
28- Infiltration

Vixen stood over Cirjo, she watched him grow pale and convulse.

'Did I do that?' She thought to herself as two things interrupted her train of thought. The first was a notification:

[Created your first vampire subordinate]

[Harrier/Bat swarm]-can transform into a swarm of hawks/bats to travel around based on day or night time. 

The second distraction was Victor who had finally come back carrying Vixens original armor from the sand shark. Vixen used the cleaning spell then immediately began putting it on, "Your far more brazen than I gave you credit for," Victor said with a sly smile.

"I don't really want to explain it to you," she rebutted.

"Tis quite alright, I don't need to know. Anyway what do you think will happen with him?"

"If my own experience is anything to go by he'll become a celestial vampire with a beastman subrace. We'll have to ask him when he wakes."

[Do you wish to see Cirjo's status sheet? Y/N]

"Oh I can see his status sheet," Vixen said excitedly.

"Probably because you were the one who turned him," replied Victor.

<Cirjo: Celestial Vampire subrace: wolverine beastman>

[Child of the sun]- Does not receive sun damage and is bolstered in direct sunlight.

[Hunter in the night]- boosted stats during the night

[Ability steal]

[Blood Magic]

He had awakened all the normalvampire abilities like spider climb as well, but the two only focused on the progenitor abilities and the faction abilities.  "Oh so he awakened with your ability and blood magic, that's pretty good. You'll have to rank your subordinates when you get more than one."

"Yes I will, but he'll do for now, do you have anything valuable on you?"

"I have this pendent, do you need it my queen?"

"Still getting used to that, but yes I want him to be accepted into the guild but him work for us."

"I see, here take it then." Victor took the pendent from around his neck and gave it to Vixen.

It only took a couple more hours for the changes to finish in Cirjo, Vixen thought it had to do with her awakening as a progenitor that the transformation time difference was so vast. 

"Here," she said offering the pendent to him, "pass your test, but I want you to report all the findings of the guild to me. Work your way up."

He took the pendent with reverence, "Thank you my queen, I'll do as you command," he said and quickly scurried off.  

"What now?" Victor asked.

"I have to find out what Maxwell has been up to and hit him where it hurts. He complained about his fame, well I'm going to tear it down before killing him."

"How are you going to find that out?"

"I have to think of something, maybe I can meet with my mentor Lucien in Haulsten he may know of some things."

"It's a good of place to start as any." Victor agreed.

 Vixen left for Haulsten that night traveling as a swarm of bats. Flying was certainly much faster than walking. She had seen something down below and pulled herself together on a branch above the road looking down. 

A demon had his tail wrapped around a man's neck, lifting him so his feet dangled off the ground. With her sensitive hearing she was able to pick up their conversation. 

"I said where is it, I am not going to ask you again," the demon said vehemently. 

Choking, the man tried to respond, "I'm not telling you anything yer bastard. You wanna know where Eclipse is then go find it." The old man spit into the demons face.

'Whats Eclipse?" Vixen thought, she wanted to ask the man but the demon thrust his sharped clawed hand right through the man's chest killing him.

"Pst," the demon spit, "Maxwell said this guy was stubborn." The demons wings sprouted out of his back and took off to the sky heading north. 

Vixen was luckily heading west and returned to her bat state, thoughts in turmoil. She arrived in Haulsten, the guards crossed their halberds to stop her. 

'Shit, I forgot about what happened the last time I was here," she thought. 

"Vixen it's been a while, Lord Lucien has returned and vouched for you. He wishes to speak with you. You're free to do as you wish for a few days, but you'll have to have a trial if you decide to stay longer than that. This was the most he could do for you."

She nodded, thanked them and entered the city. She decided to pay her way at an inn this time because she felt like she wouldn't be welcome in the knights quarters since she was essentially excommunicated from them. 

She made her way to one of the less traveled inns, the owners would sit outside in nice weather and talk with passerby. When she got close enough they instantly recognized her, "Good day Vixen howre you deary?" The older woman said. 

"Good just coming for some lodging if you've got the room. "

"No knights quarters for you then?" The husband had asked. 

"Not this visit. Do you have a room available?"

"Always, come inside and we can look to see what fits your fancy." 

The three of them walked in, it was a cozy little inn that had a bears head over a mismatched stone fireplace, round tables took up the majority of the floor and were even more bunched up near the stage. The stage was set for live music and held a house piano and some percussions that were too big to travel with. 

The counter for entry and the bar were one and the same so when they went to check the books for avaliable rooms, she could see what wine they had on reserve. Once they finished setting up her room and she paid the fee, she went upstairs to unwind for a bit. 

She was nervous about talking with Lucien, he tended to know things he shouldn't. Her anxiety spiked when it wasn't too long after she had rested mulling things over, that Lucien had arrived to chat with her. She could hear Lucien speaking with the proprietors downstairs. 

"She's in room 24, she's not in trouble is she? She's always been such a pleasant person," the old man had said.

"She's in trouble unfortunately, but everything is fine for now and will be sorted out. She's not going to executed or imprisoned so don't fret," Lucien replied. 

The owner sighed with relief. Lucien started walking upstairs and knocked on the door, Vixen was glad he hadn't just barged in. She made sure she was dressed and while sitting crossed legged on the bed, invited him in. 

Lucien had to slightly tilt his head going through the six foot door frame, wearing a smile like a grandfather that was both proud but sad. He greeted her in a voice that'd his feelings, "Hey kid."

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