
52 – Dominated or Dominate?

Godric looked perplexed as well, in the chief's hand was a collar with an attached leash, a vial of bright sky-blue liquid, and a knife.

"I don't think those will be necessary," Godric said to the chief. 

"This is how it has to be, otherwise we have to start a war with her clan since you guys laid together."

'This is becoming a lot more ritualized than I was expecting, but I've got my own plans.' She thought as she approached the chief.

She took the collar and placed it around her neck. The chief grabbed the chain and led her to the circular clearing surrounded by the tall and incredibly thick trees while he explained some things.

"Your going to be chained to the trunk of one of these thick trees. The metal we fasten you to and the chains itself were made to hold lycanthropes. Don't think that you're capable of breaking it. Also," he took the knife and cut off her spare change of clothes, "You'll receive a choker that you'll be forced to wear whenever you are in our village to denote your status here. You're required to be naked for the entirety of the ceremony."

The chief, once he had her stripped, had her get on her knees since he was unable to fasten the short thick chain to the tree with her standing up. He handed her the vial of sky-blue liquid, "Once the ceremony starts, which is when the music begins, you'll be required to drink that. If you don't you WILL be assisted to do so," the chief instructed.

"No need to get your panties in a bunch," goaded Vixen grabbing the vial.   

She kneeled down patiently waiting for the ceremony to start, her nipples stiffening slightly in the cold breeze. A low and pleasant hymn filled the air as the ceremony attendees rose from their seats. Vixen what was contained in the vial the moment the liquid touched her succulent lips, she didn't even need the system to tell her since she could feel her body heat and her crotch moisten.

[Periwinkle Aphrodisiac Ingested]

This one was far more powerful than some of the other ones given to her, 'My abdomen is throbbing already, I hope this is not a long ceremony,' she thought as she tried to refrain from touching herself.

It was a fairly long ceremony made infinitely longer due to the aphrodisiac, the grass beneath her sprinkled with her juices. Godric and Sybil went through their village rituals, Vixen watched agonizingly at the two of them struggling to tie a simple knot around each other's wrists. They had a contest of strength in their fully transformed state to signify dominance and visceral love, Vixen could not accurately remember what the officiant said in her state. 

Finally the officiant had them raise their tied hands over their heads as he announced that they had to prove their love by attempting to conceive a child and that the village had to bear witness for proof.  The officiant led the couple to the clearing where Vixen was tied up, the two stopped within a few feet of her unclothing themselves.  Even if she were to stretch the chain to its fullest and extend her arms they would be just barely out  of reach. 

The village gathered some looking at the couple and some glancing over at Vixen whose hand was covering her lower bits and the other hand gripping the ground in a futile attempt to control herself.  Godric walked from behind Sybil, his arms rising from under hers as he began to massage her breasts and tease her supple nipples, Sybil moaning quietly but loud enough to be heard. Her breath visible in the cool night air, her pleasure quickly rising as her audience watched. 

Vixen had not watched others fornicating before, it was something new to her. she was so mesmerized by the look of rapture on Sybil's face that her hands absentmindedly began to move one teasing her own breast while the other played with her crotch. Moans escaped her as well and the crowd couldn't help have a mixture of scorn and confusion, "THAT is a progenitor vampire? What a disgrace she's nothing more than a bitch in heat." An onlooker commented tilting their head slightly to whisper in the ear of another.  

The strength in Sybil's legs failed her as she dropped to all fours, Godric, with now a fist full of hair, dropped with her a large hand grabbing her hip in the crook of her leg. A rhythmic slapping resounded in Vixen's ears, she tried to get closer to Sybil but the chain didnt give quite enough slack. Vixen quivered against her fingers, Sybil moaned with finality as she slumped into the grass panting. Godic however, stood still rearing to go. 

A faint memory came rushing to the front of her mind, 'We value strength here. It wont offend anyone to demonstrate power of one in your position.'

Godric approached slowly as Vixen she retreated coyly and seductively, when Vixen thought there was enough slack in the chain the atmosphere suddenly changed. Everything in a hundred meter diameter was forced down. Branches off trees came crashing into the ground, the grass was matted flat, and every on looker was brought to their knees.

"Is the progenitor doing this? Can she have such power?" One of the onlookers said as they became panicked. 

Godric did not fall, though he was struggling to stand. Vixen crawled back on all fours playfully began  to lick his cock, "If this is a show of strength," she said before continuing, "then everyone will know who the dominate one is."

She stroked his dick with her tongue before taking it into her mouth, her pussy throbbing and soaked as she fondled herself. Godric finished deep inside her throat, "thanks for the appetizer," she said as the gravity suddenly increased again. Godric fell to his knee struggling to remain upright. Many of the onlookers transformed to prevent themselves from completely falling into the grass. Even more of the onlookers were astonished about her display.

"I thought she was a young progenitor, what in the world is this?"

Godric transformed and stood upright, "You're not going to best me this time," he said as he grabbed in a bear hug. With great difficulty he spun her around she could feel his large cock resting between her cheeks. Godric thrusted back and forth in a teasing manner, grabbing her arms right above elbow her large breasts swaying back and forth. 

"With this thrust I will show everyone I am dominant," proclaimed Godric. He bent his knees to get a better angle when the gravity increased several fold again. Those in the crowd that had transformed fell either on their backs or face forward and even with their great strength were incapable of rising again. Godric fell backwards, refusing to let go of her, he now held onto her wrists as she straddled his stomach. 

"I told you, I will not loose in  a show of strength." Vixen said with a smile. She positioned herself on the top side of his cock so its head could touch her stomach, she began to rub herself on it for several minutes. 

"Tell them you yield," she said authoritatively. 

"Never," came Godric's response.

"So be it," Vixen activated pleasure share. 

Godric tried to rise his waist but couldnt, his cock was pulsating he felt like he could finish, wanted to finish, but couldn't. Vixen continued to slowly grind along the length of his dick. She could feel how tightly the man gripped her wrists.

"I...yield" Godric finally mustered. 

"Say it so they can hear," she responded. She stopped grinidng and positioned herself right on top of his head but would not let him penetrate her. 

Godric yelled loud enough for the onlookers to hear, "I yield to her! She is Alpha."

"Good boy," Vixen lowered herself slowly onto him reveling in the pleasure that had been building, she started slow but gradually picked up pace until her breasts were bouncing up and down from the force. She came, as did Godric, but she didnt relent. Her moans kept him invigorated and wasnt until she felt satisfied that she slammed down on him one last time, she felt his cum explode into her uterus cumming herself in response.  Godric and the rest reverted back to their human forms as the increased gravity disappeared. 

"I have settled the debt. I will take my leave." 

Vixen used the cleaning spell, dressed, and without another word left the village. 

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