Extraordinary Comprehension: I Establish an Immortal Villain Family

Chapter 5: No More Pretending, Time to Go All In!

Chapter 5: No More Pretending, Time to Go All In!

“Come, let me see how talented this child is.”

As soon as Chen Daoyan's words fell, Chen Tianliang and his wife exchanged anxious glances. Their faces displayed a mixture of concern and struggle.

Today's talent assessment would determine their child's position within the family, and by extension, the position of their branch within the family hierarchy.

If the child’s talent was exceptional, various resources would naturally flow to them. If the talent reached a certain level, it could even lead to immediate elevation in status, like Chen Tianxiong's branch.

But if the talent was poor...

Chen Zhixing would be doomed to a low status within the family, essentially ignored.

In other words, it would affect Chen Zhixing’s childhood profoundly.

“Head of the family, Zhixing is only one month old. Isn’t it too early to assess his talent?”

Chen Tianliang took a deep breath.

For Chen Zhixing, he had modest expectations. He simply hoped that his child could enjoy a happy childhood.


Chen Daoyan frowned. “If Zhixing’s talent is high, and you don’t assess it now, letting him grow freely would only waste precious time and squander his potential. Remember, in cultivation, being ahead by a step means being ahead by a lifetime! Time cannot be wasted.”

Chen Tianxiong, standing aside, chimed in with a smile, “The head of the family is right. Look at my Zhao Sheng, who exhibited unusual signs right after birth. After assessing his talent, he received ample resources from the clan and now cultivates smoothly.”

After a pause, Chen Tianxiong continued with a smirk, “Could it be that you already know your child’s talent is poor, so you resist the assessment? Don’t worry, as parents, we must learn to accept our children’s ordinariness.”

“After all, not everyone can be like my Zhao Sheng. As the saying goes, excellence is rare, but mediocrity is the norm.”

Before he could finish, Chen Daoyan interrupted coldly, “Keep quiet! As the eldest son of the main branch, you should be more supportive of your younger brothers, rather than squeezing them. How can you ever achieve greatness?”

Chen Tianxiong was taken aback by the cold glare, his words faltering as he tried to respond but ended up speechless.

Chen Daoyan then turned his attention back to the swaddled Chen Zhixing, his expression softening as he said, “Don’t worry too much. Regardless of his talent, he is a member of the Chen family, with our bloodline. Even if he cannot cultivate, I will ensure he lives a life of wealth and honor.”

With that, Chen Tianliang and Ying Shuangshuang could no longer refuse.

Chen Zhixing, lying in the swaddle, calmly listened to the conversation. These people were quite similar to their counterparts in the game from his previous life.

According to the storyline of Great Cultivation, Chen Daoyan, the family head, though seeming aloof, was straightforward and upright. He was a competent leader who acted for the good of the family.

In fact, as depicted in the game, even after Chen Zhixing stopped cultivating, he lived a prosperous life. Chen Daoyan even sought revenge for him when he was killed, though he was ultimately defeated by the protagonist’s halo.

As for Chen Tianxiong and Chen Zhao Sheng...

Chen Zhixing’s gaze turned cold. He remembered very clearly how, after Chen Tianliang was disabled in the game, Chen Tianxiong's family oppressed and mocked them. This cruelty significantly contributed to Chen Zhixing’s dark transformation and tragic end.

This made Chen Zhixing reconsider his previous plan. Initially, he intended to follow the route of some web novel protagonists, quietly growing stronger while being mistreated, and only revealing his strength at the end to shock everyone.

But now, in a place where talent was key to gaining resources, it seemed foolish to hide extraordinary talent and suffer needlessly. Instead of eating the leftovers and blaming others, it made more sense to display his true potential.

So, he decided.

No more pretending. Time to go all in!

Just as Chen Zhixing was contemplating, Chen Daoyan flipped his hand and placed an ancient jade pendant with ten carved ancient patterns on Chen Zhixing’s forehead.

This was a simple test stone to measure innate talent by assessing the number of blocked acupoints. Fewer blockages indicated higher talent and faster future cultivation progress.


A yellowish-golden glow immediately flowed from Chen Zhixing’s forehead into his body.

Chen Tianliang and his wife tensed up, knowing this moment would decide their child’s future.

“Come on, son, show some spirit!”

“Son, your father’s prosperity depends on you!”

Chen Tianliang’s palms were sweaty, his face grim. Ying Shuangshuang closed her eyes, hands clasped in silent prayer.

“Heaven, please bless my Zhixing.”

“I don’t ask for extraordinary talent, just that Zhixing’s talent isn’t too poor, and that he can have a happy childhood.”

Chen Tianxiong, on the other hand, appeared relaxed. He was pleased to see Chen Zhixing’s talent fall short, seeing it as an opportunity to undermine Chen Tianliang’s branch further.

As for Chen Zhixing’s talent...

How could it surpass his Zhao Sheng?

The young Chen Zhao Sheng’s face showed mild curiosity. He was eager to see how the child of his father’s rival fared.

As everyone had their own thoughts, the jade pendant glowed brightly. One of the ten dim lines slowly lit up.

“It’s at ten percent,” Chen Daoyan said indifferently.

Chen Tianliang and Ying Shuangshuang sighed in relief. This meant at least ten percent of Chen Zhixing’s acupoints were open. While this indicated poor talent, it was better than having no potential at all.

Their child could still cultivate in the future!

Before anyone could react further, the jade pendant glowed even more, with two additional lines lighting up!

“Thirty percent, lower rank,” Chen Daoyan nodded slightly.

Thirty percent blocked acupoints opened! This was the typical standard for most cultivators.

It meant Chen Zhixing had reached the baseline of talent!

Chen Tianliang and Ying Shuangshuang exchanged relieved glances, their heavy hearts finally eased.

With thirty percent open acupoints, their child’s future achievements wouldn’t be too low with their support.

“Third brother, only thirty percent, and you’re already satisfied? My Zhao Sheng opened ninety percent of his ancient saint body,” Chen Tianxiong teased.

Chen Zhixing in the swaddle also nodded in agreement.


Time to go all in!

Just thirty percent? This was only the beginning.

In the next moment, Chen Zhixing quietly began to operate the Innate Primodial Dao Scripture.


A blindingly intense white light erupted from the jade pendant!!!

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