
29- The Truth

The familiar warm face of the elf warmed the center of Vixen's chest. Lucien had been a father figure to her even though they had maintained a strict professional relationship. 

"Hey kid," he said upon entering with a pained expression. 

"Hey Sir," she said solemnly. 

"Wanna tell me what's going on here? How about starting with what you are?"

"You can tell huh?"

"I can tell you're no longer an angel or don't give off the same aura as one. "

"Angel is still my subrace. I'm now a celestial vampire though."

"Intriguing, how'd that come about?"

Vixen regailed the entire venture from the patrol, the death of the Duke, her imprisonment, and each of the trials thereafter. Lucien never interrupted, only asking clarification questions here and there, she ended her narration with the conversation she had overheard from the demon.

Lucien sat in silence for a long time, he was not sure what to make of all the new information he had just recieved. 

"Sigh, I can't believe our hero is involved in all this," he finally blurted out.

"I can without a doubt," she refuted.

"What makes you say that? You've never even met Maxwell."

"Do you know the zone of truth spell?"

"Aye, I do. It's good for interrogation."

"Cast it, I know this will be hard to believe."

Lucien did what was requested and once completed, Vixen told him the rest of the story from the beginning. Lucien looked like he was about to have a panic attack, she had never seen the knight so well put together coming apart at the seams before.

The elf grew pale and was pacing back and forth. It took him nearly fifteen minutes to gather his thoughts before addressing Vixen again.

"So you're Cadel turned girl by Maxwell who was Geoffrey by using an ancient artifact that allowed you to change anything about yourself? Does that about sum it up?"

"Just about, I think he had this perverse pleasure in trying to get me to turn into a sex fanatic, he manipulated my body to being hyper sensitive and sexualized, as I'm sure you're aware of the latter at least. It might have worked too, but the Gods had given me a strangely powerful class that both combats it and nutures it. I at least won't ever lose my mind and can stay in control for the most part." 

Vixen then spent another twenty minutes going over her class, the specific skills and then what she's gained since then. Lucien was red from his neck up to the tips of his ears. Elves were very conservative in the mating realm and any discussion about it left them in quite state of embarrassment.

"G-give me one moment." Lucien left the room.

An hour later once Lucien was able to bury the uncomfortable feeling in his chest he reentered the room and took a deep breath.

"I assume you have a plan?"

"I do, he has ties in multiple businesses and facets and I want to disrupt all of them. I want to bleed him dry of all his assets before taking him down. "

"I'll help you where I can, for example, making sure you don't end up imprisoned for the duke's death. Ill habe to kick you out of Haulsten permanently, but its probably for the best anyway. One of Maxwell's lackeys came searching for you ealier this week. They dont remember your name but was able to describe you perfectly. I'd stick to whatever plan you have."

Vixen rubbed her temples, "Alright, thank you. I guess I'll leave the city now."

"You may have once been the hero, but I've always known you as Vixen, I'd rather our relationship not change."

"Of course not, I only told you as much as I did because I felt you were the only one worthy of that trust."

Vixen closed the door behind her and under the guise of shroud, exited the city. Now that she had someone in a high position watching her back, she decided to be more aggressive in her plan. She turned her direction to the north and started heading that way as bat swarm. 

She was going to disrupt his alchemy garden. Since she had the alchemy skill, stealing all of his high end alchemical ingredients was sure to put a big hindrance into his finances. She was heading to the biggest city in the north where the weather was temperate but held more rainfall. She figured the mountain range he owned for those ingredients would be closer to there and would be able to question some patrons as to the location of it.

The distance to the northern city was far, but because she was flying as bats by night and hawks by day she quickly made ground. She did, however, forget about an important detail. On the morning of the fourth day of her travel, she was lying on the ground in the middle of the forest too exhausted to move. She needed some kind of sustenance.

'Damnit, I can't believe I exhausted myself like this I need to....' her thoughts fell off as she drifted into sleep.


"Mom, dad! How much longer till we reach Furnsville?" A girl no older than twenty asked her parents from inside a horse drawn wagon.

"Not too much longer darling about another week or so."

"A week!? How on this green planet is that not much longer!?"

"Well honey," the mom interjected, "we've been on the road for eight weeks, so only one is not that long considering."

The young woman sighed and stared out the window. Suddenly she perked up and shouted, "Mom, dad! There's someone laying on the ground over there! They might be hurt!"

The family stopped the wagon and ran over to a woman lying on the ground. She had silver hair, black tribal tattoos down her arms and legs, some purple peaking over the edge of the waistband to her shorts. 

"Whoa." The husband said recieving a harsh slap from the wife, "At least shes breathing," the wife said as she watched Vixen's giant breasts raise and fall slightly. The daughter cupped her own in comparison but shook her head out of it. 

"Well, come on yall, let's get her into the wagon." 

The three of them hoisted her up onto the wagon as the horses made their way to Furnsville. 

The wagon stopped for the night a few hours later. The family of three began setting up camp, hustling to get it all done before complete darkness enveloped them. 

"I'm worried about that woman," the mom said, "Sarah hasn't been able to get her to drink anything. She keeps spitting up any water we try to give her, maybe she's poisoned."

"We can only keep trying, we can find a doctor in Furnsville if she can last that long." The husband said. 

Later that night when everyone was asleep, the husband made his way to the wagon and climbed inside it. The woman was laying roughly in the same position they left her, on her back head rested on a pillow. 

'She has some massive breasts, and I can even make out her nipples through her shirt,' he thought. He stood behind her head and lifted her chest piece above her breasts exposing them, the fabric sitting on the woman's collar bone. 

He grabbed her breasts and massaged them, his hands sinking into the smooth soft flesh. He turned hard instantly, the breasts were the best he's ever felt, and the woman was letting out quiet moans. He thought she had woken up so he stopped and backed away for a moment, he waited and listened. 

After five minutes on nothing more happening he felt it was safe and got a bit bolder. He undid his pants, then while guiding his dick, he turned her face to the side and put the head of his dick on her lips. He waited for a minute before lightly pushing, her lips separating slightly, then her mouth opened more on its own to accommodate him, her tongue massaging his shaft.

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