Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 12-2 (A New Dawn)

‘Now that the village is at the palm of my hand, I wonder what things I can do with it?’

Gin thought about his current situation for a moment, as he sat in his newly acquired throne made of stone. He carved it himself using his miracle system at his aid, which allowed him to control and bend reality according to his will at the cost of Faith points.

‘Hmm, I’ve obtained a lot of Faith points thanks to the people of this village.’

A week has passed since the whole sword competition. There were a lot of things to unpack and manage after. His ‘energy drink’ has spread over the whole village and everyone’s name was in his subject list. Now that there was no need for disguise, he simply referred to the drinks as the ‘Divine Water’.

‘Now that this place is no longer just a simple, remote and isolated village, I have to do some reorganization.’

From now on, this place once called as Laim shall be his ‘holy land’ where his origin story came to birth.

‘The god of salvation, it doesn’t fit me, but at the same time labeling myself as an evil god isn’t a good choice either…’

It was soon after sword competition, after Wyca raped Sera until her brain was completely, utterly broken— and until everyone fell under his hypnotic influence, he called for a meeting with his most ‘trusted’, loyal subjects; Teressa, Collette, Sera, and Wyca.

The four of them sat at the large, round table also made of stone. It stood in the middle of a spacious room, lit only by candles and torches on the wall.

Gin sat on his throne, his face illuminated by the light of the flickering flames, making him seem even more mysterious than usual. His expression was serious, yet somehow gentle at the same time. A look of calm determination. He gazed upon his subjects, who looked at him in return expectantly.

“Laim shall be our holy ground.” Gin began.

Teressa and Collette exchanged glances, while Sera stared ahead blankly. Wyca remained silent, waiting patiently for Gin to continue.

Gin took a breath and continued.

“For me, your God, your Lord and savior to obtain more power and authority, some changes to how this village operates will have to change.” The words flowed from his lips effortlessly, his speech eloquent and clear as always.

Everyone nodded in agreement. No one dared to oppose the words of the almighty deity that saved them and gave them new life.

“New customs need to be introduced. New habits and… ceremonies, will have to be taught to the villagers. They shall be referred to as the ‘disciples’ from now on, but you guys will be called something different. Hierarchy will be set in place.”

He raised his hand, pointing his index finger at Teressa, who immediately perked up in response. Gin smirked slightly before speaking.

“You shall henceforth be referred to as the Holy Matriarch. You shall act as my representative when I am away or busy with other matters. Your job will entail leading the disciples in their daily activities and teaching them the new ways to worship me. Is that understood?”

The blue-haired beauty smiled warmly at the god and bowed deeply, her voice filled with gratitude and respect.

“Thank you for trusting me with such an important task, my Lord. I shall fulfill my duties to the best of my abilities and serve you faithfully until the end of time itself. This I promise with my very soul”

She spoke in a sincere tone, meaning every word of what she said. She knew better than anyone else that the god would never ask anything from her if he wasn't confident in her capabilities.

‘The Lord has blessed me directly with such an honorable position! Oh, my body is burning with joy and happiness! I can feel my cock getting hard under my skirt... Ahhnnn! I'm so excited!!'

Teressa's face flushed pink at those thoughts, her eyes gleaming brightly in excitement, a wide smile plastered over her beautiful face as her pupils become dilated in ecstasy.

Gin chuckled lightly at the woman's words, nodding approvingly towards her before turning towards the blonde girl beside Teressa. "Collette, you shall be the Holy Matriarch's loyal assistant. You will be responsible for helping her out with whatever she requires assistance with. You will be her right-hand woman and confidante. You will dedicate your soul and body to the Holy Matriarch and serve her with utmost loyalty and devotion. You shall be referred to as the High Priestess. Understood?"

Collette's cheeks flushed with excitement at Gin's proposal. Her lips curled up into a wide smirk, revealing her perfectly straight white teeth as her cock twitched in anticipation. Her eyes gleamed with lust and desire as she nodded vigorously at the god, eagerness written all over her face.

"Yes, my Lord! I shall dedicate my entire being to serve the Holy Matriarch with utmost devotion and loyalty!" she exclaimed passionately, her hands clasped together tightly in front of her chest.

Gin smiled knowingly at her reaction, pleased with how quickly the two women accepted their roles. He then turned towards Wyca, who sat across from Collette and Teressa. His gaze lingered on hers for a few seconds before finally saying.

"...You shall be the Holy Inquisitor. You will be tasked in hunting those who disobey and defy the laws and customs I have laid forth." He paused briefly, letting his words sink in before continuing. "You will be my sword and shield. You will bring justice to anyone who dares to commit blasphemy in my presence. You will be ruthless and merciless in your pursuit of those who go against my will. You shall respond to me first, then the Holy Matriarch second and finally the High Priestess third."

The young girl's eyes widened slightly at the title given to her by the almighty deity. It was a great honor indeed and she felt incredibly proud to receive the title from the Lord of Lords himself. She bowed deeply towards Gin, her forehead touching the floor beneath her feet as tears of happiness welled up from deep within her heart, spilling down onto the ground below her head. Her cock throbbed wildly inside the confines of her pants, straining uncomfortably against her underwear while her pussy grew wet with arousal at the thought of serving the god in such a capacity.

"I accept this position gratefully, my Lord! I shall devote myself wholly to fulfilling my role as the Holy Inquisitor! I will bring justice to those who defy the laws set forth by you, my Lord!"

She proclaimed loudly and clearly, her voice echoing loudly throughout the room as she declared her loyalty to the god sitting before her, her body trembling in excitement. Teressa and Collette nodded at her statement and gave the Wyca an encouraging smile. They too shared similar feelings towards their positions and responsibilities.

Her heart swelled with pride upon hearing the approval of two women who were much older and experienced than herself. She felt honored to be chosen by the deity for such an important task as the Holy Inquisitor despite only being 'blessed' by him days ago. Her mind reeled at all kinds of ideas on how she would punish those who dare defy her Lord's will.

'Oh, so many things I'd like to inflict upon them. They who dares to reject the Lord, they who dares to refuse his teaching shall suffer greatly under my blade. I will show them the pain of betrayal. I shall make them regret ever thinking ill of the Lord. I shall break them into submission until they become loyal followers of his!'

Gin grinned inwardly at how easily the three women accepted their roles and titles without any hesitation whatsoever. Their minds were already filled with fantasies of what they were going to do and how they would carry out their respective duties.

'They are truly wonderful specimens. I am glad to have found such amazing subjects. Now then, the last one.'

Gin turned his attention to the girl who sat beside Wyca, staring blankly at the wall in front of her. Her blue hair wasn't tied to a ponytail this time as she let it fall freely down around her shoulders. Her pale skin shone brightly under the candlelight, giving it a beautiful golden hue that accentuated its smoothness and flawlessness. Her lips curved downward slightly in a slight frown as her eyes glazed over in dull lifelessness.

She has been like this since the sword competition. She was broken, completely and utterly shattered by the girl who now sits proudly in this room. Wyca has been the one to break her mind, but it was Gin's power to control and manipulate people's mind which was responsible for breaking Sera in the first place.

"Sera" Gin called out her name, causing the young woman to snap out of her stupor momentarily and focus her attention on the deity. She stared at him intently as he continued. "You shall be the Holy Inquisitor's personal attendant. You will attend to the Holy Inquisitor at all times, day and night. You will assist her in her duties. You will follow every command she gives you. You will never question or defy her authority. You will never disobey her orders or refuse her requests unless she permits you to otherwise. Is this understood?" He questioned the blue haired woman.

Sera blinked once, twice before her eyes grew wide with shock as she processed the information in her brain. A look of disbelief appeared across her face as she slowly comprehended what Gin told her.

"Me... Wyca's attendant...?" She mumbled under her breath while staring directly into the god's eyes.

Her gaze wandered around the room briefly, glancing at everyone present. Her eyes landed on Wyca who returned the gesture, a wicked grin directed at her. Sera shuddered visibly at the sight of that smirk on her face.

"Yes." Gin confirmed.

"I...I..." she stuttered nervously, unsure as to what answer she should give the deity. Her body trembled as fear crept inside her veins. Sweat trickled down her neck as anxiety filled her chest.

'Look at her, like a frightened rabbit. How adorable.'

Gin thought of Sera's reactions to be amusing. Her emotions were obvious, showed clear as day on her facial expressions and her movements, making reading her easy for him even without his mind reading ability. He knew that she didn't want to serve under Wyca, who tortured and raped her during the sword competition.

The red haired demoness broke the poor girl completely by fucking her in front of her peers and made her orgasm by force multiple times, ultimately breaking her arrogance and pride.

'Since then, I just let her be. She still sees me as her Lord and Savior, but her perception and opinion about others were still the same. Sera hated Wyca because of her inferiority complex, but her loyalty to me and her obedience to my orders kept her from lashing out.'

Sera's personality has changed a lot since the sword competition. She was no longer the confident, proud girl she used to be but has become somewhat timid and quiet. Her once bright eyes have lost their shine and sparkle, replaced instead with constant insecurity instead. After her cunt was thoroughly wrecked and abused by the red haired demoness, Sera became fearful of her.

Even though the girl was now serving as one of his loyal servants who followed his every command without fail, she couldn't help herself but tremble at the mere gaze of her eyes.

This originally wasn't part of his plan. It was the day after the sword competition Gin asked for Wyca's opinion.

"Do you want me to return her sanity back? I can make her your personal toy you can always use anytime you want, a toy that will never question you back no matter how ridiculous the order is."

"No, my Lord. Please leave her like this." Wyca declined the offer and requested Gin to keep Sera in her current state. "I will make sure to train her properly with my own two hands."

And that's how Sera ended up like this, broken and afraid of her former best friend who was also her rival. Gin had to give credit to Wyca. The way she did it was impressive and he enjoyed watching her performance that day.

And so they came to the present. Giving Sera the position of being Wyca's personal maid, servant, sex doll or whatever else she wanted to call her as long as she obeyed the rules he set forth.

'I guess this was the result of unleashing her dark side to the surface. Wyca became much more honest and shameless to show her desire and lust to the world. I knew it was sadistic, but knowing and seeing are two different things.'

Gin watched as Sera struggled in her mind on what she should answer the almighty deity before her.

'Well then, let’s tease her a little...' he thought as he stared at the young woman intensely.

"Sera," Gin addressed her once again, causing her to look back at him in a startle as he continued. "Is this acceptable?" His words held a hidden meaning behind them, one he knew only she would understand due to her unique relationship towards him.

Sera swallowed thickly as her eyes darted between him and Wyca, uncertainty flashing through her mind as her body trembled uncontrollably while sweat trickled down her forehead. She opened her mouth, trying to speak, but no words came out of her lips.

Unable to answer her god properly, she clenched her fists and bit the inside of her cheek in frustration. Tears formed on the corner of her eyes, ready to burst.

'I... I can't refuse his command... But I don't want to serve as her plaything! What should I do?! My insides are twisting in disgust and fear at just the mere idea of having to submit and bow down before this bitch! I'm scared... Help me... I don't know what to choose... Someone save m—'

"Answer him already!" Wyca shouted with a piercing voice, interrupting Sera's frantic thoughts as she slammed her fist against the stone table, glaring daggers at her with bloodshot eyes full of irritation. "...Or are you going to defy His orders?" She hissed as a sinister smile began to spread across her face while her index finger started to tap the surface.

Sera flinched at the sudden shout from Wyca. Her heart raced faster as she felt her stomach lurching forward in dread.

"Sera, are you really rejecting His order?" Teressa chimed in with a concerned tone, her gaze saddened at her own daughter who sat frozen stiff. "I understand that you're afraid to serve under Wyca. You've got every reason to be wary of her after what you've experienced at her hands. However, please understand that there is no greater joy nor pleasure than to serve the words of our Lord. His words are absolute and we should never doubt Him."

Her voice was soft yet firm as she spoke, putting her best effort to reassure Sera who seemed ready to collapse from sheer terror any moment. Her eyes shone bright with sincerity as she pleaded with her daughter to reconsider her options carefully before answering.

"But...I..." Sera stammered her words under the intense stares of everyone present in the room. Her body shook as tears streamed down her cheeks. It took her everything she had to resist the urge to run away from the dilemma she's trapped in. Her hands trembled, gripping tight at the cloth of her skirt in hopes to calm her pounding heart down.

She glanced towards her god who sat quietly on his throne with crossed arms, waiting for her reply in patience. She couldn't read his expression nor did she understand what he was thinking about her or the situation. Biting her lower lip and averting her gaze elsewhere, she racked her brain, trying to figure out how she should respond to his question.

"Sera, to be appointed as the Holy Inquisitor's attendant directly by the Lord Himself is the greatest honor you can possibly get in life. Please do not squander it." Collette added in a gentle tone. She approached her daughter and placed one hand atop Sera's shoulder gently, giving it a soft squeeze to reassure her that nothing bad would happen.

The gesture brought comfort to Sera who managed to calm herself down enough to stop trembling altogether.

'I don't know anymore. I can't trust this red haired bitch after what she did to me, but I can't go against the Lord either... Ugh! What do I—?'

"Enough of this bullshit." Wyca snapped with anger as she rose abruptly from her seat.

Her hand reached out towards Sera's neck in an instant, grasping it between her slender fingers before yanking her forcefully off her chair, slamming her face flat against the cold stone table.

"Listen here, you ungrateful bitch. If you dare refuse the Lord's command, I’ll make sure you will experience something ten times worse than before." She whispered such threatening words into her ear who was caught off guard underneath her weight.

"W-What are you—" Sera managed to spat out some words as she struggled against Wyca's iron grip. Her fingernails dug deep into the flesh around her throat, effectively cutting off her air supply. Sera looked at her surroundings in desperation for help but nobody moved an inch. They simply watched the scene unfold before their very eyes with stoic expressions upon their faces.

"P-Please...stop...I..." Sera gasped weakly, pleading with all her might as tears flowed from her eyes like rivers. They trickled upon the table where her face lay buried as she writhed.

"Sera… please…" Teressa called out with a soft voice, sounding somewhat apologetic but made no attempt whatsoever to interfere in the matter as she stared in silence on her chair.

"Now, what shall you say to the Lord?" Wyca spoke in a soft whisper, cold and threatening. She tightened the pressure around her windpipe even further, causing Sera's vision to darken for a split second as the edges of her consciousness began to fade away.

Sera could barely hear Teressa and Collette mutter something under their breath as she continued struggling against the iron hold on her neck, she knew it was futile but it was the only thing she could do.

As Wyca pressed down on her throat with her full strength, Sera's bladder began to ache with an urgency she had never experienced before. She tried desperately to push the red head off of her body but to no avail, Wyca was simply too strong and Sera's resistance was growing weaker by the moment.

Her bladder throbbed and twitched, begging for release beyond her control. Straining against her abdomen, she clenched her thighs as tight as she could, trying desperately to contain herself. Sera gasped for breath against Wyca's vice-like grip on her windpipes, causing the veins in her neck to protrude and pulsate against her fingertips.

Unfortunately, her best efforts were in vain, Sera felt a warm wetness spreading throughout her crotch and inner thighs as she pissed herself, unable to stop the flow. It trickled down her calves and dripped onto the floor below, drenching her boots and leaving a small puddle beneath her feet. The scent of her urine permeated the air, filling the room with a pungent aroma that made her stomach churn in embarrassment. She could feel her skin heating up as tears rolled down her cheeks in shame, dripping onto the stone table as her eyes fluttered shut.

'I can't think... Everything hurts...'

She couldn't fight against it any longer. Her limbs grew heavy and numb as darkness crept in from her peripheral vision.


A low rumble erupted from Wyca's lips as she laughed mockingly. "Hahaha! You're pissing yourself, you pathetic bitch! I bet you feel humiliated and disgusted with your weakness! Hahahahaha!!" Wyca bellowed out loud in amusement while slapping the table hard with her free hand repeatedly. It took her a moment to calm down before resuming her threat.

"Now…answer Him!" Wyca demanded in a loud voice before releasing her grip on Sera's limp neck, letting the barely conscious girl slump onto the cold floor. She took a step back, her figure straight and towering. Wiping away the beads of sweat off her forehead using the back of her palm, she let out a sigh.

"I'm getting too excited..."

Wyca adjusted her groins as she felt her erection bulge inside her pants, tenting it. The feeling of dominance and control was exhilarating. It made her dick twitch with delight.

Gin observed the whole situation with interest as he watched Wyca assault this defenseless, blue-haired girl. He knew the girl's personality well after observing her for a week. Sera wasn't a coward. She wouldn't back off from something if pushed. That said, she was also a person who hated losing or being dominated by anyone else. Wyca's actions were meant to humiliate her and put her in her place. She was the Holy Inquisitor thus putting herself as Sera's superior in terms of hierarchy.

Gin thought he could just make her submit in an instant with his hypnosis, but where's the fun in that? Rather, he would just have Wyca do it for him. He wanted to witness how Wyca would dominate this proud girl and turn her into an obedient cocksleeve.

'It's interesting how Wyca has changed since she was 'blessed' with my seeds. She has always been the dominant type before, but she wasn't a bully nor 'evil'. Actually, she acts quite benevolent and somewhat humble. She would occasionally take the initiative and volunteer in helping the villagers with their daily chores and sometimes give advice about swordsmanship to her juniors. Ever since I unleashed all her pent up and hidden emotions, her sadistic and aggressive side has taken over her completely. Not that it worries me. It’s entertaining to say the least. I will let her loose, but I will make sure that she doesn’t kill any of our own.'

Gin thought for a moment, reflecting on his girls that he has hypnotized so far.

‘Wyca who was the reserved and quiet one now became the dominant and fierce one, while Sera, the opposite. However, I never replaced or altered any of their personalities, but only their perspective of me, their one true God that is absolute. Even Collette, Mora and Daria. Their personalities were left untouched. They are still who they are, albeit completely unrestrained.’

Sera was still breathing heavily on the ground, gasping for air while holding her sore throat. She didn't dare to look up as she remained lying on the floor motionless, tears streamed down her cheeks continuously.

"Well?" Wyca asked with a sharp gaze while crossing her arms, waiting for the girl covered in urine to answer her Lord’s question with impatience in her voice.

"...I-I...understand...." Sera answered in a hoarse whisper, her voice barely audible due to her dry throat. She coughed to a point of gagging as she attempted to raise her upper body from the stone flooring. Her entire frame shook, forcing herself to sit upright before looking directly at Gin. "I-I will serve as the Holy Inqusitor's attendant..." she declared while forcing out each word through gritted teeth.

Wyca sneered at her response. It was clear to see by her tone alone how forced Sera actually sounded. Her voice carried hints of fear, reluctance, and anger mixed into a single emotion.

"Hmph." Wyca scoffed in displeasure while turning towards the god who sat quietly watching the whole spectacle unfold without saying a word.

"Thank goodness, Sera, you finally accepted the Lord's order." Teressa spoke with relief evident in her tone, a small smile crept across her beautiful face. It seemed like she expected this sort of reaction from Sera since she already knew the girl well enough by now to guess what kind of answer might come out of her lips.

However, the fact remains unchanged regardless. Sera has officially agreed to become the red haired demoness' personal servant. There was nothing she could do about it other than accept her fate.

"You should be grateful for this opportunity since you're lucky enough to be appointed directly by our Lord as his personal attendant." Teressa added, standing from her chair and started walking towards Sera who remained motionless on the floor.

"Y-Yes… thank you, mother..." Sera muttered quietly, her eyes cast downward towards the ground while avoiding eye contact with those around her. She felt intense shame after wetting herself. Her cheeks reddened in embarrassment while her shoulders slumped forward slightly as she hung her head low.

It was a different feel compared to when they had an orgy a while ago. Pissing herself in public in front of the person she respected the most, Gin, caused by the person she hated the most, Wyca, was an experience she never had before.

‘Also… what is this tingling feeling in my groin…? It can’t be…’

As Teressa patted her head, Collette approached her from behind and knelt down, wrapping her arms around Sera's neck gently while pulling her close to her bosom, uncaring of the pungent smell of urine. The warmth radiating from her body seeped through Sera's clothes, sending tingles throughout her nerves.

"It's alright now." Collette whispered with voice full affection. Together with Teressa, they soothed their daughter, which proved to be quite an annoying sight for Wyca.


Wyca snorted loudly at the pitiful scene taking place before her eyes. She couldn't help herself but felt disgusted by Sera's weak and pathetic behavior being rewarded with compassion.

'Truly despicable.' she thought to herself before turning away from them, focusing back on her god who sat upon His throne with a pleased expression. 'I'll make sure to train and discipline this worthless whore properly later.'

Gin nodded towards Wyca in acknowledgement as if reading her mind.

"Very good. You've accepted the position I gave you without hesitation despite the circumstances surrounding it," he spoke with a warm, gentle smile gracing his lips as he gazed upon them with affection. "I'm pleased by your dedication towards me and my ideals. I promise that you'll find fulfillment and satisfaction for serving me. Now then, let's move on to the next subject..."

With that, Gin proceeded to assign Teressa a uniform that befits her position and authority. Using his power of miracles and various material of decent quality he acquired from Mora's store, he spent some Faith points to craft her a personalized outfit based on his tastes.

Teressa's new outfit was based on the modern nun uniform used in BDSM plays. Made of latex-like material, it showed off all of her most important assets. Her large tits were squeezed tightly into her top and bounced freely with every move she made, her erect nipples poking outwards. Her wide hips were emphasized by her short skirt which hugged them snugly, accentuating her curves nicely.

Her ass cheeks peeked out from beneath it as well, giving anyone who looked underneath an enticing display of flesh that was ripe for spanking. A pair of thigh high stockings covered her long legs up to the point where they met with her skirt, adding another layer of sexiness to her overall appearance. As for footwear, she wore simple heels with straps wrapping around her ankles securely, keeping them locked into place firmly.

Her cock and balls were fully exposed, hanging out of her skirt freely with her pubic hairs sticking to it, making it appear messy and unkempt. It swayed left and right with every movement she made. The shaft itself had a nice shape, thick and girthy with prominent veins running down both sides of its length, ending at a purple bulbous head filled with precum that oozed out in a steady manner. Her scrotum was full and plump, filled to the brim with sperm that needed releasing soon.

"This... This is..." Teressa blushed in deep red as she stared at herself in the mirror, admiring her reflection. She couldn't believe that such a lewd outfit could exist, much less being worn by her right now. She glanced towards Gin who sat nearby watching with great interest while grinning widely. "This is amazing..." She mumbled under breath.

'How cute.' Gin thought inwardly as he watched the blue haired beauty blush at herself in the mirror, admiring her new look with excitement.

‘This is a new experience for her. An embarrassment not from the pleasure of sex or orgasm, but from something new and exciting. Her smile looks so beautiful and bright, I almost can’t hold myself…’

"Do you like it?" He asked casually.

Teressa nodded vigorously. "Yes, very much." She replied enthusiastically, unable to take her eyes off her image in the mirror. "It makes me feel... sexy."

"That's good." Gin closed his eyes, "Because from today onwards it will become your everyday outfit."

“Yes, my Lord.” Teressa, who is the Holy Matriarch now, bowed respectfully before him. Her eyes gleamed with anticipation of the future as she imagined herself wearing such an outrageous outfit during daily activities. She couldn't deny the fact how much it turned her on, especially when she thought about people seeing her like this. She would love nothing more than to parade her assets with pride through the whole village, flaunting her sexuality for all to witness.

'My cock and balls are so exposed, anyone could touch them anytime they want... and if someone does, I won't stop them from playing with it...'

She bit her lower lip as a shiver ran down her spine at the mental image of strangers touching her cock while she walked along streets in broad daylight. The thought of being seen naked by others filled her mind completely, making her cock twitch uncontrollably as precum dribbled from its tip.

Gin smiled in satisfaction at Teressa's pleased reception to his gift.

'It seems like they will unconditionally love anything that I hand to them. No matter how ridiculous and shameless it may seem to others, they'll embrace it wholeheartedly without hesitation. Well, this is good.'

Looking back to the rest, he sighed. "Unfortunately, we don't have enough materials. Since this place is very isolated from the outside world, there's only so much resources we have at our disposal."


"I see..."

Collette and Wyca nodded in understanding as they glanced at Teressa's outfit once more before returning their attention to the god before them. They understood what the deity implied without him having to explain further. It was obvious that they needed to expand their operations in order to obtain more supplies and goods to improve their living conditions and lifestyle in general.

However, there's a major issue regarding this. They lived deep within the forest and surrounded by steep mountains. The closest village is days away on horseback, and it takes at least half a month on foot. The road leading to their village is extremely dangerous as wild beasts roam around freely due to lack of human presence in the area. Furthermore, the terrain itself isn't suitable for traveling either since there aren't any paths or proper roads built anywhere near Laim. Therefore, the village didn't really get many visitors at all aside from travelers passing through occasionally, though they were few and far between as time went on.

Although few merchants do come and go regularly to trade with Mora's store, their frequency has dropped sharply as of late. It wasn't just that, but the quality of the goods also dropped. Naturally, there's a lot of factors that could play into this. The most obvious one that came to Gin's mind was the fact that the merchants traveled for such great risk for so little reward. Perhaps they judged dealing business with the villagers of Laim was just not worth the trouble. The other factor, of course, was the lack of demand for these products among the villagers themselves due to their poor economic conditions. Thus, the circle continues.

"I believe everyone in this room understands what I meant by those words." Gin leaned back on his throne made of stone. The seat was rather uncomfortable to sit on. Maybe wood would be a better choice, he thought. Having a throne now might be too early.

"We will need to expand this village, Laim, into a proper town. We will need a steady source of income and supplies to develop our infrastructure to meet our needs and wants." He paused for a second, letting his words sink in before continuing. "And to do that, we will require information."

Wyca raised her eyebrows. "Information?" she asked in a low voice, tilting her head sideways slightly.

"Yes. Information. Knowledge of the outside world. Of the other countries and cities. How they work, how they govern their people and territories, their economy, their culture...everything." Gin explained. "The problem lies in the fact that none of us in this room has traveled or visited these places before."

"I see... you want to send us to the outside world and scout for any possible information we can find?" Wyca summarized his speech in her own words while nodding her head.

Gin shook his head. "No. Not quite," Rubbing his chin in consideration, he continued, "Not this early anyway. Ample preparations need to be made. For now, let's focus on the local area first before moving out further away." He concluded before proceeding with his explanation.

Beside Mora who made contacts with outsiders, Treo was the next best candidate for scouting. He had real experience traveling in the outside world. He was a soldier and lived to tell the tale, and also proficient with the sword. But to send him out right now would be premature. First of all, Treo must be 'cleaned' and ‘prepped’ before he could be sent on an errand.

Gin dismissed his subjects, telling them they are free to go and do whatever they want for now until further notice. Everyone including Sera, bowed to his command before leaving him alone in the meeting room. Snapping his fingers, the puddle of urine on the ground disappeared without a trace.

'It's not just Treo, but also the rest of the villagers.'

For the past week, Gin had left everyone to their usual daily activities, to keep whatever little economy they had stayed afloat just a little longer. He didn't want to disrupt the flow of things, not yet. He only made the teenagers that were involved at the sword competition to gangbang Daria every single day and night to generate a constant source of Faith points for him.

'Even now, I'm still getting 80 to 100 Faith points every few minutes or so. Now I'm no longer stuck in grinding points.'

It wasn't just that, Gin didn't rely solely on Daria, he also slept with the others too. There were down periods where he didn't earn any Faith points at all, but the total he earned for the past seven days were still quite significant.

State: Healthy (Normal)
Buffs: High Regen, High Poison Resist, High Mind Resist
Debuffs: -

Titles: Mind Breaker Lv.3

Strength: 25
Agility: 25
Intelligence: 25
Mind: 50
Charm: 25

Faith: 34,240

Gin had enough to raise his stats to a point he felt somewhat safe, and enough spare for his daily activities. Unfortunately, the higher his stats rose, the more expensive it cost. To raise Mind stats by 1 point would cost him more than a thousand now. Also, his Mind Breaker’s level has increased to level 3, making his Mind related power stronger.

With that amount of Faith points, Gin could literally materialize an object from thin air. It wasn't teleportation or telekinesis, but the ability to create something from nothing. However, the cost too, was sky high. A simple, ordinary and plain wooden spoon would take his whole Faith points to create, much less valuable resources to use.

'Altering an existing object is relatively cheap, but to create an object from nothing itself seems to be beyond my grasp at the moment. As expected, the power of creation does not come so easily.'

Turning his attention back to the present, Gin had more pressing matters to attend to. It was right after the day of the sword competition he received peculiar notifications from the system.


-Your list of subjects has reached a new milestone!

-You have over a hundred subjects!

-New ability has been unlocked for you!

'Over one hundred huh... I suppose this is a good sign. It means the more subjects I have, the more powerful I become.'

He had a hunch that the more Faith points and subjects he accumulated in the future, the more abilities would be unlocked from the system.

But for now, the most recent unlocked ability was something called 'Avatar.'


-Avatar lets you clone yourself while letting you share the same mind.

-You will share all senses with your Avatar.

-This will allow you to accomplish multiple tasks in parallel.

-This is an active-passive ability that can be turned on and off.

-Faith points will be consumed every second when Avatar is active. As your Avatar grows, consumption rate per second will increase.

-Your Avatar will have a separate Stats and Skills independent from your main body.

-Your Avatar is incapable of using Faith points.

-If you run out of Faith points while your Avatar is active, all senses will be disconnected and your Avatar will fall into a slumber state until you reconnect.

-Current Faith points consumption: 2 FP/s

'This is insane. But...'

To put it simply, Avatar has a huge potential as an ability. Sharing all senses with his clone would mean he can have two bodies working at the same time, accomplishing twice the amount of tasks than before. His main body could just stay in the village while his Avatar travels the outside world and gathers information for him. However, there were two giant drawbacks in this ability that made Gin hesitate in using it immediately.

First was the fact that his Avatar would not be able to utilize Faith points at all, meaning that his clone must use nothing but practical skills to survive. This severely compromises his clone's safety.

Second was the Faith points constant consumption. 2 Faith points per second might seem like nothing at first, but considering it was semi-permanent unless he deactivates it, it would add up fast. It would cost 120 Faith points per minute, 7,200 per hour, and 172,800 every 24 hours.

He could always turn off the ability for 8 hours a day to ‘sleep’ and save up the points, but it would mean his Avatar will be vulnerable and defenseless. He didn't want anyone to attack him in his sleep, even if his clone had a bodyguard with him. If anything happens to his Avatar, he'll lose everything in one fell swoop. It's a risky gamble to make at this point. Not yet. Not now at least.

'I must be able to secure a constant source of Faith points before I can use Avatar in earnest. Otherwise... it'll spell doom for me.'

It was obvious where the flaw of his current method of earning Faith points lies. There were simply not enough people having sex. But he had no choice but to endure. After all, he still needed Collette to go out to the woods and hunt the local wildlife to feed the household. He still needed the local farmers to do their job or the villagers would starve. The local restaurant and other faculties needed to stay open to keep the people alive and well. The same goes for Mora's general store.

'There are simply too many variables in place that I must consider before making any changes to the daily lives of the residents in this village. The slightest miscalculation could cause a domino effect that would result in a disaster. I can barely create a plain wooden spoon, much less a fresh, delicious, healthy food for the masses, every single day. The teenagers are the only ones I can rely on for now.'

Gin had to admit despite having this power of miracle, he was still far, far away from a godlike being. He wasn't omnipotent. He wasn't invincible. He couldn't control reality as if it was clay to bend as he pleased. He couldn't teleport, he couldn't fly and he definitely couldn't resurrect someone from the dead. He was still limited to this mortal realm.

'Not yet... I'm still lacking a great deal of power and knowledge. I need more subjects, more influence, more points...'

Gin closed his eyes as he rested his chin atop his fist, contemplating his options. His gaze wandered around the room absentmindedly drowning in deep thoughts while staring into empty space, trying to figure out a solution to this problem.

'Well, we need to expand the village and gather information about the outside world. To do any of that, I'm going to need more subjects. I have to increase the population. I could just lay down in this village for centuries, keep impregnating everyone for generations until we have enough, but that would take too long.'

Gin realized that he could alter a child's body into an adult. But their mental capacity would still be the same as their age, which wasn't very useful. He also could not fast forward the pregnancy of his women according to his will. It seemed there were complications by forcing such a quick, unnatural growth of a fetus that could harm both the baby and the mother. He didn't understand it completely, but he received a warning from the system when he touched Teressa's belly. It was possible to compensate for the complications with Faith points, but as usual, the cost was way beyond his reach.

'If I can't increase the population through fast pregnancy of my girls, then I guess I have no other choice left.'

Gin was determined to turn this small village into a prosperous city, the root of his origin, to transform this desolate and isolated place into a holy land for his zealots.

'I have to get more from outside... by force if I have to.'

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