Extract Skills and Explore Dungeons (Random Skills: Exploring Dungeons)

Chapter 889: Reason

After sitting up, Kane first looked at his body, and then checked his soul, spirit, and body to see if there were any remnants of the deep light.

In the face of such an existence, there should be no careless emotions, even if it is only the will that descends on the corpse.

After confirming that there was no problem, he let out a sigh of relief, and Metzker would not disappoint.

At this time, Mezik, who was surrounded by him, was also waiting for Kane's self-examination, even though he was very confident in his skills now.

But some things still need to be felt by oneself in order to be perceived.

"How is it? Is there any problem or something uncomfortable?"

Hearing Metzker's question, Kane shook his hand.

"It's okay, there's no big problem..."

Having said that, Kane paused and looked at the vacancy on his left.

Helplessly shrugged: "Well, it can't be considered that there are no major problems."

The voice fell, and the layers of mechanical structures began to extend outward from the gap in the hand.

It's just a moment of effort.

A pure arm constructed of precision machinery grew out.

The blue universal energy began to flow in the pathway of the mechanical arm, and various magic runes began to attach to it.

Kane looked at his mechanical arm and squeezed it, feeling the touch brought by the mechanical arm.

He couldn't help laughing and said, "I've wanted to do this for a long time, haha."

Hearing Kane's heartless joke, Claire couldn't help stretching out her hand and squeezed Kane's thigh hard.

"Hiss... alright, alright."

"Why didn't you connect your own hand, and what is the reason why your arm is sealed like this, you are facing the deep light?..."

Claire began to ask her own doubts, and all kinds of questions came out at once.

Kane quickly stretched out his hand and blocked Claire's mouth.

"Stop, stop, take your time, take your time."

Then he put his hand down and said softly, "Calm down, I'm fine."

After finishing speaking, Kane turned around and walked down from the mechanical treatment table.

From the rack next to the mechanical table, I picked up my clothes and equipment and put them on again.

There is no rush or slow movement.

Several people waited quietly by the side, without urging them, but also calming their emotions.

After all the equipment was put on, Kane reached into the space equipment, took out a glove and put it on the mechanical palm of his left hand.

In this way, outsiders will not be able to see that Kane's left arm has been broken.

Turning around, he cleared his throat.

"Ahem, Claire must have told you all about the previous incident, so let me talk about what happened after Claire disappeared."

After speaking, Kane came to the chair next to the treatment room and sat down, and the others also found a place to sit down, waiting for Kane's narration.

"At that time, I killed that younger brother, and spent a lot of energy in order to win the battle quickly.

But just after he died, before his soul completely dissipated, other forces occupied his body. "

"That silvery-gray light makes people feel uncomfortable and disgusting. I am very familiar with it. It is the deep light."

Having said that, Kane leaned back from the seat and leaned against the wall behind him.

"It should be the state of the enemy at that time. After death, coupled with the god statues and various forces in the forward camp, he had enough opportunities to break through the defense of the fog and descend on the corpse temporarily."

Advance to the statue of the camp, you can receive the power of the deep light, and use it to dispel the surrounding fog and the chaotic state of space.

Through the existence of the god statue, coupled with the state that the enemy had almost merged with the deep light at that time.

It is indeed very easy to let his will come.

"Why at this time? Why is it you, because of the country of platinum?" Claire couldn't help asking.

Hearing Claire's voice, Kane shook his head.

"It's not just the country of platinum, he wants...to recruit me, it seems that there is something in me that he is very interested in..."

Having said that, Kane considered his words carefully.


"Well, don't ask me what interests him in me, because I don't know either."

After all, he said that he was special, and Kane felt that he was special, but he couldn't say it casually.

Quickly interrupting the questions that everyone wanted to ask, Kane continued:

"He knew very well that I would not join him, so he used his power to add his voice when he spoke, and bewitched me on a spiritual and soul level."

Speaking of this, Kane frowned, with a hint of uncertainty in his voice: "I don't know why, maybe it's because I lived under his power once more than 20 years ago, with a little bit of resistance, or The power that descends through this corpse is not enough."

"In general, his bewitching was not completely successful. Halfway through the process, I became alert, but he seemed very confident and believed that I had been bewitched by him.

According to the situation at that time, I waited for him to come to me, and then stabbed into the corpse with a special dagger mixed with the energy of fairy tales and punishment. "

"Successfully expelled him."

This is probably the detailed situation that Kane experienced.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help thinking.

Either way, Deep Light doesn't seem to be what it appeared to be more than 20 years ago.

At that time, the light of the deep gave Kane a profound lesson the first time he played. If it weren't for the king of Beiling at the time, who was right above their heads, Kane might have died there in an instant.

So whether it's Kane himself, Claire or the kings.

Everyone present thought that Abyss Light only regarded Kane as an offender, a little bug that offended him.

For such a powerful being, it is normal to gently crush a small bug that offends him.

However, reality and this time's behavior are telling them.

The light of abyss has already set its sights on Kane.

For so many years, the only time and the first time Kane has entered a moment enough for him to come to his own will.

He came down without hesitation.

This is something worth thinking about and being vigilant about.

At this time, Lilulu tapped the broken arm next to her.

"What about this thing? Why are there so many seals on it?"

"You haven't told us why your hand was broken."

After hearing Li Lulu's words, everyone came to their senses and raised their heads to stare at Kane.

Kane looked at the metal arm on the table and waved.

The severed arm wrapped in a layer of metal flew into Kane's hands, not to mention that this form really looks like a metal arm made of one piece.

Kane still has the leisure to admire his broken arm.

But looking at the fairy tale runes engraved with a very obvious dreamy color, he couldn't help grinning.

This looks too weird and abstract.

But looking at his arm, Kane still explained: "After all, it is the light of the abyss, even if it is just a trace of will and power descending on the corpse.

Faced with such an existence, there is still a price to be paid after all. It would be too disrespectful for him to want to retreat without paying anything. "

Having said that, Kane raised his arms slightly and floated in the center of his hands.

The dense and strange lines form a spherical container with hexagonal surfaces, and the arms float in it.

More lines formed various strange runes in the container, floating randomly.

The outer circular line container begins to condense into a solid body, which is condensed by transparent hexagonal modules.

At this time, the metal wrapped around the arm began to slowly fall off.

Seeing this situation, Li Lulu also waved her hand, and the fairy-tale-like runes on it began to follow Li Lulu's movements and flew out into a colorful silk thread.

As the exterior metal fades away.

Kane's broken arm appears in it.

The severed arm from the shoulder has completely turned into a silver-gray energy arm at this time.

Needless to say, this silver-gray light is the light of the deep light that they are very familiar with.

Seeing the appearance of this arm, several people didn't need Kane to explain too much, and it roughly restored the situation at that time.

It must have been during a certain period of time that the light of the abyss left power on Kane's left arm and began to infect Kane.

The speed of the infection is either extremely fast or extremely overbearing, so Kane decisively cut off the entire arm to cut off the path of the enemy's infection.

But at this time, Metzke was a little confused.

He looked at the arm inside the sphere, and asked with strong doubts in his tone: "Then why don't you just cut it off completely? There is still a trace of connection with this arm?"

"At the moment when I was about to cut off my arm, my eyes gave me a premonition."

Having said that, Kane pointed to his eyes.

Hearing this, Claire couldn't help scolding from the side: "How can you be so reckless, the enemy is the light of the abyss, an existence that can suppress the fog, why should you trust your own premonition? It's very possible It's the enemy's influence on you, and..."

Claire wanted to continue talking, but after thinking about it, Kane would not be such a reckless and irrational existence.

Slowly closed his mouth, staring at Kane.

Seeing that Claire calmed down, Kane nodded, reached out and took out a completely transparent spar from the space equipment.

"This is?"

"This is a fragment of the wishing stone. I strengthened my vision through the wishing stone."

Speaking of this, Kane couldn't help but smiled and said: "And using the enhanced wishing stone, I didn't dare to make any predictions about the deep light, but I predicted myself."

"That's why I let my arm not completely cut off from me, but I still put the last insurance."

"I changed and edited the last connection. Once there is a slight influence on it by non-self forces, the connection will be automatically disconnected. It's a small insurance measure."

Hearing that Kane left contact, but made enough insurance very sensibly, everyone nodded.

At this time, Kane looked at them with a smile on his face and said, "But in just a short while, I have already gained something."

Speaking of Kane's hand, the universal energy gushed out, and the universal energy changed immediately in Kane's hands.

Silver-gray light began to emit, and a disgusting aura began to spread throughout the treatment room.

"You stole the power of the deep light?"

"No, no, I don't dare to steal his power. I just use universal energy to simulate this power and guarantee 100% restoration. I dare not say how high a level it can reach, but ordinary bishops and archbishops can still reached."

The technology Kane used was that he once obtained the power of other gods through prayer, and then simulated it for use.

It's just that at this stage, many of the processes can be simplified.

Speaking of this, a silver-gray energy tentacle protruded from the silver-gray light in Kane's hand, and began to wave around following Kane's control.

Looking at the tentacle, Kane turned his head and stared at everyone: "How about it, does it look like it?"

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