Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 12-3 (A New Dawn)

'For now, I'll need to earn and save up as many points as I can get. Daria is good, but not enough. I need to increase the teenagers libido as well as getting another ‘cattle’ to increase points production… but who shall I choose?’

What is a religion without a house of worship? With Teressa being appointed as the ‘Holy Matriarch’, a position and a title he just made up on the spot, she will have to lead the populace for a ‘daily worship’ activity soon. Until she can actually perform her task, her title and position wouldn’t have much meaning.

It was the same for Collette and Wyca. The High Priestess and the Holy Inquisitor cannot do their job properly without the infrastructure and the system put in place. By establishing his own house of worship where his zealots can come and participate as a faithful member of his religion, Gin would be able to build his foundation and secure his position as a god properly.

Truth be told he could just make them pray for him everyday using his hypnosis, and as a matter of fact, he did do it before. However, the result was underwhelming. The amount of Faith points he received was between the single and double digits, not even close to a hundred. It far paled in comparison to the strong emotion they felt during sex, orgasms and climaxes.

So, rather than just having his zealots choose either to pray or sex, why not combine the two? A new type of ‘ceremony’ in his name and religion, where both sex and prayers happen at the same time.

This way he could receive a healthy stream of Faith points and at the same time, everyone will be 'happy'. There are other potential sexual activities to do and mix it with their religious indoctrination sessions but he had yet to test it out. He wondered if certain actions provide more points than others. If yes, he should definitely try and record the data as he does it. It would help him decide what actions to incorporate into his ceremonies from now on.

‘I can turn raw, unprocessed materials into usable resources quite easily. The cost of the points is also not too expensive. Like turning a boulder of rock into a stone chair, it was easy, quick, and cheap. Not only that, I can also transmute an entire different material into another like what I did with Teressa’s Holy Matriarch uniform. The cost was higher, but still not significant enough to push me into bankruptcy.’

As long as he makes sure to keep a steady income of Faith points while minimizing the conversion costs of those points, then everything should work out fine. It wasn't as simple as turning something into something else though. It required concentration and focus on the object and he needed to understand its structure and composition. For example, turning a log of wood into a smooth shaven floor board or a piece of paper would be easier compared to transforming it to a cup of water or a pile of gold coins. They simply would cost more points to compensate for the lacking substance and the knowledge to create them.

‘I’m gonna build a house of worship. What sort of materials is it going to be made of? What about the finer details of the architecture? What about the aesthetic? This is gonna be a headache to solve.’

Gin understood the people in this village were survivors. They know how to take care of themselves, how to survive with minimal access to food and water, but none of them has the specific skills to build what he had in mind.

‘If I were to build the whole building myself using nothing but Faith points… that would be a nightmare. Those points are better spent somewhere else. But at the same time, I would really like to have it built as soon as possible, too.’

With these thoughts in mind, Gin circled back to the beginning.

‘I need to generate and save as many points as I can, meanwhile I will need to secure resources and supplies to the village. This place has to expand and develop for my sake, connections and possible trade routes to the outside world need to be established.’

The nearest human civilization to them according to Treo was called Karda, a village five times the size of Laim. As long as they do not encounter anything too out of the ordinary, arriving within three days or so on horseback shouldn’t be a problem.

Karda was a frontier town. It was located far from the capital which caused its development to halt, similar to their situation. But it seemed like they had better access to other goods and commodities because of their geographical position, or so Treo's assumption went. However, they still suffered quite the same just like Laim. Despite having better trade routes, the routes themselves were plagued with wild beasts, and banditry.

Laim was spared from the bandits due to their hard to reach location and sparse resources. There were never any valuables to steal from the villagers and only a few wild beasts occasionally showed up. Their life might not be rich but at least it was safe from harm. Perhaps, in a hundred years or so, Laim might just perish from the face of the earth caused by their declining population. Maybe then some intrepid bandits will finally notice it, but who knows if they'll actually find anyone when they arrive. The most plentiful things around here were old buildings and graves, not treasure, food or anything to rob from the villagers.

‘In the end, we still need more able hands and skilled workers. Using the miracle system, I can not only learn any skills I want, but also grant them to any of my subjects.’

Gin came to a decision. A proper visit and survey of Karda was necessary. Whether he would take over the village just like how he did Laim would be a decision for his future self to make. Methods and plans will need to be thought out, but if he cannot achieve his goals without leaving any suspicion, he would settle with normal relations. By saying 'Normal' he meant using his charm and charisma to become an important figure with power and influence inside the village.

‘What are the odds of other religions existing in this world? Very, very high, I would assume. I haven't confirmed it with Treo yet, but if they do exist, then I'm sure there would be conflicts of interests and clashes of belief between mine and theirs. We would be branded as heretics without a doubt. Just how much impact would my religion have on the others? Should I just continue to remain under the radar or make it big? How should I handle these people if I meet them in the future? This is something I can't answer at this point in time... Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. This will definitely happen regardless of me thinking about it or not, so let's focus on more important matters for now.'

Gin would have a proper in-depth chat with Treo later regarding the state of the world. For now, he meant to tidy up the village first.

‘Day by day, I grow more grateful at how seldom this village receives visitors from the outside world.’

Checking his list of subjects, Gin figured out a sorting function after fiddling with it for a bit.

[Sorting subjects by ‘Total amount of Faith points generated’]

Seeing the list of the teenagers involved in the gangbang with Daria, a peculiar name stuck out like a sore thumb.


[Total Faith points generated: 230]


The number was absurdly low compared to the others who ranged in the thousands.

‘Laven…? Laven… Right, Laven. That guy who had a crush with Sera. I remember him. I haven’t seen him for a while. He wasn’t at the sword competition, was he…?’

Gin closed his eyes, deep in thoughts as he rested his chin on his right palm.


Laven remembered that day, just a week ago when his father, the owner of the village’s butchery and restaurant, served breakfast for him. A rather unique drink was served to him, its color was white and the liquid was viscous. The aroma of apple wafted from the drink, almost filling the entire room. Supposedly, it will give him an energy boost and vitality, or at least that what his father had told him before. So he gulped down the white fluid, relishing its sweet and flavorful taste.

Unbeknownst to him, that drink will change his life forever.

Gin's influence invaded his mind and he was powerless to resist. His calls and orders were absolute. The teenagers' tasks were clear.

To copulate with Daria and empower the Lord.

Naturally, he questioned the nature of the order and tried to fight back. But he was too weak physically and mentally. Soon he lost his virginity to the recently turned hermaphrodite and learned of what transpired while he was absent from training.

"Haah... haah... nghh~!"

Laven pushed his hips one last time inside of Daria's sloppy cunt, filled with semen of others. He felt a familiar sensation at his tip before he climaxed, emptying his balls. As if it was not enough, he received another shock of pleasure and ejaculated further spurts of cum inside.

His eyes closed, and brows furrowed. After emptying his balls into her, he finally pulled out. Her pussy dripped with the mix of their fluids. Not knowing what to do with himself, he stumbled and crawled backwards to find a wall to support himself against. Now seated, he leaned back and took a moment to breathe and observe his surroundings.

The sun shone brightly upon his sweaty face. He was hot and could feel perspiration flowing all over his body. He glanced at Daria on the floor, struggling to move due to fatigue. Yet her cock still twitched and stood erect under the gazes of the remaining teenage boys. Despite being rammed hard by multiple partners in a short amount of time, Daria's libido seemed to be limitless.

Soon another teenager took on his previous spot and straddled Daria from above, pressing his shaft deep inside the wet folds and moving his hips. Meanwhile, the others masturbated and jerked their penises in front of their hermaphrodite teammate to prepare for their turn to fill her womb with their seeds again.

'They resembled animals rather than humans...' he thought.

Laven wiped his member with a clean towel and put on his pants back up. Feeling dehydrated, he grabbed his drinking canteen and drank the rest of his water. When he finished quenching his thirst he glanced back at his other fellow swordsman with confusion, annoyance, and disappointment.


He opened his mouth, but no words came out of it. After a moment, he turned his back and started walking back towards his home, away from the training field. No one said anything or even noticed his absence as he left the group to their own devices. They drowned in lust, chasing their release once more without him, constantly drinking the 'holy water' to re-energize themselves over and over again, day and night.

After returning to his house, he entered the door, locking it shut behind him. He sat down on top of the bed, covering his face with his hands, "...What the hell is wrong with those guys? What did you do to us, Gin?" He asked no one in particular, unsure of where to direct his question as he looked at the roof above him. He blamed the 'Lord'. It has to be him, as it was his fault that everything became like this.

Perhaps because he wasn't there at the sword competition, or because he hadn't drunk enough holy water that the hypnotizing effect wasn’t as effective to him, but instead of wanting sex he only felt ashamed, revulsion, and nausea. There was this strange feeling eating at him from within. A feeling of despair, powerlessness, and resentment.

The love of his life, Sera, kissed a different man before his very eyes. Then not too long after he learned that they also had sex in public, and she also got raped by Wyca before all of his peers, all in the same day. Laven learned all of this from the others. How they cheered at the spectacle, how they laughed, ridiculed and shamed her.

He was disappointed, broken-hearted, and angry. How could they do that to such an amazing woman!? Sera did not deserve that, she was the strongest, most beautiful girl he knew! Those scumbags who treated women as toys for their carnal desires deserved death! Knowing the fact that Sera was living her daily life serving as a meat slave made him sick to the stomach, yet there was something more, something else eating at him from within.

An awful sense of betrayal, jealousy, and something else he couldn't describe.
A tent started to grow on his crotch as Laven grew aroused, remembering the shape of Sera's firm breasts and imagining them covered with ropes of sticky white fluid. This stirred an uncomfortable feeling of disgust and embarrassment inside his chest. He shook his head as he forced his mind to focus on something else, but to no avail.

He could only imagine what her face must've looked like while getting used as a fleshlight by Wyca and Gin, and to his shame, he also had the urge to watch it happening as well.

'Why am I... thinking these things...? She's being raped, humiliated, and defiled, yet... why can't I stop thinking about it?'

Laven pulled down his pants and released his growing erection from its restraints, stroking it lightly with his hand. With every pump he could feel it growing harder and firmer, accompanied with beads of precum forming at its tip. With every stroke the erotic image of Sera being violated against her will continued to linger inside his head, his gaze locked on her body as he watched how it moved and shuddered with each thrust delivered from either Wyca or Gin.

His movements sped up, until he reached his climax with a gasp and groaned while pumping his load onto the floor. The white sticky liquid kept dripping out of his swollen tip even after he had stopped shaking his hips, falling on the wooden boards and mixing with the rest of the mess he made. Only after a few minutes of calming himself did it stop completely.

It was only when he stared at his reflection on the mirror in front of him did he realize what he had done. Ashamed of himself and disgusted by his own behavior, Laven fell to his knees and vomited all of the contents of his stomach out.


For a good ten seconds he spewed out all of the liquids inside of him, bile, and puke that mixed with his cum in the puddle on the ground before stopping.

Emotions that he could not understand swirled around in his mind. There was a heavy sense of guilt, but there was also a tinge of excitement and arousal as well. They churned and intertwined with one another, refusing to be separated from each other. Instead, they blended together in a weird concoction of shame, fear, anger, disgust, and pleasure. He hated this disgusting emotion and didn't want to acknowledge it. So, he denied it, telling himself that it did not exist at all.

But alas, it backfired. The longer he bottled them up inside the worse it felt. He couldn't take it anymore so he cried as tears began to pour from his eyes like waterfalls. Tears of frustration and anger, or perhaps they were tears of grief and sadness. At this point, he didn't know or care to differentiate the two.


The Lord's orders to the teenagers were clear.

"Copulate with Daria everyday, empower the Lord through sexual acts."

Laven naturally could not resist nor disobey. However, he also realized the weakness of the order itself.

'The Lord's order didn't specify the amount of times I must copulate with Daria. As long as I copulate with her just once a day, I'm free. I don't have to do it all day long.'

Laven didn't know the details, but he had an inkling that their sexual deeds to Daria somehow affected the Lord in a positive way from how the orders were worded. Thus, he decided to have as minimal sexual interactions with Daria as possible, only going at it once a day, and spend the rest of it on something else.

It would have been easy to go with the flow and join in on the action like his peers, but he chose not to. After all, why would he help the person he hated the most?

That's right. Despite being under his influence, Laven still harbored ill feelings towards Gin. He could not resist his will, but his mind was still his own. It was contradictory of him to have strong emotions against the man when he could not even disobey or disagree with him.

Especially when Gin was the cause for everything bad that happened to him. Even the order to 'copulate with Daria' was merely an extension of his whims and caprices.

And so Laven would never fully submit to his commands like the others, he would find ways to make his own interpretation of the orders he had received. To do the bare minimum and nothing more. He would bid his time and try to figure out how to escape.

If only Gin hadn't noticed, that is.

Inspecting the list of his subjects, he found a name out of place. Laven.

'I guess it should come as no surprise...'

On the day Laven masturbated at the thoughts of Sera getting violated, Gin had sensed it. That slight burst of emotion and sinful lust, he received a whooping 120 Faith points from Laven. It was the single, highest number of points someone ever generated for him.

'As expected, his resentment towards me is understandable. I didn't alter his perspective after all, only his peers that I turned into horn dogs who's always erect 24/7. He managed to find a flaw in my order and did only the bare minimum to retaliate. Cute, but also annoying. Like a mosquito bite.'

As soon as Gin figured out what Laven had been up to, he didn't feel angry at him or anything since it was indeed his fault for not being thorough with his commands. Rather, he was grateful for this incident. He learned that his orders could be circumvented in such a way. However—

'How did he do it? He generated between 20 to 50 Faith points with Daria, but he masturbated one time and gave me 120 points. What is the cause of this? Is the system faulty? No, that can't be.'

Gin reflected back on the past, how he has acquired so many Faith points ever since he got to this world. Back then when Collette was just a regular man, he impressed her by how fast he learned animal tracking, earning him his first 10 Faith points. Then he moved on to Teressa and earned a consistent 50 points from her orgasms. He also received 15 points every time Teressa masturbated. Sometimes he would occasionally earn 80 points from her, but it was rare.

Now that he transformed all of them into hermaphrodites, they gave him 100 points for every climax. He had a theory that the more pleasure one felt, the more Faith points he would earn. It has been proven through Teressa, Collette, Mora, and Daria generating double the amount of points compared to regular men and women.

Now that Laven had come into the picture, Gin was certain of himself.

'The stronger the emotions, the bountiful the harvest. As long as the sexual activities are coupled with strong feelings and desires, it'll be much more rewarding than doing it without those emotional ties.'

A case study was happening right before him. Laven had zero emotional attachment towards Daria, and he also seemed to dislike him. He probably found little to no pleasure in the act. Thus, Laven only fucked her for a short period of time before he pulled out and came, leaving the others to use her for their own enjoyment. That's how he managed to have the smallest amount of Faith points generated despite the gangbang.

'Then he went home and masturbated, casually scoring a new record for the highest points generated in a single session of 120 points. So... does this mean the system can distinguish the difference in value depending on the amount of emotional investment? I see... If my assumptions are correct then the system works similarly like a currency exchange rate. The bigger the emotional ties and the stronger the feelings they hold, the higher the points will be...'

Gin tapped his fingers on the desk before him.

'I made sure that my subjects will feel the emotions of 'gratefulness' towards me every time they reach an orgasm or climax. It was a subtle perspective alteration, but quite effective. I made it to be as non-intrusive as possible and everything seems to be working pretty well. Even Laven still generates some Faith points despite his ill will towards me.'

This brought him to the next question.

What was Laven thinking about while he masturbated, enough to generate such a high amount of points? One that eclipsed real life sex with Daria? What kind of depraved kinks does he possess? What was he fantasizing about? Maybe he hated Daria? Or was it something else entirely?

'...I think I need to begin another experiment soon…'

A smirk formed on Gin's lips as he crossed his arms before his chest, leaning his back on the chair .


A new dawn came for Laven as he woke up to the sunlight shining through his window, illuminating his room. He did not feel refreshed at all. After what happened last night, how could he?

Despite being exhausted he didn't get much sleep, spending the entire night tossing and turning. Every time he closed his eyes, the images of Sera being humiliated and raped haunted him. Wyca's soft, luscious lips on hers, the way she moaned in pleasure, the expression on her face as she surrendered herself to desire. He wanted to hate Gin for brainwashing his peers, and yet he couldn't get rid of this bizarre emotion coming from the images of Sera getting violated due to reasons he hadn't understood yet.

Laven wasn't there when it happened, yet his brain created false memories that filled in the blanks of what 'probably' had taken place. Vivid imaginary scenarios played out in his mind that sent his hormones into overdrive and caused his penis to twitch uncontrollably beneath his blankets as precum leaked out onto the sheets.

'Why is my body reacting in such a way to those scenes I just imagined!? Damnit! I hate myself for being so pathetic!'

Laven cursed his body, wishing it would stop acting up on its own without his permission or consent. He tried to go back to sleep in hopes of avoiding reality a little longer, but it was in vain. This caused him to grow irritated with himself.

Eventually, he got up from the bed and changed his clothes.

Today would be the same as usual. His daily routines, to follow the order that was given to him. He will eat breakfast, and then head to the training fields and meet up with the others. There he will once again have another session with Daria alongside his friends. After completing his obligation, he'd return home for lunch and drown in his own emotions.

Living his life under this new routine for the past week made him depressed. His sword training came to a full stop and barely spoke with anyone at all. He was afraid of hearing them talk about Sera and their comments about her. He wouldn't want to hear any more stories related to Gin or the other women.

Dragging his tired and defeated body out of the house, Laven walked to the training field with slumped shoulders and head hung low. The dirt road underneath his feet led him along the familiar path toward where he would find the others. Soon enough, he arrived at his destination.

However, when Laven entered the training grounds, his eyes noticed something was different than usual today. Daria was there, getting all her holes plowed by his friends, grunting and moaning like an animal while surrounded by cocks, balls, and asses. But that wasn't all of them.

Three familiar figures were seen standing by the side of the field.

Gin, Wyca, and Sera.

'Gin...' Laven whispered the Lord's name in his mind as his eyes focused on him.
Their gazes met and he froze solid in place. He didn't know whether to walk away or stay where he stood. Gin beckoned him over with a wave of his hand, and his body couldn't refuse. Before he knew it he had already approached them while ignoring the noises of sexual activity behind him.

'Does he know... what I've been doing...?'

His gaze moved to the two other people beside Gin, "...Sera..." Laven called out. He looked at her face which looked paler than usual under the sunlight, noticing how beautiful and lifeless she appeared to be. Her eyes lacked the vigor and the spirit he remembered seeing before. There was nothing but damp embers left now. A shell of her former self. It was painful to look at yet he couldn't stop staring. It felt unreal, almost like he was looking at a ghost.

She wore what appeared to be her usual attire. A tank top that exposed a part of her belly, and a pair of short pants revealing the curvature of her legs. But something else caught his attention. A 'bump' on her groins.

'...What is that bulge?'

His eyes widened slightly in shock as he stared at it for a while longer in disbelief. 'Impossible...'

"What's wrong? Isn't she the most beautiful thing in the universe?" Gin asked, snapping Laven back into reality as his gaze returned to his face. "Indeed she is..." Laven answered without thinking, unable to form coherent thoughts at the moment.

Gin chuckled at his reaction, amused by the bewildered expression on his face before speaking again with a mischievous grin, "Well, Laven, I've heard from Wyca that apparently you and Sera were close back then. You guys were childhood friends, right?"

"Y-Yes..." Laven nodded with a stutter as he forced himself to maintain eye contact with the man standing across him. His heartbeat quickened as Gin continued asking questions.

"...I see," Gin muttered softly with narrowed eyes. "Say, do you mind if I ask you one more thing?" He leaned closer toward Laven's ear and whispered, "You love her, don't you?"

Laven flinched upon hearing these words, surprised by how straightforward his words were. He felt his cheeks heating up and his palms getting sweaty as his mind raced through many possibilities for how this conversation might play out. "I-I do..." He managed to admit in a soft voice.

Sera's brows furrowed ever so slightly, almost impossible to notice if not for Gin's natural mind reading ability of his subjects. A small hint of emotion had shown up within her otherwise lifeless eyes before disappearing instantly after it came. Laven failed to notice this subtle change in Sera's facial expression however, too flustered by his confession and confused about what Gin was trying to get out of him.

Gin took a step back and turned to Wyca, "What do you think? It seems like these two are more than just childhood friends..." he trailed off while crossing his arms below his chest before continuing, "Can't say I'm surprised though. Sera's pretty, brave and strong. Enough to even capture both men and women's hearts, isn't that right?"

Wyca grinned wryly in response to this remark. "That's true..." She replied, turning to Sera who averted her eyes away from everyone present. "Even I got captured by this girl's charm," She added with an audible sigh escaping her lips. Her hands reached towards Sera's perky buttocks, grabbing and massaging the firm muscles hidden behind her short pants. "Just a month ago I despised her guts... And now look at me now. I can't get enough of this adorable body of hers."

"Hoho~ Is that so...?" Gin nodded approvingly and shot Sera a quick glance before glancing at Laven's crotch area, noting a noticeable bulge protruding from the front of his pants. He could sense Laven's tension growing stronger by the second as their conversation progressed further.

Wyca seemed to have noticed Laven's nervous behavior as well because she giggled and explained, "Sera's quite ferocious in bed. It was fun dominating her for the first time... but man... she's hard to tame and control, that's for sure. She's silent now, but believe me when I say that she's wild and energetic during sex."

Laven gulped audibly and broke eye contact with Gin for a moment to glance at Sera's groin again before returning his attention back to him, unsure of where the conversation was leading to. Gin smirked and proceeded to pat Laven's shoulder, reassuring him that there was nothing to worry about.

"Well, I'm sure you know by now that like Daria, Wyca is also a hermaphrodite, right? With a dick and pussy alike." He gestured at Wyca who stood nearby, sporting a playful smile on her lips while fondling Sera's rear end.

"Yes..." Laven mumbled under his breath. At a glance, there's not much change to her physique. Her tits and butt were tighter and more defined, but overall there was no difference from a normal woman. No way would he be able to tell that she had male genitalia attached to her body unless someone told him beforehand. Personally, he hadn’t witnessed it himself, but the bulge was obvious on Wyca.

"With my blessing, Wyca's stamina and strength has been enhanced beyond leaps and bounds. Her libido is also through the roof as well. Not only is she a superhuman, but also a sex machine. Never get tired of it and can go all night long non-stop."

Wyca blushed at his remark. "T-that's not true, my Lord! I do get tired after some time!" She protested as her eyes swam around, redness spreading throughout her face and neck.

"Oh yeah? You sure looked fine to me yesterday," Gin countered with a laugh and continued, "You pounded into Sera's pussy like a rabbit in heat, never taking your eyes off of her. She orgasmed countless times... and you even made her piss herself."

Laven lost his breath when he heard what Gin said. He wasn't sure if it was because of the explicit content of the conversation or because of his growing erection, which had grown considerably larger now after picturing the scene playing out in his mind.

'Sera... pissing herself...?' He wondered in awe as the image flashed through his brain for a second. A wave of embarrassment washed over his entire being as his erection grew stiffer against his pants. He placed one hand on his crotch in an attempt to cover his shame from the others.

"Heh." Gin chuckled in amusement before turning around, "Anyway, Sera always passes out from the pleasure every time and Wyca is far from satisfied. It's tough to keep up with her enthusiasm and stamina, y'know?" He confessed with a helpless shrug of his shoulders.

Gin then glanced sideways at Wyca who avoided his gaze, clearly embarrassed by his remarks. Laven still wasn't sure where the conversation was going until Gin smiled brightly at him and suggested, "Would you like to lend them a hand, Laven?"

Laven blinked twice as the gears inside his brain ground to a halt. His ears were ringing with white noise as he stared blankly ahead at the man before him, unsure how to respond to such a forward request. He tried to speak but failed miserably due to his mouth being parched dry by all the sudden adrenaline rushing through his veins.


"See, I finally decided to give my 'blessing' to Sera." Gin continued, "I don't know if you noticed or not, but her groins seems to have 'changed' now, doesn't it?" He gestured at Sera's crotch, where Laven noticed a bulge similar to Wyca's.

Laven's heart skipped a beat as his eyes darted between Gin's face and Sera's nether regions. He felt the blood draining from his body when Gin's words finally sank in, leaving him pale and weak in the knees.

'So it was a penis all along... It wasn’t just my imagination...' Laven's mind reeled in shock and horror.

Gin paused for a moment, letting the reality dawned on this feminine looking boy. Laven's face went death pale when Gin announced, "Sera's a full on hermaphrodite now. She has a cock and pussy, plus all the other perks of being one."

Wrapping his arms around Laven's shoulder, Gin whispered into his ears. "Laven... the reason I called you is because I have a favor to ask."

He took a deep breath before saying, "Sera is clueless on how to use her new appendage. We could just show her ourselves, but since the both of you have been close since childhood, we thought of letting you have the honor of doing it. After all, you still have feelings for her, right?"

Laven stared at Gin, wide-eyed. It took him several seconds before the words registered within him, and once they did his entire body shivered from top to bottom. He gazed at the girl before him with trembling pupils, uncertain on what to do or what to think.

"What... do you want me to do...?"

"Look over there." Gin gestured with his chin towards Daria, getting filled in all her holes. "Why don't you show Sera how you two make love with each other? Show her how to use her brand new tool to experience the greatest pleasures life can offer. Do it, for her sake."

"M-me...? How to use... a penis...?" Laven repeated with a quivering voice as sweat rolled down his forehead. He gulped and shifted his eyes away from the lord to look at the girl who stood beside him instead, feeling weak and light-headed when he saw that there wasn't a shred of concern in her eyes as she stared into his soul. They were emotionless, empty, and distant, yet at the same time held hints of curiosity and interest within their depths.

"S-Sera... are you okay... with this...?" His voice barely came out of his mouth, cracking and shaking with every word he uttered.

"...Haah..." Sera averted her eyes, letting out a sigh. This was the most humane gesture she has made so far in this conversation. Perhaps the first sign of life coming out of her after days of having her pussy ravaged by the red haired demoness.

"Sure." She replied indifferently, confirming Laven's assumption of her current state of mind.

Laven felt like the entire world was collapsing underneath his feet. It was difficult for him to breathe as the weight of Sera's confirmation bore heavily upon his shoulders.

"Though..." Sera added, pulling his attention back to her. "...Don't get me wrong. I'm not doing this for Wyca. I'm doing this for our Lord, and the Lord wants me to serve under her. So yes, I will cooperate."

Those words stung deep into Laven's psyche. They cut deep into his core and stabbed at his deepest insecurities. Even if Sera was under Gin's influence, her feelings for Wyca hadn't changed and the only reason why she agreed was due to her absolute loyalty to the Lord. At this point Laven wasn't even sure whether Sera still sees him as a friend anymore. Maybe the person who he fell in love with had disappeared a long time ago, buried and forgotten beneath layers upon layers of hypnotic conditioning and reprogramming done by the man next to him.

Or maybe, she never cared about his feelings from the very beginning. Maybe what he thought to be love and affection was actually nothing more than mere infatuation and lust towards an idealized version of her created within his mind. Either way, the possibility of her reciprocating his feelings had shattered into a thousand pieces the moment the words left her mouth.

"Oh, you still have some fight left in you yet, huh, Sera?" Wyca scoffed, throwing a scornful glare at the girl while licking her lips seductively, "You sure talk big for a girl who pissed herself from cumming too hard." She tightened her grip on Sera's buttocks, kneading them with force as her finger traced the outlines of her groin and moved around her hole, circling and probing as if she intended to violate her asshole any moment now.

Sera shivered from the stimulation, a faint redness crept up to her face. Gritting her teeth, she kept her cool through sheer force and will.

"Well, I'll enjoy taking my time breaking you. Until then, why don't you learn how to use your new flesh toy? Who knows? If you manage to satisfy me, I might let you cum in me as much as you want tonight." With those words, Wyca pushed Sera towards Laven, causing her to stumble forwards and grab onto him for balance.

Laven gasped as he steadied himself while supporting her body, "Uwaah?!" He exclaimed out loud. Their faces were now mere inches apart from each other, separated by nothing but air and space itself.

Sera's eyes wandered over Laven's features for a second before her focus returned to his face, tilting her head in confusion. She seemed lost in thoughts for a moment. Her brows crept up to a frown and she recoiled from him in disgust, pushing him away with all of her might before taking a few steps backwards.

"Go wash yourself!" She hissed and shook her head with eyes full of contempt as if repulsed by his very presence alone, "You're sweaty and stink! It's so disgusting!"

Laven fell on the ground, dumbfounded and unable to comprehend the situation. "Eh? S-Sera?! What's the matter..?" He stuttered while struggling to stand back up and regain his composure, but she paid him no heed as she ignored him and kept a distance between them.

"Don't come near me! Get away!" She raised her hand and pointed accusingly towards him. "I just told you! Go wash yourself first, dammit! The Lord won't allow me to be touched by unclean pigs like you!"

"H-huh!? B-But..." Laven started saying something but stopped halfway through as he realized she was right. He had been neglecting his personal hygiene for the past couple of days due to stress.

Even after getting dressed and putting on new clothes every day, he hadn’t bothered washing himself properly or cleaned his room once ever since the sword competition.

His whole room reeked of stale sweat and dried semen from last night’s masturbation. The front of his pants was also stained with fresh pre-cum that leaked out earlier when they talked about Sera wetting herself.

His mind was clouded by lust, despair, and self-loathing that he hadn't noticed how filthy he had become.

Gin interrupted them before anyone could say anything, "That's enough."


With a snap of his fingers, the filth, grime and foul body odor that came from Laven's body disappeared in an instant. He was now as clean and fresh as if he had bathed just a few moments before. His oily hair turned shiny and smooth, and the nasty stains on his outfit vanished as if they were never there. Even his skin glowed with radiance.

"There, perfect." Gin proclaimed with pride as he dusted his hands on each other before pointing towards the direction of the busy crowd, surrounding Daria. "Now, why don't we begin the lesson?" He suggested in a calm tone, giving Sera a look.

"Yes, my Lord." Sera nodded in reply. Turning to Laven who was still confused by what just happened to him, she spoke.

"Come. Show me what you got, Laven." Sera's voice pierced through his thoughts and brought him back to reality.

"Huh?" Laven couldn't grasp what was happening. He gazed at her in confusion, but she merely stared back at him with an annoyed expression.

"Did you forget? Show me how to use this 'tool' of mine to bring pleasure to others. Show me how you 'make love' with Daria." Sera insisted, gesturing towards the orgy of teenagers going on in front of her as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

"You said you love me, didn't you?" She continued with a smirk on her lips, her voice dripping with sarcasm and mockery. "Go ahead, prove it to me. Let's see if you have what it takes to 'love' a woman with a dick."

Laven's eyes widened at the insinuation of Sera's words. His mind struggled to process the information and realize its implications, but he knew one thing for certain. That the Sera standing before him now wasn't the one he grew up with. There's no trace of hesitation or restraint within her words, nor any sense of embarrassment either.

She said everything without batting an eyelid or showing the slightest bit of shame or discomfort. He had never seen this side of her before. Never in a million years would he expect her to act so shamelessly in front of him, especially when she was completely aware of his feelings towards her.

This revelation hurt his heart deeply. His feelings meant nothing to her. Absolutely nothing at all. Did their friendship really mean that little to her?

No... perhaps it was never there to begin with? All this time, maybe he had deluded himself with false hopes of love and romances?

'Both friendship and love... it was unrequited.' Laven gritted his teeth, feeling tears welling up inside his eyes. He fought valiantly to hold them back, but they spilled out nonetheless and flowed down his cheeks like streams of water running down the edge of a cliffside. A quiet sob escaped his throat and echoed within the confines of his mind.

Gin noticed the change in Laven's mood, sensing that he was upset over Sera's rejection. "Looks like he needs some motivation..." He commented before walking towards him, placing his palm upon his shoulder. "If you need incentive, I can provide it for you. Would you like that?"


"Yes. Incentive." Gin reaffirmed with a smile. "If you can make Daria orgasm even once today, I will grant you one wish. Anything within my capabilities, anything at all. Just ask and it shall be granted."

"A-Anything...?" Laven asked incredulously, wiping away his tears while peering into his dark irises with disbelief written across his face. With eyes filled with skepticism, he found it difficult to believe this man who ruined everything made such an offer to him.

Gin nodded, confirming the terms of agreement to him. "If you can make Daria orgasm with your dick, I will grant one wish of yours."

A brief silence fell upon them. Laven couldn't help but feel skeptical, but he couldn't deny the sincerity behind his words.

"...What if I fail?"

Gin pondered for a while before answering his question. "If you fail and climax first before Daria, then..." He tapped his chin with his index finger and pondered, "...I will turn you into a breeding cattle just like her."

Laven froze for a second, his brain lagged and refused to function properly as he tried to process what he just heard, "...I beg your pardon?" Laven asked in utter bewilderment.

'Cattle? Me? Breeding? What...?'

"As I said, I will turn you into a cum dumpster just like Daria. That's the punishment, to become an incubator for the village for failing." Gin grinned. "It doesn't matter whether you are a man or woman because I will transform your body into a hermaphrodite anyway. Though, your looks are already feminine enough. I just need to 'install' a vagina between your legs."

Laven opened his mouth and closed it, repeating the same action three more times before he managed to utter something coherent. "U-uh... Huuh?!"

'Becoming a breeding cow if I fail...? What kind of cruel joke is this?!' He opened his mouth to protest, but the words died in his throat as he realized the severity of the situation. Beads of sweat rolled down his temples and he felt a lump forming in his stomach. His limbs froze solid while his eyes stared vacantly into the abyss. His body refused to move, paralyzed from fear.

Laven gazed towards Sera by reflex as if looking for aid from her, but she merely shrugged at him, dismissing his troublesome existence altogether. "It's your decision to make, not mine." She said with indifference before turning away from him to watch the others get their way with Daria instead.

Gin and Wyca remained silent, patiently waiting for him to accept the deal or not. Their eyes showed neither hostility nor pity, merely observing him with curious anticipation. It's as though they enjoyed seeing how he would react in such dire situations and what sort of excuses he would come up with.

"The choice is up to you. If you win, I will grant you anything you want. If you fail, you will be accompanying Daria as a cattle, to serve others as a cock-sleeve for the rest of your life." Gin crossed his arms below his chest with confidence oozing out of his lips. "As long as you try your best to satisfy Daria, I guarantee you will succeed. This opportunity of yours wouldn't come by everyday, so why waste it?"

"What should I do...?" Laven muttered weakly. "... Sera..." He pleaded as his gaze locked onto hers again. Sera simply stared at him for a moment before shrugging once more. A slight frown appeared upon her brows while her eyes narrowed upon noticing how desperate he sounded. His entire being exuded uncertainty and self-doubt.

Sera spoke out. "If you don't want to do it, that's fine too. After all, it's your call to make, Laven." Her gaze met his for the briefest of moments before returning to Daria's gangbang again, "I guess your love wasn't strong enough to force you do something out of the ordinary?" Sera remarked with an unusual flat and monotone voice, sounding almost bored.

"Ah..." Laven gasped quietly when he heard her say such cold words. A chill ran down his spine and goosebumps covered his entire skin as he trembled uncontrollably in place.

Time stopped for a moment for him.

"N-no... that's not..." Laven lowered his head, staring at the dirt beneath his feet while gripping his fists tightly together until they turned white from lack of circulation. He grit his teeth hard, feeling his heart pounding within his chest until it threatened to burst forth any second.

"I... Sera..."

The others kept silent, watching how Laven would react. They could sense his inner turmoil as he battled within himself to decide which path to take. They all waited expectantly for him to say something, anything at all.

Sera stood unmoving before him while Wyca snickered nearby, glancing at Laven as if she knew he would reject the challenge and flee from the scene with his tail tucked between his legs like a coward. She didn't expect anything from someone like him, after all.

Gin on the other hand looked eager to hear what he would answer. For him, this situation had always been a game from the very beginning and he couldn't wait to see how things would play out in the end.

Eventually, Laven sighed. He wiped away the last remaining traces of tears and lifted his head up. A heavy sigh escaped from his mouth, and he nodded towards Gin with determination in his eyes.

"...Okay. I will accept your challenge." He declared before turning to Sera with confidence radiating out of his being for once, "For love." He added.

Sera frowned the moment she heard these words coming from his mouth and glared at him. She felt annoyed by his display of bravado and determination as well as his stubbornness in persisting on this subject of ‘love’ despite her clear disinterest to reciprocate his feelings. "Suit yourself," Sera snapped back, rolling her eyes at him with disdain before continuing, "But remember, if you fail, you will become like her. To live as livestock for the rest of your miserable life. I'm sure you can imagine what that means, can't you?"

Laven hesitated for a second upon hearing her warning, but he regained his composure almost immediately. He steeled his resolve and nodded once more with firm conviction, "Yes! I will do it, regardless of the outcome!" He answered with utmost certainty as if nothing would ever stop him.

Sera snorted and snorted at his declaration before scoffing. "Stupid." She retorted bluntly. "Love? What love? Don't make me laugh."

She was irritated by how persistent he acted when he obviously had no chance to be with her. There was no point in pursuing this conversation further and wasting her time talking nonsense with an idiot. Without saying anything more, Sera turned around and headed straight towards the crowd without sparing another glance at Laven.

Leaving him behind, Sera focused back all of her attention on learning how to use her new equipment.

Laven clenched his hands into fists and loosened them. A moment later he followed Sera’s back with heavy steps. It would be tough for him to pull the act off with everyone watching and judging him, but he didn't have any choice anymore. He felt like he needed to prove himself to her, to Sera, that he was capable of loving someone unconditionally despite their gender or appearance.

‘Am I sure…? Am I really doing this…?’

He was getting too carried away by the flow and became rash. Now that the words already left his lips, there's nobody who can say or do to pull him out of the situation now.

‘Can’t back out now… I have to win this…!’

Everything else was irrelevant, winning became his only focus. He was willing to risk it all for this one chance and nothing short of death itself would stop him from achieving it.

"Hmm, what do you think of this, Wyca?" Gin rubbed his chin, deep in thoughts. "He has accepted my offer despite knowing the consequences." He shot the red haired girl beside him a look, "Will he be able to complete the task given or will he fail? Do you think he could pull it off?"

"Heh... I'm betting on failure," Wyca replied with an arrogant smirk while crossing her arms below her chest, "A guy like him won't get anywhere with that level of moxy. It'll be interesting to see his attempt to overcome it though. It'd sure make for great entertainment, at least." She chuckled, finding herself amused at the idea of it.

The two conversed briefly before Gin gave Wyca's firm ass a rough squeeze and slapped it, making her squeal in delight. "I agree with you though. This will definitely be interesting, regardless of the results." He said, shifting his attention back to the center of the crowd. "Well then, it's showtime. Let's witness his grand performance together, shall we?"

Wyca's face flushed bright red as she nodded, "Y-yes, with pleasure my Lord."

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