
30- The Two Firsts

He was reveling in pleasure, 'Wasn't she out cold?' 

It was the best head he's ever had, the way her tongue moved, and he could drive himself all the way in and she never gagged. He wasn't a massive guy but he was not small either. Her sucking grew more powerful, he started to thrust his hips into her mouth and grabbed her breast as he got closer and closer. 

A few minutes later his pleasure spiked and came into her throat. He watched in amazement as her body arched slightly as she came too. He felt her swallow his whole load, then he retreated and pulled up his pants. He was now nervous. The sexual energy had dissipated and her eyes were open, staring at him.

[Stats awarded]

"I-I uh..." the man stammered, Vixen used a cleaning spell and questioned him. 

"Who are you and where are we?"

"I'm Phil and we are a few days outside Furnsville. My family and I found you past out on the road."

Vixen pulled her shirt down and tried to get up but fell almost immediately, her energy was pretty low still. 

"Can I ride in your wagon till we reach the city?"

"Why of course, not a problem." Phil left to go wash, then returned to the Mrs.  

'Bold mother fucker. Though that thankfully got my Stamina back up enough to move around," she thought.

[Level up! Seductive Gaze added]- using mana when you stare into the eyes of a target they get sexually aroused. 

'Well that may be useful later. Once I get to Furnsville, I can start my search for the alchemical mountain and pilfer all the materials. I'll keep them in my spatial storage so they stay good infinitely or plant them in my own area and control the market. He'll hate that hahaha!'

She formulated for the rest of the day, only really stopping when camp needed to be set up for the night. 

"Miss, please take it easy. My mother Jenny and dad Phil will set up camp, you just rest up. My name is Sarah so if you need anything at all just ask." 

"That's very kind of you Sarah." 

[Seductive Gaze]

'Time for a little experiment,' Vixen thought as she activated her ability locking eyes with the young woman. 

Immediately Sarah's face began to blush and her breathing quickened.

"It's awfully hot right now isn't it," Sarah asked with pulling her blouse fanning herself, "if you'll excuse me?"

"Vixen. "

"Ms. Vixen." Sarah trotted off but couldn't help but think, 'Why is my heart beating so quick and why does my crotch throb while looking at her. What's gotten into me?'

Vixen sat leisurely by the fire they started as they were bustling around camp preparing it. Jenny and Phil were setting up the tent while Sarah was gathering more wood to keep the fire going and prepping the stew for their supper. 

Vixen would stretch lewdly, making sure to stick her chest out or give a moan of release as her muscles relaxed. She'd glance at Phil and Sarah who would fumble a little with whatever they were doing. 

When no one was paying attention to her, she'd try to evolve her spit or saliva ability. She needed to get more proficient with the skill in order to make the poison and acid more potent. Right now her poison could only upset a stomach and her acid could barely dissolve a dry leaf.  

The stew that was prepped by Sarah and cooked by Jenny was done shortly after night fully fell on the camp, Vixen was given a decent serving and it smelled wonderful, especially with her heightened senses. She was hungry and quickly ate a few bites. 

'What the...why am I getting queezy?' Vixen thought moments before she regurgitated the food back onto the forest floor.

"Oh my poor dear you're not feeling well are you," asked Jenny.

"No I suppose not. I'd better go lie down. Maybe Sarah can stay with me tonight, I'd hate to be alone," Vixen suggested. 

"S-sure I don't mind. It's nice to have someone near my own age for a change."

Vixen got up from the camp and turned from the fire and entered the wagon. Vixen didn't need to sleep she just wanted an excuse to get away. She was annoyed that she couldn't enjoy food anymore. A major downside to her new constitution. 

Vixen was listening to the conversations going on by the fire, even with her in the wagon and them practically whispering she could hear it all. At first they talked as a family just joking between each other and giving insight to the day and foresight to the days ahead. This chat lasted about an hour before the conversation turned towards her and Jenny initiated it.

"That poor woman, she can't even eat well she's so sick. I hope she wasn't poisoned or something. "

"She very well might have been, though she looks to be in great shape otherwise," retorted Phil who then got a piercing stare from his wife.

"I'll say my goodnight here and go check on her, I love you guys," Sarah said as she gave her parents a hug and walked into the wagon and shut the door behind her.

'Why am I nervous all of a sudden,' Sarah thought her heart thumping wildly. Vixen could see who entered plain as day, but decided to play it coyly. 

"Who's there," she feigned. 

"It's Sarah, sorry for disturbing you, I just wanted to check on you and make sure you were ok," she responded. 

"I can't see you, I'll try to find you one sec."

"No I'll come to you stay there." Sarah started to move but she collided with something firm yet soft, she felt hands grab around her arms as they spun and tripped onto the makeshift bed in the wagon. Vixen's face fell into Sarah's chest as she laid on top of her. Sarah was a solid C cup and Vixen made sure to give Sarah goosebumps with her breath before extricating herself from her cleavage. 

"Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that," Vixen whispered close to her ear.

"I-it's alright. Huh? Are you naked?"

"I like to sleep in the nude, is that OK?

"I supposed it is still warm enough out, but," she hesitated.

"What is it?"

"It's just that..," Sarah shifted uncomfortably, "Your breasts are so big they're rubbing my nipples, and your knee is pressing against my crotch."

"I'm sorry, want me to make you feel better?"

"W-what do you mean?"

Vixen bent down and bit her earlobe and used her tongue to tease her, her hand sliding up her leg. She placed her fingers on her crotch underneath her dress, but above her panties. The light touching of her thighs made Sarah shiver.

"Stop please, we are both women, this is wrong."

"I'll stop if you wish, but do you realize how wet you are right now?"

"I-I don't know," Sarah nearly cried, she's never been this embarrassed. 

"Leave it to me I'll stop whenever you say."

 Sarah nodded but barely, she was still having some reservations. Vixen kissed her neck while gently massaging her clit, she could feel her moisture through her panties, Sarah bit down on her knuckle to stifle herself.

Vixen with her other hand began to raise the dress and Sarah helped her move it upward. Now that she was undressed Vixen focused on the girl's breasts and nipples. Sarah's breathing got heavy as she began to quietly moan, she started to move her hips in rhythm with Vixen's hand. Vixen didn't stay there long, she began kissing down Sarah's body.

Using her teeth she removed Sarah's panties then kissed up each of her inner thighs. Sarah was gripping the blankets tightly, her senses spiking as she was being teased. Vixen lightly licked her clit and electricity shot through Sarah. She covered her mouth with both hands, then Vixen shoved her long tongue into her, Sarah came and Vixen sucked it up. 

Vixen's experiment was successful, she could feel her Stamina returning to normal. Her skill said sexual fluids not necessarily from men. She would need to make Sarah orgasm a few times to get back to normal, but that was the plan anyway. 

[Stats added]

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