
63- Shen, The Golden One

Galmora, Vixen and company walked into the treeline and all sounds of the ocean deserted them. In its place was the buzzing of insects and cries of beasts in the distance. 

This section of the enormous island housed creatures that matched the proportions of the giant trees that towered over them. During their journey, a centipede the size of a bullet train leapt out at them. Vixen did not even need to react as Glamora tore it into numerous pieces with one swipe of her clawed hand.

"Filthy insect," she muttered in discust, shaking her hand of all ichor. The number of things that tried to eat them was so high Galmora released some of her draconic aura to keep them at bay. Dragons, being the apex of predators, were able to deter most creatures from crossing their paths but there were still some willing to test their mettle.

As they walked Vixen had found out that Galmora was still considered a young dragon and was thus charged by the elders to protect the island shores as part of their test. Vixen, with her objective in mind, had curiosity get the better of her as she thought, 'What the hell turns on a dragon??' 

[Eyes of Discernment] 

Her eyes glowed as purple lip prints started creeping up Galmora's back. Galmora involuntarily shuddered, but when she had glanced back at Vixen nothing seemed out of the ordinary so she returned to a more relaxed posture. 

'Well that's interesting,' thought Vixen. She pushed the ability's test to the back of her mind, Galmora entering a cliffside cave that wound its way up the mountain. As far as Vixen could tell there was not a lot inside the cave despite it's gargantuan size, but once they escaped the dank dreary walls inside they found themselves back inside a beautiful jungle. 

"We have to get to the top of the island. That's where all the leaders reside. They'll make all decisions and negotiations with you," Galmora explained. "The first to speak with you will be Elder Shen the first Drakasa, or the first Ascendent, an ancient golden dragon. Just speak the truth, as someone who has lived for a long time he'll know when you're not being forthcoming." 

"I appreciate the warning," replied Vixen sincerely. 

There wasn't much more interaction between the four of them for the rest of the journey, there had been serval occasions where Galmora would gripe about not being able to fly and would have been inaudible if not for Vixen's super hearing. 

Night had fallen by the time they were able to reach the island summit a feat that would've taken a human several days to accomplish, though even still, only Galmora was not fatigued.  

The top of the island was not at all what Vixen was expecting, it was as if time was standing still but no where else on the planet could one feel so peaceful. It was a magical place. A long golden Chinese-style dragon plummeted from the sky, partway down it turned into a golden light that showered a man sitting cross-legged on the floor. 

The man had long golden hair with a long golden beard, when his eyes had sprang open they were a deep amber.  He was tall, though only a couple inches taller than Vixen herself. He looked down from his meditation table, "What's the matter young miss? Are you perhaps lost? 

"I am not. I have come to seek your council and cooperation over an incoming catastrophe. I have a solution, but to be especially candid I am not comfortable with proceeding. I will however, do what is required of me for the greater good." Vixen replied.

"You mean you'd be willing to sacrifice your sanctity for others? Why?"

Vixen shrugged, "I have done it before, and more importantly if I can save even one life it would be worth it. I've gone through hell, but I can tell you that striving for the greater good is ingrained into my core."

"I can feel the sincerity in your words. I will grant you audience, what troubles you and what has caused you to stand before me."

Vixen began to tell Shen all about his ascension temporarily releasing the seal placed on ber aura, the war between to the races, and her the new role assigned to her. 

"Since siding with one side would swing the balance of power too greatly Abbaddon came to me and granted me divinity which ultimately had me create a brand new branch of divine beings. We would be the helping keep the balance on both sides, and my role is to...produce as many of these divine beings as possible and I wanted to extend the invitation to the most powerful race first."

"Hahahaha," Shen laughed boisterously, "I take it that is the part that has you so uncomfortable is it?"

Vixen nodded her head while asking, "Due to my nature I also want you to be aware that they may no longer considered dragons."

"I understand. I agree to your proposal and our cooperation. I can see why you're confused, let me explain. Our race has become stagnant, we are so powerful and long lived that nearly no one can match us. By agreeing we are pushing the race to new heights while simultaneously testing ourselves against powerful opponents, it's a win win."

"I am both thrilled and apprehensive  that you agreed to the proposal, where should I begin? "

"To keep the balance of power between ourselves, I'm afraid I will have to make you more uncomfortable. See if you were to grant this boon to solely a red dragon their faction would take over and rule the others. Therefore, you must fulfill your task with a red, blue, black, silver, sound, and gold dragon. The last condition is that you must proceed with the strongest members of our race as it's their right. "

Vixen raised an eyebrow, "Are you in that category? "

"C-cough cough, I beg your pardon, but no I am not. However, since you have been so honorable it'd shame to be less than the same. My brother is one of those six. Each dragon will have a different personality and different mating ritual so be prepared. "

Before Vixen left to find the first dragon Shen shouted from behind her, "The Great Wryms, as we call them, are so incredibly large that they will have to be in a human form but don't be mistaken. A dragon, especially a Great Wrym, is still a dragon. "

"I will keep the warning in mind, how do I find the Great Wryms?"

"You must roam the island to find them. I wish you luck." Shen said with finality. 

Vixen left and once she was sure Shen and Galmora were completely out of sight turned into her bat swarm and flew down the mountain. Within a couple minutes she returned to the jungle in front of the mouth of the cave. 

'While Sedi and Jimbo were resting I'll try to find one of the Great Wyrms. One is probably inside this cave with how massive it is.' She thought to herself.

Instead of going into the cave, she turned and started walking through the dense jungle, 'I'm not quite ready for an extended stay underground, I'll search this part of the jungle instead. How do I find these great dragons anyway?' She thought as delved deeper into the jungle.

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