
Chapter 14

Chapter 14

After the family was finished, Su Lingchuan was even older. Su Qingyang and Su Qingtong were almost familiar with the life here. When to plant, how to work, he did not need him to guide, he is no longer the head of the family, home. The complicated things don’t need him to worry about it.

At the time of eating, even the Su Qingtong couple opened their own small readings because they had to nurse their bodies. Suo, Su Lingchuan waved his hand and also drove Su Qingyang’s family to leave.

This can be a pain to the two masters of the family, Mrs. Su’s cooking as always, people can not bear to look straight.

Finally, Su Qingbai couldn’t bear it and grabbed the cooking.

In the evening, the family fell asleep, and Su Lingchuan was sitting in the yard and sunning the moon. Su Qingbai couldn’t bear it. “Hey, let’s go into the house and rest.” After he passed the power of the family, he is now all day. There is nothing to do all day long, and this person loves to think about it, and then he is insomnia like his father.

“Green cypress…” Su Lingchuan sat there and did not move, calling Su Qingbai.

Su Qingbai strode out, “Hey, what?”

Su Lingchuan looked at him. “On ten acres of land, I only gave you two acres. Can you blame me?”

Su Qingbai shook his head indifferently. “This is a good point. I am so lazy. I can’t grow if I have more land.”

Su Lingchuan Road, “When you want to open, I am old with you. I don’t know how long I can work. Now I will give you more points. I just hope that when we leave, they can help you.”

Say, Su Lingchuan couldn’t help but sigh. “You said that if you want to be a little better…”

As soon as he listened to him, he had to train him. Su Qingbai quickly picked up his son. “Hurry and go back to rest. If you can’t find the dish, I should cry.”


On the following day, Su Qingbai went to the county again.

He is now a young man, and he can’t relax.


Jiang Wei has been here for several days.

The last time I waited for Su Qingbai to come to him, he delayed his departure from Beijing, and his whereabouts were not revealed. He was also pursued all the way and lost contact with his men.

Originally, he thought that if Su Qingbai would not come to him, he would not insist on it. After all, it was only a night of dew love, even if he was willing to take responsibility, the other big man could not be delivered to him for the rest of his life.

Unexpectedly, they will meet again in this city, and he also found that the other party is not very good.

After seeing Su Qingbai a few days ago, Su Qingbai never appeared again. Jiang Wei estimated that Su Qingbai might be hiding from him.

However, it’s no problem to hide. I thought that Su Ni told him about Su Qingbai’s information yesterday. Jiang Wei’s secret voice was so good that he didn’t expect to encounter a front-end appearance in this place. He even thought that the person he had been looking for for a long time was actually Su Lingchuan. Son.

I was thinking about Su Qingbai’s thoughts, and the next moment I saw Su Qingbai carrying a piggyback in his sight.

Su Qingbai is not big and thin. He will only put down his back with a little shorter than others, then take out a few planks from the inside and take out the dishes in the back.

Jiang looked at him differently. In front of him, this person is really the bully in the capital, the evil villain who does not do evil?

This is clearly a child.

But think about yourself and this rumor of the physical cousin, Jiang Wei is not surprised at all, rumors really believe.

Obviously, Su Qingbai just started doing this work, and he was a little shy. He looked around and sipped. Su Qingbai’s lips moved, and he didn’t mean to shout out for a long time. Fortunately, one or two people took the initiative to look at the dishes on his stand.

“How much is this meal?”

“One article reads;” This is already fixed, it is the market price, everyone is the same.

Some obese aunts pick up a dish. “You are smaller than others, and the price is as high as others?”

Su Qingbai looked at the excitement of others before the booth, and then looked at his booth before a few people, biting his teeth, “then a penny and two…” Jin, Jinzi has not said it, it was secretly watched for a long time Jiang Wei interrupted.

“Oh, our food is very small, but it is very tender. This is specially chosen when the dish has not grown up. If it is bigger, it will not be delicious.”

The big squatting Jiang Yan was not as bullied as Su Qingbai, and he took the food honestly and paid the money.

“How come you come…” As soon as he left, Su Qingbai looked at Jiang Wei.

“You can’t sell vegetables like this, you have to shout loudly, and some people have come to see it.” After waiting for Su Qingbai to finish, Jiang Wei interrupted him again, and then gave him a demonstration and sipped a few words, not wanting Jiang Yanjun’s appearance very much. Quickly recruit several customers.

Su Qingbai stood behind Jiang Wei and watched him help to greet the guests. It looked a bit strange in a group of women. When he looked at Jiang Wei, Su Qingbai sighed and it was really hard to sell vegetables. It was even harder to drink when the street was drunk.

Su Qingbai brought a lot of dishes, and soon it was over. Jiang Wei gave him the money to sell the vegetables. “Five fifteen money, take it.”

Su Qingbai was still awkward in the face of Jiang Wei. He took the money. Thank you for coming to the mouth. Hesitated for a long time and did not say anything.

“That, if you finish, you will go back soon, I am leaving.” After that, Jiang Yan turned and left.

Su Qingbai thought of the jade buckle, he exported him, “You wait.”

Jiang Yan looked over.

“This jade buckle, for you.”

Jiang Yan smiled and picked up.

After thinking about it, Su Qingbai felt that it was too much to take someone else’s silver and still squatting at others. He said: “That, I took your jade buckle and took a hundred and two silver in the pawnshop.”

Jiang squatted down and then reacted. Looking at Su Qingbai’s somewhat cramped, shy blushing, he intentionally teased him. “That was what I spent for many years, there was a **** shop, I was going to use it for my wife.”

Su Qingbai is not so fooled. “When the **** shop is not a money house, can you save money?”

“This **** shop can be saved.” Can it be just a matter of his words.

“Right, do you want to return the money to me?”

Hearing that Su Qingbai couldn’t care about whether the pawnshop could save money, he was a little embarrassed. “I don’t have that much money now, can I return it later.”

Think about the bullies in the Beijing rumors that you are spending a lot of money in the casino, and then look at the well-behaved children. The contrast between them is that Jiang Wei is very cute.

But then, Jiang Wei does not think so.

I saw Su Qingbai hesitated and looked at him, then said: “But now you are not impossible.”

“Oh? Do you have a way?”

Su Qingbai took up his back and took Jiang Wei to run. Finally they stopped at a place. Su Qingbai said to him with excitement. “It’s here, I stepped on it in the morning, but I’m strict with my old man. I have no money. “”

Looking at the big casino word in front of you, Jiang Hao is a stiff, why did you think he was jealous? It is completely illusory.

Su Qingbai licked the fifteen literary money in his hand and smiled. “Go, let’s go in, and I will pay you back when I return.”

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