Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 18-3 (Guilty Pleasure)

"I don't understand."

Soma sat on his seat, sipping on his drink. A concoction of the holy essence with something fruity, a delicious taste with a hint of sweetness and spice. The beverage filled his nostrils with its divine aroma, elevating his mood with every sip.

"Why would you do this? Why would you help me...?"

Lady Ginova, the so-called goddess of the people, leaned back on her chair and raised her eyebrow. "Why indeed." She said, raising her legs and crossing them on the table, her leather skirt riding up her thighs. She traced her finger along the rim of her glass, staring at Soma with an indescribable gaze.

"It is because I'm interested in you."

Lady Ginova spoke as a matter of factly, without a hint of hesitation. "You intrigue me." She gave him a cheeky grin. "I find you fascinating. Your actions, your thoughts, your ambitions. I'm curious about everything that makes you tick."

She flipped the crossing of her legs, resting her feet on the table. She wore a pair of black pumps, polished and shiny, matching her dress and lipstick, seemingly a new style she decided to try out today. She tapped her foot playfully against the wooden surface, her heels clicking in rhythmic motion.

"Interest... Not in a romantic sense, yes?" Soma asked as he looked straight at Ginova's eyes, "Do you see me as nothing but a toy? An amusement? A distraction? Nothing but a specimen of interest to kill time with?"

"I see you as all of those and more, Soma dear." Ginova answered candidly without batting an eye. Her smile widened as she spoke. "Every single individual is unique. They all have their own special and interesting story to tell. They may be tragic or heroic, comedic or dramatic, sad or happy."

There was a brief pause as their gazes locked onto one another. She took a sip of her drink, taking time to savor it before continuing her speech. "Sometimes, I feel content by just watching from the sidelines. Other times, not so much. There were moments where I couldn't help but to scratch the itch of joining the fray, to influence the flow of events."

Ginova mused while swirling her 'cocktail' around its glass, "Whether it's to make amends, to repent for sins committed or simply wanting to make sure others pay for wrongdoings. There are always reasons, always desires for what they wanted to achieve. Good or bad, I don't care for much of it. Morality is a concept I have long abandoned. I weave the fate of those who happen to catch my eyes according to my interests."

"I see."

Soma replied, nodding in understanding.

"You are just playing god."

Lady Ginova let out a subtle smile at Soma's comment. "So it seems. Do you detest me for it?" She asked before chuckling to herself, "I have the power to control people's destiny. To grant wishes upon them, who are of interest, regardless of their character. Those who seek salvation can attain it here. Those who pray for change to me shall receive it."

"......I still don't understand your motive."

Soma commented with narrowed eyes. He crossed his arms before looking back at Lady Ginova again. "Is there really any reason for this? What benefits you in doing so?" He questioned curiously. "Surely such acts won't benefit you in any way? I'm guessing you are aiming to control the world? What's the point of spending so much energy on us... mortals?"

"Mortals?" Ginova parroted while arching her eyebrows. She pursed her lips into thin lines before averting her eyes away from him. "Is that how low you think of yourself?"

"Why? Isn't that the case? For a goddess such as yourself, we people might be lower than ants. Am I wrong?"

"Despite calling myself a goddess, I'm not truly one." Ginova admitted with a casual shrug of her shoulders. "I do hold tremendous powers within my palms, more than you can imagine, Soma. But at the same time, I still have limitations."

Her expression was unreadable. She lowered her gaze to her drink, staring intently at the mixture of colors within its contents.

"But I will get there, one day. A true god in its entire definition. Omnipotent and omniscient, free from death or weakness. Unlimited in power and knowledge." She declared without a shred of doubt, "I do not possess such qualities yet, Soma. The journey is long and arduous and I don't intend to rush my endeavors."

"Instead, I seek entertainment." She elaborated further while swirling the cup within her hands. "Stories are amusing, intriguing and addictive. Each unique, unpredictable and full of twists and turns. Some bring joy, others sorrow. All these elements combined into one satisfying package."

She took one final sip before placing her empty glass onto the table. "And I'm collecting stories as I am weaving fates. All for my own sake." She stated with a smirk, "Perhaps it sounds silly, but I cannot help myself. It's my hobby, you see. Although... Perhaps it's more akin to an obsession, I suppose." She added, not once her expression faltered even once with guilt, shame or doubt.


Soma didn't respond immediately. Instead, he observed Ginova's behavior and expressions. His sharp eyes scrutinized every detail about her, analyzing her body language, trying to read between the lines to comprehend the truth behind her words.

"...Do you consider me as one of those 'stories'?" Soma asked as he rested his head on his palm, "Entertainment for you? My fate intertwined with yours?"

"That's correct. You're different compared to the others though, Soma." Ginova nodded with satisfaction as she straightened her posture and leaned forward on her chair, "I wouldn't say that you're special but rather... unique, in your own way. Most individuals would jump at the chance to obtain everything you've been offered. Power, wealth, beauty, charisma, confidence and charm. All at once, overnight."

She explained, "Some would waste it away within mere months. Others would use it to their advantage. Only a rare few would manage to survive with such a combination of positive traits. Very rare, very few. You're among them, Soma." Her tone filled with praise, "You're incredibly fortunate. Blessed even."

Soma scoffed. "Blessed, huh...? Is that how you put it?"

"Yes, exactly." Ginova agreed without hesitation. "You should feel proud. So many people would throw themselves at the ground and prostrate themselves before me. Begging for blessings or for an opportunity to achieve their goals in life."

"An opportunity..." Soma muttered under his breath, "I guess you aren't wrong about that. It is, after all, my first time to encounter someone with the ability to fulfill my wishes with a snap of a finger. Someone with the means and resources to shape and mold a person from their first breath..." Soma murmured.

"What exactly do you want from me, Ginova?" He inquired directly, "You know I love Folia. You know of our history as kids, even the details of her life from the past to present. Our childhood promise, my departure, and her new life as a housewife. You told me all of this knowing that I will be hurt, then you offered me... freedom." Soma looked away as he paused his words.

"You are trying to push me towards something. What is it? You aren't exactly forthcoming." Soma probed further.

Ginova blinked once, twice. She stared at him as if gauging his reaction, observing his facial expressions. After a short silence, she responded. "The answer to that question is for you to figure out yourself, Soma."


"As I said, I weave fate based on my interest. I give opportunities as I deem fit. I merely happened to meet you by chance, learned of your story and thought of offering a helping hand." She continued explaining herself, "If I weren't here, hermaphrodites and the Rabbit Hole wouldn't exist in Karda. We would never meet. You would come back home, learning the fact that your love chose money and status over her love for you. She might not be the happiest with her husband, but she truly loves her daughter with all her heart. In that scenario, you'd leave your hometown in sorrow, leading to an uncertain future."

"......But you exist. Right here, right now, in front of me..." Soma said, "Is this what you meant by granting me freedom...? You... you are letting me choose. The freedom to choose my own... path? Is that it...?"

Ginova's smile became radiant as she nodded her head. "Precisely. Choose whatever direction you wish to take, Soma. What would you like to do? Knowing all the cards laid in front of you, tell me what is your most desired goal? What does your heart crave for?" She raised her hand and pointed at her temple, "Do not bound yourself with common sense. Think freely. No judgments or opinions. Just follow your heart, Soma. What you yearn for. No matter how perverse or obscene, no matter how strange or peculiar, no matter how depraved or sinful."

Soma repeated her words. What does his heart desire? Did he want revenge? Does he still want to pursue Folia? Or does he want to abandon his love for her and start anew? Would he be really fine with this? Could he forgive her betrayal and forget his longing for her? He had so many questions running through his head, yet he couldn't arrive at a conclusion. His thoughts swirled and his head spun as his heart weighed with complicated feelings.

Those dreams he shared with Folia, those days he spent together with her as childhood friends, all those memories made him feel nostalgic. It's painful, but also bittersweet. He remembered how kind she used to be, how happy and innocent she acted when they were young. He knew of her honest and straightforward personality.

'Those letters we've exchanged through the years... She gradually stopped replying to them...'

He closed his eyes and searched within his heart and mind, thinking, reflecting upon his priorities and desires. After moments of internal musings, Soma finally reached his conclusion. He opened his eyes and turned his gaze towards Ginova.


The choice he made that day has led him to this moment.

Soma gazed at the unconscious woman lying on the bed, legs spread apart with her nether regions exposed. Folia's face contorted in a twisted expression, her eyes rolled up to the back of her head and her mouth hanging agape.

With her wrists tied above her head, her naked breasts heaved up and down with each ragged breath she took. Soma marveled at her voluptuous curves, from her slender frame to her supple breasts. He couldn't help but caress her smooth skin with his hands, tracing his fingers along her waistline. He groped at her breasts, squeezing and kneading her plump mounds with great zeal.


Her body quivered as Soma fondled her boobs. He pinched her nipples hard, making them turn stiff with arousal. He licked at her areolas, flicking his tongue across her sensitive nipples. His touch elicited goosebumps on Folia's skin, causing her to tremble from pleasure.

Semen oozed out of her crotch, trickling down her buttocks and onto the sheets below. Soma's cock continued to twitch inside her snatch, coating her walls with his creamy fluids. Even though she lost consciousness after her body had reach its limit, Folia's body still reacted upon stimulation.


Soma inhaled deeply before exhaling out through his nostrils. He steadied his breathing, calming himself down as he concentrated on his surroundings. The dimly lit room illuminated only by candlelight cast shadows of two people writhing within its confines. Folia lay before him, helpless and immobile, unable to move her body due to intense fatigue.

'I can still keep going, but I should stop here. This should be enough to break her spirit. From now on... she's mine.'

Soma untied her restraints before turning away from her sleeping form. He stood up and walked towards the window. He opened the curtains, revealing the sight outside.

The sun had set a while ago, leaving the scenery dark and gloomy. Clouds covered the moon, making it difficult to see much. A gentle breeze blew past Soma's face, cooling off his heated body. It was peaceful and quiet. But he paid no heed to the tranquility surrounding him. He turned around and stared at the woman lying on the bed.


He didn't say a word to her, knowing that she couldn't hear him anyway. Instead, he dressed up and turned towards the door, leaving the bedroom and his 'property' to rest for the night. The hallway lights flicked on as he approached. He left the door unlocked and returned to the living room, finding his shoulder bag safe and the scattered gold coins on the floor back inside the leather pouch.

Soma gathered his belongings and searched for the maid who hid in the kitchen.

"You did well."

Reaching into his bag, he took out ten gold coins and placed them on the kitchen counter.

"S-sir, t-this is..." The maid trembled visibly under his gaze. Her face reddened in shame upon realizing the meaning behind his actions. "N-no, this much... I couldn't possibly—"

"A small reward for your service." Soma cut her off before she could refuse him, "A token of gratitude from me. Feel free to use it however you wish. Thank you once again." Soma gave the older woman a warm smile before giving her further instruction.

"Your mistress is asleep in her room. Clean her body up and feed her when she awakens. Make sure she stays hydrated and well rested. Keep her comfortable and don't let anyone disturb her.

"O-of course, sir!" The maid bowed respectfully towards Soma before rushing upstairs to attend to her master, clutching the pile of gold coins by the counter along the way.

Soma sighed inwardly as he headed for the main entrance. Passing by the living room once again, he felt a pair of eyes staring at him from the corner of the sofa. Turning around, he saw a little girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, gazing at him with innocent curiosity.

"...Oh, Rylai, was it? How long have you been sitting there?" Soma greeted the four year old with a friendly tone. "Shouldn't you be in bed? Your parents would be worried if you stay awake past your bedtime."


Rylai remained silent for a brief moment before breaking out into a smile. She hopped off the couch and trotted away from his view, perhaps back into her own room.

'I guess she isn't one for conversation. How long has she been here? I actually forgot about her. When did she return? Did she see everything? Heard everything that we did? Probably... there's a possibility, but she's harmless to me. Whether she knows or not, I don't think she will pose a threat to me. Rather, she's someone that I must protect...'

Thoughts and plans circulated within his mind as Soma exited the house and stepped onto the porch. He paused. He took a deep breath, inhaling the cool air into his lungs before exhaling out through his nostrils, clearing his mind of distractions. He then continued walking down the steps of the porch towards the metal gate. He unlocked it, swung open the gate wide enough to let him slip through before closing it back behind him. Once outside, he began marching toward town square.


Ever since then, Folia's life changed in a direction she never imagined. Soma has become her family's official benefactor, giving them money every single day. Due to this fact, her husband Milos, who became a drunkard and a womanizer, had spent majority of his time in the Rabbit Hole. He gambled, drank and slept with the hermaphrodite prostitutes without any ounce of guilt.

Milos would come home after a day or two from playing around, tired and hungover. He came back home only to sleep and rest his weary bones, not even bothering to talk or eat with his family. This behavior became frequent, and soon it became a familiar routine.

Meanwhile, Soma would come to her when opportunity arises. He would visit Folia during the daytime while her husband was gone. She had become accustomed to having Soma over for 'chat', knowing full well what his intentions were. She would pretend to resist at first, screaming and kicking him away. But she found herself unable to fight back against him anymore.

Even the maid who attended to Folia decided to help her assailant. She couldn't speak out, because she had received her share of compensation from Soma for keeping their relationship under wraps. Therefore, Folia became defenseless to his advances. And she had become so worn out that she gave into Soma's demand of becoming his.

After the end of the third night of meeting Folia, Soma became even more daring and controlling. He made Folia wear clothing of his preference, from dresses to lingerie, often forcing her to show her body under his orders.

"It suits you. Look at you, wearing this kinky underwear that leaves nothing to the imagination, Folia. You look absolutely delicious." Soma praised her, running his hands along the garter straps attached to her thighs, "You shouldn't hide this beautiful body of yours."

"How did you find this outfit, Soma..." Folia whimpered, "It's embarrassing...!" She shifted her eyes elsewhere while covering her bare chest and crotch with her hands. She sat atop the king-sized bed in her bedroom with Soma standing in front of her, clad only in her bra and panties. Her body trembled as she endured his lustful gazes.

"You say that, but aren't you excited? It hasn't been long since I made you mine, yet you seem to enjoy it very much. If I recall correctly, didn't you come so many times until you passed out while your wrists were tied? You definitely like it rough, Folia. Aren't you ashamed?" Soma taunted while pinching Folia's pink nipple between his fingers. He twisted his wrist, causing her breast to stretch along with the movement of his digits.

"AH! Uhm... that... that was..." Folia trailed off without finishing her sentence. Her face flushed red, her cheeks burning hot with embarrassment and shame. She tried turning her body away from him, hiding her blushing face from him. However, Soma pulled her arms aside, exposing her ample bosom and abdomen.

"Be honest with yourself, Folia. Admit it. You like this. You want this, don't you?" He leaned towards her face and whispered into her ears before licking her earlobe. Her entire body shivered when his lips touched her skin. She squirmed under his grip, struggling to escape from his grasp. But she failed, powerless to break free from his tight grip. "Admit it."

Folia clenched her teeth while biting her lower lip.

"D-don't get me wrong, Soma! I'm not doing this because I want it! I... I just..." She stammered, unable to finish her words.

"Hm? Then why exactly?" Soma asked with an amused expression. "Are you doing this to appease me? Because I forced you to do this?"

"T-that... that's right! B-because you are our benefactor! You are paying off our debt! My husband can't... we can't... our family...!" Folia stuttered and stammered. Her words came out jumbled and disorganized. Her brain couldn't organize her thoughts properly, leaving her feeling confused and lost. Her body grew weaker the more she resisted and struggled against his grip, losing energy along with her remaining resolve.

"...T-this is all because of y-you! A-all because of you! T-that's why... I-I... I don't... want to... I don't want to do it! I'm just doing this f-for my daughter! I don't feel good! I don't feel pleasure from this at all! It's disgusting! I hate it! Hate it, hate it, hate it!" Folia managed to shout between her gasps and huffs. Her breathing quickened as she struggled to speak coherent sentences. Soma chuckled at her reply, clearly enjoying her struggles and agony.

"That's not a very good excuse. Tell me the truth, Folia."

"It's the truth! Really! I swear!" Folia cried out desperately. Her face burned a deeper crimson as Soma's fingertips ran along her skin. She shivered each time his touch grazed her flesh. Every single contact sent sparks throughout her body. Her pussy twitched each time his hand brushed against her private parts. It didn't take long before she found herself panting like a dog in heat.

"Is that so? Then I wonder, why are you getting wet down there?" Soma moved his hands between her legs and pressed his palm against her pelvis. She squealed upon feeling his hand rubbing against her vulva. She whimpered in panic and lust, embarrassed to admit how much her body responded to his touch and caress.

"Y-you're lying! I'm not—I-I mean! I-I don't know! I d-don't know!" Folia panicked. Her pupils dilated while tears formed around her eyes, threatening to spill out. Soma merely laughed at her despair, thoroughly enjoying himself as he played with her body.

"Shh, it's okay Folia. It's okay, you are not the only one feeling excited. See, even my penis is twitching so hard right now." Soma gestured towards his crotch area where his manhood stood proudly erect. Folia blushed profusely upon seeing his length and girth. Her husband's manhood wasn't small by any means, but Soma was in an entirely different league. A drop of pre-cum oozed from its tip.

'T-this... this thing entered my insides... multiple times...'

She remembered how excruciating it felt when Soma violated her body. She recalled how much pain she experienced during their first night of passionate lovemaking. Yet... she couldn't deny it. She couldn't refute how much ecstasy she felt when they fucked.

This was the first time Folia managed to see his genitals up close without her mind clouded by exhaustion and pain. Even while being nervous, she couldn't take her eyes off its intimidating size. The veins protruding from its flesh, its shape, and the amount of precum leaking from its bulbous tip. She felt hypnotized by its appearance.

"Mnghh... ngh... ah... uuugh..." Folia moaned quietly as she panted heavily. She continued rubbing her pussy against Soma's palm, unable to resist the temptation of feeling his touch.

The coarse, bushy pubes trailed down from his groin towards his testicles. Folia swallowed hard when she noticed the size of his testicles. She became hyper aware of every detail regarding his shaft as she studied his penis carefully. Her body became unbearably hotter while her mind reeled in shock, recognizing the intensity of her carnal desire towards her rapist.

"What's wrong? Have you fallen in love with my penis? You sure enjoy staring at my dick, Folia." Soma grinned as his member throbbed harder under her gaze, he stroked her cheek gently with his other hand.

"W-what!? Don't say something so stupid!" Folia exclaimed as she slapped his hand away. She glared at him with clear defiance in her eyes, refusing to admit to his perverted accusations. Her glare turned into surprise when he suddenly grabbed her by her shoulders, pulling her closer to his face.

"Aah—!!!" Folia yelped when Soma forced his lips onto hers, locking them into place. Their tongues clashed against each other in a fierce battle of dominance while their mouths filled with saliva and moans. They continued exchanging fluids through their tongues and spit. After several seconds of kissing, Soma broke free from Folia's lips to allow both of them some room to breathe. A strand of drool connected between their mouths. They both breathed hard as they regained their composure.

"F-fuck... ugh..." Folia gasped out loud while wiping her mouth clean using the back of her hand. Her chest heaved up and down as she panted for air, exhausted by their intense make-out session. Sweat drenched her body and soaked her undergarments, sticking them onto her skin. She cursed her body for betraying her morals as her nipples became stiff and hardened underneath her bra, poking through the fabric.

"Feels good, doesn't it? My love, my affection and passion for you."

"A-as if! Y-you call this love?!" Folia spat angrily while glaring daggers at Soma, "This isn't love! This is rape!"

"You don't need to lie to yourself anymore." He smirked knowingly, "You already admitted that you felt pleasure when I pushed my rod into your love tunnel. Your insides tightened around me so eagerly. It's proof that your body accepts me, accepts my seed." He patted her hair with condescension before stroking her locks between his fingers, "Deep down inside you, I'm certain that you truly wanted this. That you crave for this. Isn't that right?"

"S-shut up... you're... wrong..." Folia tried to retort but her voice lacked conviction, unable to defend her reasoning. The thought of Soma violating her womanhood made her sick to the core. She despised him with every fiber of her being, yet she couldn't help but get aroused at the same time. It disgusted her, how she couldn't control her urges, her desires and feelings toward him.

"Well, that's fine. I'm sure you'll come around sooner or later. For now..."

Soma pushed her shoulder down to kneel, making her eye level with his diamond-hard cock. She was taken aback by his action, not expecting such forwardness coming from him.

"Y-you want me to..." Folia couldn't finish her sentence as her jaw dropped. Her face burned hot as her blush traveled to her neck, spreading all the way to her ears and forehead. To be facing it in such a close proximity left her speechless. She couldn't deny it anymore, the erection was rock hard and ready for her services.

"Yep. Blow me off. Let me see what you can do with that pretty mouth of yours, Folia." Soma declared without a hint of shame as he grabbed her hair tightly between his fingers. Without waiting for Folia's reply, he shoved her head forward against his crotch area. His phallic instrument rubbed against her nose and lips. Her whole face got engulfed by his male genitals, causing her to struggle and cry out in protest.

"Ah, that's the spot."

"Nuh—!!" Folia screamed and wiggled her head side to side in attempt to shake him off. Her eyes watered at his aggressive assault on her face while her sense of smell became overwhelmed by the stench of his balls. The thick scent of sweat and musk penetrated her nostrils as her nose filled itself with its odor. Her head went lightheaded from lack of oxygen, feeling faint and dizzy due to the strong whiffs.

With the glans grazing against her lips and nostrils, Soma's precum smeared itself across her face. Soma took deep breaths as he savored the feeling of having his penis pressed against her features while maintaining a firm hold onto her skull.

"Smells nice, huh? You really do enjoy my masculine fragrance." He grinned with mocking eyes, thoroughly enjoying her reactions. "Or do you prefer it rough? Shall I thrust my hips forward? Is that what you want?" He teased, pressing his groin further against her chin. The head of his phallus prodded at the entrance of her mouth, trying to gain access inside. Folia shook her head feverishly, hoping he'd stop attacking her orifice. But Soma persisted with his endeavor, pushing his rod against her lips without giving her a moment to think or breathe.

"MMGHHH—!!! MMMPPHHHH!!! NNGHHHHH!!!" Folia grunted and groaned as her mouth struggled to contain Soma's shaft. It was then he pinched her nostrils shut with his thumb and index finger, forcing her to breath through her mouth instead of her nose. Folia couldn't endure his attack anymore. She surrendered her last shred of resistance, allowing him to violate her oral cavity. Her tongue squirmed beneath his thick meat pole, feeling smothered and constricted. She gulped down large quantities of his seminal fluid, tasting his flavor for the first time.

"Don't bite now, Folia." Soma warned her with an arrogant chuckle, "Otherwise you may experience severe consequences." He threatened her as he grasped her hair even tighter in one hand. Folia nodded feebly as she took Soma's warning seriously. She relaxed her jaw muscles and allowed him to freely move his penis in and out of her mouth. Her throat expanded wide to accommodate his large girth, stretching her mouth as he thrusted his hips against her lips.

"Mmmphh!! Mnnhhg!!!!" Folia's muffled voice rang loudly within her own head as Soma slammed his cock into her mouth. His balls smacked against her chin with every stroke, slapping her face with audible sounds. Her eyes rolled towards the back of her skull, completely entranced by the sensation of his phallic organ sliding along her tongue and teeth.

"Remember to breathe, okay? There you go, just like that." Soma said between grunts before pulling Folia's head backward slightly, forcing her to pull her mouth away from his genitals. The tip of his rod lingered within her throat as she struggled to catch her breath.

She coughed, bordering on vomiting, and expelled thick sticky saliva mixed with his pre-cum from her windpipe. She heaved with great difficulty due to her lack of oxygen when Soma continued ramming his dick into her oral passageway dozens of time before slowing down again.


"Breathe, Folia. Just relax your body and breathe." Soma instructed as his fingers dug into her scalp, massaging her scalp while she continued sucking on his meat stick.

"I can feel you spasming, Folia. Are you about to come? Already?" He mocked her while twisting her hair within his hands as he held her head still and resumed his relentless assault on her mouth.

"Cough... cough..." Folia continued to cough before taking large gasps of air into her lungs. As soon as she had enough air supply into her system, Soma plunged his shaft deep inside her oral cavern once more. His cock pistoned against the back of her palate, rubbing its head against the roof of her mouth, tickling her gag reflex.


She groaned and sputtered as her vocal cords vibrated against his phallus. The tip of her nose hit the base of his member repeatedly while her jaws ached from the sheer amount of effort required to fit his entire length inside her mouth. Her vision blurred from the lack of oxygen.

Through the whole ordeal, Folia thought that she hated every second of it. She couldn't stand his cruel treatment towards her body. But somehow, for some reason, her body always reacted the opposite way compared to her emotions. She kept trembling when her sex became drenched in its nectar, flowing out from her entrance. She couldn't comprehend it herself. Was her mind broken? Or was her body unable to differentiate between right and wrong? At one point, she couldn't even distinguish whether she enjoyed it or loathed it.

Only for the fact that she could not deny the ecstasy she felt whenever Soma did unspeakable acts of debauchery towards her. The more he violated her body, the more her inner desires grew stronger. It became harder for her to reject such acts anymore.

"...Did you orgasm? Did you have an orgasm just now while I used your mouth? While you suck on my cock like it's some delicious piece of candy, you really came... did you not? You just orgasmed from sucking on my dick..."

Soma let out an amused laugh. Folia's face grew hotter as she realized the true meaning behind Soma's words. She denied his words, shaking her head to disagree with his claims. However, Soma paid her protests no attention whatsoever as he continued thrusting his hips forward while tugging her head to match his rhythm.

"Nngh... I'm gonna cum soon..." He said in a hoarse moan before accelerating his pace, driving his manhood deeper into her throat. "Just hang tight for a minute, will you?" He added before holding her head still as he ejaculated his seed inside her esophagus. He dumped his load directly into her stomach, filling her insides with his thick white liquid.

Folia choked and sputtered as she gagged on Soma's semen, choking and coughing on the substance pouring out of her lips. She attempted to swallow as much of his discharge as possible before swallowing the rest. Her tongue tingles when she tasted the sweet flavor of his sperm, finding the taste rather refreshing despite the uncomfortable texture.

"So... so sweet... ugh..." She muttered in confusion, gulping it down otherwise she might suffocate. Soma's semen flooded her stomach, coating her innards with his essence. Folia couldn't contain her nausea any longer as she retched out Soma's essence, spraying it all over his thigh and bedsheets. She coughed and gasped for air as her eyesight wavered once more. She fell flat onto her back, exhausted from her intense blowjob session.

"Weird, the taste should be good. Maybe it's just you are not used to it. Oh well..." Soma shrugged nonchalantly as he reached for Folia's brassiere and unclipped its hooks. Her breasts spilled out of its constraints, revealing her voluptuous twin peaks.

"My turn now." Soma stated with a mischievous smirk while grabbing Folia's nipples and pinching them hard. He pulled and twisted her teats, making them stretch outwards as far as possible without tearing off. Small trickle of milk leaked out of her tits, dripping onto her belly and sheets below. He lifted her torso upward, resting her upper body onto her elbows while he proceeded to suckle on her nipples, lapping up the white fluid coming out from her breasts. His tongue danced upon her skin, licking every inch of her sensitive skin surrounding her areola. He sucked on her nubs firmly, extracting more milk from within her bosom.

"S-stop... Please... stop... nngh..." Folia pleaded as she bit her lower lip, trying her hardest to withstand his actions. She found his behavior weird yet strangely erotic at the same time. The stimulation brought by his mouth on her sensitive nipples caused her pussy to ooze copious amounts of juice. Her nipples stiffened into hardened points and her vagina became even more engorged with blood flow, turning redder than before.

"You say that... but your body seems to enjoy my service." Soma snickered while continuing to suckle on Folia's nubs like a nursing babe. He toyed with her tips with his fingers, playing with them by rotating his thumbs in circular motions along their tips. She winced when he pulled on her nipples again, stretching them taut as they stuck out like arrowheads.

"Aaahn... ugh... oh gods..." She cried out helplessly. She gripped the sheets tightly as she fought the urge to moan. She tried her best to endure his torture. But her efforts proved futile. After a short moment, she succumbed to his teasing and gave herself to the pleasure he provided. She could only whimper, quivering with bliss as Soma continued to suckle her breasts like a hungry newborn baby.

Folia felt like a tamed animal submitting itself under the mercy of its owner. It was humiliating. Embarrassing beyond belief. Nevertheless, she couldn't bring herself to stop him. Not when she savored his tongue massaging her nipples so intimately. She closed her eyes, finding herself enjoying his playful caresses and twists, craving more than just simple touches upon her chest.

"There's more than one way to milk you dry, you know?" Soma proclaimed while glancing upwards at Folia with a smirk before lifting his face away from her busts. "It's time to take it a step further."

He slid his fingers underneath her undergarments and yanked them downward. Her exposed womanhood glistened under the candlelight with its slick moisture, making it shine and sparkle in a mesmerizing way. Just like Soma, her bush was lush and thick. She didn't find much reason to shave down there in her daily life, and so she let it grow and flourish to its present state.

"Your body has become very honest. You really want this, don't you?" Soma stated as he continued to inspect her nether region while circling his thumb around her clitoris, pressing down onto the nerve bundle and causing her to writhe upon contact. She squealed, arching her back involuntarily before collapsing onto the sheets once more. Her breath came out in quick shallow pants, her body shivering with pleasure as she felt Soma's digits probing her folds.

"See? You're incredibly wet." Soma announced while scooping up some of Folia's fluids, letting her juices drip down onto her mound.

"And you smell sweet, too." He added while licking his fingers clean before moving his head between her thighs, spreading her labia apart with his hands. He then dove his tongue deep into her slit, piercing into her cavern without hesitation. He lapped up her essence as he kissed her opening, licking and sucking on her folds. "You taste good." He whispered as he continued eating her out, ravishing her love tunnel with his skillful technique.

"Ah! Aah! Ahhnnnngggghhh!!!" Folia yelped when Soma's tongue stimulated her nerves, sending waves of electricity throughout her entire being. She mewled while squirming as she bucked her hips upward, grinding her sex against Soma's face. She desperately tried to resist the urge to orgasm as her toes curled in anticipation of an imminent climax.

However, her attempts failed miserably. Despite trying her hardest to stave off her release, she couldn't contain her orgasm. Her legs wrapped themselves around Soma's head, trapping him within her thighs while she convulsed upon his face, soaking his cheeks with her nectar. Her vaginal walls contracted around his tongue, squeezing hard as she rode out her intense climax.

Once she calmed down, Soma disentangled himself from Folia's legs and freed himself from her iron grip. He crawled back to her side, gazing deeply into her eyes, watching as tears ran down her cheeks. "I... hate you..." She sniffled, unable to bear the shame once more. She refused to acknowledge the fact that she enjoyed it to him regardless of the truth. Her pride and dignity were still intact, albeit tattered. So she kept telling herself lies while she wallowed in self pity.

"Oh? Didn't you come so hard? Should I say it was incredible?" Soma cooed into her ear, teasing her further. Folia grit her teeth while glaring daggers at Soma before averting her eyes away.

"Look here." He pointed at his manhood, which still remained erect and full of vitality. "This hasn't been satisfied yet. We still have ways to go, Folia." Soma grinned, fully aware how Folia felt towards him. "This is where the real thing starts." He added before flipping her body onto her stomach.

"Brace yourself. I'm going to fuck you until you pass out. No objections this time." He declared while positioning his penis against her hole before ramming it inside her. "Be a good girl and give yourself to me." Soma said while slamming his hips against Folia's rear. His crotch slapped against her ass with each thrust. She clutched her pillow and moaned into it as her body bounced in tune with his movements.

"AAAHHHHH! IT'S HUGE! TOO BIG!!!" She screamed into the pillow.

"What do you mean? You took it like a champ yesterday, I believe you can handle me." Soma responded as he continued pounding away at her insides, ramming his thick meat rod deep inside to the cervix. She screeched into her cushion as his massive girth stretched her passage wider than ever before. Even after two nights of intercourse, she never expected to feel this stuffed up.

"You're tighter than usual. Your vaginal walls squeezed my shaft so strongly that I feel like my cock will break." Soma spoke with heavy breaths, struggling to maintain his composure. "But it feels amazing... how much you squeeze me... how you hug my member..." He added as he buried his fingers into her hips, gripping her skin between his fingertips as he picked up his pace, fucking her pussy hard and fast.

Folia groaned in pain and pleasure as he pounded his cock into her tight tunnel. Eyes rolled up towards the ceiling while her mouth hung agape in ecstasy. Drool oozed out of her mouth, pooling below her chin. Her body trembled as she struggled against her restraints, unable to suppress her emotions anymore. It wasn't long before she completely submitted herself to him, embracing his male virility and her female submissiveness.

"Fuck! Fuck! FUCK! Soma! SOMA!!" Folia cried out, urging Soma to increase his tempo as her mind dissolved into nothingness. She no longer cared if anyone heard them having sex, she didn't care if her husband or daughter happened to walk into this room and witnessed this sinful act. All she wanted was to reach her peak as she orgasmed over and over again.

"That's it, Folia... there you go... feel good... just like that... feel me..." Soma whispered encouragingly as he kept drilling his shaft in and out of Folia's honeypot. His cock slammed its head against her womb, slamming into her G-spot with each thrust. Her walls clamped around his cock, tightening their hold on him as her entire being shivered under his domination. She threw her head backwards, screaming as she achieved her third climax of the night.

"S-Soma! I'm... I'm gonna... aaagh!!!" She shuddered while clawing onto her bedsheets. Her fingernails tore into the fabric, ripping them apart. A few moments later, her body spasmed wildly while she released her juices onto her sheets, staining them with her essence.

"Let me see your face when you come." Soma demanded while pulling out of her. He flipped her body back towards him, placing her leg above his shoulder before entering her sex again. Folia didn't resist at all when Soma penetrated her body. Her pussy accepted his member willingly, engulfing his shaft whole as it plunged deep inside.

"Ahhh! Ahaaaa! Uwaahh! Aaaaah!" Folia whined with pleasure as Soma's girth filled her depths, stretching her passage even larger. She rocked her hips, gyrating her lower half to grind her flesh against his. Soma returned his hands onto her waist, gripping them tightly as he guided her movement while thrusting his manhood forward.

"You look beautiful when you're climaxing, Folia." He commented while kissing her leg above his shoulder before trailing his tongue along her thigh. Folia shivered when Soma's tongue grazed her skin. His hands kneaded her buttocks, squeezing her rump while his member pounded her womanhood without relent.

"Come... come inside me, Soma... please... cum... inside me..." She begged him, running out of breath. "Give me your seed... breed me... fill me up with your seeds..." Her pleas echoed within his ears, tempting him to push her to the edge once more.

"Oh? Look at you begging for it now, huh? Who would have known? What a sudden turn of events, indeed." Soma sneered with mockery written across his face, "Do you even realize what you're asking for? The meaning of those words?" He taunted while increasing his pace, humping her faster and harder than before.

"AHHHHHH! YES! YES! PLEASE CUM INSIDE ME! I WANT YOUR SEED! I NEED YOURS! PLEASE! I'M BEGGING YOU! SOMAAAAAAA!" She roared out loud, lost in ecstasy as her mind went blank from rapture.

"Heh, if you say so." Soma smirked with a devilish glint in his eyes, "Here I come! Prepare yourself, Folia!" He declared, reaching his hands towards her neck and clasping his hands around her throat. He began choking her, restricting her breathing. He applied pressure to her neck, cutting off her air supply. Folia panicked when Soma choked her, gasping and wheezing as her face turned blue. But despite this, her body still experienced the effects of climaxing. Her legs twitched as her nether region continued to produce its lubricants, drenching Soma's genital in its essence.

"Take this!" Soma bellowed while pumping his pelvis forward with increased speed, plunging his shaft deep inside her sex without stopping. His scrotum slapped against her derrière as his shaft pushed past her womb. Soon enough, he felt the familiar signs of release approaching. His testicles tighten as he shoots his seed deep into her womb. His sperm traveled up his urethra and spurted out his phallus, filling up her uterus with his cum.

Splurtt—!! SPLURTT—!! SPLUURRTT—!!

"Ungh...! Folia...!!"

"SOMA! SOMAA!!!" Folia screamed in pleasure as her pussy muscles clenched Soma's rod, milking his shaft of all its contents. She reveled in the sensation of being pumped full of his manly seed, feeling content and happy as she bathed in his warmth. Tears flowed down her cheeks as her consciousness faded. She lay motionless on her bed, losing the ability to move as she drifted into the realm of unconsciousness.

"...Ahh, that was amazing... Folia? Folia, are you asleep? Well, it can't be helped." Soma murmured before laying his head upon her breasts, savoring the afterglow of their passionate union. They laid together, enjoying each other's company. Eventually, both fell asleep under the starry sky outside the window. The moonlight shone upon them as they slept soundly without disturbance.


The maid stood outside the master bedroom, bearing witness to their sordid affair. She felt a sense of guilt wash over her as she heard their voices echo throughout the house, realizing that she had played a part in the corruption of this young woman. She couldn't deny it. She had betrayed her mistress by turning a blind eye to their coupling, and that wasn't even the worst thing she had done so far.

Accepting bribes from the rapist of her mistress made her an accomplice to his crimes, and she wasn't sure how long she could keep pretending to be innocent when the truth would reveal itself one day. She was afraid to think of the consequences. Would she lose her job? Be punished by the authorities? Her future was uncertain, and the thought terrified her to the core.

But the gold coins that lined her pockets weighed heavily on her mind. They are worth more than anything else, more than her principles, more than her morality. She didn't dare to confront Soma or betray him, not when he could potentially ruin her life as well.

So she kept her silence, kept her secrets buried deep inside her chest. She would continue to serve her masters as if nothing had changed, to aid this rich and pretty young adventurer with his endeavor of enslaving the mistress, and if the people were to discover her treachery, then she would accept her fate with grace.

That night, the maid was making her rounds around the house, to keep watch if Milos were to come home, she would notify Soma first and foremost. Also to keep watch for Rylai not to disturb their love making.

Unfortunately, while Milos didn't come home to bother them, their daughter did notice their activity. The maid was at first stunned when Rylai walked toward the master bedroom's door and tried to eavesdrop on them.

She was beyond horrified and tried to pull her away from the room before she could hear anything inappropriate, but the child struggled in her arms and pushed her away. The maid had no choice but to drag the four year old girl back to her room, trying to lock her in there while apologizing profusely. However, seeing that Rylai was about to cry, the maid reluctantly let her off the hook after giving her several candies to eat instead.

As soon as the maid closed the door, Rylai sneaked out of her room and took a peek at the crack of the door of her mother's bedroom, peering into the darkness through the keyhole, and witnessed everything there's to witness.

It wasn't until the very end when the maid caught her peeping at them. When she got caught red handed, she immediately broke off her gaze from the keyhole and ran straight back into her room, slamming the door behind her.

"Y-young miss...!" The maid called out, chasing after Rylai, but when she got there, the four year old child had locked the door from the inside. She couldn't unlock it from the outside, thus unable to console her nor comfort the child.

The maid had no idea how Rylai would react towards this kind of knowledge at such a young age, but she doubts it would be anything good. It wasn't an easy thing for someone so young to digest. The poor girl must have been extremely confused, frustrated and perhaps traumatized at the same time. The guilt gnawed at her conscience. She wished she could do something about this, but alas she was powerless to intervene.

'I just hope that the young miss wouldn't remember this in the morning...' The maid sighed inwardly, deciding to leave the matters alone until the next morning and see how things progress.

Meanwhile, Rylai herself laid on her bed, staring off into the ceiling with her hands clutching onto the sheets, unable to comprehend the images she saw in her mind.

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