and then added, “Although your Sister Yan may be ordinary compared to top-level talents, but against the average person, your Sister Yan is still very strong. I’m invincible below the advanced level; bring on any ordinary Exotic Beasts, and I’ll take them all down.”

Lin Zichen laughed: “Of course.”

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