
34- A Growing Army (2)

Vixen fangs pierces the chief's scales easily. She rapidly drained the chief of his blood, he had tried to throw her off of him but her legs were tightly wrapped around his waist, and his dick was lodged inside her. 

Once she managed to suck enough the mans blood, his legs grew weak and he fell to the ground with her still on top of him. She stood up and a large quantity of cum gushed out of her. She laid down by one of the spears that the guards had left on the ground and used it to cut her bindings.

She used the cleaning spell after destroying the runes written on her back. She waited for the chiefs transformation to be finished. 

"The moans have stopped, is everything alright in there my lord?" One of the guards shouted. 

"Everything is fine, he just wanted to nap before our next round," Vixen lied hoping the guards wouldn't come in. 

[Poison compound assimilated, neurotoxin available] 

It seemed like her poison spit evolved from drinking the man's blood.

Several hours went by before the chief woke and she was pleased to see that he had cold of the sun, hunter of the night, and blood magic. His race was also updated to celestial vampire with Serprael being his subrace. When he woke the man kneeled in front of her. 

"Empress," he said in a hushed tone with his head bowed, "my name is Conda, what would you have from me?"

"I want you to bring all the slaves you've captured to me and you're three strongest subordinates. Bring them inside here. Dont bring anyone pregnant"

"They will not all fit but we can bring them in groups. I will see it done." 

With that Conda left and grabbed the two guards that were standing outside the hut. 

[Growing vampire faction! Telepathy ability rewarded]- you can communicate telepathically with anyone that shares your blood. This ability removed from those you grant freedom to.

It took roughly an hour, but all the slaves were lined up outside the hut in neat rows. Vixen brought each person inside for an interview, and there were one of three possible outcomes.

"What is your name young lady," Vixen asked to the forth person to enter the hut. Conda stayed true to his belief, each person had entered the hut naked.

"I'm Loralei Ms." The young woman responded looking worried but more calm with a woman present. 

"I'm going to offer you an opportunity, but the price is servitude. You'll obey my commands, but you'll have great power and more freedom than you have now. I also promise to someday release you, but once you accept this power there is no going back."

"If I can escape being a slave I'll except." Loralei said resolutely. 


Vixen bit her finger and had the young woman suck some of her blood before biting her neck. Loralei would become the first woman who was a first generation vampire to herself. 

She repeated these questions to all the others as well: what's your name, do you want this power, are you willing to serve, what are your intentions, and what would you do once you regained your freedom. 

Based on the answers and how standup the person was, she either gave them her blood directly or had Conda give them blood and turned them, making them second generation. 

There were a few she didn't turn at all and just let them go to fend for themselves in the woods. None knew how to get back to their own place, so surviving in the wilderness with no direction would depend on thier skills. 

She had some of the other first Gen start turning the Serpraels too, none of them had refused the gift. Each person turned recieved both child of the sun and hunter in the night abilities. 

Through this mass turning, Vixen got a better idea of the acceptance of her progenitor ability. For those that received one ability, there was an even chance of them obtaining a familiar, blood control, or ability steal. There was only a five percent chance for someone toreceive a combination of two abilities. There was only two people that received all three abilities like her and none were second generations.

Loralei was the first to receive all three, her familiar being a type of mutant bear and a Serprael named Ferde'La, who oddly enough was a full blooded son of Conda the chief. Unsurprisingly, his familiar was a giant poisonous mutant snake. She designated these two as the leaders to the others, and she found out that even though a lot of the vampires were all second generation, the telepathy skill worked on them because it was her blood. 

All the vampires left the village, she had commanded them to make their way to her mansion in the capital and explicitly commanded they remain out of sight and only to feed when necessary. She also implored them to not kill anyone to reduce the likelihood of being discovered. She asked them to talk to Victor who would help them all get settled in. 

"What about our battle cats? They're family to us," one of the newly born second generation had asked. 

"Take them with you, but leave them in the forest and inform Victor. There are catacombs beneath the manor that they can stay and guard. As long as over hunting doesn't take place, there should be plenty for them to eat and they can guard the entrance to it." 

Satisfied with the answers Vixen and Ferde'La stayed behind to finish the take over of the alchemist mountain range range. Ferde'La guided her to the lake she was abducted from where she was able to get the remaining leeches she needed. 

It took roughly two days to return to the old grandmaster's shop and, after a small fee, borrowed her alchemical equipment and began on working on the potion. 

Half guided by her alchemist skill and half her heightened senses she first got all the leech juice she needed and added it to boiling water. Diluting the leech juice would reduce the acidity or alkalinity, she wasn't sure which. 

She then added the monkshood and wyrmsrune to the concoction and stirred periodically. The murky brown solution boiled and throthed for a good hour, the plants inside became shriveled husks before Vixen could smell a change. 

She then added the wheerot and the murky brown turned to a deep blue. She then turned off the flame and stirred till cool. She drained the potion into a separate glass vial and disposed of the residue. She knew she was finally done, the smell off the completed potion was much different than before.

The old woman came and inspected the vial of potion nodding periodically muttering to herself. 

"This is quite good. You have a grand alchemist potential if you study hard. How did you get the timing right?" The old woman asked curiously. 

"I could smell it, it was just different its hard to describe." She responded, Ferde'La had been sitting in the corner the whole time waiting. 

"I'll train you for your license. With your aptitude it'll take a week. You've brewed a successful potion of flight. You may refer to me as master or Grandmaster Dahlia."

"Yes master." Vixen responded with determination.

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