Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 19-1 (Honeysuckle)

The next morning. The sounds of the chirping birds fluttering among the trees and the pleasant aroma of the flowers filled the air. It was a lovely day at Karda village. However, the atmosphere within the mansion was different. There seemed to be a bizarre aura emanating from every corner of the place. It was as if a dark cloud had settled over it, shrouding it in an ominous haze.

Folia opened her eyes and found herself naked, covered in sweat and other bodily fluids from last night's activities. Her entire body ached in pain as she struggled to sit upright. She felt sore and bruised from being handled so roughly by Soma. She had passed out at the end of it, unable to recall the events that followed afterwards. But she didn't need to guess how the night ended.

She groaned when she remembered the way her body reacted to Soma's touch, how she came undone in his hands like putty. It sickened her to the core to even think about it. She hated him with every fiber of her being, yet she couldn't help but crave his touch and affection. It was like an addiction, a craving that she couldn't escape from. And it drove her insane.

As she tried to get up from the bed, a voice called out from the entrance of the room.

"Good morning, dear." Soma greeted Folia with a bright smile. His hair was unkempt and messy, yet his facial complexion still glowed like an angel's. His beautiful and handsome features were highlighted by his white shirt. He wore dark grey trousers along with brown leather boots. A thin layer of sweat glistened under the rays of the sunlight reflecting from the windows.

Folia jolted in surprise when Soma entered the room. She immediately averted her gaze elsewhere, unable to look at his face directly. Instead, she chose to focus her attention on the floor instead. Her mind replayed the scenes of last night's passion, her body heating up as her cheeks flushed red. Her heart beat faster with every step Soma took closer towards her, and the urge to jump off the bed and run out of the room intensified.

"D-don't come any closer! I don't want to see you!" Folia shouted as she pressed her back against the wall. She raised her hands defensively in front of her face to protect herself from him.

Soma chuckled at her reaction and approached the frightened young woman, ignoring her cries of protest. He took her hand gently and led her towards the bathroom. "Come now, let's get you all cleaned up."

"No! Let go! Please!" Folia yelled as she struggled to resist his grasp, desperate to free herself from this fiend. She trashed her body around trying to avoid contact with Soma, but to no avail. Eventually, Soma managed to push her into the bathroom and slam the door behind them. Folia stood there frozen, paralyzed with fear as she stared at Soma with wide eyes.

In this day and age, a personal bathroom wasn't very common in a house, most families would use a shared public bathhouse. This luxury was only reserved for nobility or upper class. One of many reasons for Folia to not want to leave this house due to the debt Milos accumulated.

"What're you doing!? Leave me alone!" Folia pleaded with him to stop, her voice echoing through the empty chamber as Soma walked towards the tub filled with warm water.

Soma ignored her words and stripped himself out of his clothes while keeping his gaze focused on Folia. She couldn't tear her eyes away from his muscular body and defined physique, her eyes trailed down from his broad shoulders to his slim waist. A small trail of fine dark hairs started from his navel leading to his manhood. She swallowed hard when she noticed how big his penis looked despite not being erect.

A mixture of masculinity and beauty radiated from Soma's figure. She couldn't deny his attractiveness even though he disgusted her, violated her. Her stomach churned when she glanced at his face. The sight of his charming smile sent chills down her spine.

"I'll help you clean your body. It's my responsibility to take care of my own property, no?" His nonchalant reply left Folia speechless, unable to utter another word. It reminded her that at the end of the day, Soma was still her benefactor, regardless of her feelings towards him. He's the one who provided for her and her family, the one who saved their lives. Even if he abused her body, she couldn't afford to refuse his request without offending him. That would lead to disastrous consequences for both herself and her family members.

'If not for the debt...! If only Milos didn't drive the family business into the ground!'

Soma stepped inside the tub and sat down at the bottom of the tub. He beckoned her to join him, smiling warmly at Folia.



Biting down her lips, Folia obeyed him. She lowered herself into the large ceramic basin filled with warm water and sat opposite Soma. Her bare skin grazed against his skin, sending goosebumps throughout her body. She suppressed her urges to lash out and flee the scene. She couldn't risk angering him, not when he had complete control over her fate.

'That's right! I'm not doing this out of my own volition! I'm merely obeying his orders!' She told herself, trying to convince herself that she doesn't want this. Yet when his fingers brushed against her body, she couldn't suppress the shudder that ran through her veins. Her breasts quivered under his gentle ministrations, her nipples hardening under his touch. Her breath hitched when his hands slipped beneath the surface of the water, cupping her mounds in his palms.

'I'm not complicit in his actions! I'm simply cooperating with his demands! That's all... I don't want him...' She repeated these words inside her head while Soma continued washing her body without pause.

"Ahng... hngh..."

His hands glided along her curves, his fingers tracing every line and curve of her frame, leaving trails of bubbles behind on her smooth flesh. Everywhere he touched ignited fire within her soul, stirring feelings of both hatred and desire deep within her belly.

As much as Folia hated admitting it, his caress felt incredible against her skin. His soft pads teased her body in ways she couldn't comprehend, driving her insane with lustful cravings this early in the morning. The way he massaged her body sent shivers of ecstasy through her nerves, clouding her judgment and forcing her brain to shut down. She didn't even realize how much time had passed since they entered the bathroom together.

It was then Soma stopped teasing her and began to wash her body diligently. From the top of her head, Soma ran his hands along her hair while using the shampoo to remove the grime and dirt collected over the course of their intense session last night. Once he finished cleaning her locks, he moved his hands along her neck, massaging her skin thoroughly. As his fingers danced across her nape, he smiled whenever she reacted positively to his touch, her nipples hardening under his fingertips.

Going down further, he scrubbed her armpits before sliding his hands further down along her sides, making her gasp aloud as his digits tickled her sensitive ribs. Then he shifted his focus towards her bosom, caressing her breasts with gentle motions.


Folia whimpered with her teeth clenched when Soma's thumb swiped across her areola, sending jolts of electricity through her chest. His palm circled around it before pinching her nubs between his thumb and index fingers, eliciting moans of pleasure from Folia's throat. She tried her best to bite back her vocalization, refusing to show Soma her weakness any more than he already did last night, but to no avail. She couldn't hide her excitement when she felt his hands stroking her nipples. She could feel the blood rushing towards her face as her cheeks burned hotter than ever.

Soma leaned forward, pressing his lips against hers while keeping his fingers locked on her breasts. He sucked on her lower lip before sticking his tongue inside her mouth, tasting her essence once again.

"Ohnn... nnnoh..."

Folia moaned softly as his tongue danced along hers, tickling her palate and sending waves of euphoria through her skull. She closed her eyes tight while trying to contain her arousal, fighting the urge to reciprocate his action, afraid she'd fall deeper into the abyss. After a minute or two, Soma pulled back and resumed his task of cleaning her body. His hands wandered southwards along her belly, exploring the contours of her stomach.

When he reached her pubic mound, Folia froze in both fear and anticipation, afraid of where he would move next. However, instead of advancing towards her center, he went around her hips instead, groping her butt cheeks firmly as he rubbed his thumbs along her rear cleavage. His palms squeezed her derrière before sliding downward behind her, prodding her anus with his middle finger.

"Ahnn!" Folia's eyes flew open instantly at his sudden invasion. Her face flushed bright red when she felt his digit poking against her anal walls, causing her knees to buckle beneath the water's surface.

"S-Soma! That's not the one!" Folia gritted through her teeth, struggling to contain her embarrassment while glaring daggers at the perverted adventurer sitting before her. But he ignored her complaints and continued massaging her anus without stopping, teasing her erogenous zone to his heart content. His eyes filled with amusement as he watched her squirming under his assault.

"S-Soma...! Please..."

At her words, Soma didn't reply but he did pull back his fingers after a couple seconds. He washed her thighs with soap, cleaning her thoroughly. After he finished cleansing her inner thighs, he spread her legs apart and began soaping her cunt thoroughly with his bare hands, rubbing his digits against her labia while coating her entire groin area with a thick layer of white foamy liquid. Then he dipped his fingers into her vulva and inserted them into her slit, making sure every inch of her vaginal tunnel got coated with lather.

"Aaaahhh! NNNNOOHH!!!"

Folia screamed in frustration at his lecherous actions, embarrassed beyond belief at being penetrated this early in the morning by someone who had forced himself upon her the night prior. Yet despite her protests, she couldn't stop her pussy from secreting its juices onto his finger as he explored her depths, stimulating her nerve endings to maximum capacity.

"Well... I suppose it can't be helped." Soma smiled as his eyes locked onto her dripping snatch. He continued teasing her hole, sending bolts of lightning straight through her brain with every stroke of his digits against her walls, causing Folia's mind to reel in confusion.

She wasn't sure what she felt anymore, whether she enjoyed this torture or detested it altogether. Everything felt so surreal that it hurt her head thinking about it too long.

Soma stood on the bath and scooped up a handful of water, letting it splash down onto Folia's body. Using the bucket beside him, he scooped up more liquid before pouring it over her breasts, coating her chest with a fresh layer of clean water. She gasped when the cold liquid hit her sensitive nipples, making them stand erect from her skin while he kept massaging them between his hands. Her legs shook as her toes curled involuntarily beneath the water, feeling her orgasm build within her womb. She couldn't believe she'd reach climax from a simple act of bathing.

"S-stop... ahn... please..." Folia begged, pleading with Soma to stop violating her body before she loses control completely, afraid that she might come to enjoy his touches if he continued touching her this way.

"You want me to stop? Sure, but you have to ask nicely." He said with a grin, his tone of voice carried hints of mischief.

"P-please, let me go..." Folia stuttered, not quite sure what he meant by 'nice'.

"No, not like that." Soma chuckled while shaking his head. "You know what I want to hear, Folia. Tell me what I want to hear." Soma stared intently at Folia with a knowing look in his eyes.

"Then tell me, Soma..." Folia said in a weak voice. Her eyes dropped to her hands resting on her lap.

"Say that you are mine, Folia. Beg for my mercy and forgiveness." He declared with confidence while moving his hands towards her face, cupping her cheeks between his palms while his thumb brushed against her lips. His face inched closer towards hers as he leaned forward, bringing their lips near enough for another kiss. His breath tickled her nostrils, making her squirm underneath his intense stare.

Eyes trembling, Folia swallowed the lump formed in her throat as her chest rose rapidly with her breaths. "P-please... forgive me for... rejecting your love." She mumbled in a whisper.

"Good girl, now repeat after me: I'm yours, Soma. I will submit myself fully to you. I belong to you. Please have mercy on me." Folia's face burned at Soma's commands as she tried her hardest to resist her instinct to fight back. She fought the urge to spit into his face and scream obscenities at him. She fought the urge to punch him square in the jaw and run out of his presence. Instead, she tried to ignore his command by shutting her eyes tight, pretending she didn't hear him, praying for his mercy.

After a few seconds of silence, Soma grabbed her by the chin and forced her to face him, demanding her to look into his eyes. "Don't ignore me, Folia. Say it out loud! If you really mean it, prove it to me!" He growled while tightening his grip around her face.

"I... I'm yours..." She spoke, tears formed within her lids as her mind screamed against her body, not wanting to say those cursed words that held the weight of her soul. "I-I will... submit myself to you, Soma... I belong to you now... please... have mercy on me." With heavy hearts, she surrendered herself completely to her captor. As the words came out of her mouth one by one, her mind and soul crumbled within. She broke down crying, her tears mixed with the droplets of water dripping off her forehead. She felt defeated. Empty. Alone. Hopeless. Broken.

She knew she couldn't fight anymore. She understood that she was nothing more than Soma's plaything now, his toy to manipulate and abuse however he desired. He held her life within his hands, capable of destroying it at any time if he wanted to. He could do anything to her, and she wouldn't dare object to his desires anymore.

Hearing her declaration of surrender, Soma released her chin, releasing the tension on his hand while maintaining his position hovering above her, their faces mere inches away from each other.

"Well done, Folia. Now let me reward you for your obedience." He closed in on her face, pressing his lips firmly against her mouth. She whimpered at the sudden contact between their lips, feeling her mind spin from the impact between them. Soma then placed his hand onto her nape, locking her mouth against his.


Folia didn't resist. She could no longer resist his advances anymore. Her body succumbed to his desires as he devoured her lips like a hungry beast eating its prey.

'There's nothing I can do... My fate has been sealed. From here on out, I am his slave... My body belongs to him... No one can save me anymore... All I can do is accept my role as his toy...'

After a moment of embracing each other, Soma broke the kiss and pulled his head back.

'..And pray to god he would treat me with kindness.'

Folia's eyes fluttered open once more as she gazed at his handsome face. Her breathing quickened when she saw his soft expression, looking at her with warmth and affection. His eyes shone with pure adoration while gazing at her lips, as if he wanted to take her mouth again. It baffled Folia to see him behave this way, despite her conflicting emotions towards him.

He acted differently than when he was taking advantage of her body last night. He didn't seem malicious or cruel anymore, instead he looked harmless and approachable the moment she surrendered. Folia had no idea whether this was an act or genuine change in attitude from Soma. Was it possible that he actually cared about her feelings? That he felt guilty for treating her harshly before? Or maybe he was merely trying to make her feel better to get her to trust him again.

Whatever it may be, Folia couldn't bring herself to resist him anymore. Her resistance and stubbornness evaporated from within her mind. All she could do was lie limply at the bottom of the tub, to allow Soma to pleasure her body as much as he pleased. She couldn't bring herself to struggle or fight back against him as he kissed her mouth deeply. She remained still, accepting her fate and letting his tongue dance within her mouth while his hands caressed her breasts.


Her eyes became unfocused, her eyelids closed halfway. There was nothing she could do but to savor Soma's taste within her mouth. Her nipples hardened as the tip of his tongue licked against hers.

It was a defining moment for Folia, to submit her soul to her captor and renounce her freedom. She could never go back to her old life again. Not after everything she had endured. Deep down inside, she knew this was inevitable, that Soma would eventually claim her body regardless of her efforts to resist him. And yet still she resisted anyway, refusing to accept her fate until she was cornered like an animal, trapped between a rock and a hard place.

Soma pulled away from the kiss and brought his face close to her ear. He whispered sweet words of affirmation, telling her that she was beautiful, that she belonged to him, that she was his possession. His breath tickled her earlobe, sending tingles down her spine as she listened to his declaration of ownership.

'Yes, I am his... forevermore... He owns my body, my mind, my soul...' Her thoughts echoed within her head as Soma kissed her lips once more, sealing their deal and finalizing their contract of servitude.


Through the fourth, fifth, and the sixth day, Soma had been busy taming his new toy. He would wake up at dawn, greet his lover good morning, and start pleasuring her with kisses and caresses until she reached her peak, and then proceed to ravish her body throughout the whole day until she collapsed from exhaustion. It was a never ending cycle of passion and lust between them, fueled by their mutual desire to fulfill their needs and desires.

Soma wanted her, to own and dominate her being into servitude, to break her will and bend her to his wishes and whims. He loved the feel of Folia quivering underneath him, to feel her body trembling with ecstasy as he violated her body without remorse, without shame. He savored the way she reacted to his touches, how she writhed under his embrace, how she moaned with pleasure as he made her come countless times.

For Folia herself, she needed Soma to pay the debt of her family. She despised him, hated him with every fiber of her being, but she couldn't deny that her body yearned for his touch, that her mind craved his attention. The childhood sweetheart that she knew no longer existed. No longer she recognized the boy she fell in love with years ago, instead she saw a monster disguised in the form of a human, a vile creature whose only purpose was to devour her spirit and consume her entire existence into an empty shell of despair.

Yet, she couldn't deny that their sessions together brought her a sense of fulfillment, a release that she had never experienced before. She found herself getting lost within his arms, forgetting her morals and values, forgetting everything except for the sensations that flooded her senses. Her mind melted into mush. Her body succumbed to his whims without question, allowing him full access to do whatever he wished to her.

'I don't enjoy it. I'm just doing it because me and Rylai wouldn't survive without his financial support...'

That's what Folia kept telling herself, even as Soma thrust his shaft deep inside her vaginal passage, stretching her walls wider than ever before. Even as he whispered seductive phrases into her ear, calling her his lover, his pet, his slut, she told herself that she wasn't enjoying it at all. She hated him. Hated everything he represented.

Soma became her tormentor, her enemy, her savior all rolled into one. She couldn't deny that she found him attractive, that his beautiful yet masculine features drew her to him, that she couldn't resist the urge to surrender to his desires. But she never allowed herself to admit that she enjoyed it, that she grew to enjoy and desire his company. She refused to give him the satisfaction of having conquered her completely, to having broken her completely.

Even when she already gave her words to him, Folia still grasped onto the remnants of her pride and ego. She tried to retain her sense of self, her sense of identity. She wouldn't allow him to rob her of what little dignity she had left.

"Suck it."

Soma commanded her to suck his penis. Folia knelt before him on her knees by the living room, gazing at his swollen cock standing erect from his crotch while droplets of pre-cum dripped down onto the floor below her. The head of his penis pointed towards her nose, tempting her to take a sniff of its musky scent. She hesitated before leaning forward, sticking out her tongue and licking off the clear fluid leaking out of his tip.

"Mmnh..." Folia moaned as the sweet and salty liquid filled her taste buds. Her lips parted wide to accommodate his girth, stretching her jaw almost to the limit. Soma grabbed her by the hair, pulling her towards his crotch as his shaft slid deeper into her throat. Her nose collided with his crotch and buried her face into his pelvis. Folia struggled to breathe through her nostrils while inhaling the fragrance of his sweaty balls.

"Swallow everything."

Another command came from Soma, this time slightly softer than before. Folia nodded her head while closing her eyes, relishing the sensation of his penis inside her mouth while swallowing the pre-cum that flowed down her throat. It tasted sour yet sweet. She couldn't deny that she enjoyed the flavor.

'Why is it sweet...? I don't understand...'

Even so, Folia obeyed her master's request and engulfed his whole length within her throat, burying his shaft deep into her esophagus before proceeding to swallow his thick load of semen. She gulped it all down, struggling to keep up with his pace.

As soon as Soma emptied his sperm into her stomach, he withdrew his dick from her mouth, letting it slide out of her lips while she gasped for air. Spittle dribbled down her chin as she coughed and spluttered from the lack of oxygen. Soma then kneeled beside her and cupped her face between his hands, turning her to look at him directly.

"You did great, Folia." He murmured, his eyes filled with warmth and admiration.

"But you need to work on your technique. Don't rush when sucking my cock. Take your time and enjoy yourself. Savoring the flavor of my seed is part of the experience. Understand?" He spoke while rubbing his thumbs along her cheeks, wiping away the tears that rolled down her face.

"Y-yes... master..." She stammered, her lips quivering from the intensity of his gaze. "I'll do better next time..." She added while nodding her head, feeling her chest tighten as the overwhelming emotions swirled within her mind.

Soma smiled at her words and nodded his approval before planting a kiss upon her lips once more. As their tongues intertwined, Folia's resistance cracked under his assault.

Again and again, this scene would repeat itself through the rest of the week. Soma would ask Folia to serve him, leading her to pleasure him with her hands or her mouth, sometimes both at the same time. She learned to follow his instructions with diligence, to obey his commands without question or hesitation. She learned to please him sexually, to learn of his preferences and kinks, to know of his weak spots and his turn-offs.

By the seventh day, Folia had become pretty good at pleasing him. Her technique had significantly improved and became acquainted with the art of giving blowjobs. She knew how to control her breathing and relax her throat muscles when taking him into her mouth, which earned her praise from Soma. He called her his perfect little cock sleeve, his personal fuck toy, and more terms of endearment that made Folia blush with embarrassment and disgust at the same time. She had also come to understand his personality, to anticipate his moods and his desires just like a pavlov's dog, conditioned to respond accordingly to a certain stimulus.

'His taste... I don't understand, but somehow... it's delicious...?'

At first, she thought it was wrong of her to obey him so easily. But she couldn't bring herself to talk back to him at all, not after experiencing the euphoria of tasting his essence inside her mouth every time he climaxed during their intimate moments together.

It was a gradual process of transformation, one that she couldn't deny. Her body adapted to his touch, her mind craved his affection and attention, and her soul yearned for his approval and validation. It was a dangerous path to tread, one that threatened to consume her whole if she let her guard down, but she couldn't resist its allure. She was drawn towards him like a moth to a flame, unable to resist its temptation even though she knew the danger it posed to her sanity.

The pleasure... It was addictive. It was something she couldn't live without, something she needed to survive after being exposed to it for less than a week.

'It's not like I'm doing this out of my own volition, anyway... I'm just doing this for Rylai's sake...'

Folia kept repeating this excuse over and over again, still trying to delude herself that she wasn't enjoying it at all. But deep inside, she couldn't deny that she had begun to develop feelings for her new master, this new Soma who came back after five years of adventuring in the outside world.

Cruel, yet gentle. Sadistic, yet affectionate. Vile, yet charming.

Soma embodied contradictions at every turn, confusing her beyond belief as she tried to read his true intentions towards her. He acted as though he truly cared for her, even after violating her body multiple times. She couldn't help but wonder if he genuinely liked her or if he was merely playing a game with her emotions.

Either way, she was deep caught in his trap, unable to escape from his grasp unless he granted her permission to do so. She was stuck in his web, entangled in a net of lust and desire. Her soul was on display, her secrets and desires bared to the naked eye. It terrified her to think what would happen to her if he chose to abandon her or cast her aside after having his fun with her.

'For Rylai. Everything is for Rylai. I cannot disobey him. I will never betray him or his wishes.'

Folia thought, as she lapped at her master's balls like a hungry puppy, sucking his testicles into her mouth while rubbing her nose against his pubic hair. She inhaled his musk deep, and with gusto while enjoying Soma caressing her head. Every praise that came out his mouth no longer irked her, for she grew accustomed to his antics. She had become used to his affections and his attentions, even after only a short week that lasted her a whole lifetime.

'It's all for Rylai... It's all for Rylai... I swear...'

The phrase echoed in her mind over and over as she performed her duties as his loyal little cock sleeve.

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