Failure IS An Option

Arc 1 – Now or Never: Chapter 32

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Now or Never: Chapter 32

An hour later*

"Come on. This will be a great way for us to understand each other better." Leo said to me, cracking his knuckles, showing how eager he was to fight me once he came up with a good way for us to bond.

This is Machio all over again, but at least Leo wants to make this friendship-forming thing work. Instead of trying to gain intel.

I look at Juvia on the sideline, then at Leo before looking back at her and holding up a Binding Card, silently asking if I should use this on Leo as I did with Machio in the past.

Juvia quickly shakes her head, and I guess she doesn't want Leo to follow the same ending as Machio whenever he faces me. So, I put away the Binding Card and took out the Sleeping Induction Card instead, which got another rejection from Juvia.

Then, I gestured to stab Leo with an imaginary sword, which won't be imaginary after a few seconds into the fight.

Juvia shook her head even harder once she understood I was about to use my Aries Swordsmanship on Leo, which is overkill. Still, I'm sure someone like Leo should have plenty of experience in his lifetime to counter something like the Aries Swordsmanship, right?

Er, better if I use something else now that I think about it.

"Are you ready yet?" Leo called out.

"Almost." I replied, then started thinking about what else I could do. I guess I can use my experiment deck of Magic Cards, based on an entirely different system from Fairy Tail in the form of Magic Cards.

I pull out my deck of Magic Cards, shuffling it while using Failure Manipulate to ensure I always have the right card to use upon drawing from the top of the deck. Also, it doesn't harm Juvia, Karen, and Aries on the side until the end of this fight.

"You ready?" I ask Leo, drawing out the first Magic Card, and find myself baffled by what I just got.

"Yeah, I'll even give you the first move." Leo said with confidence.

"You're going to regret that decision." I glance at the Magic Card in my right hand before activating it. "Hey, Leo, you want to hear a joke about a piece of paper?" I didn't even let Leo answer and continue. "Never mind... it's tearable."

Everyone cringes at this awful joke, but it's much worse for Leo. Leo fall to his knees, gasping in pain that his forehead is covered in sweats.

"Leo?!" Karen cried out in shock.

"Yeah, my bad. I wasn't expecting it to be that bad." I briefly explain what I did and where I used the Awful Joke Card that requires me to say an awful, horrible joke that would cause people within hearing distance to feel pain. Of course, I lied about how I built a safety measure into the Magic Card to prevent it from causing friendly fires.

I draw the next Magic Card, then glance at it for a second before throwing it at Leo.

Leo seeing this, quickly forced himself to bare the pain and leap back as the thrown Magic Card disappeared, then the next second, Leo found him slipping upon landing back on the ground.

"What the?!" Leo looks down to see what he slipped on, and near his foot is a banana peel.

I keep a straight face, not wanting to explain this Magic Card to the other. The Magic Card I just used is to create a banana peel anywhere near the target at the best moment for them to step on and guarantee to make the target slip. In addition, the Banana Slip Card isn't a single-time effect because it would conjure banana peels for the next 10 seconds until then whether the target stands up or stays on the ground.

To my disappointment, that 10 seconds went by so quickly as Leo stared at the banana peel in disbelief, which further shocked him upon seeing the banana peel disappear before his very eyes.

No matter, since the next Magic Card I got is something I'm eager to test out a while back when creating it.

A flash made entirely of metal appeared in my hand upon using the Magic Card. I temporarily put the cards into my pocket to free my hand.

Leo snaps out of it, quickly using his magic to stop me from doing whatever I'm about to do. Too bad for him; it's too late. As I open the flask and release the contents inside: A bunch of tiny monks pour out and start shouting in tiny voices, rushing towards the dumbfounded Leo at a speed that shouldn't be possible for these tiny monks to move at their size.

Everyone begins to watch Leo getting beat up by a bunch of tiny monks without being able to defend himself due to not lack of trying, but because Leo can't even land a hit on any of the tiny monks. They are too fast and stronger than they look, going by the pain flashing on Leo's face with each hit done by the tiny monks.

This would have been funny if it wasn't for Leo being a powerful Celestial Spirit with years of combat under his belt. Yet, he can't even do a thing to the tiny monks, helplessly having to endure the beating.

Can of Whoop Ass Card is an item/conjurer-type Magic Card. Creating a flask with powerful tiny monks inside that will fight on behalf of the Magic Card's wielder and fight until slain or ordered back into the flask.

So going by the beating Leo is getting by the tiny monks without being able to defend himself. It looks like there is no point in continuing this fight if Leo can't do anything besides screaming and failing to hit any tiny monks. I order the tiny monks to return to their flask.

One of the tiny monks lands another kick on Leo's face before joining the rest back into the flask. Then the flask itself disappears afterward.

"Leo!" Karen cried in grief, rushing over and pulling the Celestial Spirit into her arms. "Are you okay?! Do you need medical treatment?!"

Oh crap, I feel bad now and also baffled by how weak Leo is. Unless the tiny monks are stronger than I expected them to be?

"Here, I know Healing Magic." Juvia was about to walk to help Leo but stopped in her steps in disbelief.

"It's okay, Karen, my love. This is just a scratch, and it'll heal in no time. Your concern and love alone will get me through." Leo said to Karen in a loving tone.

"Leo~!" Karen kissed Leo's lip.

Soon, Leo and Karen are covered in a pinkish aura with floating hearts around them.

Walking over and standing next to Juvia, I place a hand on her waist and pull her closer.

"Are we like that, Renato-sama?" Juvia asks me with a look that I can place my finger on.

"Pretty sure you nearly drowned someone a few days for spying on our date." I can still recall the horror in the guy's eyes, pleading for mercy. Then again, even I was getting annoyed by the Magic Council's dogs trying to gain more information about us.

"Oh." Juvia blinks, "Do Renato-sama want me to show such affection where others nearby could see us?"

"Unless you want to." I wasn't bothered by the affection Leo and Karen were showing us. I've seen worse back in my previous life.

"Nope." Juvia replied instantly. "Bad enough we had to deal with those stalkers. I would rather have us in our home to display as much affection to each other as we want." Then, she leaned closer to my face and whispered in my ear. "Of course, if Renato-sama wants to have sex somewhere in public. I don't mind." And Juvia moves in to kiss me on the cheek, smiling at me with love and mischief.

Fuck, she just had to figure out how to push my button, huh?

I glance over at Leo and Karen; where they are still making out and ignoring our presence. Then look at Juvia; she has that look on her face, hinting at what to do next. And I would be a bad boyfriend if I didn't fulfill Juvia's desires.

I pick up Juvia in a bridal carry, causing Juvia to let out a giggle then I use Teleportation Magic to head back to our home, mainly the bedroom. Leo and Karen are having their moment, so I should be able to do the same with Juvia. It's only fitting, not because Juvia got me horny. Nope. Not at all; I'm just fulfilling Juvia's wishes. That's all.

The next day*

"So, how long have you guys been together?" Karen asks Juvia and me where all of us are having a double date at a local restaurant near the Blue Pegasus Guild.

"5 months, 3 weeks, and a day since we have been together." Juvia replied without a change to her facial expression.

"Wow, that is impressive. Leo and I have only been dating for 4 months, 2 weeks, and 6 days now." Karen looks at Juvia in awe.

I have words how to describe what I'm feeling right now. All I need to know is that Juvia is crazy about me, and I'm crazy about her. But I didn't keep track of how long we'd been together. Although thanks to Juvia for keeping track.

Holy shit. It has nearly been half a year since I have been in this world. Talk about times fly. Everything continues to feel like a dream to me.

"By the way, Renato." Leo looked at me sheepishly and whispered, "Could you do me a tiny favor?"

"Depend on what it is first." I replied. I use my cheat to make it, so the girls don't overhear us until we're finished.

"Could you ask your girlfriend to help me purchase a brand of cloth? I have the money but don't have the connection to seek out the seller." Leo explained in the same whisper tone.

"Sure, I can ask Juvia. But, I feel it's better to ask her yourself, you know?" I look at Leo with an eyebrow raise.

"Your girlfriend was really scary back then before she got together with you." Leo looks at me with a wry smile. Glancing at Juvia with a hint of fear. "Not that she isn't scary right now, because she is. Just more prolonging suffering. You changed her a lot if the rumors about her are true."

"What do you mean by that?" I ask back, once again hating myself that the Beyond Card didn't give me another important fact about Juvia's past.

"Well..." Leo glanced at Juvia again, then looked back at me. "Rumors before have mentioned how if someone angers Juvia. She will flood the area and destroy everything around within time. I heard once the Magic Council tried to take her down, only to be defeated by her single handle and walk away fine. She was known as the Juvia of the Great Sea because she could turn everywhere she went into a sea within a day. Others can't fight her due to the rain nearly blinding them and barely any platforms to keep them in place, or else they be washed away."

"Huh..." I stare at Leo blankly. "Yeah, sure, I'll ask Juvia later to help you buy something for Karen."

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