
51- Fallout

"So you're telling me you were under some sort of curse that could not dispel unless you had your brains fucked out, didn't matter who, what, or when?" Asked Godric as he looked at a gorgeous woman who sitting on her feet dressed in plains cloths she apparently kept on her persons at all times in her spatial storage. 

Vixen nodded and slightly dipped her head, "That is correct. I'm terribly sorry for any trouble I caused you both. Truth is I'm always cursed, I just happened to have earned a penalty...or something like that."

"That explains everything, but you've put us quite in a bind. See we may have many partners we don't engage in penetration till we're wed. The last people we slept with died and that's why we are now betrothed to each other." Sibyl explained while Godric took the next part of the explanation. 

"We hadn't even slept with each other yet. According to our customs it's essential you and I are betrothed too, however there has never been a union between a lycanthrope and a vampire."

"I can see the problem, can we just forget this all happened?"

"I don't think either of us will EVER be able to forget it," Sibyl said with emphasis on the timeline.

"Are you unwilling? Sibyl will be my first wife and you a concubine it doesn't restrict you in any way other than residing in my bed chamber and your child's share of the inheritance would be smaller."

"I'm not having a child."

"You sure?" Godric asked with a raised eyebrow. 

"Positive," Vixen sighed in response. 

Godric looked skeptical but didn't argue. Vixen, on the other hand was quite perturbed. She as a progenitor didn't want to lower herself to a mere concubine, although this whole mess is her fault. 

"If your kind is as upright as you're claiming they are, you have to give me your word on several conditions. First, in no way, shape, or form for my freedom to be restricted, secondly I will live where and how I choose and IF I am temporarily residing in your village then I do not want to be treated any differently or with less respect than my station holds for I am a progenitor. Last but not least if I decide to have a child with you they will be 100% left to me."

Godric didn't have much reservations about any of those demands except the last one, but he acquiesced since maybe having a progenitor as a concubine, if only in name, could bridge a gap of their races and not be so hostile to each other. 

"Deal, feel free to act how you normally would to disrespect. Only the strong are respected anyway," Godric finished as Vixen nodded her understanding. 

The group got up and started heading towards Godric's village for the ceremony. The journey to the village wasn't very long, but she wouldn't of been able to find it no matter how hard she tried. 

Through thick bramble between two giant boulders was the pathway to their village. The village looked as if it were underground but recieved adequate sunlight for growing herbs and food, like a greenhouse effect. 

"Godric my boy! You look well, what of that nasty energy?" An elderly looking man said to Godric. Vixen could tell, however, that this man was a wolf in sheep's clothing and was anything but frail. 

"It was a demon, father, but this one took care of it." Godric said as he motioned to Vixen. 

"How do you do," greeted Vixen. 

The man's eyes flashed, his posture changed from lax to tense and his eyes turned sharp to match his tone, "What are you doing here vampire?" He snarled.

"That is quite unfortunate you got involved with this slut, curse or no," said the man glaring at Vixen. 

"You got something to say to me old man? I came because my curse messed something up for your son and was trying to do what was right. However, if I need to kick your ass first I can take that detour." Vixen said pulling Amp out of her storage.

"Sigh, I might be the former leader of this village, but I am not dumb enough to fight a progenitor alone. I apologize for my rudeness. Name's Colt."

She eyed him angrily and blew a forceful breath out, "I'm Vixen. I'm a newer vampire and don't understand the animosity between us, so maybe you can work with me to move past this stuff," Vixen said offering a hand.

"We shall see," said Colt leaving Vixen's hand out. Colt walked away without saying another word, "He's usually more reasonable," said Godric apologetically. 

The rest of the day was a  mixture of preparation and celebration. Many of the young lycanthropes or those that prisoners of war set up the village for the ceremony. Tables were laid out, a massive fire pit was being constructed with a giant spit, and an area that Vixen could not tell the use of. The area was a clearing surrounded by trees, the grass had been cut evenly throughout, and magic fueled lanterns hung from the branches of trees. The lanterns formed a circle and hung relatively low but they did not sway even when a moderate breeze blew through the clearing. 

"Who are they?" Vixen asked Godric motioning to the people that seemed to resemble slaves. They were currently building the firepit and working on getting the spit to the correct height above the ground. 

"Ah, those are prisoners from our conquests. Once we prove to them we are not monsters and they no longer have desire to exact revenge on us, we let them go. There are times when they wish to join our ranks and so they complete tasks, earn our trust, and when the council of elders deem them ready we turn them. It's quite the process."

"That is interesting."

The celebration began once the hunters returned with a few massive carcasses that resembled boar, except these were nearly the size of elephants, had six legs, and serrated tusks like harpoons. If you were able to catch a glimpse of their teeth you could tell that this animal ate meat. 

"Its called an Atrendi," Godric explained, "Some of the juiciest meat you'll ever have, but since they are dangerous to hunt we only get them for really special occasions."

"Good afternoon my people," the chief had climbed up on a massive rock in the center of the village has he made his announcement, "We have a two-fold celebration today! First, my predecessor's son is getting betrothed tonight!" The crowd cheered loudly, some whistled while a few transformed their mouths to howl. The chief pat the air with his hands to calm them down before continuing. "Secondly, he has taken a concubine and through her slayed the demon that soiled the land. We had been unable to find it no matter how strongly we felt its energy but Godric vanquished it!"

More loud cheers ensued, Vixen was taking deep breaths. 

'I don't know if they know the order of events here, but I should let it go even though they're giving the credit to someone else,' she thought as she visibly tried to relax.

The rest of the night carried on much better than she had thought, they were sharing the atrendi meat, which is by far the best thing she had eaten food wise. She had never even had heard of it even as her other self. They joked, drank and were merry. Vixen watched feats of strength as people wrestled, awed at an artwork showcase, and even played games with some of the children present. However, like all good things it could not last and someone was bound to ruin it. 

"We only have one event left, consummate the betrothal and subjugate the concubine. We have not had a future leader start out with a concubine before, this shows his strength. First the wife then the concubine. Come here missy." 

The chief looked over at Vixen, her blood beginning to boil, in his hand there were three objects each one made Vixen more mad then the last. 

"Godric, you did not say this was part of the deal," Vixen said angrily.

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