
Chapter 10

Chapter 10

It was just dark, and Su Qingbai was already sleepy. He took off his clothes and found that Su Chengyu had just woken up all day.

Su Qingbai scraped the past, gently pinched the little tender face, slippery and nice to look at, and Su Qingbai did not appreciate it at all. The longer the little thing, the more abnormal it was.

Su Caicai saw Su Qingbai come over, then he opened his mouth and smiled at him, his lips opened, and the gums of the flour powder appeared. The Su Qingbai, who had never seen this, was very strange, and he scratched his chin. The mouth of the child was bigger, and then the sparkling saliva flowed out to the hands of Su Qingbai.

Su Qingbai wiped his hand and then no longer teased him.

Blowing out the oil lamp, Su Qingbai lay down on the bed.


Su Qingbai did not care about him. Xu was born because of premature birth and weak body. The child was asleep most of the day, not crying, not talking. Put him there, and for a moment he will definitely sleep on his own.

Sure enough, in the middle of the night, Su Qingbai found that Su Cai had already slept, and pinched his nose. Su Qingbai licked the pants of Su Cai, and looked at it.

Because I slept early the night before, the next day, Su Qingbai got up early, and then saw his aging mother is preparing to cook for cooking.

After his aging mother came here, he would cook for everyone. Everyone thought that this cooking skill would come out when he practiced, but he didn’t want to go to his old lady here.

At this moment, Mrs. Su’s Su Qingbai and Su Caicai woke up, and everyone else was still asleep. Su Qingbai had nothing to do, and he robbed his aging mother’s life. “Mother, let’s go to rest, today’s meal, I am coming. do.”

Mrs. Su did not like to cook too much, of course, she could not ask for it. However, Mrs. Su asked Su Qingbai: “You must not feed the vegetables?”

Su Qingbai did not intend to let his aging mother cook anyway. He thought about it and said, “If you want to feed the vegetables, I will cook.”

In the days when I was giving birth to Su Cai, Su Qingbai was idle and bored. She didn’t hold the Su Cai dish to watch her cooking. If she saw more, it would be better. The craft is better than his mother, and I don’t know how many times. Su Qingbai is a person who will eat, and the requirements are high. For a time, he has compared the two crafts of the family.

Why did he think that a big man stayed in the kitchen all day, it is not decent, so the meal has been done by several women in the house.

Mrs. Su didn’t want to agree, the little grandson was so beautiful and so cute. She didn’t have the complexity of Su Lingchuan’s thoughts. She only thought that this was her son’s nephew. His grandson was beautiful and obedient. Grandma hurts him like that.

For breakfast, Su Qingbai will bring the hot milk to the bedroom. Mrs. Su is sitting on the donkey and holding the Su vegetable to make her happy. Su Qingbai handed the milk over and let Mrs. Su feed.

At this time, Su Lingchuan woke up and found that no one in the kitchen came to the bedroom of Su Qingbai. Seeing Mrs. Su holding a Su vegetable dish to drink milk, Su Qingbai sat on the side of a silly smile, suddenly did not hit a place, “Your mother is busy feeding the child, what are you sitting stupid? Still not helping? ”

It was really that Su Qingbai was too bad before, and he did not blame Su Lingchuan for being too strict with him. He always felt that this son had no responsibility, and he had to be lazy. He had never done anything since he was young.

When I saw Mrs. Su holding her child to feed her baby, she thought that Su Qingbai threw the child to Mrs. Su and she was lazy.

After that, she also called Mrs. Su away from her readings;

Su Qingbai held the nephew handed to him by Mrs. Su, and wanted to cry without tears. He always felt that he was lazy and irresponsible, and he was interested in learning about him. Since the birth of Su Cai Cai, he has been asked to take care of him. He will not let other people help him. He will face such a milk doll every moment. If it weren’t for this little thing to sleep a lot, he wouldn’t have been exhausted.

After finishing the meal, I fed the Su Cai dish and drank milk, and after I finished my meal, Su Qingbai was only left with his father and son when he was busy.

A small quilt was wrapped in the Su Cai, and Su Qingbai hugged him to go outside.

Seeing his son’s meaning, every day is forcing him to stand on his own feet, Su Qingbai had to make plans for them later.

The age of Su Caicai is the most expensive time. If you don’t say anything else, he will only have a section in three months. The previous clothes can’t be worn.

He has no craftsmanship, the only thing that can fight is that there is not much strength in this body.

Some time ago, he took the child out for a stroll and met a little girl next door. The little girl and the old mother at home were living together. In addition to farming, I planted some vegetables to go out and sell it on a regular basis. I didn’t earn much, but it was enough for her mother and daughter. life.

The little girl named Su Ni, who was a drought in her hometown, came here with her mother, and happened to be surnamed Su. The villagers saw her mother and daughter pitiful, and left them in the village.

Su Qingbai stunned the young girl to teach him to grow vegetables, the little girl would pay attention to him, and also helped him buy a la carte seeds.

The family went out, and Su Qingbai took a **** and held a small piece of vegetable land in front of his door.

Put the Su Cai dish in the bamboo frame that his Laozi had nothing to do, and Su Qingbai gave the quilt to the ground and placed it not far from him.

The little girl helped Su Qingbai, and Su Qingbai couldn’t compete with the little girl, so he and the little girl planted different kinds of dishes.

The little girl grows cabbage, the vegetables he grows, and a circle of garlic on the edge.

Because I haven’t tried it, Su Qingbai didn’t dare to get too much, a small piece of land, and soon got it.

At this time, it was still early, and Su Qingbai planted the green vegetables and set the garlic cloves.

When Su Dazhao Su Erqi came back, Su Qingbai was watering the bucket. When they saw Su Qingbai’s work, they were very strange. They asked: “Qingbai, what are you doing?”

Su Qingbai wiped the sweat and smiled: “Nothing, just plant something to play.”

He didn’t dare to say that he was growing vegetables, afraid that if he failed, he would be joke.

Su Dazhao did not ask again, and went back to the house with a basket of Su Cai dishes to cook.

Su Qingbai watered the water, the small green vegetables quickly sprouted, and grew very fast, the garlic grows slowly.

Since planting green vegetables, Su Qingbai has been holding Su dishes every morning to see.

Su family looked at Su Qingbai so diligently, very uncomfortable, Su Lingchuan frowned, sitting outside to see Su Qingbai busy outside, these days, Su Qingbai started earlier than the chicken, he did not have a slap in the head.

At noon, while Su Qingbai was absent, Su Lingchuan ran to the small piece of land and looked at it. I saw that some of the wet soil was densely populated with greenish white seedlings.

The growth cycle of green vegetables is not long, and it can be eaten in January. If it grows longer, it will be a little old, but it will not be delicious.

On weekdays, the Su family did not have time to take care of the vegetable fields. They ate wild vegetables. Wild vegetables were everywhere. They didn’t need to be planted. They didn’t bother to find them. Many people in the village ate.

Like the green and tender little green vegetables in front of the door, the Su family has not eaten for a long time.

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