
Chapter 11

Chapter 11

After the first Xiaoqing vegetable grows out, Su Qingbai has opened a few more plots, blinking, and growing green seedlings.

The first small green vegetables can be sold almost.

On the night before the sale of vegetables, Su Qingbai held his son’s door and rang the door of his father.

At this time, Su Lingchuan was washing his feet. Mrs. Su was making a bed. When they saw Su Qingbai coming in, they asked, “So late, what is it?”

Su Qingbai stunned and explained his intentions. “My mother, I have to get up early in the county tomorrow. Can you help me watch the dishes?”

After that, Su Qingbai looked at his old man. His old man had been hugged once since he was born, and he did not hide his disapproval of the child’s disappointment. If he really couldn’t take care of it tomorrow, he would not dare to run. Come and hand over the child to his father.

If Suningchuan did not say anything against it, the younger son would advance. This is what he hopes to see. This little thing is indeed a child. If he refuses, it is really unappealing.

Mrs. Su was happy and took the Su Cai dish. “You can rest assured, I will come to see him.” When people are old, they especially like children. When they are born from Su Cai, she is especially eye-catching, if it is not Su Lingchuan. She was afraid that she would take the child over, and Su Qingbai was lazy. Regardless of the child, she had already taken the child up and raised it.

Su Qingbai gave his son to his mother, and returned to the room from her own, lying on the spacious raft, Su Qingbai hit a few rolls, he can finally sleep alone.

This evening, Su Qingbai fell asleep early, and planned to get a good night’s sleep.

Not long after he slept, he became accustomed to check the diapers of Su dishes as usual.

When he saw the sky next to him, he remembered that Su Cai was sent away by him.

He is actually a very lazy person. He is comfortable with the status quo and does not like to resist and change.

For a long time, he was willing to take care of the Su Cai dish because his Lao Tzu said that if the child was born, he would have to raise him. In addition, he has no other emotions, or other emotions, and he is too lazy to think about it.

Su Qingbai’s mouth pulled out a smile, and it’s hard to think about life.

Suddenly, a child burst into tears next door.

Su Qingbai’s thoughts were interrupted, and he quickly draped a piece of clothing to look at it.

“Dish doesn’t cry, oh oh.”

When Su Qingbai went, Mrs. Su was holding a Su vegetable dish, and Su Lingchuan also looked at her side with a bitter face. When she saw Su Qingbai came over, she said, “I don’t know how, when I wake up, I cry, I am all Oh, it’s not good, come check it out.”

“Is it pulled?” Su Qingbai frowned, usually quite awkward.

“I didn’t pull it.”

He scraped together, and when Su Caicai saw Su Qingbai, he suddenly stopped crying, his eyes were filled with tears, and he was grievances, and he rushed to hold the hand. Su Qingbai hugged, he immediately did not cry.

Mrs. Su smiled. “This little thing still recognizes people.”

He said that Su Qingbai had a sigh, he did not speak, holding small things, and suddenly his heart was soft.

In the past few months, he has been staying with Su Cai dishes almost all the time. He is the closest relative of Su Cai.

“Mother, you and I will go to bed early, I will take it back.”

Put the Su Cai dish in the place where he used to sleep, and the Su vegetable dish will be happy when he slams his mouth, and the face will soon make Su Qingbai stunned.

Su Qingbai poked his face. “Why are you so embarrassed? Would you not let me sleep well?” Although it is blaming, the tone is rare and gentle readings.

He yelled at him, and the Su dishes were more fun. He grabbed Su Qingbai’s fingers and the saliva flowed out.

The finger was held by the soft hand of Su Cai, and Su Qingbai was not willing to pull it out until he slept the Su vegetable, and he only slept.

Early the next morning, Su Qingbai started early.

To go to the town, it is impossible for him to hold the Su Cai dish, which is less than five months old, and he can only give him to Mrs. Su.

As it turns out, the Su cuisine is still very embarrassing. As long as it sleeps with Su Qingbai at night, it is still very good during the day.

On the first night, Su Qingbai slept late, but he worked very hard. He got up early and went to the town with a small green vegetable.

It was also unfortunate that Su Qingbai had just collected the booth, and the sun was slanting. He saw a commotion not far away, and then he heard someone shouting, and Wu’s army came.

Wu Guo, the country where the country is far worse than this border town, the army of Wu often comes to harass the border town of Ningguo. This is not the first time Su Qingbai has met. The first time was when he was still pregnant with Su Cai, when he was at home, they hid in the cellar at home and spent almost no loss.

But this time, he is on the street, hiding from hiding.

Su Qingbai was at a loss and had to follow the crowd.

“Hey! Who, stop, stand!” Not far away, a nice male voice is particularly clear in this rioting crowd.

I don’t know if it is Su Qingbai’s illusion. He thinks… Someone is chasing him, but he is going around. Everyone is running in one direction, all in order to escape. Su Qingbai shook his head, he thought more.

“That’s back, you stand.”

After hearing this sentence, Su Qingbo paused.

Back to back? Not an illusion?

Su Qingbai looked down the sound, only to see a man behind him not to chase him, and when he saw him back, the scorpion lit up and smiled.

The man looks handsome and tall, and his height is much higher than that of others. He is particularly eye-catching in the crowd.

Su Qingbai also laughed.

At this moment, if it is not the right time, he really wants to kill this bastard.

Ask why?

Because this handsome man is the metamorphosis of Su Cai.

“Don’t squeeze, don’t squeeze.” The crowd is getting more and more turbulent.

At this time, Su Qingbai refused to care for him. He carried his back and was squeezed and squeezed. He ran much slower and was quickly pushed to the back.

Then, Su Qingbai felt that his hand was caught.

Su Caicai’s metamorphosis, that is, Jiang Wei, saw Su Qingbai being squeezed away, squatting, and then grabbed Su Qingbai’s hand and ran forward.

I don’t know how much effort it took, and Jiang Yancai took Su Qingbai to the front.

“Come on, you will throw this recital.” As he said, Jiang Wei stopped to help Su Qingbai untie the rope on his back.

Su Qingbai squeezed and squeezed, squeezed for a long time, some slowed down, he stood there, kept breathing, and saw the man bent down to help him unload the recital.

Not far away, Wu’s terracotta warriors are slowly approaching.

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