Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 20-2 (The Adult World)

A lot could change within one year.

The goddess took over two villages and altered them to her convenience with that time frame. Then, how about 13 years? How much change could such a person with unimaginable power and control over life, who abandoned her moral compass and embraced depravity, be able to do in that span of time? It was too long to comprehend, and yet she managed to achieve so much in just those thirteen short years.

She brought prosperity to her subjects. Developing their economy, improving their quality of life, providing new and tasty beverages, building schools and other facilities, introducing new technologies, and even granting the populace an outlet for their insatiable sexual appetite.

Her actions brought countless changes throughout the world. Some were big and impactful like the recording mana stones caused, and some were more subtle and understated, such as the way she shaped their society around her own twisted ideals.

The hermaphrodites' existence went against everything humanity believed in. They were half-man, half-woman, possessing both male and female genitalia. Without context, one might imagine them looking like freaks of twisted nature, but contrary to reality, the hermaphrodites looked nothing short of ethereal beauties. They looked just like a woman would and they came in many different shapes and sizes, ranging from slim and curvy to muscular and petite. Only, instead of one set of genitalia, they had both.

Their physical attributes were also higher than the average human male, possessing extraordinary strength, stamina, and endurance. This allowed them to survive in the harsh wilderness without fear of dying at the hands of monsters or animals. Their increased libido made them the perfect mates, both giving and receiving pleasure in equal measure. They could go all night long without tiring, leaving their partners exhausted and spent.

They were also incredibly virile and fertile, able to produce offspring with both genders and becoming pregnant themselves when their body was ready for such a miracle. Immoral and unethical acts such as incest had become obsolete due to their superior genes and reproduction capabilities; allowing them to breed with each other freely regardless of blood ties or societal norms, creating superhuman offspring with better abilities than most people could ever hope to achieve.

But that wasn't all. The hermaphrodites carried a natural aphrodisiac within their bodies, which made them irresistible to those who came into contact with their sweat, saliva, or even blood. The body odor they secreted serves as an attractive scent that pulls potential sexual partners near them regardless of gender; making it impossible for others not to notice their presence no matter where they may, in public, in crowds, indoors, outdoors...

The fact that Ginova commercialized the hermaphrodites as prostitutes further solidified their position as objects of lust and desire. Using the Rabbit Hole as the catalyst, the hermaphrodites became such a hot commodity that everyone and their mother wanted one for themselves whether they were rich or poor.

With the development of the recording mana stones, creating a new type of entertainment that revolutionized the world, Ginova documented many public and private sessions of the bunnies working at the Rabbit Hole servicing their clients. From the most vanilla of settings, such as couples using their services, to the extreme fetishistic scenarios such as gang bangs, bondage, watersports, and even simulated rape, she gathered massive amounts of footage of the hermaphrodites.

Using the connections she made throughout her journey, the distribution of those recordings weren't only confined to her territory. Soon, every village, town, city, and country across the land had access to these forbidden depravities. They weren't sold legally of course. This sort of new technology was practically alien to the people of this world. One can only find it illegally traded and sold secretly amongst underground communities and black markets. Though, they were still relatively easy to find compared to actual drugs.

Thus, the awareness regarding the hermaphrodites skyrocketed among the general population and fueled their curiosity regarding such rare and exotic creatures.


"The hermaphrodites..."

The high priestess Loraley whispered, her voice echoing through the empty chapel. She stood there, covered by her regal robes, staring up at the stained-glass window depicting the goddess Aria blessing the mortal realm.

It was a common imagery depicted in books and art. It showed the goddess surrounded by a halo of light, her long hair flowing down her back, her naked breasts exposed, and her hand raised, pointing to the sky. Her followers worshiped her with passion and devotion. They prayed to her to bring them prosperity and good fortune down below.

For others, the tale of Aria was common and known, thus nobody really paid any mind to the holy depiction. But to Loraley, no matter how many times she had seen this imagery, she could not help but feel a sense of awe and reverence.

This was the embodiment of what Aria Church stood for— purity, virtue, and holiness.


Behind the high priestess were her escorts, three beautiful maidens dressed in white gowns and silver headbands, bearing the symbol of the goddess Aria. They watched in silence, eyes filled with admiration and respect for their leader.

But Loraley didn't pay any attention to them. Her focus was fixed solely on the window above her head. Her fingers touched her lips and rubbed the tip of her nose gently as she continued to gaze upwards, lost in thought. Her golden hair fell to her waist and shone in the candlelight. Red eyes reminiscent of rubies flashed with brilliance beneath those long lashes, adding to her mystique.

Her figure was tall and curvy, with large breasts, plump hips, and wide thighs that peeked out from beneath her robes. A mature figure, both inviting and intimidating, with a hint of feminine charm and authority that commanded obedience from her followers.

Not too long ago, both the high priestess and the maidens came to the church in central Luctretz to pray. To seek their goddess' blessings and protection from their oncoming journey.

The journey to Karda.

To find the self-proclaimed goddess, Lady Ginova.

'The empire will not stand for such blasphemy. As the high priestess appointed by the high pontiff himself to oversee Deltorra, it is my duty to purge this evil from our lands and restore peace to our people.'

The king of Deltorra has made his decision.

Despite having a strong confirmation regarding the recording mana stones being created and produced by them, many benefits also came out of it. Entertainment, knowledge, and preservation of information have become widespread and accessible to the masses thanks to her actions. The technology wasn't inherently evil, instead the bad actors that utilized it for nefarious purposes was the real problem.

It wasn't just that. The cult also bolstered the economy to an extent. The expansion of Karda and Laim has brought countless merchants and traders to their doorsteps, increasing trade and commerce between the two villages and beyond. People have flocked to the area to see the mystical hermaphrodites themselves, which have created demand for services and goods, such as food, lodging, and entertainment. The influx of visitors and tourists has spurred growth and innovation within the two villages, resulting in new businesses being created, existing ones being expanded, or simply changing altogether due to the needs of the local population.

The effects were also felt far outside their borders, where the reputation of the cult grew to unprecedented levels over the past few years, resulting in an increase of immigrants coming from neighboring territories and kingdoms seeking opportunity and prosperity within its walls. All of these new residents contribute directly to the development of the two villages and the kingdom itself, bringing their unique cultures and traditions alongside them while contributing economically through their work or investments within the community.

These factors combined together created an environment ripe for economic growth, allowing the cult to thrive while simultaneously improving the quality of life for its members at large and boosted its influence across the continent even further.

The way the king spoke of the cult almost seemed like he would rather side with them rather than the empire, but Loraley shook her head. To her, the king was simply trapped in a dilemma. He was too weak to go against the empire's demands, yet also afraid of the consequences of taking up arms against the cult.

King Fouzalt will only rally his troops and exercise his military might when 'goddess Ginova' has been proven to be an enemy of the kingdom and the empire herself. He would not risk a civil war on mere hearsay and rumors alone. Absolute evidence and proof must be presented before he can act accordingly.

Until then, the King of Deltorra will maintain a diplomatic approach toward the enigmatic existence. Despite their differences in religion and ideology, he will remain neutral and cautious in his dealings with her. Watching and observing her every action, waiting for the day when her true nature reveals itself and they can strike her down without hesitation.

So until that time comes, the King of Deltorra sits on his throne, ruling over his lands and protecting his people. Naturally, this didn't sit well with the high priestess. Her allegiance was clear. To serve her motherland, the Holy Empire Solheim.

Loraley knew of what they asked of king Fouzalt and its repercussions. Civil war was no small matter. The lives lost, the destruction wrought, and the kingdom's legacy itself shall be tainted in the annals of history. It was a fate none wished to witness come to pass.

But there was little choice in the matter. The hermaphrodites and their ways were an abomination and needed to be eradicated once and for all. They were unnatural beings who defied the laws of nature itself and they must not be allowed to exist under any circumstances.

Thus the king's position was made clear, the responsibility fell on her shoulder. Loraley prepared herself for the journey to Karda, the place where 'goddess' Ginova resided. She brought with her the finest warriors of the clergy, armed to the teeth with magical artifacts and weaponry to aid them in their mission.

Under the pretext of 'scouting' and 'investigation', her lot shall confront the fake goddess, apprehend her, and bring her back to Solheim for judgement. Not just her, but also the sinful followers who supported her wickedness and partook in her debauchery.

Even if it means causing civil war within Deltorra, Loraley and her men were determined to carry out their mission. They shall not let anything stand in their way and stop them from achieving their goal.

Even if it means falsifying evidence and fabricating facts, they shall do whatever it takes to justify their actions in the eyes of the people.

The Holy Empire shall triumph and crush the heretics who dare defy its authority. The time of reckoning has come and the false prophet shall fall under their righteous justice.

Loraley turned around and walked out of the chapel, her naked feet padding softly on the stone floor. Not paying attention to the dust and dirt covering her toes, she continued towards the entrance of the building.

"High Priestess, you are truly noble and righteous. The gods have chosen you to bring salvation to the people and purify the land from evil."

The three maidens flanked her sides and smiled sweetly, their eyes sparkling with admiration. They looked upon her as if she were a hero straight from the pages of legend.

They were after all, directly chosen by the high priestess Loraley herself since youth to attend to her every need. The doctrine of the Church of Aria dictates that to serve a high ranking member of the clergy was the greatest honor imaginable. It meant they had found favor in the eyes of the goddess herself.

Their loyalty to her was unwavering, and they would do anything she commanded, without question or hesitation. This devotion was the source of their pride and gave them a sense of purpose that transcended mundane concerns of money or status.

"Come now, sisters."

She smiled at them, her red lips curving into a gentle arc. Their expressions became even more reverent, their eyes glistening with adoration and respect as they gazed at their lady, their idol.

The three of them were tall and slender, with delicate features and soft voices that spoke volumes of their femininity. Their bodies were toned and fit, with long legs and narrow waists, but their breasts were modest and firm, not too big and not too small.

"When shall we depart, my lady?" One of the maidens asked. Her voice was melodic and soothing, sounding like a songbird's chirp in the morning air.

"Soon. We'll set off tomorrow morning." Loraley responded, her tone calm and controlled. "Have our sentinels and paladins at the ready. I want this mission to run as smoothly as possible."

The maidens nodded and smiled at their lady. Their pearly teeth gleaming in the sunlight. "Yes, my lady! I will ensure that everyone is prepared and ready to go." They bowed their heads in respect, their movements synchronized and graceful, like dancers performing a choreographed routine.

Loraley walked towards the carriage that awaited her, the horses neighing and pawing the ground, eager to take her away. She climbed onto the velvet seat, the soft fabric caressing her skin like a lover's touch. Her maidens followed suit, climbing up beside her and sitting on the cushions placed inside.

The driver took the reins and steered the horses down the path leading to the capital. They trotted through the streets, the sound of their hooves echoing across the cobblestone roads.


Karda City.

Central park Stadium.

Music was blaring, bodies were writhing, and lights flashed wildly. A scene that seemed to be out of this world, an otherworldly spectacle that only existed in dreams and wild hallucinations.

For the first timers, the sensory overload could prove to be overwhelming. The sights, sounds, smells, and tastes were unlike anything they had ever experienced before. The sheer magnitude of it all could leave them reeling, their senses on the verge of short-circuiting.

But for those who frequented such scenes, they welcomed this type of environment with open arms, reveling in the chaos and debauchery that ensued. They were used to it, the thrill of it, the adrenaline rush that came with it. They were addicted to it, craved it, sought it out with relentless passion and desire.

Up on the main stage of the stadium were hermaphrodite girls singing and dancing, giving their all to entertain the audience. Their bodies were sensual and seductive, their movements fluid and graceful. They wore nothing but feathers and beads, exposing their bare breasts and genitals for the audience to feast their eyes upon.

Sounds of loud cheers and shouts erupted from the crowd, their eyes glazed and their mouths hanging open. They had never seen such erotic displays before, and their primal urges began to take hold of their sanity.

Men and women alike were mesmerized by the sight, their libidos rising to the surface as they lost themselves to lust and desire.

'It seems like the pieces are starting to move.'

Ginova sat in her office, watching the show through the eyes of her subjects. The idol groups she formed a while ago were gaining traction and becoming popular throughout the kingdom. Recording of their shows sold out like hot cakes, and word of mouth spread about them like wildfire.

She took another sip of her drink and continued to watch.

The hermaphrodites on stage moved their hips to the music, their genitalia swinging back and forth. The rhythmic sway of their lower bodies was hypnotizing, drawing everyone's attention to them like moths to a flame.

Piercings adorned their nipples and clitoris, their navels and labias, their tongues and ears. These piercings contained magic stones that glowed in different colors, making their performances even more visually stimulating than usual. Even their phallic appendages were pierced with dangling gems and crystals, reflecting the light and giving them an ethereal aura.

They were shameless and unabashed, knowing full well how irresistible they were. It didn't matter that they had both male and female genitalia, they didn't care what anyone thought of their appearance, their only concern was making people feel good and putting on an unforgettable show.

And it worked.

The hermaphrodites weren't just performers. They were living art, moving and breathing masterpieces that had the ability to captivate and enthrall the masses with their unique talents and abilities. They weren't ashamed of their bodies; they embraced them fully, proudly displaying their nakedness for all to see.

Their bodies were like temples of pleasure, and they were more than happy to share their treasures with anyone who dared venture inside. Theirs was a world of endless possibilities, a realm where anything could happen and everything was permitted.

The people witnessed every sweat drop rolling down their skin, how it glistened under the bright lights, the way their muscles contracted and relaxed as they danced and twirled on the stage.

It was an otherworldly experience, something one could only dream of in their wildest fantasies. The hermaphrodites moved with such grace and ease, it was like they were born to perform.

Soon, the idols finished their song and dance performance, leaving the audience breathless and aroused beyond belief. Their genitalia throbbing with need, their loins aching with desire. Then came the aftershow, where everyone rushed to get their fanservice with the hermaphrodites.

Of course, it was only for the paying customers.

Held backstage, the guards and patrolmen kept watch to ensure that the girls weren't hurt or injured by their clients.

They would come for a meet-and-greet straight after the performance, still covered in sweat and glitter from the stage. A queue would form, each one lined up and ready for their turn with the hermaphrodites.

They went one by one, the guards watching in the shadows, making sure nothing went too far and to step in should someone act aggressively or violently towards the girls. Each person will be given ten seconds to interact with the hermaphrodites. Within that time frame, the fans were allowed to do anything as they pleased with any of the girls.

The girls would stand on a line, hands behind their heads and legs apart, showing off their privates for everyone to see. Their penises erect and wet, dripping with precum, their holes pink and swollen with desire.

Then the customers would approach them, sometimes with their significant other or partners, and touch their bodies. The hermaphrodites couldn't touch back; their job was to stand there and allow the client to do as they pleased with them.

Some went straight for the hermaphrodite's penis, rubbing it, sucking it, or jerking it. Others went for their asshole, fingering it, licking it, or fucking it with their tongue. Kissing them on the lips, sucking on their tits, biting their nipples, and even licking their armpits, belly buttons, and feet were some of the more common things to do to them.

Occasionally, the girls would orgasm and erupt, spraying their juices all over themselves and their customers, covering them in sticky white cum. Sometimes the customers would taste their seed, licking it off their faces and clothes, savoring the ‘hermaphrodite's special’.

Once the hours-long fanservice session ended, the girls would be exhausted, panting and sweating, their cock and pussies battered, and their asses gaping.

It was a wonderful experience, one that left them feeling alive and fulfilled, but also drained and spent.

Yet they knew that this wasn't the end of their fun.

The girls had to take a bath to clean themselves for the VVIPs of the Rabbit Hole, their highest paying patrons. They stripped themselves naked and stepped into the hot tub, letting the warm water wash away the filth and sweat accumulated from their performance after-service.

Each of them was a masterpiece, their skin smooth and supple, their curves round and inviting. They had big tits and hard cocks, with their balls hanging low and their clit bulging under the water.

Once the girls recovered their stamina, then they would move onto a full blown orgy. The VVIPs would use their services, having anal, vaginal, and oral sex with them. Some clients even wanted them to dominate them, humiliating and degrading them in front of the others.


Ginova let out a sigh, her voice shaky and raspy. Her body felt hot and sweaty after watching the entire show from the beginning till the end. The whole time she was stroking herself, edging herself closer and closer to her release until she erupted from the climax.

Her cock sprayed her semen all over her desk, coating it with her sticky fluids.

"Ahh... So hot..."

She panted heavily, her chest rising and falling with each breath.

It was always a treat to see the hermaphrodites performing for her audience. She loved the way they moved and moaned, the way their cocks and pussies pulsated and throbbed with desire.

But there was something about their shows that she found especially arousing. It wasn't just their erotic nature; it was the way they interacted with their clients. The fact that their smiles and enthusiasm in servicing their fans were genuine and real was what made them so irresistible.

The idols felt joy that their fans wanted to touch and fondle their bodies. They truly believed that the fans' lust and aggression on their very existence was the ultimate compliment. To be desired and loved as much as them was a blessing that they cherished with all their hearts.

Thus they were happy to serve the people. To have their hands grabbing, pinching, squeezing their sensitive areas as if they were playthings meant only for pleasure and amusement granted them fulfillment and satisfaction. The sex with the VVIPs too felt like taking a drug, addicting them to the sensation of being used and abused.

Their lovemaking sessions were passionate and intense, with their bodies writhing and squirming under the force of their partners' thrusts. Their cries of ecstasy and moans of pleasure echoed through the walls, their screams reaching the heavens and the earth below.

'One of my finest creations so far...'

Ginova heaved a sigh of relief before leaving her seat. There were also times when she would indulge in masturbation alone like now. They were rare, but it was nice to have some privacy for a change.

She locked the door to her chamber and proceeded to undress herself, revealing her voluptuous breasts and wide hips, her thick thighs and firm buttocks, and her massive shaft still standing erect and proud between her legs.

'The Aria Church is making their moves. After 13 long years... Now would be a good time to put in effort to claim this kingdom. I have more than enough resources at my disposal, the question isn't 'is it possible?' No, it is rather how would I like to do it.'

Ginova caressed her massive dick and rubbed her fingertips across her plump breasts.

'The high priestess seemed to be quite special. Unlike the rest of the people inside this kingdom, she seemed to be rather resistant to her absolute hypnosis granted by the system. Curious.'

She licked her fingers and inserted them into her pussy.

'Not perfectly unaffected, just slightly resistant. Not that it would hamper my plans. In fact, it makes things more interesting...'

She closed her eyes and continued masturbating herself. Her fantasy swirled within her mind as her hand stroked her length and fingers dug into her depths. Her cock grew harder and thicker as she envisioned ravaging the holy woman.

'I could tear off those robes of hers and fuck her from behind like an animal. I could suck her tits and squeeze her ass as I pound her pussy into oblivion. Or maybe I could flip her onto her back and ram my cock down her throat, making her choke on my rod while I fill her stomach with my essence.'

Imagining herself with her divine strength, tearing off Loraley's robes and spreading her legs wide open to expose her tight little pussy made her shudder with excitement. Ginova pumped her hand faster as she pictured herself shoving her hard cock deep into Loraley's virgin hole and pounding her into submission.

As she imagined Loraley's breasts bouncing up and down and her moans of pleasure turning into screams of pain, Ginova's cock began to pulsate with need. She felt her orgasm building within her and knew she couldn't hold back much longer.

With one final stroke of her shaft, she came, spurting her hot white cum all over her own stomach and chest. She gasped and groaned, feeling her body trembling with pleasure as her cock continued to twitch and pulse with desire.

'Ahh... I can't wait to make it reality...'

After her orgasm subsided, she cleaned herself up and dressed herself again. There was much work to do, and she had to prepare for what was to come.

The high priestess' forces would soon march towards her territory, intent on destroying her cult and cleansing her wickedness from their lands.

Ginova laid on her bed and sighed, her eyes staring blankly at the ceiling above her. Her thoughts were filled with images of Loraley's beautiful face twisted in agony as she plunged her thick cock deep into her tight little pussy.

'This kingdom... already belong to me...'

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