
26- Changes

Vixen blearily opened her eyes, and sat up. She immediately noticed some or the changes that had occurred without having to look at the notifications she received. She had awoken in the same room but could see perfectly, she could also feel how much power her body now possessed. It had taken her years to get this much power as the hero. Now she turned her attention to the plethora of notifications:

[New Race- Angelic (Celestial) Vampire subrace- angel]

[Superior Darkvision added]- can see as well at night as during the day

[Spiderclimb added] can walk on walls, upside down, or strange surfaces without needing your hands.

[Vampire Queen constitution added] increased physical capability equal to a vampire queen

[A New Progenitor is born]- Vampires of other lineages can obtain the new power you created. A new faction has been created. 

[Blood Magic/Control added]

[Familiar added]- a contracted creature bond by blood in a symbiotic relationship. 

[Shadow Magic added]

[Create thrall]

[Enthrall]- class specific ability unlocked. Can permanently enslave a person who has strong sexual feelings for the user. The master still has to reward the slave or the entrall condition can end.

[Progenitor Ability- Ability Siphon]- when you drink someone's blood you can copy or permanently steal one ability or magic. Copied ability lasts 24 hours and can copy two abilities at one time. Can steal a total of three abilities. The three ability limit is removed for the Progenitor, but has a three month cooldown.

[Mistress of the Night]- you no longer require sleep. Must suck blood to regain Stamina.

[Sexual Invigoration]- class specific ability that allows Stamina recovery by taking sexual fluids into your body.

'What crazy abilities are these? It seems like I can get stronger much faster now,' she thought to herself happily, but a deep reverberating voice echoed in her mind.

"Greetings master," the obviously male voice rang out. 

Spinning around, Vixen was looking for the source of the voice, but didn't see it. 

"Where are you?" She questioned 

From out in front of her, her shadow started boil and writhe. Strands of shadow began to shoot out as a four giant white claws that protruded from a black paw slammed onto the floor. No noise came from the paw, but a massive creature began to emerge. One paw, then the next, a face, twoshoulders, hind legs, and finally a tail. The creature was eight feet tall at the shoulder and periodic white stripes throughout its body. The creature bowed to her its voice echoing in her mind. 

"Greetings master, I am Umbran an Abyssal Shadow Tiger and your familiar."

"Whoa, you look awesome! Are you the reason I now can use shadow magic?"

"Yes, also your physical changes."

"I have physical changes?" She brought out a mirror she had used in the Arcadia region and looked at her eyes, they were a bright and almost glowing emerald green but the pupils were now cat like. She also caught glimpses of her arms and legs. She was slightly paler than she was but not vampire white, and she now had black stripe tattoos that gave off a tribal feel go along with her purple heart one beneath her naval. 

"So what do you get out of this exchange?" Vixen asked with genuine curiosity. 

"I get stats or an ability for every enemy I eat." 

"Well I hope you're hungry."

"I knew we'd get along."

Victor came walking into the room, "Marvelous, simply marvelous. Care to tell me about your changes?"

Vixen spent the next hour describing her changes and abilities, Victor looked like a child on Christmas, his eyes shining with excitement. Vixen after divulging her abilities decided to change gears on him.

"By the way, there was something you said to me before you bit me. You said you moved here because you thought Cadel's house was empty, where is here?

"We are in catacombs underneath his home. We built stairs into the house and a secret door but no one can enter."

"Umbran return for now, Victor can you take me there?"

"As you wish master," Umbran said sinking into her shadow.

"Of course." They began to walk through winding passages while Victor gave her a word of warning. "Progenitor or not there will be some older vampires who don't like change and for now they're stronger than you. They love power and to flaunt it and you'll be taking some of their recruitment prospects from them if they awaken with your ability. So guard yourself."

"I appreciate the warning. I already have enough enemies."

They walked for  twenty minutes before arriving at the hidden door, "Just channel mana into it," Victor instructed.  Doing so the door swung open revealing a dark, empty home. Vixen walked inside, and Victor's eyebrows raised. 

"Aren't you coming in? Vixen said with a smile. Victor's foot crossed the threshold. 


A woman's head bobs slowly, taking a big dick deep into her throat. The archmage turned hero sat on a throne-like armchair in his mages tower on the far end of the continent. Geoffrey, now Maxwell sat there with a lustful look on his face.

Life had been really good for Maxwell since he took care of Cadel. In the eight years since becoming a hero class, he nearly doubled his level. He had been incredibly busy creating his empire. He secured rich mines from dangerous areas and sold high quality ore to blacksmiths, who in turn made things for adventurers. 

He cleared out the most dangerous creatures from several mountain ranges to grow rare alchemical plants and now it was a heavily guarded treasure trove. Alchemist from all over would travel there and pay to pick their ingredients. 

He created a mage's college to train the next generation of wizards and witches and some of the tuition goes back to his pocket. He even opened up a high end brothel, but of course, kept the best women for himself in his mage' tower where they would clean when not provided the more fun services. He paid them well, much better than any brothel, but was still raking in more money than he could spend. 

Yes, things were going quite well, he had worked hard for his success. He had always been a hard worker, but this past eight years he worked extraordinarily diligent. He sat up more straight when a thought struck him.

'Eight years already huh? It's about time that little bombshell turned into the slut I created. I can make her my slave how fitting for her. That'll make my life complete. I'm getting horny just thinking about it,' Maxwell thought smiling. 

His member getting even bigger in the girls mouth falling in line with his thoughts. The woman went with increased vigor, until she swallowed his load. She got up, bowed and walked away. 

Fixing his pants he stood up and called his assistant, "Frederick, pack up. I need you to check out Haulsten. "



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