Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 18-1 (Guilty Pleasure)

Time kept on ticking, the day passed and the night arrived. The stars twinkled overhead and the moon rose high in the sky, casting shadows along the ground. The wind blew through the trees, sending leaves rustling and branches creaking. It was a peaceful sight, but the same couldn't be said for Folia. She lay awake in her bed, unable to sleep, plagued by nightmares of the debt and her husband's betrayal. She tossed and turned, unable to find any peace within herself.

"Why did it have to be like this...?" She murmured under her breath as tears flowed down her cheeks freely. Her heart ached with longing for what she once had with Soma and what they could've been if Milos hadn't come into the picture.

It was soon after she passed out in Soma's embrace and woke up on her bed, Milos came back home after asking around his friends and acquaintances for help.

"M-Milos...? What happened? Did you go drinking again!? I thought you promised to change...!" Folia yelled at him, pointing an accusatory finger at her husband. Milos simply stood there, staring with a blank face at her. He was obviously intoxicated judging from his unfocused eyes and wobbly stance. She had to wonder if the man before her had gone past the point of redemption.

"Wha...? Ah... I-is that you, Folia? What happened? Did someone break into our house?" Milos mumbled, scratching his head absentmindedly.

"What...? What in the world are you on about!? Didn't you go out to ask for help regarding the debt!? Tell me! What did you do!?" She asked, stepping forward and grabbing him by the collar. Her eyes burned with fury, her brows knitted together as she glared at him with contempt. Her grip tightened around his neck, causing him to flinch at the sudden pressure on his skin.

"Help?... I... dunno... I talked to some people... They said... they don't want to loan us... money... That they... don't trust... me." Milos slurred.

"What do you mean you 'don't know'!? What kind of answer is that!?" Folia let go of him and pushed him back forcefully, causing him to crash onto the floor. He grunted from the impact before sitting upright and holding his aching forehead.

"Wha—what the fuck's wrong with you? Are you crazy or somethin'...?" Milos spat, his words dripping with venom. "Get outta my way! I gotta sleep! It's late!" He then attempted to get up, but his legs gave out instantly. He toppled over and crashed onto the carpeted floor face-first. Folia couldn't believe how pathetic her husband was acting. She walked over to him and pulled his arm to lift him up. With his assistance, she managed to drag him towards the nearest chair and set him down before speaking again.

"Explain yourself! What have you been doing outside?" Folia demanded. She crossed her arms beneath her bust, emphasizing its size.

Milos licked his lips in response to her gesture before answering. "Nothing... I didn't do anything. I talked to those merchants...and...and...they"

Folia sighed heavily, massaging her temples with her fingers. She was frustrated with her husband's behavior and attitude towards everything. It didn't seem like he cared at all about her and their daughter's wellbeing.

"...So, you went out drinking instead. Is that it? Even though you promised me earlier that you would change!" She snapped at him bitterly. He didn't reply. His face remained expressionless except for the slight twitch of his jaw muscle. She scowled at him, feeling anger swell up inside her chest. The pent up emotion gathered into a storm, yet there was nothing she could do to let it out.

Folia opened her mouth to speak, but not a single word came out of her lips. Her throat closed up and her heart thumped with anxiety, frustration and stress combined into one unpleasant sensation inside her gut. She gritted her teeth in anger, balling her fists as she restrained herself from unleashing all her frustration on him.

She couldn't take this anymore. She knew she had to get away before she did something she'd regret later. Seeing that her husband began to drift asleep from all the liquor he consumed, Folia spun her heel and marched out of the living room towards her bedroom upstairs.

Climbing into her bed, she buried herself under the thick sheets and closed her eyes. Her mind wandered to her childhood memories when she and Soma used to spend time together in the flower field playing, chasing bugs and laughing together. Those happy moments seemed long ago and distant now. Everything she cherished had turned into a nightmare now, including Soma who once loved her very much. She cried quietly as she remembered the sweet dreams of their future together she had when they were younger.

As she tried to hold her tears, Folia choked down the sobs that threatened to escape her mouth. She buried her face deeper into the pillow as the hot wetness began to soak through the cotton fibers of the pillowcase. It was hard to breathe through the cloth, but she preferred this to crying out loud, which would alert Rylai to her emotional breakdown.

"Urgh... Hic..."

However, unbeknownst to Folia, her daughter has witnessed the whole scene, lurking from the shadows as she watched her parents' argument. Rylai stood by the bedroom's door, listening to her mother's muffled sobbing echoing through the empty hallways.


The next morning arrived.

Folia opened her eyes, red and swollen from the crying she did last night. She dragged her weary body out of bed, careful not to make a noise. She couldn't handle Milos or his snoring this early. Thus, she opened the window to let fresh air in and sat by the bedside. She gazed out at the street below where Soma had stood last night. She thought back to their conversation and the warmth of his arms wrapped around her. She missed him so much and wished things were different.

But they weren't. They couldn't be.

The sleep wasn't good, but it was enough to give her muddled mind some clarity. She got up, washed her face and dressed. She couldn't let herself wallow in misery. She had to figure out how to pay off their debts before it was too late.

Folia came to check up on Rylai in her room and found that she was still fast asleep. A wry smile crept up to her tired face. She hoped her daughter would rest a while longer before she had to deal with reality.

Meanwhile, Milos seemed to be deep in his sleep in the living room. He hadn't awakened since last night, or so it seemed. Folia tiptoed through the room, passing her sleeping husband without making eye contact towards the kitchen. She was hungry after everything that happened last night, coming down to near hysteria. She needed food, real food, to fuel her exhausted body and mind.

To her surprise, there was her maid who was already dressed up and ready to work, standing beside the stove preparing to cook breakfast for the whole family. The maid greeted her good morning with a somewhat awkward tone in her voice. Folia merely nodded at her before grabbing two plates from the cupboard above. She served herself with fried eggs, bread and butter with milk from the icebox, carrying both dishes with her outside the manor.

"...Prepare a meal for Rylai today, please."

"Y-yes... As you wish... Madam." The maid stammered, thinking that it was an odd thing to say. It almost appeared her employer tried to avoid mentioning her husband, or rather, trying to act as if he didn't exist. This sort of household drama was definitely not uncommon. The maid had her own thoughts and opinions about it, but she dare not voice them out lest she got fired.

Though, at this point in time she was tempted to resign entirely since she hadn't received her salary for a long while now.

Folia exited through the front door without giving Milos another glance. She sat by the front porch eating her meal in silence as the sun rose over the horizon. It was peaceful and serene, albeit somewhat lonely.

'I wonder how long these quiet days will last. If we can't pay off the debt... what sort of thing would Lady Ginova do to us?'

She ruminated, trying to imagine how such a woman with power and influence dealt with unpaid debtors. Would she be forced to work as one of their workers? Or would they sell her off to one of their clients to pay the debts off? These possibilities made her shiver. She had no experience or knowledge regarding this sort of matter. All she could do was to hope and pray that things wouldn't get worse than this.

'Soma... I want to see you again...'

Covering her face with both hands, Folia thought to herself—

'Gosh, I'm so selfish. I rejected you yesterday but now I want to meet you again...'

It was then she heard a heavy metallic sound, a creak of the front gate's hinges being pushed open. Startled, she whipped her head around.

The sound of footsteps crunching the gravel echoed through the yard as a familiar figure appeared from beyond the gates. Folia blinked several times, unable to believe what she saw before her eyes. Her vision blurred as the image of Soma standing at the entrance came to view. She rubbed her eyes, believing it must be a hallucination. But when she reopened them, he was still standing there smiling at her, carrying a leather shoulder bag by his side.

'He came... again, when I needed him the most... As usual...'

"...Soma? You came back... so soon...?"

The name slipped past Folia's lips in disbelief. Her heart started to race within her ribcage at the mere sight of him standing at her threshold. A surge of warmth spread throughout her entire being as she stood up from her chair. She hesitated to approach him, unsure how to greet him proper. He came without any prior warning whatsoever so early in the morning, which made it more surprising and strange, but more than welcome.

"Good morning!" Soma spoke in a casual tone, his brown eyes gleaming in the sunlight. "...Do you mind if I join you for breakfast?" He offered, gesturing at the empty seat across the table from hers. Folia stared at him, feeling surreal. It felt like a dream. Just his mere presence could bring solace to her troubled soul. However, her rationality kicked in when she realized something important. She glanced in the direction of her husband's unconscious figure sprawled across the living room's couch with a blanket draped over him.

'Would Milos misunderstand if he sees me together with Soma...? He might misinterpret us for having an affair... N-no, that's a bit much... although... It's not impossible.'

Soma took notice of her inner turmoil and asked, "Are you alright? You seem distracted."

Folia shook her head lightly before replying, "I-I'm fine. Sorry... I just have a lot in mind. Feel free to sit here too..."

"...I see." With a subtle nod, Soma took his seat without saying anything further. He knew her situation after their meeting yesterday. It would be foolish to ask what she could be thinking about.

Without further ado, he reached into his bag and grabbed some fruits and vegetables he picked up on his way here. He offered some to Folia who accepted them without complaint. Soon, both of them dug in to their respective meals without exchanging any unnecessary conversations. The atmosphere was peaceful, yet somewhat melancholic at the same time. The silence wasn't awkward or uncomfortable, however. Rather, it felt natural and pleasant to be sharing each other's company without having to fill the void between them with pointless small talk.

Though, at the same time, Folia does have a lot of questions she wanted to ask of this man.

"......How was it...?"

"How was what?"

Soma took a bite out of a green apple slice before turning his attention to Folia, curious about her sudden inquiry. He swallowed his food and chewed on another piece before responding, "If you mean, 'how I spent the night,' then it was fine. I slept in my parents house. Though it seems weird... Why would you ask such an out of the blue question like that?"

Folia blushed upon realizing how odd her question must have sounded to him. She cleared her throat and corrected herself, "N-no, that's not what I'm asking about...! I mean your adventure! After you left the village! How was it!?"

"Oh, my travels!" Soma answered with a hearty laugh, "Haha, it was tough! Becoming an adventurer wasn't as easy as I thought it would be! I nearly lost my life on my occasions. But overall, it was a valuable experience. I get to see places I never imagined myself going to before, meet new people, learn new things and explore the unknown."

"Sounds dangerous..." Folia commented with concern.

Soma chuckled lightly and nodded, "It was. There were times when I nearly died from starvation. Some other times I almost ended up as a monster's prey. I encountered few werebeasts along the way too. Some of them are actually quite nice and willing to be reasoned with, though majority of them seldom are. They can be really violent when provoked."

"Aren't you scared?" Folia asked hesitantly, "You seem awfully cheery about it. Aren't you afraid? How can you be so reckless?"

Soma pondered for a moment before replying, "I suppose you could say I've gotten accustomed to danger over time. I'm not saying I've grown to like it, mind you. I still value my life. I try my best to avoid conflicts and danger wherever possible but the pay is good, I won't deny that. Especially when compared to farming. Though I do want you to know it's less about the money and more about the adventure itself."

"So, what you're saying is..." Folia tried to guess Soma's train of thought based on his explanation, "...that you are driven by your desire to seek new challenges and experiences?"

"Well." He agreed after considering her assumption. "That's part of it."

Folia continued with her guesses, "And you also feel prideful in your accomplishment and the fact you managed to overcome those obstacles despite how tough they were?"

"I'd say yes, that's accurate too." Soma replied while taking another bite of the fruit. "You are pretty good at this. Have you done this kind of deduction before?"

Folia shook her head bashfully and admitted, "Not really... It's because I'm just describing your character in general..." She paused briefly before continuing, "...Soma, you always wanted to leave Karda and go explore the world, don't you? You want to travel and become an adventurer..."

"Right. I used to tell you about that all the time. It'sall because the books I've read back in the day, always going on about the hero saving the damsel in distress from all sorts of trouble, getting involved in bizarre and exciting shenanigans. I guess those stories left quite an impression on my younger self, enough to mold me to become who I am now." Soma confessed without hiding his embarrassment. His cheeks flushed pink and he scratched his head sheepishly. Folia found his reaction adorable, almost like a little child embarrassed to admit his fondness of such stories.

"Since I liked those kinds of stories so much, I assumed I'd probably want to live them myself one day..." He added while averting his gaze from her. He seemed to find it awkward talking about himself after being away for so long, especially about anything related to his childish act in the past. Folia however, found his shyness extremely charming and cute. She giggled softly at his cuteness and teased him playfully, "You never change. Always looking to go on an adventure."

"Not always." Soma waved his hands in denial, "I'm not going to take on quests beyond my league. I'm not so blind to my limits." He said before swallowing another chunk of his food. He took another bite before continuing his story. "It's not all rainbows and sunshine. Sometimes I fail too, and the cost of that failure is—"

Soma stopped himself mid sentence, as if recalling something unpleasant. His shoulders dropped slightly, his jaw tensed, and he swallowed hard. Folia sensed his unease to which she realized that her teasing might have brought some bitter memories from his adventures.

"...Well, nevermind that. It's all in the past now. Gotta keep on going, you know."

Soma forced a grin on his face and tried to lighten up the mood. However, he failed to fool anyone, least of all Folia, who already noticed his sudden shift in demeanor.

"That's right... It's all in the past now."

She repeated. But instead of reassuring him, she had meant those words for herself. As for what it specifically implied, Folia wasn't sure. Perhaps she simply meant she shouldn't dwell on old things, or maybe she wanted to remind herself that she can't go back to her childhood days either. Maybe both, or neither, she couldn't say. Whatever the case may be, she knew her comment didn't improve the situation between them.

Silence reigned over them again. Neither dared to speak another word. They continued eating their meals until every morsel was devoured clean.

"...By the way, Soma."


"How come you looked very different now?"

Lifting her gaze, Folia examined Soma's physique. His body frame seemed to be different from the Soma in her memories. Before he was bigger and bulkier, possessing more defined muscles under his tunic. Now he appeared more slender and leaner instead. His shoulders weren't as broad as before yet still retained its wide breadth, giving him an athletic build. His arms remained toned and strong though and his facial features had changed completely; his face became so much more beautiful than it had ever been. His dark brown eyes became brighter and deeper, reflecting an intelligent and determined gaze.

"Why? Does my look somehow don't suit me?" Soma inquired, realizing how weird it sounded right after saying it out loud.

"No... no, you look good. Really good, but it's as if you transformed into a whole different person. Somehow, if not for your eyes, I don't think I could ever recognize you. Your entire physique... are different now. What happened...?"

The Soma Folia remembered had a sharp jawline, very masculine and handsome with short dark hair. But now he looked more beautiful than handsome, but he was clearly still a man. This was a phenomenon that she could not fathom, no matter how much she tried to understand it.

"It's... complicated." Soma muttered, avoiding eye contact as he shrugged his shoulder as a noncommittal gesture, "I received a boon. A blessing to be exact. My body became stronger and my appearance also changed, but as long as it's not bad looking it should be fine, right?"

"Sure." Folia answered with uncertainty, thinking his explanation sounded unsatisfactory.

"What, do you hate how I look now?" Soma asked, his eyebrows furrowed as he turned to look at her face.

"No, I don't hate it at all, it's... you look..." Folia tried to express her thoughts in words, "...gorgeous...more beautiful than some of the prettiest women I've ever met." She explained in full detail, causing Soma to blush visibly, "I wonder what you would look like if I put makeup on you. You'll surely steal the spotlight anywhere you go."

"No, I'd prefer not to stand out..." Soma objected with a sigh, a hint of red appeared on his cheeks. "...but I'm glad you still find me attractive regardless."

"What makes you think I don't?" Folia perked with confusion. "Did I say something to give you the wrong impression?"

"Nothing special." Soma denied, shaking his head. "I figured you'd think differently after seeing how much I changed."

Folia frowned disapprovingly at Soma's answer, "Don't be ridiculous. You may look different but deep down you're still Soma." She stated firmly. "The same Soma I've known for years." She assured him before adding, "I won't lie, at first, I had my doubt if it truly is you who visited me yesterday. But after spending time with you and talking with you, I'm certain I haven't mistaken you for anyone else."

She couldn't help but let out a warm smile at him. "Rather, as far as I know, you've become more charming than before. Not that you looked bad before, but your current appearance is exceptional."

"Heh. Flattery will get you nowhere, you know." Soma laughed lightheartedly while reaching out to her. He took her hand into his and stroked it gently. "But I appreciate your compliments nonetheless."

"Glad you do." She grinned back at him. "You've always had a kind heart."

"Thank you."


Then for a brief silence, they simply stared at each other without uttering a word. Their eyes locked onto one another, gazing intently as if searching for something within their depths. Folia felt her pulse racing faster than ever before. Her cheeks flushed hotly and her throat tightened as she struggled to suppress her rising desires. She knew she shouldn't give in to temptation, but she couldn't stop herself from wanting more of him.

Just like what happened yesterday, she felt it once again.

But unlike yesterday, this time she was fully aware of what was happening within herself. She wanted to kiss him desperately, to taste his lips on her own, to embrace him tight against her bosom. But she held herself back, reminding herself how inappropriate it would be. How wrong it would be for her to engage in such immoral conduct while her husband slept nearby.

'It wouldn't be right. No matter how much I hated him, Milos... he's still my husband. Even though I regretted everything between us... That doesn't excuse me from cheating on him...'

She had to resist herself. It would be best if she ignored this feeling. Otherwise, she might lose control. She would hate herself for hurting her family any further.

'I mustn't fall into this sort of temptation. I may have lingering feelings for Soma, but... I can't do this to Rylai.' She told herself, steeling her resolve. 'I'm not allowed to betray her trust...'

Having one of her parents be a cheater was one too many. Both Rylai and her were innocent in this whole mess. If only her father wasn't such a scumbag... if only...

'But... what if Rylai doesn't find out—' She contemplated on the notion that she would be capable enough to hide her affair, only to brush those thoughts away. 'No! That's absurd! How could I do this behind Rylai's back...!? It's inconceivable...! No! I can't betray her trust like this!'

Before Folia could even finish her trains of thoughts, Soma, still with one of his hands holding hers, reached into his bag with the other and pulled a leather pouch roughly the size of his head. It made a loud jingling sound as Soma placed it on the table with a thump, the heavy sounds of coins clinking against each other echoed through the quiet morning air.

Folia blinked twice, her gaze drifting away from Soma and landing onto the leather sack. She couldn't believe her eyes, but she had heard the unmistakable noise.

"This... this is...?" She lost her breath, eyes locked at the leather pouch lying in front of her.

"There's five hundred gold coins in there." Soma responded. "I've done some digging at the Rabbit Hole. You owed Lady Ginova roughly twenty thousand gold coins, right? This much amount is far from enough, but there's a lot more where these are coming from."

"Eh!? S-Soma...! Y-you can't be serious!!

It is true, when compared, five hundred gold coins might seem insignificant to twenty thousand gold coins. But the value of the former wasn't something to be underestimated either. For ordinary citizens living in a small remote town such as Karda Village, earning ten or fifteen gold coins a year is already considered pretty good. Most would take three years worth of income just to earn between forty to fifty gold coins. Even then they would have to live a very thrifty life, skimping on meals and other necessities.

For people like Folia who grew up in a rich family who succeeded in their commercial ventures, earning over a hundred gold coins a year wasn't anything unusual. It was the same case when she got married to Milos. However, anything beyond two to three hundred gold coins a year would still be fairly difficult unless a fortuitous business opportunity arose.

Five hundred gold coins would take decades to save up for an average villager. Yet, somehow this man sitting in front of her—

"Have a look."

Soma loosened the ties, pulling out one of many, a small, round shaped object from within the leather pouch. Folia gasped as he held it before her, shining brilliantly in the daylight. Her pupils dilated, fixating solely onto it. Her body trembled, her legs turned weak, and breathing became a dozen times more difficult. Cold sweat formed on her brows.

"This... This is..." Folia stuttered. Her heart pounded loudly within her eardrums. She had no idea what to say.

"I told you." Soma tightened his grasp on her trembling hand. "The pay is good."

Folia's head spun around in circles. She felt dizzy. The world seemed to become blurry.

"W-why...? Why would you...? What is the meaning of this, Soma? I..." Her voice trailed off as she struggled to continue. She couldn't find the right words to express her emotions, her doubts, her conflicted feelings. She needed time to process this development properly.

"The meaning?"

Soma grinned, tilting his head in amusement at her confusion. He pulled her hand closer to his lips. She yelped as he pressed his mouth against her smooth skin, kissing her wrist gently. His gentle touch sent electric jolts throughout her body. Heat emanated from his palm as his other hand held hers tighter. She bit her lower lip to stifle her moan as he continued planting soft pecks along her forearm.

"As I said yesterday." He whispered while caressing her fingers tenderly. His lips moved closer to her elbow, sending shivers running through her spine. "It's because I love you."

Folia stiffened, frozen solid by his statement. She couldn't breathe. She didn't dare to breathe.

"I want to do anything for your sake, to protect you." He declared, gazing intently at her wide eyes. "I'd give anything for your happiness."

"Y-you... you shouldn't say that!" She snapped at him. Her cheeks flushed bright pink. She didn't like where this conversation was headed.

"You can't... treat me... like this...!" She argued between shallow breaths, fighting off the urge to let herself relax and accept his affection. "I'm not some... object or... commodity for you to purchase!"

So she spoke with defiance, feeling objectified and used by his gesture. She fought against herself not to succumb to his seduction or appear needy. Soma gazed into her eyes with compassion, understanding her reservations. Instead of replying with mere words, he kissed her fingertips and kissed the back of her palm before whispering, "I would do this much and more to show you how much I cherish you. I will do everything I can to protect you and your daughter, Folia."

"D-don't... please... don't joke about this..." She pleaded, attempting to withdraw her arm away from his grasp. Unfortunately, he wouldn't let go, squeezing her wrist lightly instead.

"I am serious."

His reply was short and succinct. His deep brown eyes filled with determination as he stared at her.

"Why...?" Folia choked out between her gasps, her throat closing up while her whole body shuddered. Tears welled up at the corners of her eyes. Her lips quivered as she tried not to slur her speech. Her heart throbbed with adrenaline from the intense emotions rushing through her veins.

"Why do you still love me...? Why... after all... after everything that happened...? What I did to you? I don't understand..."


Soma didn't answer. Folia wasn't sure why. Perhaps he felt it isn't needed. Rather than talking, he was more busy using his tongue to pleasure her arms. Kissing her sensitive skin gently as if he feared hurting her. She felt goosebumps form upon her flesh at every nip and nibble against her bare arm. Every little touch sent sparks shooting down her spine. Her knees buckled as she squeezed her legs together to ease her tension, grinding her thighs against each other. His hot breath tickled her skins, sparking the amber inside her loins to a blazing flame.

"Stop... please..." Folia begged pitifully. "You're making me crazy...! Please...! Enough..." She sobbed while covering her face with her free hand. Her tears trickled down her cheeks and dripped onto her lap as she whimpered helplessly.

"Don't toy with my feelings anymore... Don't tease me..."

Despite her pleas, Soma continued to trail his lips upwards, dragging them up towards her biceps while massaging her quivering shoulders with his fingers. He traced them across her neck, sending chills along her body. His actions left her breathless. Her body writhed under his touch as she tried desperately to compose herself. He was doing things to her body that she had never experienced before, rendering her mind blank. She had no way to resist or defend herself against his assault, overwhelmed by the intense stimulation flooding her brain. All she could do was let herself drown in ecstasy, basking under his ministrations.

'Why... can't I resist his advances...?'

She wondered, unsure whether she wanted to fight it anymore. If she were to give in, she would end up betraying Rylai and her own moral belief. But her resistance was futile. She knew she wouldn't last long. Her body was already tensing up, ready to explode anytime soon.

"Folia. You are so beautiful."

He whispered into her ears as gently as he possibly could while moving his hands behind her ear, cradling her cheek and brushing away her tears with his thumb. Her lips trembled as she stared at him, unsure how to respond. He leaned closer and planted his lips onto her forehead, pressing them against her moist skin. Then he trailed them down towards her nose, pecking at each tip. His scent enveloped her senses, enveloping her entire being within him. He smelled so intoxicating, making her lose any semblance of control over herself. Her mind blanked out as he continued kissing her cheeks, licking along her jawline and tracing the curve of her ears.


Folia couldn't help but gasp out loud at the unfamiliar sensation. Her back arched forward, pushing her chest closer to his face. She continued to shiver as his lips brushed against the shell of her ear, sending sparks flying across her nerves. She shut her eyelids tight, letting herself experience the bliss coursing through her body.

"Your beautiful curves, your long silky hair, your blue eyes, your everything. I love all of it." He breathed into her ear before he licked it from the base to the tip of the lobe. "Everything about you, makes me want to own you. To keep you as mine forever."

Those words struck deep into Folia's core. She felt herself losing control. Her hands slipped down to grab his shoulders as he kissed her hair and ran his hands through her tresses. The combination of his touch and his words made her shudder violently as she moaned and mewled weakly beneath his grasp. She threw her head backward, exposing her pale throat to him. He wasted no time claiming her exposed skin, licking, kissing and sucking on the delicate flesh of her neckline before moving downward towards her sternum.

"...I-I'm sorry...!" Folia uttered between moans, gasping out loud when he nibbled onto her collarbone. "Please forgive me! I'm so sorry! I...! I can't...! I can't take this!" She pleaded with teary eyes, face and ears flushed deep red, clutching at his shirt like a helpless maiden.

However, Soma remained relentless. He seemed to show her mercy by moving his lips along her jaw, pressing them along her chin, away from her breasts.

But she was too naïve.


Without warning, his lips found hers. Her squeal became muffled as his tongue invaded her mouth, ravaging her inside with ravenous fervor. Her body reacted without her consent, to push back with equal ferocity, returning his kiss with her own passionate ones. She sucked onto his bottom lip, biting it gently before opening her mouth wider to allow him access deeper inside her mouth.

'No...! Stop...! I'm going insane...! My body won't listen...!'

Her thoughts flew out of her head, replaced with overwhelming lust. She found herself responding to his advances with renewed eagerness. His hands slipped underneath her light dress that she casually put on earlier this morning, wandering around her waist, caressing her buttocks, lifting her up to his torso as he embraced her whole body.

She moaned louder, feeling his firm grip on her rear, his heat burning into her. She wrapped her arms around his neck driven by pure desire, pulling him closer and deeper into her mouth. His tongue probed further and further into her, exploring her cavity before retreating and plunging back in again. His kisses tasted so sweet yet salty from the tears falling down her face, dripping into the corner of her lips.

She couldn't stop herself from wanting more. Her head spinning wildly as he devoured her mouth relentlessly. She lost track of time while they exchanged their intense exchange of passions.

Feeling Soma's fingers digging closer and closer into her ass, Folia's heart skipped a beat when his digits began prodding the edge of her slit from above her underwear, his middle finger touching the front of her womanhood while his forefinger inching closer and closer to her anus.

'N-no...! Wait...! Stop it...! Not there...!'

But she couldn't bring herself to struggle. She felt paralyzed, unable to move nor resist as he continued to squeeze her bottom cheeks forcefully, rubbing his middle finger directly against her slit. Her insides twitched as his digit pushed against the thin fabric barrier of her panties. She could feel herself getting wetter by the second. Her body practically begging at this point, begging to be—

"Hnggh...? Ohh...?"

It was then a voice entered their ears, breaking their heated moment together and distracting the two from their intimacy. Soma abruptly broke their lip lock, causing Folia to open her eyes and let go of her grip around his neck. This caused her to lose her balance and Soma had to drop her back to her seat. She stumbled backwards before catching herself against the table beside her.

'Milos!! He's awake!!'

Folia shouted in her mind upon realizing who their intruder was, quickly pushing Soma away while putting her index finger on her lips, indicating him to keep silent. She whipped her head around to glance at the front door as she felt faint unsteady footsteps approaching. The sound grew louder until the figure of Milos came to view, still rubbing his eyes.

Folia silently cursed under her breath while readjusting her disheveled garments. At that moment, she was praying to god that Milos hadn't noticed anything strange about her and Soma. Thankfully, judging by his half-awake state and how uncoordinated his steps were, he might have been too groggy to see clearly what just transpired between them. Or maybe he really didn't notice? He would have started yelling at the two of them by now had he caught wind of what had transpired.

"Mmmh? W-who's 'is?"

Still slurring his words, it was obvious Milos hadn't gotten over his hangover. He blinked several times before staring at Folia, as if trying to discern if she's real or not. After a few seconds of awkward silence, he turned towards Soma before asking again with a raspy voice, "Who iz zis guy...?"

Folia cleared her throat, "Milos! You are still sick. Go rest up. You shouldn't be walking around in that condition."

Frowning at Milos's drunkenness, Folia attempted to send him straight back to bed without arousing his suspicion. Panicked and scared he would misunderstand something and flip out on her, she decided it was best to diffuse the situation as soon as possible.

"Sick? W-who?" He replied while scratching his belly before yawning. "I feel fine, better zan 'e last time... Anyway... You still didn' answ'r me... 'oo ezzit'er?"

He gestured towards Soma with a confused expression on his face.

"Oh... Ah, he's just an old friend visiting. Nothing special! Now go! Go back to bed! You look like an absolute mess!" Folia quickly explained while standing up and grabbing Milos by his arm before he had the chance to see the money on the table. "Come on. Up you go." She added as she tried to drag her husband away.

Milos continued to stare at Soma while being pushed inside back into the house.

"O-old fr'nd? Vis'tin'?" He muttered, seemingly dissatisfied with the explanation. "Fri-end... mebe he... he can help... help wiz ze debt..."

Soma, who sat back down on his chair and the bag of gold coins on the table, narrowed his eyes and let out a faint smile, "Debt? Suppose I can lend a helping hand to an old friend."

Folia shot Soma an annoyed look, her face still flushed deep red from their moment together, tugging at Milos's arm even harder while shaking her head adamantly, "No! He won't help us out!" She rebuked before correcting herself, "H-he's an adventurer you see, travelling from one place to another to hunt monsters and helping people! He barely has enough to cover his own expenses, much less ours."

Soma raised an eyebrow at Folia, giving her an amused smirk which she returned with a scowl. She pursed her lips and resumed her effort of leading her hangover husband back to their bedroom.

However, Milos persisted despite her protests, "Why not? Can't ev'en pay 'er back yet... and she'll send de collectors after uz soon..." He argued back with difficulty, still struggling to get his thoughts straight due to his nauseous and pounding headache.

"It's fine." Soma reassured him, "I'm still considered 'green' by veteran adventurers, but I earn enough to be able to handle your debt and still save some for myself." He glanced at Folia before adding, "Plus, I owe your wife here a lot, I would want to help you out if I can."

"Soma!!" Folia exclaimed when hearing those words, her voice shaking with anxiety and worry. "Y-you can't... you can't do this! I-I'll borrow money from someone else... Just stop, please! Don't—"

She tried to stop Soma from helping knowing full well what kind of consequences there would be should he succeed in paying off their debt to Lady Ginova. But before she could explain her concerns, Milos chimed in again with excitement in his tone, "You wannna? Zat... zat so?! Thank you, zank you muzt... Muzt repay you 'undredfold! I promise!" He nodded with excitement as he shaked Soma's arm.

"Haha, no need to go that far." Soma replied before flashing an apologetic smile towards Folia. "I'll leave this to you then. I'll be back to give you the rest of it soon."

Patting the leather pouch filled with gold coins, Soma excused himself from Folia's residence, leaving his beloved childhood sweetheart at a loss for words.

"No... wait!"

She tried to stop him. But Soma's departure went without delay.

"Izzat... money...?" Milos mumbled to Folia. "So sleepy... everything is spinning... my head hurts..."

"Soma..." Folia muttered with mixed emotions swirling around inside her brain. She stared blankly at the departing figure of Soma walking off the grounds of her house. All she could think about at this point was how foolish she'd been for letting herself get swept up in his passion.

How could she lose her self-control so easily? How could she allow herself to succumb to his charm like that? How could she forget about Rylai? How could she let Soma sacrifice his wealth for her family's sake? This is not how it should be. This isn't what she wanted.

"Oh no..."

What's worse, she had acted so shamelessly, kissing him back as if she wanted it as much as he did, if not more. She didn't deserve such treatment. She's supposed to be a responsible adult woman who cares about her marriage. And yet, she went ahead and did that. She was pathetic. She felt utterly disgusted with herself.

But what can she do now? There's no going back. Everything happened so fast that she had no idea how to react or what to do.

'What's going to happen to me now...? How should I face Soma later...?'

Folia continued to fret about the consequences of her actions while she watched Milos stumbling towards her kitchen counter, groping around for an empty cup.

"...Water..." He rasped tiredly, pouring himself a drink of water and gulping it all down before sighing in relief.

With Soma gone, Folia's mood had become incredibly morose. She sunk into depression and self-loathing, pondering on all the conflicting emotions she just experienced in such a short moment. Processing the fact that her childhood sweetheart tried to buy her by paying her debt, that they nearly got intimate in public, how she failed to resist her temptation to engage in sinful behavior with another man behind her husband's back, and how she may have committed herself into an irrevocable mistake.

'Oh my God, what am I doing...?'

"...Rylai... where's she...?" Milos asked his wife before slumping down into his chair.

"Probably still asleep..." Folia answered indifferently, her mind preoccupied with other thoughts.

"That's good. She's safe, I hope..."

He rubbed his temples, relieving some pressure buildup within his skull. He then reached for some fruit slices left on the table and ate one piece.


But they didn't know.


There was a small figure hiding behind the railings on the upper floor, watching everything unfold below her. Rylai woke up early this morning and stayed in her bedroom by herself when she heard the front gate open. She saw Soma approaching and chatting with her mother through the window. Staying hidden and silent, she witnessed everything.

From the beginning to the very end.


End of the second day.

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