Evolving infinitely from ground zero

Chapter 162 - 162: 129, Peak Chart Challenge

Chapter 162: 129, Peak Chart Challenge

The three of them had a brief chat.

Soon, Liu Chuanwu went off to sleep in his laboratory.

He had fought all night without a single minute of rest, and he felt like he was about to drop dead if he didn’t catch up on sleep.

Normally, with a physical strength comparable to that of an advanced-level creature, he could go a whole week without feeling tired.

But Yuan Dongzhi had really drained him last night.

One round after another.

Being vastly outclassed in biological level, he just couldn’t keep up.

The Dragon Lady only seemed proper on the surface, but she was more licentious than anyone when out of sight, a true paragon of contrast.

After Liu Chuanwu left.

Lin Zichen sat down on a sofa nearby and started to check the tasks on the school app.

There were three types of tasks.

Published by the school.

Published by the students.

Published by external entities.

Among them, the tasks published by external entities, often by official departments like public security, were the most numerous.

Lin Zichen proceeded to open the tasks published by the school first.

After a brief look, he found that there weren’t many tasks and they were all minor affairs.

Either helping the president with some work or assisting the academic affairs office.

The reward for the tasks was mostly 1 credit, with a few offering 2 credits.

Although the credits were few, the tasks were not difficult and highly sought after, usually being snatched up the moment they were posted.

Lin Zichen wasn’t interested in these menial tasks.

After a quick look, he exited the page.


He clicked into the tasks published by students.

Task: Looking for a Genetic Integrator as a sparring partner, female required, with preference for a beast-eared beauty with fair skin and long legs.

Reward: 5 credits per month.

As soon as he clicked in, Lin Zichen saw this task that was hard to take seriously.

Is this really about finding a sparring partner?

Haha, I won’t even burst your bubble.

Continuing to scroll down, most of the tasks were more or less the same.

Most of them were aimed at making friends, which was a bit odd.

Exiting the student-published tasks page, he entered the externally published tasks page.

Task: Capture a gang of robbers, a 7-person group that has repeatedly robbed Exotic Beast Meat transport trucks, armed but with no cyborgs or Genetic Integrators, location near the outskirts of Qianzhen City.

Reward: 30 credits.

Task: Hunt Exotic Beasts, Ordinary Ninth Rank, Bloodthirsty Fish-Dragon, which has attacked fishing boats multiple times, location in Changzhou City’s Jinhai Bay.

Reward: 200 credits.

Task: Capture a rogue Genetic Integrator – Cat Woman, Common Sixth Order, a Shadow Night Cats Integrator who has tortured multiple men, active mainly in the red-light districts of Shanhai City.

Reward: 50 credits.

Task: Capture members of the Divine Plant Cult, a Heretic Believer of Common Eighth Rank, who incite or coerce college students into the cult, active mainly in Shanhai City.

Reward: 100 credits.

The externally published tasks were numerous and the credit rewards were high.

Lin Zichen felt a hint of excitement at this.

With these external tasks available, he wouldn’t have to worry about income anymore.

After checking the tasks, the next step was to accept one.

Not considering the distant ones, he focused on the nearer tasks.

The Cat Woman task was quite suitable, being within Shanhai City; he could take it on.

As for the Divine Plant Cult task, it could be easily completed too, but there was no need to accept it.

Mainly because he feared retaliation.

After all, the Heretical Sect was an organization, and unless he could eradicate it altogether, catching just one of its members would certainly result in being targeted for revenge.

The security team captain who offended the Rat God Cult back in junior high was a bloody example.

Lin Zichen had a certain capacity for self-protection and wasn’t afraid of being targeted, but it was different for his family members, who were ordinary people.

Tasks like capturing Heretic Believers would be deferred until his parents moved to live near Shan University.

After weighing his options.

In the end, Lin Zichen accepted the task of capturing the Cat Woman.

Planning to deal with it during the weekend when he went home.

He just wasn’t sure if two days would be enough.

After all, he still had to find her.

If he was lucky, he might find her on the first day.

But if he was unlucky, he might not find her for a whole month.

These 50 credits weren’t easy to earn.

Otherwise, the task would have been completed long ago and wouldn’t still be listed on the task page.

“You took on that Cat Woman task?”

Song Yuyan sounded surprised, then said, “This is your first task, and you chose a Common Sixth Order one, that’s too risky. Do you want me to accompany you?”

After speaking, she added, “I won’t split the credits with you, just treat me to a meal afterward.”

Lin Zichen politely declined, “That would be a waste of Sister Yan’s time, it’s not necessary.”

If his biological level were Common Sixth Order, he certainly wouldn’t have turned down Song Yuyan’s offer.

But the thing was, his biological level was an Ordinary Ninth Rank, and facing a Cat Woman who was only Common Sixth Order was basically using a sledgehammer to crack a nut, he could handle it with ease.

“Alright, then be careful on your own. Remember to act within your capabilities,” she advised.

“Yeah, I will, thanks for your concern, Sister Yan,” Xiao Chen replied.

Having said that, Lin Zichen expressed some confusion, “By the way, Sister Yan, how did you know that I took on the Catwoman task?”

Song Yuyan explained, “The task page shows who has accepted the task.”

Upon hearing this, Lin Zichen opened the task related to Catwoman to take a look.

Sure enough, it was indeed possible to see who had taken on the task.

A total of 28 people had accepted the Catwoman task.

Among them, 26 were upperclassmen, with only 2 being first-year freshmen.

Besides me, there’s actually another freshman who has taken on the Catwoman task?

Lin Zichen felt somewhat surprised.

Then, he checked the information of the other freshman who had taken on the task and found out it was Ma Xiwei from the genius class.

Ma Xiwei?

Her strength was at most Common Tier Five; how did she dare to take on this Catwoman task?

She must have help.

After all, as the daughter of the President of Evolution College, she held a very noble status, and it was likely that many upperclassmen in the college would be willing to fawn over her.

He spent a moment mulling over these matters.

Then Lin Zichen continued browsing tasks on the campus app.

Looking but not accepting.

Because you could only accept one task at a time, not multiple simultaneously.

After browsing for roughly half an hour, his phone suddenly vibrated.

It was a message from the school app, informing him that the 10 pounds of Undead Slug Meat he had ordered last night had arrived.

Lin Zichen glanced at the time; it was almost noon.

He told Song Yuyan he needed to head back to the dorm to cook and swiftly left the research institute.

No sooner had he walked a short distance from the institute than he encountered an unwelcome guest.

It was a somewhat handsome young stranger.

Using “Danger Perception,” he sensed the biological pressure emanating from the young man, indicating an Ordinary Seventh Rank.

The youth had been standing under a tree playing with his phone out of boredom but, upon seeing Lin Zichen emerge from the institute, he immediately pocketed his phone and quickly stepped toward him.

In just a couple of strides, he stopped in front of Lin Zichen and demanded in a very unpleasant tone, “Lin Zichen, what exactly did Weiwei do to offend you that you need to target her like this?”

“You swelled her face during the opening trial, kicked her butt, and now you’re even competing with her for the same off-campus task. Is it Liu Chuanwu who told you to do this?”

“Picking on a girl, what does that make you, dare you fight me?”

The young man’s tone grew increasingly angry, and if not for the campus rules, he probably would have been ready to beat Lin Zichen up there and then.

Is this Ma Xiwei’s lapdog?

Or possibly Ma Zhenhe’s eunuch?

Thinking this, Lin Zichen asked, “Did Ma Xiwei send you, or was it President Ma?”


The young man denied, then added, “I came on my own because I simply can’t stand you.”

Lin Zichen: “So what now?”

The young man: “Dare you fight me?”

Lin Zichen ignored the young man and walked right past him.

To still encounter such idiotic lapdogs in college, that’s quite something.

“Stop right there!”

Seeing Lin Zichen ignore him completely, the young man became frustrated and reached out to grab his shoulder.

Lin Zichen stopped as he wished.

Then, with few words and a fierce demeanor, he turned around, aimed at the somewhat handsome face, and landed a punch.


Just that sound echoed.

The young man fell to the ground, knocked out cold, his face swelling visibly fast.

Without looking back, Lin Zichen continued on his way to the dormitory.

Zhongyuan Building No. 8, Dormitory 603.

When Lin Zichen opened the door and entered, Shen Qinghan was already in the kitchen cooking.

Walking into the kitchen and seeing that she had already prepared two dishes, he asked, “Did you get out of school early today?”

“I only had two classes this morning. I came back at 10, spent an hour training in the gym, took a shower, and then started cooking,” Shen Qinghan reported what she had done while continuing to stir-fry the last dish.

Soon, the final dish was ready.

Both of them sat down in the living room to eat, chatting while dining.

“Xiao Chen, the 10 pounds of Undead Slug Meat you bought from the credit mall last night have been delivered. I’ve put them in the fridge for you,” she said.

“Okay, I got it,” he replied.

“Xiao Chen, today in class our instructor mentioned there’s going to be a duel at 3 pm in the gymnasium. A peak ranking mechanical life form is challenging a Genetic Integrator, and it’s said to be a worthwhile peak battle. He suggested everyone in the class goes to watch. Do you want to come too?” she inquired.

“Let’s go watch it together,” Xiao Chen answered.

Then, he added, “Oh, and this morning at the institute, President Liu mentioned that the school offers family resettlement housing. Any qualifying genius can have their parents move in and even arrange jobs for them. I’m planning on bringing both my parents here to live. Do you want to bring yours over too?”

“Is there such a good deal?”

Shen Qinghan’s eyes widened in disbelief.

Then, knitting her delicate eyebrows in concern, she said, “I’m not a freshman champion. Can I still enjoy such a benefit of family resettlement housing?”

Lin Zichen: “You’ve already reached a Genetic Fusion aptitude of 21%. Just mention it to your mentor, and it should be arranged for you.”


Shen Qinghan nodded, and her whole being seemed excited as she said, “I’ll ask my mentor right away. If I can get a resettlement house, I’ll have my parents move in here.”

She was very homesick, and despite having left home just a few days ago, she already missed her parents.

Having her parents live at school would be perfect for her.

Lin Zichen casually said, “Then, let’s go home this weekend to tell our parents about it.”

Shen Qinghan smiled sweetly and agreed, “Okay, we’ll go back this weekend.”

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