Failure IS An Option

Arc 1 – Now or Never: Chapter 33

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Now or Never: Chapter 33

3 months later*

"The Magic Council has gone too far this time!" Guild Master Bob rage, slamming his fist against the counter but with enough control not to damage it.

"Did something happen, Master?" Karen asks in concern as she places down her drink.

"Ah, sorry for scaring you." Guild Master Bob took a deep breath before straightening out the crushed paper in his hands. "It's just the Magic Council causing me problems again."

"Must be something bad if it's enough to piss you off, Guild Master Bob." I replied before letting Juvia feed me a piece of cheesecake.

"The Magic Council is demanding us to send out powerful Mages to join the alliance with other legal Guilds to deal with one corner of the Balam Alliance, the Oracion Seis, or risk being fined and jail time." Guild Master Bob growl near the end.

"I don't mind taking on this request." I told Guild Master Bob, who and everyone nearby who knows about Juvia and my situation with the Magic Council are shocked I would volunteer. "I got another finished deck of Magic Cards I want to test out."

And just like that, nearly everyone is sighing at hearing this.

"Is it the one where it causes untold horror?" Juvia asks me, causing nearby guild members to flinch upon hearing this. "Or is it the one that forces people to act like they're in a movie?" This one causes many to feel a little lightheaded.

"Thinking about using the one with the main theme of elements." I replied.

"Oh, people are cursed for your death, Renato-sama." Juvia said in surprise; then, a devilish smile appeared on her face. "Of course, I'll show these people the error of their way for daring to curse you, Renato-sama..."

The temperature in the room becomes frosty, causing everyone that isn't powerful as a Mage to shiver at the sudden coldness.

I lean over to kiss Juvia, returning the temperature to normal.

"Renato-sama~!" Juvia giggled and looked away in embarrassment, but anyone could tell she enjoyed the kiss.

"So, Guild Master Bob. When is the time for me to leave?" I ask this because I have to prepare for other safety measures against the Magic Council. Over time, being in the Blue Pegasus Guild has been a great joy, and some downsides to dealing with unwanted visitors from the Magic Council. Especially with how Erza became very vengeful once it was known I dumped her. "Is it a place I've been to?"

"Anytime for you." Guild Master Bob grinned, then took out a map and spread it onto the counter, then pointed to the map where the meeting place is, "Yeah, it's a place you've been to. Those punks from the Magic Council weren't that great in keeping track of your movements, Sharpshooter, or should I call you by your new alias, Phantom Bullet?"

"Call me whatever." I shrug my shoulders as I recall how I earned that alias: Phantom Bullet.

After getting annoyed by the Magic Council over the few months after joining the Blue Pegasus Guild, I take advantage of my Teleportant Magic by traveling everywhere I can reach nearly nonstop until I cover almost all of Fiore in order to teleport anywhere in Fiore. Which makes it impossible for anyone to catch me and hard to guard against me when I snipe them from afar, then switch to another location. Thereby, leading to me gaining the alias: Phanton Bullet due to no one being able to see me before it was too late.

"Either way, I'm going to make sure that anyone from the Magic Council will have a hard time during the job. Of course, I'm not foolish enough to cripple the alliance by facing deadly Dark Mages alone. I'll make sure they can fight 100%... Or close to 100% at least." I nod to myself, grinning at how much joy I will experience while mentally and maybe physically torturing these Magic Council's soldiers.

"You are going to take me with you, right Renato-sama?" Juvia leans in, holding my right hand and staring me in the eyes.

Oh boy, I can get lost in Juvia's eyes, and damn, I love Juvia more and more with each day.

"Well, it depends on if we're told to send in just one Mage or if there are more slots for us to go." I said to Juvia, then looked in Guild Master Bob's direction, with Juvia doing the same.

Guild Master Bob giggles, "Don't worry, dear, you get to tag along with lover boy here. The Magic Council didn't mention the limit of how many Mages we can send, only that we need to send one."

That brought a bright smile to Juvia's face, "Drink on me, everyone!"

Everyone cheered at hearing that Juvia's paying for today's drinks.

Of course, I'd already long by then used my cheat to make sure no one took advantage of this and tried to drain Juvia of all her money.

As everyone starts enjoying their free drinks, I move closer to Guild Master Bob, with Juvia doing the same.

"Do you want it just to be Juvia and me, or should we take others with us?" I glance around the room, seeing many Mages and non-Mages having fun. Some of them I know from the canon, and some never had a scene for them, or they did, but it was mainly for background extras to fill up the empty space.

Guild Master Bob smiled, "Well, I'll talk to the ones that are strong enough to attend and if they want to go. Otherwise, it would be just the two of you for the time being."

I nod, "Alright, plenty of time for me to prepare for more things and for Juvia to do whatever she needs to."

I look in Karen's direction, where she is talking with Leo about joining us. It's a good thing she is way stronger than her canon counterpart. If not, then she wouldn't be able to join.

5 days later*

So we're at the meeting place. It's a good thing this villa belongs to Guild Master Bob, make things easier for us in case someone decides to set up a trap.

Okay, so it's almost like the canon. Just that some are on different sides while some are missing. Hell, even Erza is here as the spokesperson for the Magic Council and leading the alliance. Of course, Karen, Leo, Juvia, and I wouldn't blindly follow Erza's orders. That's just asking for our death.

I ignore the sad-looking Wendy and a piss-off Carla, glaring at us but mostly at Erza.

"Hey! You're the guy that trapped us!" Natsu angrily pointed at me, then rushed at me with his fists covered in flames.

Juvia stands in front of me with cold eyes glaring at Natsu. She points at Natsu, where a water sphere wraps around Natsu's head, causing the Fire Dragon Slayer Mage to stop and struggle for freedom but fail due to being unable to grab anything. The water sphere may look solid at the edge but not enough to break it with physical force.

"Natsu!" Lucy cried in horror, "Please let him go! He wasn't thinking straight!" And she does nothing but stands there and watch Natsu lose consciousness.

Gray, on the side, was about to use his magic to help Natsu out, but Juvia attacked him before he could and like with Natsu. He has a water sphere wrapped around his head.

With a flash of silver, the water spheres burst, allowing Natsu and Gray to breathe again as they roughly coughed out the water they swallowed.

"Enough." Erza said coldly, glaring at Juvia and me as she saved Natsu and Gray from drowning.

I glance at Erza's right hand, holding a double-edged sword with Magic Runes engraved onto the flat sides of the blade. Some of them I recognize as commonly used to deal with magic by dispelling the Magic Power briefly. So it looks like Erza has another magical sword in the hope of dealing with Juvia and me. Sadly for her, I have ways to disable the features of that magical sword or just outright destroy it.

"So before we start killing each other instead of taking down the Oracion Seis." Lucy spoke up before things became more chaotic. "Do we have an idea what the Dark Mages are after?"

"North of our current location lies a magic sealed in ancient times. Its name is Nirvana." Leo starts explaining. "That is what the Dark Mages are after. We know its destructive power was so great that the people back then saw fit to seal it away. But we don't know exactly what kind of magic it was. But, since the Oracion Seis have gathered up north. We should assume that Nirvana is their goal."

"Therefore, to prevent them from obtaining it. We have gathered here to defeat them." Erza follows up. Then, she take out a lacrima crystal that creates holographic images of the members of the Oracion Seis and their basic information. "Each of these Mages has power enough to eradicate a guild single-handedly. We must take full advantage of our numbers."

"Er... Em... It would be best if you don't bother counting me at all. I'm not much of a fighter." Lucy said dryly, causing Karen to snort at this, which caused Lucy's attention to her. "What? I know I'm weak without my Celestial Spirits."

"I'm also a Celestial Spirit Mage, but you don't see me trying to avoid joining the fight." Karen narrowed her eyes at Lucy in disdain.

"Who-Holy! You're Karen!" Lucy stares at Karen in awe, causing the latter to blink in surprise at the sudden change. "You're one of my idols as a powerful Celestial Spirit Mage, and you give me hope to always do better as a Mage!"

"Juvia feels like this is something that happened before. But, Juvia can't remember." Juvia tilts her head to the side in confusion.

I look at Juvia with a wry smile, "It's because Karen kind of acts like Lucy but with you."

"Oh!" Juvia's eyes widen in recognition.

"Then he must be Leo, the Lion, and leader of the 12 Golden Zodiac Keys!" Lucy looks at Leo in awe as well. "It's an honor to meet you two!" Then, similar to Karen from before, Lucy begins to have a happy chat with Karen and ignores everyone else.

I glance at the other Mages as they just stand there and watch everything happen.

Man, this is more serious compared to the canon. Then again, unlike in the canon. Instead of the four: Hibiki, Eve, Ren, and Ichiya weren't sent from the Blue Pegasus Guild to make things more of a comedy to lighten the mood.

"Anyway, how should we do this? What are our plans?" Jura Neekis, one of the Ten Wizard Saints, and the Lamia Scale Guild's Ace bring back the main topic.

"We've already located the Oracion Seis' base of operations." Leo replied, bringing almost everyone's attention to him. "We have yet to confirm this for certain, but we believe they have established a temporary base up north from here. If possible, we want to get all 6 of them together at that base."

"How do we do that?" Gray asks Leo while staring at Juvia from the corner of his eyes.

"By beating them up!" Natsu shouted with his arms raised to the sky.

"What do we do once they are gathered there?" Erza asks Leo next.

"We use our guild's mighty Pegasus Airship, the Magic Bomber: Christina, to destroy their base and them along with it." Leo smirked in pride.

"A magical bomber?!" Someone shouted in shock.

"Do we need something that powerful against 6 Dark Mages?" Wendy looks at Leo with wide eyes.

"That is the nature of the enemy we face." Erza answered, "Now, everyone gets ready. Nobody is to attempt to face an enemy alone, and you must always do battle in groups of at least 2."

"Right!" Natsu smacks his fist to his open palm. "I'm all pumped now! I'm gonna take all 6 of them on by myself!" And like that, Natsu rushes off without waiting for anyone to say something.

"Natsu! Try listening to the strategy!" Lucy shouted at Natsu, who had gained a good amount of distance in seconds.

"Ah, great... Come on; we need to follow after that absolute idiot...!" Gray groans and then starts chasing after Natsu, with Lucy and Happy following behind him.

Soon, the other Mages from the other guilds start running off, leaving behind some of us here. This includes Juvia, Karen, Leo, Jura, Erza, and myself.

"So, do we still need to devise a plan or not?" Karen asks everyone.

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