
35- Alchemist License

The training consisted of two separate things; recipe memorization and control of Alchemist fire. These were the basis or all alchemy and the more pure flames you possessed, the better the alchemical results. 

Grandmaster Dahlia had an azure flame she had found through her travels, tamed it, and assimilated with it which helped her ascension. As a reward for completing the pervious potion she gifted a small portion of it to Vixen.

"Take this little azure flame with both hands," instructed the grandmaster. "Then feed some mana and some of your body's life energy into it to nuture it."

Biting her thumb so blood trickled out, she used her blood control to form a base for the fire to sit on. Once the fire rested comfortably on the blood she began feeding her mana into it.

The blue flame only started out the size of a small berry, but as she fed her its mana while burning on top of her blood it began to glow.

The flame glowed as it waxed and waned, growing larger on each cycle. After a few minutes the blood base had disappeared and the flame glowed too brightly to look at forcing the grandmaster and Vixen to shut their eyes.

When the grandmaster was finally able to open them again, she was lost for words as a golden flame the size of Vixen's torso stared back at her.

[Holy Aureum Flame awakened] 

[Assimilation complete]

Golden flame compatible with users magic]

'So this pure fire will both improve my alchemy AND bolster my magic how lucky is that,' Vixen thought. 

With the manifestation of the aureum flames, not only did the success rate increase, but so did the quality. A week after obtaining the holy flame was she consistent enough to test for her license. Since she didn't require sleep she was able to dedicate the entire time to her studies. She did have to replenish her stamina with some blood towards the end of the week, but she was able to satiate herself without causing a scene or someone's death. 

Vixen drummed her fingers on the desk in extreme boredom while staring unceremoniously at the alchemist that was to grade her potion making. The alchemist, a portly little man with thick glasses and a receding hair line. scrutinizing Vixen's equipment. The man had insisted on this, "It's imperative that the equipment is in good working order."

"It's not new but works just fine, it's the set I've been training with." Vixen defending her equipment. 

"A license without a new set, shame."

A vein could be throbbing near Vixen's temple, "Well its the only set I have."

"It's fine, please brew a fortify defense potion."

Vixen got to work, first by selecting the appropriate ingredients from the shelves the alchemist foundation provided to all the contestants. Following the memorized recipe she began brewing the potion using a small open flame burner to mildly heat the glass holding the potion's base. 

"In order to meet multiple simultaneous orders please also prepare a poison detoxification pill in the furnace. "

Vixen rushed over to the shelves and gathered the appropriate ingredients. On the way to the furnace she stopped to check on the potion, stir it, and checking to make sure it was on track. She threw the ingredients into the furnace and used her holy fire to create the pill. Her flame control was immaculate and several minutes later the detox pill came out which was caught by Vixen. She handed the pill over to the procter before returning to managing her potion. 

'Incredible! She was able to create a teir 2 poison pill from tier one ingredients. That must be a rare flame indeed," thr proctor thought as he held the teir 2 poison pill. 

After a couple more hours the potion was finished as well. Vixen had ha ded it over for it to be graded as well. While the procter inspected and graded her work she waited and reaffirmed the recipes she had used.

After ten minutes the procter came back a slip of paper in hand. "Congratulations on getting your license please take this to the registar's office. Upon his approval you'll be set up with some tax exemption benefits to help get your shop up and running. The license is also invalid without the registar's signature. 

Vixen thanked the man and headed across town to the registar's office, knocking three times.

"Come in!" Came a high pitch voice she wasn't expecting. 

She walked into a very refined office; all furniture made of oak, tall bookcases entirely filled with either books or alchemical trinkets. There was a gnome standing on top of the large desk waiting for her paperwork. Vixen passed the slip to the gnome who took it with both hands.

"Hmm, " the gnome said, "it seems like you passed with pretty high marks. I guess I should stamp this. The cost will be fifty gold pieces."

Vixen's eyes widened, "fifty gold!! I was told I'd get a tax break not charged!"

"Ah yes, well this is the unavoidable cost of the license."

"Fifty gold could run the shop for the year with no customers!"

"Look I'll do you a favor I won't charge you anything." The gnome pulled down his pants and her adomben pulsed. 

Vixen's eyes glowed more than they normally did, "you corrupt lecherous lil..."

"Wait wait wait! I'm sorry five gold licensing fee!" 

This backtrack stopped Vixen's enraged march and the gnome began to stamp the license. Still not over her tirade, she slammed the five gold pieces onto his desk, snatched the stamped license and stormed out slamming the door behind her.

The various glasses on the shelves of the gnomes office rattled precariously from the force of the girl's exit. 'Well excuse me for trying, it's not like gnomes live in this town,' the gnome thought dejected. 

Vixen arrived at the guild only a few minutes later, she didn't want to waste any time finding out about the alchemist mountain range. Since she wanted to train while on the mountain she had recalled Loralei through their telepathic link.

"I'd like a place to speak about Alchemist Mountain Range please," Vixen said to the receptionist while flashing her newly acquire license. The receptionist nodded and led her to a private room where she'd meet with an alchemist representative. 

A satyr walked in a few moments later," I'm Phhilkiminiski but you can just call me Phil. What can I do for you?"

"I'd like to know the history of the mountain and how it came to an 'alchemist ' mountain."

"Ah well it's founder, Maxwell, discovered some sort of treasure in A dungeon that altered plants and animals by imbueing them with mystical energy. The more dangerous animals were all killed before they could start mutating but the plants around the artifact change granting them magical properties. "

"Does anyone know what the artifact is?"

"No, Maxwell said it was a highly guarded secret and didn't tell anyone. However, the closer you get to the artifact the more mutations things go through. The higher level and rarer material will be close by. It's unconfirmed, but it may be warmer near that area also due to an influx of massive amounts of energy being emanated. 

Vixen thanked Phil and bid him farewell. 'Now I just have to explore that mountain range and train along the way,' she thought with a smile.

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