
Chapter 13

Chapter 13

The next day, Su Qingbai followed his eldest brother and his nephew to Su Changsheng’s home.

Su Qingbai handed Su vegetable to Su Dazhao.

Today’s wife is Su Changsheng’s grandson, Su Shi, who is two years older than Su Qingbai and 19 years old this year.

Su Changsheng is very happy today. The grandson is married to this age. It is already older. When he reaches his wife, he will let go of his heart.

“Right, Qingbai is also seventeen, and it is time to become a family.”

Su Lingchuan, a relative of Su Qingbai, has been very embarrassed. Not only Su Qingbai, but Su Shi has already been eighteen. If they did not have such a thing last year, they should also give them a wife this year.

When I came to this city, living in my home was a problem. I had no energy and no money. This matter has been shelved.

Su Shi is still better, he is well-rounded, and he is working hard. He is not a daughter-in-law. After the fall, he has collected crops and hired a gift. There should be no problem for a girl who is clear and white.

Can Su Qingbai… Su Lingchuan looked at Su Qingbai, last year, this year, there is no long-term, a pair of winds can be blown down, plus a drag oil bottle at home, no money, no strength, who is the girl Can you look at him?

Su Lingchuan was worried, but he still smiled on the face, and then took the discussion of Su Changsheng’s topic on Su Shi’s family affairs.

There was not much on the first day, and it was a while after a busy day.

When he left, Su Changsheng also grabbed the sugar and stuffed it to Su Qingbai. He loved his head and loved the child. “You can take it back and eat it, don’t tell anyone.”

It’s not that Su Changsheng prefers Su Qingbai. It’s really that Su Qingbai looks too small. Although Su Shi is only one year older than him, it seems that he is a tall man and he is an adult.

Su Qingbai stunned, holding sugar, his head was caressed by Su Changsheng all the way, sent out the door.

Back home, Su Qingbai grieves the sugar into the cupboard, and then drags out the Su vegetable pant. If it is not because of this little **** toss him, he will not grow up in a year?

Su Cai dish giggled, only when Su Qingbai was playing with him.

At night, the family sat together, and Su Qingbai took the bowl and fed the Su vegetable with the milk from the next door.

“Let’s go to the county the day after tomorrow, and buy another sheep.” Su Lingchuan looked at the white and tender milk dishes of Su, and took out the six silver coins that had been prepared from the pocket, and said to Su Qingbai.

As soon as the voice fell, the room was quiet.

“Oh…” Su Erzhen did not hold back, regardless of Su Qingtong’s glare and said: “You are too eccentric.”

Su Qingtong is a stuffy, he will not say swear words, this time blushing, rushing to the second sigh: “Shut up.”

Su Erzhen did not listen to him this time.

“Oh, it’s not that I have a lot of things. It’s really too eccentric. What did he do for his family? Nothing, since he gave birth to that wild…” Su Erzhen looked at Su Qingbai, the wild type has no word at all. Say it, “Before and after, ask the doctor to spend money, take medicine and spend money, and the child, drink milk and buy sheep is one after another, it is all silver.”

“You pay for the uncle, I don’t stop, but you can’t be too eccentric. The child of Xiaoshu’s birth is a treasure. Your two sons are still not incense, don’t you care?” .

Speaking of the child, Su Qingtong couldn’t say that he had read the words of Su Di.

There are no children, it is the heart disease of his husband and wife for many years. He used to live in Xiangfu. The soups of the two people have not been broken. You can come here, where is the silver medicine to buy soup? Although Su Qingtong did not say it, but in his heart, the two became more and more silent.

Mrs. Su is not waiting to see her daughter-in-law, but she is a mother and she hopes that her second son can have an incense.

Dinner is so disappointing.

Su Lingchuan has been silent since dinner, and he has been loyal to him for many years, but he has not managed well.

Su Qingbai returned to the bedroom, and he would hold tightly the Su cuisine without knowing anything.

Although it is hard to hear what Eryi said, it is also a fact.

From small to large, he used to live with his parents’ money, eat and drink, and gave birth to Su dishes. He didn’t feel any difference. He felt that he was still a child in front of his parents and he was still raised by his parents. I forgot that my brothers are also parents’ children, and my brothers also have their own families to look after.

I slept with Su Cai, and he thought for a long time at night.

” ” Su Qingbai sighed and sighed, opened the window, sober and awake.

I don’t want to, I can’t sleep without Su Qingbai.

Su Qingbai opened the door and went out, “Hey.”

“So late, why don’t you sleep? Go to sleep.” The tone is the same as before, but it is a bit more powerless.

Su Qingbai was sitting next to him. “Hey, let’s separate.”

It was said that Su Lingchuan raised his head fiercely and fixedly looked at Su Qingbai.

Su Qingbai looked at his son’s eyes. When he thought that the next time, his son would probably slap him a meal, and he wouldn’t have heard the sound of Su Lingchuan softly: “Don’t think about it today, you will solve it.”

In front of his father, Su Qingbai was bolder than ever before. “Hey, I said really, we are separated. If I am not dragged, my second brother can raise my body and give me a few children in the future. Give some money to a daughter-in-law.”

Su Lingchuan was silent. Of course, he knew that in addition to not giving up his sons and grandsons, Su Lingchuan was worried, and there were no two big brothers to help him. Can he support him?

For the boss, he is very reassured, but he can go to Su Qingbo here… He sometimes really wants to slap a slap in the face of this unpromising, but can not help but plan for him.

In the end, Su Lingchuan decided to separate.

After finishing the suicide of Su Shi, Su Lingchuan said at the dinner table the next day.

“About the second wife, I said last night.”

The family held their breath and looked at Su Lingchuan.

“I will give you a home today.”

See Su Qing Yang Su Qingtong what else to say, Su’s father raised his hand, “I have already decided.”

After smashing the soil at the foot of the foot, Su’s father said: “The land in the family is ten acres. You two people are four acres, three children and two acres. Now there are fifty-two silver left in the family. You take one or two, and the rest I take. As for the occasional need. As for me and your mother, I have passed with the three children.” Looked at the three brothers, “You don’t have any opinions, the three children do not live up to expectations, if he really let him alone He must have the ability to raise himself. Besides, both of your brothers have already become home, and the three children have not yet married their daughter-in-law. I and your mother have to plan for him. By the way, he has no wife. He will take care of him in these two years.”

After the separation of the family, the tone of Su Lingchuan changed. “Now, although you are separated, you can still be a brother. After that, I am not with you, and you have to support each other.”

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