
62 – Arriving at the Dragon Isles

Vixen, Jimbo, and Sedi arrived at the coast early in the morning three days later. Since then Vixen had been able to inspect a couple of the puppeteer's abilities she had obtained. 

She obtained the ability [Looking Glass] which allows her to mark a target, when the target is marked she can enter a meditative state to view everything the target can from their perspective. The target remains in control the entire time. 

The second ability she got was restraining ability called [Quick Processing] which dramatically increases the rate at which she receives and processes information. 

'I got quite an increase of stats from that pervert and saved the village. Even though it was frustrating it was worth it in the end,' Vixen thought looking across the great expanse of water. The three of them watched the tide rise and fall from atop the cliff that overlooked the majestic sea, the sounds of the waves calming their hearts.

Sedi and Jimbo didn't have the same kind of sight Vixen had so they couldn't see it. Out nearly a hundred miles was an enormous island that the dragons inhabited and she could see some of them circling overhead from her vantage point.

"Any idea how we can get over to the island? I can fly there, but I'll end up too exhausted and I'll also be alone." Vixen said addressing her companions. 

"Well, we could try combination magic but it's faulty at best," offered Jimbo.

"What's faulty about it," she asked.

"It requires two people to be completely in tune with one another," Sedi began explaining, "usually twins have the highest probability of accomplishing combination magic, but we also don't have many options. "

Vixen nodded and stepped back giving Jimbo and Sedi more space, the two were moving in a very peculiar and specific manner while Sedi spoke, "We have a much higher rate of success because we aren't trying to combine magic in combat, simply to create. We are attempting to combine our water and earth elements to access wood elemental magic."

The two of them continued this intricate dance like formation as earth and water erupted from the earth, twisted and swirled around the formation as it started to form it condensed, then exploded knocking the three of them back.

"Welp, that was expected. We have all the time in the world to try again. The two would continued their combination attempts for the next several days.

On their fourth day of attempting combination magic something different had occurred after the insights they had gained from all their failed attempts. The earth and water magic began combining beneath the earth, a large exotic flower that Vixen did not recognize sprouted from the ground with a closed bulb.

The enormous plant rose to nearly twenty feet above the ground and the stem was a thick as horse. As the bulb opened a wooden boat formed as the bulb pushed it out of its center. Sedi and Jimbo slumped to the ground exhausted but overjoyed. 

"That's really incredible! Combination magic seems incredibly powerful good job guys I'm proud of you," Vixen praised. The two of them beamed with pride, it was the first real compliment she gave them.

The three of them boarded the boat once they got it into the sea Jimbo took the lead, using his water magic to assist in propelling the boat towards the island. They reached the island without issue, Jimbo only had to down a mana potion to keep the boat going. 

By the time they arrived on the island it was dark, and there was a lone woman on the beach. She had blue hair and a blue tattoo in the shape of a anchor over her right eye. She had a small chest and a white bathing scarf around her waist.  Vixen could tell by her smell that this woman was not a human despite her stunning appearance. 

"Why have you come to DragonSpire? Only our friends and those with enough power are welcome here." 

"My name is Vixen and I have come to discuss business with your leaders about the immenint threat of demons."

The woman looked troubled at the news, "That is quite a predicament if that's the truth, but you'll have to prove yourself to me, Galmora, the guardian of DragonSpire."

Galmora's aura surged and Vixen knew she wouldn't be able to talk her way out of this fight. She shot at Vixen so fast it was like she was shot out of a cannon, sand exploded behind her as she arrived at Vixen nearly instaneously. Her clawed fingertips tore at her armor as if it were made of paper.

Blood flew as Galmora's claws cleaved through armor and skin a like, but the wound on Vixen quickly healed. Vixen immediately tried to counter with an uppercut. Galmora blocked the blow with a single hand, the force from the strike blowing Galmora's hair back. 

A clawed foot separated the two, Vixen had successfully dodged the kick, but the armor covering her top was not as lucky, falling into the sand at her feet leaving her bare chested. 

'I'm going to have to go all out just to pass this test, I'm not sure I can even wound this woman.' Vixen thought as she started to coalesce her mana. Vixen had to keep her distance and dodge several more blows till she was ready.

"Multicast gravity magic: oppression! Zakir!" Shouted Vixen a huge gravitational force pressed down on Galmora slowing her movement down while a large blue lightning bolt hurled towards her.

Galmora was unable to dodge and an enormous sand cloud blocked Vixen's vision. When it cleared a large wingless water dragon serpent over two hundred feet long stood in Galmora's place unharmed. 

The dragons fangs bared as an energy began emanating from its jaws. Vixen was not sure what she could do at this point, she didn't even know if she could dodge the attack. She did the only thing she could think of as she activated her new aura ability. An aura of divinity bathed the battlefield and the energy gathering in her jaws slowly dissipated.

Galmora returned to her human form and approached Vixen who was poised to continue fighting,"Your energy is not of this realm. I give you your validation. I will introduce you to one of the leaders, please follow me."

Without another word she turned and walked towards the treeline, a journey through the jungle began.

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