
25- An unusual offer

Vixen awoke in another new location, only this tike she was completely naked, in the dark, and on a hard stone floor.

'I've got to reevaluate my life choices or something,' she thought to herself as another voice echoed in the chamber. 

"Finally awake I see."

"Who are you? Where are you?" Vixen asked the darkness

I'm sure you've heard of me already, I'm Victor the vampire." There was a whoosing noise behind Vixen that made her spin around, but she wasn't able to see anything. Lightning started gathering in her hand a pale face visible just before receiving a blow to the chest. She was knocked to the ground. 

"None of that now please."

'What the?? I can't gather my mana?" Vixen thought as a tattoo appeared on her breast where she was struck.

"I placed a seal on you. No magic, that would upset me."

For the next several minutes Victor bash into her, or use a claw to slash at her, easily cutting her skin. Blood dripped down to the floor.

'Even with my full nude defense bonus he can cut me this easily?'

"I won the contest, don't I get to join you guys? It's clear you can kill me whenever you wish so what are you doing?" Vixen shouted into the darkness. 

"Normally yes, but you killed my thrall. I've got to replace it see and well...I like to play with my food."

She wasn't sure if it'd work, but driven by Instinct she began drawing symbols with her blood that had fallen on the ground.  These symbols started to glow. 

"What?!" Victor shouted, "Impossible! I sealed her mana!" You could hear him rush at her but a wall of light encircled her emanating from the drawn runes.

Victor slammed into the barrier of light and his face singed at the contact. 

"Damnit, a radiant circle of protection spell. How when I sealed your mana! That's only possible if... wait. You're not human are you?"

"No I'm an angel. " She responded her face asking a question. 

"Oh figures. You're a creature of magic, I can seal your mana but certain magic runs in your blood. Since you're an angel you can use radiant and holy magic without mana using your blood as a medium. I'm surprised you figured it out on the fly. What a talented person. Do you have the Daughter of the Sun title?"

"Yes, how did you know?"

"Angels or Celestials are the only ones capable of earning that title. I've changed my mind, how would you like to not only be welcomed into the covenant, but become a true vampire?"

"Not that I'm complaining, but why the sudden change in tune?"

"With that title and your lineage we can evolve as a race! You'll become the mother of all vampires who can walk in the sun! Not to mention all the perks of being a vampire."

"What are the downsides to being a vampire?" 

"Well for one if someone lives in a home, then you cannot enter without the owners permission. For instance, I moved here to use the house of hero Cadel but since he's not dead I cannot enter since he's both alive and in ownership of the house."

Her heart skipped a beat.

"That's very interesting," she said with a peculiar look on her face. Then she asked the question tugging at her curiosity most, "If I accept, will you tell me what the process is? How it's different from being a thrall?"

"Why of course." The vampire said with a smile.

"Tell me first. Also what was that about being the mother of all vampires?"

"Ah that. When you turn someone or give birth to a vampire, they'll get your traits. With your constitution, they'll be able to walk in the sun. 

Now for your original question. If I were to suck your blood, you would die and become my thrall. Some are shriveled and some are more normal looking but all are mindless and forced to obey their master. Vampires cannot suck the blood of another vampire unless they are just trying to be kinky. 

Once a vampire gives you their blood it starts merging and mutating the blood in your body, but the vampire must simultaneously suck out the remaining human blood too for the change to work properly. This turning requires the true vampire to obey their master, but there is a way to break that obedience later.

What I intend, is to give you the blood of my progenitor, making you a first blood generation. If you're lucky enough to awaken a new power you too will be considered a progenitor and the master-obedience will be exponged."

"If I don't awaken as a progenitor, how do I break from the master? Where is your progenitor?"

"They must release you by giving you a drop of their blood to ingest. My progenitor is in Arcadia region where your third trial took place. "

"Sigh, I think I might regret this, but I'll do it. I need the strength. "

"That I can guarantee. Before we get started, you need to know a little about our politics. Right now there are two factions, these factions are based on what powers awaken when you are turned.  The first faction is blood magic and blood control and the second faction is familiars. 

Blood magic is called magic, but it's an ability that doesn't use mana, familiars are separate dimensional beings that are drawn to our awakened power and fight along side us with their own unique powers. Some of their features alter the physicality of the vampire, but nothing drastic. For instance, a fox familiar may grant the vampire fox ears and improved hearing. 

I want you to be aware, that one does not usually awaken with both, though it does happen. When that does happen, they get to choose their faction or be forced into the faction of their master. I also want you to be aware that a new progenitor hasn't awoken in 1000 years.  Are you now ready?"

"I am." 

Vixen had a resolute look on her face as she deactivated the protection circle. Victor disappeared into the darkness for several minutes. 

When he came back dim light erupted from all the corners of the room and Vixen could see him carrying a small vile with around six ounces of a red liquid she assumed was blood.

"This is the blood of the progenitor, are you ready to take it into yourself?" Victor asked lifting it up to her eye level.

"Yes. "

Victor moved quicker than she could see, and ended up behind her. Victor had pocketed the blood and reached from behind her to fondle her breasts.  She grew weak in the knees, her wetness dripping down her legs. Through gasping breath she said in nearly a whisper, "H-how is groping my breasts n-necessary?"

"It's not," he replied, "it's just fun for me."

She moaned while he reached for the vial, still fondling her, he uncorked it and shoved it into her mouth. 

The cold liquid ran down her throat, her body was trying to reject it, but the vampire shoved his fingers into her mouth while he renewed the attack on her breasts and nipples now with both hands. His long tongue licked down her neck the pleasure within her building. 

Right when her pleasure spiked, he bit into her sucking the blood from her. She came the instant the teeth sunk into her. Her eyes grew heavy, as she could feel the blood from her body draining, yet oddly not fully. 

Vixen's eyes closed as Victor lay her on the floor to recover. 

"You were delectable," he said licking his lips, "I wonder how you'll turn out. "

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