Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 18-2 (Guilty Pleasure)

That entire day Folia was truly out of it. She kept replaying the scene of their passionate moment over and over in her head, trying desperately to find any reason why she had behaved like that. Was she that desperate for physical attention that she allowed herself to be seduced so easily? It wasn't like her at all. She had always been careful and prudent with her choices. She never would've expected her to throw away her pride and dignity for something so fleeting. It was unforgivable.

Milos had left the house again sometime in the afternoon in the pretext of 'looking for help with the debt', leaving his wife and daughter alone at home. Folia knew he was lying. He lied naturally as he breathed. The leather pouch that Soma gave them felt lighter than before, it was clear that he took a chunk of the coins to go drinking and probably even gamble and cheat on her for the umpteenth time.

Not like she cared.

Not at this point of time in her life anyway.

She had come to expect such behavior from him. Somewhere along the line Folia lost any sort of emotional investment, sympathy and empathy for her husband. This entire ordeal had numbed her to her very core. Her feelings regarding her husband became akin to that of indifference. The fact that he drank and gambled his way to bankruptcy was one thing, but to also sleep around behind her back knowing that they had a daughter was something else.

The man was incorrigible. He had been unfaithful, and the marriage became meaningless. A prison disguised as a partnership. A divorce would be ideal for her, but it wasn't something that she was willing to entertain given her current status and position in society. Divorce wasn't something common, nor was it accepted well. Especially when she does it to get out of debt. Her reputation and social standings would sink lower than the lowest worm imaginable. She would lose whatever little influence and respect she had and become ostracized. Even the people whom she'd grown accustomed to treating with respect and familiarity would look at her with scorn. That kind of lifestyle would destroy her sanity.

Being in the morally correct position for wanting a separation from Milos didn't matter, no one would ever admit that she was justified in pursuing her freedom and happiness. People will tell her she brought this upon herself. They'll call her selfish, self-centered, immature, irresponsible, and uncaring. No one would sympathize with her situation and instead label her as a stupid whore whose husband abandoned her for another woman. It didn't matter if it wasn't true. It's easier for everyone involved to accept such a conclusion than the alternative.

That was the sort of society she lived in.

This was a world where not only women of the lower class suffered the greatest misfortunes, but also of those in the upper echelon of society. For example, women like Folia who came from wealthy families had a significantly higher standard to meet, not just in terms of appearances and beauty but also in conduct and mannerisms. These high expectations placed them in constant pressure to perform certain roles or behaviors that were deemed appropriate or acceptable for a noble lady.

Therefore, women of her station were often forced to maintain an image of perfection while living under strict scrutiny and supervision from others. As a result, it was difficult to avoid attracting negative attention. People tended to assume things about people who don't fit a particular mold and as such, stereotypes tended to stick.

But that wasn't all.

The teaching of goddess Aria spread far and wide across the planet, forming one large conglomerate religion of sorts. They taught their followers to love, respect and obey one another regardless of differences. That those who break the rules were evil and should be punished. As such, divorce was deemed unnecessary as Aria's doctrine dictated that any marriage should be dissolved through the act of reconciliation rather than separating from one's partner.

In other words, marriage meant an eternal bond. Breaking them through normal means meant eternal damnation for both parties. Only through mutual consent would the tie be severed. Such teachings discouraged individuals to separate themselves from their spouses, instead teaching them to try their hardest to resolve issues within their relationships. In such a situation, Folia had nowhere to run.

No matter the context or situation, even if her husband cheated on her, gambling their wealth and becoming drunkard, she's stuck with him.

Because that's what Aria wanted for them.

What the society expected of her as the virtuous and righteous wife.

What others deemed proper.

The words 'divorce' seemed like a taboo, something only people with loose morals would resort to. But in truth, many would understandably desire to escape from abusive spouses or marriages filled with conflicts, yet because of these strict dogma, they are unable to seek justice or fairness. They fear retaliation from their community, ridicule from friends, neighbors, relatives, family members, or colleagues. Nobody wants to deal with the negative consequences associated with being labeled as an adulterer or whore. Most choose to endure and suffer.

This was the state of the world she lived in.

Karda was a small village with tight-knit communities. Everyone knew each other. Family, friends, business partners, rivals, people you passed by every morning on your way to work. It was difficult to keep secrets and gossip spread fast. As such, divorcing or getting a divorce would spell doom to anyone involved, especially if both parties were considered to be rich and settled people like Folia and Milos.

Her daughter, Rylai left the house to play with other kids her age, but Folia didn't have the energy to join her. She chose to stay home alone with her husband, who was too hungover to notice her sudden change of mood. She wandered aimlessly around the house, trying to calm her racing thoughts and beating heart. It was impossible. She couldn't concentrate on anything, much less her own chores as the housewife.

The maid who knew of what was going on offered her pity, but Folia couldn't bring herself to talk to her about it. She had always respected the woman's discretion, but now she wasn't sure if she could trust anyone besides herself. It was too risky to share such a secret with anyone else. The shame and guilt weighed heavily on her conscience, making her toss and turn in bed all night long.

'Did I just have an affair...?' She reflected during her sleepless hours, 'If I did... I'm an adulteress. A sinner...'

Folia felt miserable and guilty. She hated herself for having betrayed Rylai, whom she considered to be her only family. But at the same time she couldn't deny her feelings for Soma either.

That her insides were set ablaze when their lips met. That his touches ignited a raging fire within her body. The sweet taste of his mouth lingered on her tongue, and she longed to feel its warmth again. His fingers were so, so close reaching her most sacred region before Milos interrupted their moment. If only he didn't wake up and interrupt their moment of intimacy, perhaps they would've—

'No! Cease these dirty thoughts, me! It's wrong! It's forbidden! You've already crossed the line once!'

Folia slapped both her cheeks hard, waking herself from her trance. She forced herself to ignore the delicious shivers running along her spine when imagining how things could've ended differently if Soma managed to—

'No!!! Enough! I mustn't think this way...!' She reprimanded herself internally, 'I can't let these disgusting feelings take over me! I refuse!'

She clenched her teeth in frustration.

'But... my loins feels so hot...!'

No matter how hard she tried, the image of Soma's face flashed repeatedly through her mind. His handsome features, his charming smile, his loving gaze, his soft lips... How good they felt pressed against hers, making her entire being tremble. Those memories triggered a flood of emotions within Folia's head. It was difficult for her to contain those feelings and stop herself from reliving them time and again.

She shook her head vigorously, willing those naughty images out of her head. But it proved fruitless. They refused to disappear.


That night was one of the longest nights Folia ever experienced. The hours passed by agonizingly slow, and Folia couldn't find any relief even when morning dawned. The sun rose high above the horizon and burned bright across the cloudless blue sky. Its rays poured down onto her windowsill, casting shadows everywhere.

Milos still hadn't returned home.


Standing by the mirror attached to the wardrobe, Folia gazed at her reflection. Dark bags under her eyes spoke of her lack of proper rest. Her complexion appeared paler than usual, her lips dry and cracked from not hydrating enough. However, these facts still could not hide her beauty as a woman.

The hem of her short nightgown stopped inches above her knee, showing off her long shapely legs. Her slender arms hugged her flat tummy, drawing attention towards her busty bosom. Folia tilted her head slightly and the reflection in the mirror reflected the gesture, revealing her smooth skin and soft neckline. Her messy long dark blonde hair covered most of her backside, and yet, it served to accentuate the natural curvature of her hips and thighs. She could see herself clearly through the looking glass, a great example of feminine beauty. Indeed, Folia had always been blessed with exceptional genetics.

Turning sideways to take in her profile, Folia's hand slowly moved down her neck, tracing along its length until it reached the edge of her chin. Her other hand followed suit, gliding across her collarbone before cupping one of her breasts. They were big enough to fill her hand completely, yet quite firm to maintain their shape and perkiness. They weren't overly large though. Even when fully erected, they still retained their elegant roundness.

'Soma... loves me. This me, the me right here, right now, standing by the mirror...'

The fabric of Folia's nightgown shifted as her fingers squeezed lightly at her nipple through its thin layer of protection. A flash of pink showed itself as her peach-colored nipples poked outwards. Her eyes closed for a moment, tilting her head back as she inhaled deeply. Then she let it out. Slowly, she exhaled, releasing a shuddering breath as she relaxed.


A gasp escaped her parted lips. She opened her eyes again, taking in the sight of herself through the mirror. She observed the rise and fall of her chest as she panted softly while kneading her ample bosom. Her knees shook as pleasure flowed throughout her body.

"Ugh... mmh...!"

Folia wondered what sort of things Soma would've done to her had Milos not woken up and disturbed them yesterday. She imagined herself being taken away by Soma, carried off somewhere private so she could feel him touch her skin, feel his tongue roam through every inch of her body, lick every single part of her. Would he lay her on the ground? Or would he be considerate of her comfort and bring her to a nearby bed?

Her fingers wandered towards her inner thigh while her other hand pinched her nipple with greater force.

'No... Not like this... I need more...'

She grabbed at her large mound firmly as her hand snaked upwards. She pushed aside the fabric of her nightgown to reveal the valley between her tits. Her palm pressed against her hardened nub as she squeezed it gently. At the same time, her middle finger circled around her already-wet entrance.

"Haah... ah...!"

Folia moaned with each stroke she made against her slit. The combination of stimulation sent jolts of pleasure throughout her body. Her back arched, pushing her breasts against her fingers. Practically standing on her tiptoes, she rocked her hips forwards and backwards as she pleasured herself.

"Ah! Aah! Anh! Ah!"

Her moans grew louder as she neared her peak. The more intense she made her movements, the closer she felt to reaching her climax. Her knees buckled under the pressure while her fingers continued working tirelessly on her dripping wet sex.

'I'm so dirty...! My body...!' Folia cried inwardly as she grinded her hips harder against her hand. 'I'm masturbating to the thought of the man who I let violate me yesterday... I'm hopeless...! I'm sorry...!! I'm so sorry...!! Rylai...!!!'

In a swift motion, her fingers slid into her soaked caverns, entering her slippery folds. Her thumb pressed against her clit, rubbing circles around the sensitive organ while her free hand twisted her stiff nipple.

"Ha... Haah... Nghh! O-ohhhhhh...! I'm… gonna…!!!"

And like a dam breaking, a deluge of ecstasy washed over her entire frame. She lost control of herself as her body convulsed against her own hand. Her eyes rolled backwards, her vision became hazy as her limbs grew weak.

With a thud, Folia fell onto her knees as her muscles turned to jelly. She panted with audible gasps, saliva leaking from the corner of her lips. When she regained control over herself, her face grew crimson red, realizing she had done something horrible. She shouldn't have done that. She shouldn't have fantasized about Soma or what he would do to her if she hadn't let her lust overtake her rationale.

'Rylai... I'm so sorry... please forgive your useless mother... for she has sinned...'


Folia took a bath, changed her clothes and fixed her hair. She looked stunning in her new attire. Her slim waistline paired with her ample bosom was eye-catching to say the least. Her face flushed bright pink with embarrassment whenever she recalled the event this morning. She couldn't believe she had let herself go that far. To masturbate to the thought of Soma, someone who she was supposed to reject, was shameful. She had sullied herself. She had committed a grave sin.

She couldn't afford to allow this to happen again. She couldn't risk losing control over herself. She had to put a stop to these nasty desires. She had to make things right.

"Mommy, where's daddy?"

Rylai's voice pierced her ears, bringing Folia back to reality. Folia turned around and smiled at her daughter, who looked at her with such bright, innocent eyes.

"He's out sweetie. He'll be back soon." Folia answered while tucking a strand of her daughter's golden hair behind her ear.

"Okay, mommy! I'm going to play outside then!" Rylai exclaimed with enthusiasm. Folia nodded, patting the top of Rylai's head with motherly affection.

"Be careful."

"Yes! Mommy I love you!"

With that said, Rylai skipped happily away towards the door. Before exiting she glanced back at her mother, waved goodbye, then left the house.

'Such a sweet little angel... Rylai... I don't you if your mommy deserve your love...' Folia lamented to herself as she stared at Rylai's receding silhouette. 'I'm not worthy... I've failed you, sweetie... Please don't hate me...'

Folia stood in place until Rylai disappeared from her vision. She sighed and walked away towards the kitchen where the maid was busy cleaning the dishes.

"The young miss is certainly energetic today, huh?" The older woman commented while scrubbing at the plates.

"Yeah..." Folia responded, unable to conceal her gloom. She reached into the cabinet and took out a glass bottle containing white, viscous liquid. She poured a small quantity of it into a teacup before pouring hot water into it. Placing the kettle down, she mixed her cup with a teaspoon. She stirred the solution clockwise until thick fluid dilutes into pure clear liquid. Once ready, she lifted her drink to her lips and took a sip.

Almost in an instant, her shoulders visibly relaxed, as if the tension inside her chest disappeared. She took a deep breath as she lowered the cup.

"How are you feeling, madam? You look a little pale." The maid asked with concern visible across her face.

"I'm alright." Folia said reassuringly with a faint smile. "Don't worry about me, thank you."

"Alright, but please don't hesitate to let me know if you need anything." The servant reminded her before resuming her chore.

The white, viscous liquid was a new product that the owner of the Rabbit Hole, Lady Ginova, started to sell on the market a few months ago. Dubbed 'holy essence' by the buyers, its effects were nothing short of a miracle.

It causes anyone who drank the substance to experience a feeling of serenity, tranquility, relaxation and comfort when ingested in small doses. A hint of pleasure and joy can be tasted within each drop, along with something else, something more... intoxicating. This particular substance works wonders on calming the nerves, easing anxiety, restoring energy levels, enhancing mood, relieving stress, elevating motivation and promoting mental clarity. The results of drinking holy essence are truly astounding.

The locals adored it so much. Not just because of its positive effects, but also because of its tastes. The flavor was light and sweet, reminding people of honey yet unlike anything they'd ever tasted before.

In a week's time, their entire stock ran out faster than anticipated. When the next batch came around, the price increased due to limited supply. Eventually, this led to widespread demand among customers, causing prices to skyrocket beyond what was reasonable.

Folia was one of the fortunate ones who managed to snatch some at lower cost when the first wave of sales hit the shelves. She purchased ten bottles full of this special concoction made of unknown ingredients and stored them safely at home. She would take them out whenever she felt stressed or worried. Although expensive, her habit of indulging in holy essence had become an integral part of her daily routine.

Despite knowing where the holy essence came from the Rabbit Hole, the very place that put their lives into ruins, Folia still couldn't help but continue using them. Because holy essence helped her cope with her problems, eased her troubled mind, calmed her nerves, and enhanced her mood. So she consumed them regularly without hesitation.

She tried not to think too hard about the possibility that she might've been addicted to them. After all, there's nothing wrong with using substances when needed to enhance one's mood. Besides, even if she really did develop an addiction, that's nothing compared to other people's vices like alcoholism or drug abuse.

At least, that's what she told herself to sleep every night.

Knock-! Knock-! Knock-!


Folia raised her head, her eyebrows knit together as the sound of someone knocking on the door entered her ears. The maid stopped her dishwashing and said, "Could it be Sir Milos?" To which Folia shook her head.

"I doubt it. How can a drunk man bother to knock...?" Folia replied with certainty as she took another sip from her teacup. Her eyes started to widen as a possibility dawned on her.

"Could it be...?"

She placed her teacup away and stood up, her feet headed towards the front entrance in a hurry. Meanwhile, the maid curiously peeked towards the direction of the door. Upon noticing Folia's impatient gait, she dried her hands clean before following her mistress towards the doorway.


She swung the doors open and saw a familiar figure standing before her.

"Good afternoon, Folia." The man greeted politely, giving her a smile. "I hope I didn't disturb you too much? The front gate wasn't locked, so I just walked right in."

The maid recognized this man, he was Soma, the same stranger who visited their residence for the past few days. The first time she saw Soma, he made her mistress cry and fell asleep in his embrace. The second time was yesterday, giving them money to help their financial situation.

It wasn't exactly a secret that Folia tried to hide from her, the only maid of the house. She heard their entire conversation and knew that they still loved each other, but her mistress clearly had her hands tied to her marriage and obligation as a mother.

Her mistress had explicitly told her not to mention anything to her husband regarding the matter, thus making it an affair. Thus, the maid kept her silence as instructed. She didn't want to risk losing her job by getting involved.

"S-Soma... you came back..."

Folia stuttered her greeting while gazing at the man with surprise written across her face. "T-this..." She clenched the hem of her dress, unsure how to proceed with this situation. She had been dreading meeting Soma after what transpired last time. It had been a whole day since they saw each other, yet she still couldn't process the event in her mind properly.

What had she done? Had she really let her lust overtake her?

"Can we talk? Just the two of us? In private." Soma asked with a casual tone. He glanced at the maid who had been watching their exchange and gave her an acknowledging nod. The maid immediately understood, backing away respectfully, excusing herself and heading upstairs. She left the pair of childhood sweethearts alone by themselves.

The maid actually supported her Folia's relationship with Soma. After all, if they continued to get closer and their debt repaid, then she too might be able to keep her job here. She had no ill will against anyone in the house, Milos being the only person she didn't like, but only after she learned the truth. Besides that, nobody tried to harm her or make her life difficult, not the husband, the wife nor the daughter.

At the end of the day, she preferred to keep working here if possible, and so she made a decision based on that.


Folia opened her mouth, trying to ask the maid to stay with her but ended up faltering midway. Her eyes darted around, warmth crept on her cheeks when she noticed Soma's stare on her. She swallowed hard, avoiding eye contact with the handsome-yet-pretty standing before her.

"Folia." He called her name gently, almost purring his speech. "I brought back gifts for you." From the shoulder bag hanging on his side, he pulled another leather pouch. It was identical to the previous one he gave her last time, making loud jingling sounds every time they moved. "Here. Take it." He offered with an extended arm, pushing it to her.

Folia glanced at the pouch, then to Soma's face, color drained from her face, "...That's... for our debt isn't it...?" Her voice trailed off, feeling nervous, embarrassed and panicked at the same time. "I... I can't accept it..." She murmured weakly, refusing to reach out and grab it.

Soma chuckled, "Huh, what do you mean? You already accepted though? Didn't your husband agree to receive my offer?" He arched his brows, giving her a playful wink. "Anyway, come on. Just take it." He urged, pushing forward again. Folia's eyes flickered between the leather pouch and the man's face, unsure how to respond. "Folia?" He coaxed her, seeing her hesitation.

"I went to the Rabbit Hole to speak with Lady Ginova today, asking for her permission to let me take care of your debt." Soma explained casually while gesturing to Folia, "I saw your husband there, drinking and gambling, all the while flirting with women. He seemed to be in a good mood, perhaps he won some money? Who knows? Either way, he left you and your daughter here." His words struck Folia straight to her heart, causing her to tremble as her eyes widened with shock and horror.

She thought that she was already numb to Milos's actions, but hearing them again hurt as if someone stabbed her chest multiple times. Tears welled up in her eyes as she stared helplessly at Soma. She didn't want to hear anymore.

"...That's how your husband really is, Folia." He added with slight pity, raising his hand to caress her cheek. "But you're still bound to him, aren't you? Because of him you can't leave, can't divorce him. You're stuck." He tilted his head, placing two of his fingers beneath her chin and lifted her face upwards to look him straight in his eyes.


His voice sounded so soothing, his eyes twinkled, captivating her senses, his scent invaded her nostrils. Everything about him enchanted her senses, ensnaring her soul into his clutches. She didn't realize it, but she nodded in agreement to everything he said.


"You are in debt. Your husband is too busy fooling around to give you any love, support or protection. Your daughter depends on you for everything, and you cannot do anything but struggle through everyday life." He listed the facts as if reading her mind. "Isn't it harsh? Isn't it painful? Folia?" Soma questioned rhetorically. "Is there something wrong with wanting to escape such torture?" He added with sympathy, pulling her head closer to his.

"You cannot refuse my offer."

Soma stared straight into Folia's blue orbs. His lips brushed against hers before he whispered quietly into her ears.

"You are mine now."

Soma's words caused goosebumps to crawl across her skin. His masculine aura permeated the air around them, making Folia dizzy and confused. She gasped and held onto Soma's shoulders tightly to keep herself steady, "W-what...?!"

She shuddered under his gaze, trembling.

"No one is willing to help you but me. No one is willing to pay your debts but me. No one wants to rescue your family but me." Soma continued without so much a blink. "Do you understand, Folia? I'm your only option here." He concluded his statement before adding, "If you understand, then take this." He pushed the pouch filled with gold coins forward again, waiting for her to accept it.

"From here on out, I own you, Folia." Soma stated with finality, "You shall henceforth be my property." His grip on her chin tightened.

Folia froze in place as if paralyzed. The meaning behind Soma's words sank deep in her mind, filling her brain with incomprehensible thoughts. She could hardly breathe as she struggled to process everything. Soma's words echoed within her skull, ringing inside her ears.

'He owns me...?'

Folia stared blankly at the leather pouch with disbelief in her eyes. 'What does he mean...?' She asked herself over and over, unable to comprehend Soma's words. Her heart raced without control, pounding inside her rib cage. Her lungs felt tight as they worked overtime to supply oxygen to her brain. Her palms sweating profusely, drenching her fingertips.

'He bought... me? He bought my... life...?' She repeated in her head countless times, questioning the absurdity of his sentence.

'No... Surely... Surely, I misheard... I must've misunderstood!' Folia's thoughts screamed back.

"Why...?" Her voice shook as she asked while shaking her head. "Why would you... Why would anyone...?" She whimpered, tears building up within her eyes.

Soma gave her an empathetic smile, wiping away her tear-stained cheeks before saying, "Because I love you."

Upon hearing Soma's reply, Folia felt like she couldn't breathe anymore. Her hands trembled while her chest heaved erratically. A lump formed in her throat preventing her from speaking.

"You belong to me, Folia. I won't let anyone else take you away from me." He leaned in closer, his lips hovering inches above her face. His breath tickled her skin, sending shivers down her spine. "Therefore, accept my proposal. Take the pouch from my hand. Become mine." He ordered her again.

"I... I..."

Folia wanted to reply, but she couldn't utter any coherent word or phrase. All she could muster was a feeble, "Why...? How could you, Soma...? What sort of love is this...?" Her eyes dropped down, unable to meet his intense gaze any longer. "No... This isn't love... This isn't what I wanted... This... isn't what I wanted..."

"Shh... Listen..." Soma shushed her with his gentle whisper. He placed a finger on her lips, stopping her from protesting further. "Folia. My beloved." He called out her name once more before kissing her forehead tenderly, causing Folia's eyelids to snap shut.


"Be still, and listen to my voice..."

Soma spoke those words clearly and carefully, every syllable resonating strongly within Folia's consciousness. His tone contained confidence and authority, leaving no room for argument. He commanded her to obey, and obey she did.

"Uh, ah......"

"That's a good girl."

Soma caressed her cheek before whispering to her again.

"Now... accept the money, Folia."

"The... money...?" Folia repeated his words. The command bounced around in her mind, echoing again and again, growing louder and louder until it became deafening. She didn't know why, but somehow she couldn't refuse the request. No. Rather, she didn't want to refuse. She wanted to follow his command. Was it out of fear? Or something else entirely?

Folia opened her eyes wide, staring at Soma's face directly. His charming grin accompanied his sparkling deep brown eyes gazing at her expectantly, awaiting her answer. As if on autopilot, her body moved by itself, obeying his commands without question.

"I... I can't... I don't want to..." So she said with a trembling voice, before taking the leather pouch out of his hand, clutching it tightly in her fists. The contents of the bag clinked, jingling noisily, indicating the sheer amount of wealth Soma had given her. It weighed heavy inside her hand, enough to fill her conscience with guilt.

"Very good. Excellent work, my dear Folia." Soma praised her actions with obvious approval. His thumbs stroked her cheeks affectionately. "For your obedience, I shall reward you."

"Reward... Me?" Folia mumbled with a blank look, voicing her confusion. Was the pouch of gold coins not enough of a boon? What else could possibly be worth rewarding?

"What... Kind of a reward...?" She inquired as her heart started to race again.

"Well..." Soma answered with a low chuckle, "The kind you've been waiting for..." He leaned over her head and brought his lips closer to her earlobes. She felt his warm breath brushing against her sensitive ears, sending shivers through her spine.

"Wh...What... are you— Kyah!"

Soma reached down to her knees and lifted her up to his embrace in a princess carry. Without uttering a single word, he walked towards the living room and threw Folia onto the sofa. She yelped out in surprise as her body collided with the soft surface, bouncing lightly before landing flat against its cushion. The pouch holding all the coins fell out of her hands, scattering across the floor with loud clinking noises.

Folia turned her head to check out the mess she made, but she wasn't given much time to worry about it. Soma started walking towards her before she realized what was going on.

"Wha— w-wait a second, Soma!" Folia sat upright, crawling backwards in panic. "Stop! Stop it!" She pleaded with him desperately. "This isn't funny! S-stop!" She raised both of her arms trying to shield her face and chest, hoping to protect herself from his advances.

Soma didn't slow his stride towards her one bit. He closed within seconds and pinned Folia's wrists down against the cushions. With her arms trapped under his weight, Folia found herself unable to move or resist.

"I said stop! Please...!"

But Soma ignored her pleas. Instead, he pressed his body against hers, pushing her flat against the sofa. His presence loomed above her, invading her senses, enveloping her entire being. He moved his mouth towards her face, closing his lips upon her cheek. The warmth from his kiss burned against her skin, spreading it throughout her body.

Folia squirmed beneath him, trying to escape his grasp. She attempted to kick his legs and push his shoulders away from her body, but Soma firmly kept his grip on her arms, keeping her in place. It was impossible to break free from his grasp. She knew this firsthand from before, back when he held her during their passionate moment by the front porch.

Soma held both of her wrists with one hand, freeing the other one to roam her body freely. His fingers wandered all over her figure, groping and grabbing at every piece of her curves. He squeezed her breasts, massaged her asscheeks, squeezed her thighs, pinched her buttocks, cupped her crotch, and explored every nook and crevice of her skin.

It was humiliating and embarrassing for her to experience such intimate touches in broad daylight. Her entire body was exposed for all to see, including her private parts, which she desperately tried to hide with her legs. She thrashed against his grip, fighting with all her strength to prevent Soma from groping any further.

"Does it feel good? Folia?" Soma murmured against her neck, nibbling against her sensitive skin. "Your nipples have gotten hard."

"No! Don't...!" Folia shook her head sideways, denying his claim vehemently. She didn't want this. She didn't want him touching her this way. She didn't want her body betraying her. But the heat inside her core kept growing hotter and hotter each time their skins made contact. A red blush stained her cheeks as her breathing turned ragged.

"So adorable." Soma teased her. "You're getting wet too. Look. Right here." He pointed towards her panty, which had a wet spot forming at the center of the fabric. "You're soaked."

"N-no..." Folia protested halfheartedly, but her quivering voice lacked conviction. The only thing she could focus on was how good it felt for Soma to rub against her bare flesh. It was blissful, heavenly even. The way his fingers stroked along her soft skin sent pleasant sensations through her core, making her toes curl and her spine tingle.

But she refused to show how much she enjoyed it. She refused to admit how much she longed for Soma's touch. She refused to acknowledge the fact that she desired him more enough to masturbate at the thought of him ravishing her body first thing in the morning. She refused to acknowledge her sexual arousal, her lust and her infatuation towards the man whose body pressed against hers at this very moment.

Folia firmly believed she must act tough and keep fighting. She had to endure until Soma tired himself out and let go of her. Until then, she would keep struggling against his advances as hard as she could. She had to. Otherwise she would lose herself. Otherwise she would give in to temptation. Otherwise she would—

"Aaah!" A cry of shock escaped from her lips as Soma pulled Folia's underwear downwards to expose her womanhood. With ease, he took off her panty and brought it up to his nose. He inhaled deeply, savoring Folia's unique scent before licking the fabric with his tongue.

"S-Soma...! Y-you— Oomph-!!" Folia couldn't finish her sentence. Her mouth was muffled by the same panty Soma held moments earlier. Now soaked in his saliva and her own secretions, her undergarment smeared her lips and tongue with its foul taste.

"Mmphh! Hhhhhfffhh!!!" Folia moaned against the garment, her protests dying within her throat as she choked on her own spit. Tears gathered at the corner of her eyes as she tried to spit out the offensive piece of clothing stuffed into her mouth.

"Haah... mmff... ummmfhhh...." She inhaled deeply through her nose while gasping for air. The inside of her mouth tasted disgusting, making her feel nauseous. It reeked of sweat and dirt and dirt mixed with saliva and who knew what else.

But Soma wouldn't let her free so easily. He took advantage of the fact that she couldn't use her tongue to speak or scream and forced a kiss upon her lips. Their tongues entangled against the fabric, wrapping around each other in a heated embrace. The combined taste of their saliva combined with her own arousal drove her mind insane with arousal and fear which only fueled the flame burning within her guts further.

She needed to fight back! She must resist! But the feeling of pleasure she gained from the kiss distracted her from doing anything other than enjoying herself.

"Mmghh!! Nnh! Uuuggggmmhh!!!!" Folia roared, continuing to struggle against his hold to no avail. She kicked her legs and bucked her hips, attempting to push him off. But Soma maintained his position atop her, dominating her body with his superior strength. The way he devoured her lips with such fervor was absolutely terrifying and thrilling. The mixture of pleasure and fear intensified her senses tenfold, enhancing her stimulation further.

'This can't be real! This can't be happening!' Her thoughts raced through her brain, yet they couldn't deny how her body responded. How her pussy throbbed in anticipation. How her nipples became stiff with excitement. How her fluids coated Soma's fingers when he rubbed them against her slit.

'How can I enjoy being molested by someone who's treating me like an object?!' Folia agonized, 'I should hate this! I don't want to desire this man! He's taking advantage of my vulnerability! He's a bad person! But...'

"Folia, you are so wet..." Soma growled while trailing kisses along her jawline, "And smell so nice."

"Haah..." Folia exhaled sharply, panting heavily as he nibbled along her collarbone. He lapped at her flesh with his tongue, marking her skin with his teeth marks. Each bite sent chills through her bones, causing goosebumps to prickle across her arms.

At this point, Folia had run out of energy to struggle. Her limbs grew limp as exhaustion washed over her system, sapping her of strength. She felt helpless under Soma's intense ministrations. There was nothing she could do but submit to his wishes.

Her eyelids fluttered closed as she surrendered to his dominance, letting him do whatever he pleased. Saliva trickled down the corner of her lips as her occasional moans escaped her gagged mouth. Her body twitched whenever Soma pinched her nipples between his digits. Her hips bucked upwards when his fingers slipped inside her slit and circled around her most sensitive areas. Her juices dripped onto the sofa below them as his aggressive fingering brought her closer and closer to the edge.

The reality of her situation dawned on Folia as she gradually stopped fighting him off and began focusing solely on receiving the pleasure Soma provided instead. Soon she could feel herself coming close to climaxing. Her walls constricted around his fingers, squeezing them tighter and tighter. Her moans grew louder, and she struggled to catch her breath.

Her hips arched upwards, lifting off the cushion as her muscles spasmed uncontrollably.

"Ghhaaaa!! Ghhhaaaaaaahhh!" Folia screamed in ecstasy. Her thighs quivered violently as she experienced her first orgasm induced by a non consensual stimulation. Wave after wave of euphoric pleasure washed over her body. Her toes curled, her eyes rolled upwards and her eyelids fluttered open and shut repeatedly. She could hardly breathe anymore, with her vision blurred from tears spilling out of her eyes.

"Mmmmnghh!" Folia mewled pitifully when Soma finally removed the panties stuffed into her mouth. He licked the damp fabric before tossing it aside. He kissed her deeply while she writhed beneath him, still experiencing aftershocks from the intense orgasm she just endured.

Once her breathing calmed down, Soma broke away from their liplock. He looked at her flushed expression, noting how beautiful she looked right now. Her cheeks glowed pink, her lips parted slightly and her chest heaved heavily as she panted for breath. Her body glistened with perspiration, giving her a glow that made her even more attractive. Her hair stuck to her forehead, clinging to her face, framing her pretty features nicely.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" He said with a husky voice while running his hand along her inner thighs, brushing his fingers against her womanhood. "I guess I can forgive your rudeness, fighting back against your owner and all." He flashed her a smirk before moving down her body. He settled himself between her legs, lifting one of them above his shoulders before giving her clit a small peck.

"Aah!" Folia gasped, shocked by his action. "Please... S-stop! Ah! Hhhaaahh!!!"

Her vagina covered in lush blonde pubic hair throbbed hard in response to his touch. It was already drenched with her slickness, making it easy for him to slide his tongue along her folds. Soma sucked her folds and nibbled lightly at her swollen flesh while stroking her inner thighs. His tongue slid along her vulva, licking up her juices while his hands roamed over her body, caressing her stomach and breasts. He squeezed her buttocks, pushing her pelvis upwards into his face. Folia felt hotter than ever, feeling like she was about to combust inside out.

"Ahnnnghh!! Mmffff!!!" Folia cried out as she squirmed beneath him. Her chest rose and fell rapidly as she gasped for air. Her hips writhed under his touch, grinding herself against his mouth.

"Forgive me! Please stop...!!" Folia begged while clawing at the couch's cushion with both hands. Her voice cracked as she pleaded for him to stop pleasuring her. She didn't want to enjoy this! She needed to fight back! However, Soma paid no heed to her words. He continued pleasuring her with his mouth and hands, driving her towards the peak once more.

Even though she just finished climaxing not even a minute ago, Folia found herself reaching her limits again within mere moments. Soma's relentless assaults against her extra-sensitive clitoris proved too much for her sanity. She couldn't keep her thoughts straight anymore, forcing her to succumb to his whims. Her resistance melted away as pleasure overwhelmed her brain, clouding her judgment and reason. Everything else disappeared except the pleasure he gave her.

"Oh god! OH GOD! GHHHAAAHHH!!!!" Folia cried out when another orgasm crashed through her body. She bucked wildly against his mouth and arched her back up, thrusting her hips forward into his face. Her body shook as she released another load of her love juices onto his face.

"GHAAAAH!!!!" Folia screamed at the top of her lungs, drowning the house's interior in her high-pitched screech. Her rationale and conscience broke down to dust, unable to process the extreme rush of pleasure surging through her veins. Her eyelids flew wide open as her eyes rolled up in their sockets once again.

"....C-cum... cumming... I'm..."

Folia's entire body convulsed, her muscles contracting as she ejaculated one final time. She forgot about everything around her as the searing hot sensation burned through her flesh. All sense of shame and morals disappeared as her limbs continued to shake and writhe.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." Folia repeated, tears rolled down her cheeks while she sobbed under Soma's unrelenting attack on her womanhood. "P-please... let me... let me rest..." She managed between sobs, "It... it's too much... please... stop... it..."

After giving her labia one last lick, Soma lifted his face upwards to admire her flushed expression. She lay sprawled on her back with her legs spread apart, panting hard with beads of sweat dripping down her forehead. She gasped greedily for air causing her chest to heave up and down. Her face glistened with moisture and her cheeks burned bright red.

Soma wiped his lips clean with the back of his palm before unzipping his pants, releasing his fully erect member. Veins bulged along its thick shaft as blood coursed through its length. He reached for his hardened erection and stroked his member lightly, teasing its tip before moving his hand up and down along its base. He squeezed the bulbous head as pre-cum oozed out from the slit, coating his fingers with sticky fluid.

"Haah... Haah... Uhuh..."

As Folia regained some semblance of her consciousness, she witnessed Soma stroking his manhood, mesmerized by his movements. She didn't know why but she couldn't look away either. Through her foggy mind she realized what was about to happen to her, that Soma intended to insert that massive meat rod into her lady entrance.

Folia didn't know what to say or think anymore. The feeling of guilt and shame of desiring and getting aroused from Soma's ministration paralyzed her entire being. She couldn't refuse him nor reject him anymore.

"Ahh... uhhh..."

She watched while mumbling incoherent words as Soma positioned himself on top of her, lining his penis with her opening. He wrapped one arm around her waist to steady himself while pressing his dick against her slit. She groaned when she felt its tip rubbing against her nether region, feeling its heat radiating against her flesh.

'I can't... I don't know what's going on anymore... My body can't resist this man...' Folia thought as her gaze fell upon Soma's engorged manhood. 'It feels like I'm drunk...'

Not even capable of keeping up her tough act anymore, Folia merely allowed him to continue using her as he pleased. She submitted herself entirely to his desires. After all, there's nothing she can do to resist anyway. Nothing. It was pointless.



With that, he slammed his thick manhood into her core, plowing through her velvet walls, reaching deep into her womb with little to no resistance. Her entrance stretched wide to accommodate his large size. The pain shot through her core and into her belly, making her gasp out loud. Her insides were on fire as her love canal expanded to allow his shaft deeper entry into her.


"You are mine, Folia!" Soma declared with firm tone, "I own you now!"

Folia shuddered at his declaration and her pussy tightened around his shaft. He withdrew almost the entirety of his length from her hole.


Then, with another strong thrust, Soma impaled her again, burying himself inside her once more. His pace remained steady and rhythmic, pounding into her and stretching her muscles to their limit.



"You belong to me!"

PLAP-!!! PLAP-!!! PLAP-!!!

Each penetration brought forth a new level of ecstasy and pain which caused Folia to scream aloud. The way Soma thrusted into her left her dizzy, overwhelmed by the constant barrage of orgasms rushing through her core. Her mind went blank, losing itself within the haze of pleasure and agony.

"Say it! That you are mine! Say you're mine!" Soma demanded in between pants, "Tell me you want me! Tell me you love me! Admit it! Folia!!" He grabbed her by the chin, forcing her to look at his eyes. Though, she couldn't of course, her eyes had long lost focus due to the pleasure ravaging her body.

"Y-YES...!" Folia screamed with raw emotions, "YES! YES! I'M YOURS! ALL OF ME IS YOURS! EVERY PART OF MY BODY IS YOURS!!"

She couldn't tell anymore if she truly meant those words or if she only said them due to the effect of pleasure numbing her judgment. Nevertheless, she let out another loud shriek when Soma increased his speed, ramming into her harder and faster than before.


"Say that you love me! Say that you belong to me! Say it, Folia!"

Folia felt a flood of endorphin surge through her body, drowning out all traces of pain while giving birth to pure bliss. She knew that this wasn't normal. She had never experienced something so wonderful before in her life. She knew that she shouldn't enjoy it so much, yet she did.

"I L-LOVE YOU! I BELONG TO YOU! I LOVE YOU SOMA! PLEASE...!! MORE... FASTER...!" She couldn't control herself anymore and her confession slipped past her lips without any inhibitions left. Folia completely abandoned any conceptions of self-respect or decency, giving herself wholly to him.

The instant she confessed her feelings towards the man on top of her, the overwhelming pressure that had been building within her abdomen burst out, erupting outward into an explosion of euphoria unlike anything she had ever experienced before. It exploded like a supernova inside her brain, obliterating everything else.

"I WANT YOU... I NEED YOU...! I NEED YOU, SOMA! AHHHH!" Folia's moans turned into screams when her body rocked from the sudden climax, her mind shutting down from the overload. Soma grunted loudly as he rammed himself balls deep inside her, spraying his semen straight into her womb.


"Bear my child, Folia!"

His seed filled her uterus, filling her stomach full of sperm yet Soma didn't stop his piston-like movements. Folia felt lightheaded, as if she were floating amidst an ocean of clouds. She felt weightless. She felt free. Free to let loose her true nature, unleashing her deepest desires without restraint.

"OOHGHHH...! AHNH...! COMMING!! I'M COMINGGGG!! I CAN'T STOP!! I'M GOING INSANE!!!" She screamed as loud as she could as another climax came. She shook, twitched, jerked, convulsed as she came multiple times, spurting out more liquids into Soma's crotch. Her chest rose and fell erratically, desperate to regain oxygen into her lungs.

"There's so much of your juice dripping out of you..." Soma grunted between groans, "It's dribbling down your thighs, mixing with my own semen." His voice sounded strained from exertion, his tone rough and coarse.

Folia felt ashamed of her own lack of self-control, feeling dirty and guilty for feeling this good. Yet her mind was too dazed and fuzzy to think straight anymore, rendering her incapable of regaining her bearings. Instead, she focused her attention on Soma, concentrating on nothing but the feeling of his phallic rod pushing deep into her tunnel and withdrawing quickly, sliding across her inner walls.


She bucked her hips, rolling them against his pelvis while clutching onto his arms for support. He pumped his hips without mercy, slamming into her over and over again. His testicles slapped against her rear with each stroke, producing loud slapping sounds, echoing throughout the living room.

Plap—!! Plap—!! PLAP—!!! PLAP—!!!!


Soma continued fucking her hard, his stamina seemingly endless and showed no sign of stopping despite the intense amount of liquid they both spilled together. They fucked without regard, uncaring whether or not someone would hear their commotions.

The sun was still high up in the sky, shining brightly outside. The day had just begun, and they had many more hours to spend together.

"There are still many more things I want to reward you with, Folia." Soma groaned. He dug his nails into Folia's scalp, twisting his grip within her hair before tugging hard at her head. Her entire body spasmed underneath him, causing her breasts to jiggle as they bounced back and forth against gravity.

"And I will take my time to do so. To drill them deep into your mind and body." He added, pulling out his cock from Folia's pulsating crevice. Thick white fluids leaked out from her stretched hole, staining the cushions beneath her. He wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing her towards his chest. He cradled her limp body in his embrace, letting her rest against his shoulder while he ran his hand up and down her spine.

"So be prepared." He whispered into her ear.

Soma gently guided her off the couch before setting her down onto the floor. He scooped her up effortlessly before carrying her in a bridal style, walking towards the staircase. He strode with a confident gait towards the second floor, ignoring the puddles of cum dripping from Folia's pussy. He took each step one at a time, ascending the stairs toward their next destination; the bedroom.

"Cumming... I'm cumming... I'm cumming..." Folia chanted with each step he took. She felt herself getting carried away again, losing track of time and place as her mind drifted aimlessly amid the sea of pleasure.

The third day proved to be a long and tiring day for the both of them.

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