Extract Skills and Explore Dungeons (Random Skills: Exploring Dungeons)

Chapter 890 Return and Preparation

"I already want to bombard you with lightning."

Lombe said with a half-joking smile.

"Hahaha." Hearing Lumbe's words, Kane smiled, and then dissipated his energy.

A bubble emerged from his fingertips, and the bubble grew bigger and bigger, wrapping Kane's arm in the container, and then solidified into something like a glass cover.

Then the bubbles solidify and shrink until they are only the size of a palm.

Bubbles can last for years, making the time inside permanent.

Only then did Kane stuff it into the space equipment.

Only then did Claire come over, took Kane's hand and said, "Go out for a walk, everyone is very worried about you."


Kane nodded and Claire walked out.

The people behind looked at each other, shrugged and followed them out.

Sure enough, although the members of the guild outside were doing their own work, their eyes were looking towards the door of the treatment room intentionally or unintentionally.

They want to know about Kane. As the king of the Platinum Kingdom and the president of the Lantern Guild, Kane is an indispensable existence.

After watching Kane walk out, everyone heaved a sigh of relief and turned their heads back one after another. It is time to chat and work.

It's like a pillar in everyone's heart.

"What happened to you just now, did you have any sequelae?"

Raphael turned into a feather and condensed into a figure beside Kane, looked him up and down, and asked Kane who seemed to have no problems.

Kane patted him on the shoulder: "There was a little accident, but it's fine."

Hearing Kane's answer, Raphael nodded.

"That's good."

Then he leaned his head over and whispered in Kane's ear, "Then when are you going to act?"

"Defend for a few days first, see if the enemy will make any moves, and go to investigate what they are doing by the way."

"I might as well apply for it during this time, and dispatch some people to carry out the defensive handover."

Hearing Kane's answer, Rafael expressed his understanding.

Then he prepared to lead a small team with Kafka to go out on patrol.


5 days later.

Kane was in the fort, waiting for the handover personnel to arrive.

A white mist-like portal appeared in the fortress, and a slightly fat figure walked out.

After he walked out, several figures followed behind him.

Seeing the person coming, Kane walked up with a smile and hugged him.

"Bogli, I didn't expect you to come this time."

After speaking, he smiled and nodded to the people behind Bogli, and said hello.

In addition to Bogli, there is also a newly promoted Wucai who is said to have been promoted 10 years ago, and Kane also met for the first time.

And among the three colors, they are all old acquaintances, including Lilith, Dragonman Quagget and so on.

Bogli smiled slightly, then looked at Kane's left arm and patted it: "It seems that you have paid a lot of money to achieve such a result."

After waking up, Kane faced the light of the abyss as it should. As well as some information gained from hunting along the way, all of them were passed on.

"It's okay, it's all necessary to pay."

Hearing this, Bogli could only nod his head, and then said: "The information you have obtained is already being discussed, and there may be a meeting next time you come back, so get ready."

Kane nodded.

"Then this fortress will be handed over to you temporarily, and we will rush back as soon as possible."

"Haha, don't worry, leave it to us, if you can't keep it, I won't call for support."

In the past 5 days, Kane and the others have detected the enemy's movements. After the far left forward camp was destroyed, the enemy rebuilt it.

No intention of chasing them.

But after all, it is to build a forward camp in the mist, and it is necessary to erect a statue, depict enough power, and receive the power of the deep light, break through the mist and pass it on.

These all take a lot of time, and when setting up a forward camp, a large number of troops are also required for defense.

So don't talk about counterattacking Kane during this time.

The enemy has completely shrunk back their forces, and deployed a large number of Bentleys at the forward camp for defense.

In a short period of time, let alone attack, there may not even be many necessary patrols.

During this time, the 20 kilometers in front of the fortress is the territory of explorers.

They can finally rest for a while and relax.

Seeing such a situation, Kane is enough no matter what they show is true or false.

This is already a very good result.

After handing over some things, he bid farewell to everyone.

Kane, along with Raphael and Kafka, disappeared in the fortress and returned to the Platinum Country of the Ring of the World.

When their figures appeared in the Platinum Palace.

"Sister, run!"

"Haha, Virginie's speed has reached the limit now, let's go!"

Virginie was running wildly outside the palace with her sister on her back.

And Miko on her back was not idle, and attached various buffs to her sister.

The delicate clothes on the two of them were covered with brown and black mud, and even their faces were stained with several streaks drawn by the mud.

"Her Royal Highness, please stop, this is really inelegant."

Several ghost maids and Moon Son are chasing behind.

The two also turned their heads to make faces.


Virginie, who had just turned her head away, found herself bumping into someone.

The two turned their heads and looked up.

I saw my mother was staring at the two of them calmly, neither sad nor happy.

For a moment, the whole air was filled with a dignified atmosphere, as if everything around had frozen.

"Haha, Mom."

Virginie immediately smirked, then lowered her head and hugged her mother's leg.

He even rubbed his face against Claire's leg twice to express his feelings.

Miko, who was on her back, slipped off the horse silently, and quietly walked in front of Kane, hugging his calf.

Finally, he raised his head and stared at Kane, widening his eyes and laughing.

"Hee hee, Dad."

Moon Son and Ghost Maid who followed came to the front of several people and bowed.

"His Majesty."

Kane picked up Miko and nodded to them: "You guys go to work first."

Moon Son and Ghost Maid turned to leave.

Looking at Miko, who had completely turned into a tabby cat in his arms, Kane opened his mouth and before he could say anything, he reached out with one hand and pinched Miko's collar and lifted her over.

Miko widened her watery eyes, staring at Kane, the emotions in her eyes were about to overflow.

He almost opened his mouth and shouted for help.

Faced with this situation, Kane could only shake his head with a stiff smile, expressing that he had nothing to do.

Just like that, Claire held Virginie's horse belly in one hand and held her in her arms, and threw Miko into her arms with the other hand.

The two also poked their heads out from Claire's shoulders and armpits to stare at the crowd.

I hope whoever comes to save them will be good, as long as they can save them, they can become their heroes.

At this time, even Lilulu covered her eyes with her hands, indicating that she didn't see anything, and sat on Kane's shoulder with her back to Claire's back.

Watching the back gradually drifting away, until walking into the palace.

Until I saw four watery eyes, disappearing into the shadow of the palace.

The atmosphere of silence finally improved.

At this time, Kane turned his head and said to Lumbe and Raphael.

"Now go back and rest and prepare. It may take more than 10 days. During this time, I will start sending out contacts to attract the arrival of the God of Myriad Opportunities."

Hearing Kane's words, several people nodded.

They are scattered and doing their own things.

Hunting operations take very little time, but they take a lot of strength and energy.

until everyone left.

Only then did Kane disappear in place, entering a strange space.

This is the space where the God of Myriad Opportunities was sealed.

Compared with the space when Kane studied the arm, the sealed space at this time is countless times larger than before.

A huge mechanical body stood in the space, and blue energy chains protruded from the space one after another, binding the mechanical body everywhere.

In the process of Kane gradually mastering the Adventure Book, he also uses his own control of the Adventure Book.

Using the sealed space of the arm as a medium, the sealed spaces of the other limbs were detected one by one, and then linked together.

Kane has no intention of breaking the seal at all, so these spaces are perfectly integrated.

However, once Kane intends to undo the seal, these spaces will immediately disconnect and collapse into the previous copies.

But now these problems don't happen anymore.

After being promoted to Wucai, Kane has completely mastered the sealed space. After all, the sealed space is only at this level.

At this time, Kane stood in the sealed space, looking up at the entire mechanical body, except for the head gap in the neck.

The body of the God of Myriad Machines does not have the beauty of advanced technology and future machinery.

Instead, it has a very rough and wild wasteland beauty.

On the body, except for the external armor left on the left chest, the rest of the body is full of tatters.

The energy pathways inside, as well as various mechanical structures and bearings are all revealed.

Especially the energy core in the center of the chest, although it is not working at all, but it is so bright that it can be seen clearly from the hollow on the slope of the chest.

The appearance is the same everywhere on the arms and thighs.

It is hard to believe that such an appearance is the body of a mechanical god.

To be honest, if you look at it as a layman, you will only think that this is an ancient mechanical creation that has gone through war and has been completely scrapped, and is displayed in some kind of museum.

Apart from being huge, there doesn't seem to be anything worthy of praise.

But if an insider looks at it, his eyes will shine, and he will regard it as the greatest treasure discovered in this life.

The mechanical structure above, the passage of magical energy, and the connection of magical energy.

The perfect combination of mechanics and magic.

And a variety of metals that can withstand magical energy and can match these energies.

Especially the energy passages that have been exposed from all over the place. Such passages are not one or two, but several types of different energy passages. The abdomen interferes but crosses each other.

If it wasn't for Kane's smart core manufacturing technology, he would not be able to deduce so many technologies by himself.

And if he wants to digest these technologies, he doesn't even think about it alone, but fortunately he has the help of the omnic race.

Omnics are very quick at assimilating these technologies, combining them with their existing technologies.

But the only downside might be that omnics are still not very sensitive to magic after all.

Most of the results of the construction are biased towards the mechanical side.

Take back your thoughts.

Kane began to control its space, repairing the once broken links together.

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