Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 20-3 (The Adult World)

Loraley brought with her most loyal servants, the three maidens, Gylene, Sia, and Aya, to 'investigate' Karda village. Together with a small platoon consisting of paladins and sentinels, they traveled day and night until they reached their destination.

They rode the imperial carriages pulled by mighty steeds through the lush forestry and past the rolling hills and plains. The journey was long and arduous, but they endured. Loraley's red eyes sparkled with determination, her golden hair billowing behind her like a cape. Her three maidens admired her, seeing her as an inspiration and role model, worshiping her as if she were a deity herself.

Once they arrived at Karda carrying an imposing and intimidating presence, they marched towards the village center without delay, ignoring the stares and murmurs of the villagers along the way. They came for one purpose and one purpose alone: to find and capture the self-proclaimed goddess Ginova.

"W-who are these people...? Why are they here...?"

"A-are they soldiers? What do they want from us?"

The Karda villagers gathered around the arriving troops, their curiosity piqued and their fears ignited. They whispered to each other, trying to gauge their intentions and searching for any clues about why they might be here. But Loraley ignored them and strode with confidence towards the Rabbit Hole. She was determined to find Ginova and bring her to justice once and for all.

The Rabbit Hole was bustling with activity as usual. Men and women entered and exited the building, their bodies sated and their minds content. It wasn't until they witnessed the elite sentinels and paladins standing outside did they realize something was amiss. Shock and bewilderment rippled through the crowd as they tried to comprehend the situation at hand.

"What's going on here?" One man cried out, his eyes widening with disbelief. "What are imperial soldiers doing in a place like this?"

"No idea," another replied, shaking his head in confusion. "Maybe they're here to 'party' themselves?"

But despite their questions and concerns, the soldiers stood resolute and unmoved, their expressions stony and unreadable. They brandished their swords and shields, signaling for everyone to leave and not cause a scene.

The crowd gasped and quickly dispersed, their fear overriding their curiosity. They scattered like mice, scurrying off in all directions, eager to avoid getting caught in the crossfire between the two opposing parties.

The high priestess Loraley led her maidens and soldiers forward, her expression grim and determined. Her eyes narrowed as she approached the entrance of the Rabbit Hole, her hands clenched into fists at her side.

"Gylene, Sia, Aya. Stay outside. Keep an eye out for any suspicious movements." She commanded, her voice firm and authoritative.

The maidens bowed and obeyed, taking up positions on either side of the entrance, ready to react at a moment's notice. They stood tall and proud, their weapons glinting in the sunlight, their bodies radiating with a fierce sense of duty and loyalty.

Inside, the Rabbit Hole was filled with debauchery and depravity, the likes of which Loraley had never seen before. Men and women lay sprawled across tables and couches, their naked bodies tangled together in a mass of limbs and flesh. The smell of sweat and sex permeated the air, clinging to the walls and furniture like a thick veil.

The people were engaged in all manner of sexual acts, from oral sex to anal sex, from tribbing to frottage, from vaginal to masturbation. The sound of skin slapping against skin, the gasps and grunts of pleasure, and the moans of delight echoed throughout the building.


Among the people were the hermaphrodites, performing their carnal rituals, tempting and seducing anyone who dared venture too close. They stood on stages and poles, thrusting their hips and grinding their crotches against the spectators, their cocks and clits throbbing and pulsating with desire.

Loraley scanned the room, strong disgust and disdain rising within her breast. These people were indulging in their lust, feeding their perverted desires, and engaging in acts that went against the teachings of the church. It was immoral and wrong, and she would not allow such depravity to continue unchecked any longer.

"...Chase them all out. Apprehend only the abnormal."

Through the spread of use of the recording mana stones, Loraley and her followers had acquired some information of the carnage they will witness at Karda, but to witness everything unfold with their own eyes was something else entirely. The vulgarity and indecency of the behavior left them nauseous and appalled. This was not a place of worship or reverence. It was a den of sin and corruption, and it must be cleansed immediately.

Her sentinels and paladins reacted accordingly, rushing forward and grabbing the patrons who were caught off guard by their arms and legs.

They struggled against the soldiers, crying out in protest and indignation at the sudden intrusion. These people didn't seem to understand the situation they were in, but Loraley refused to let her guard down. Through the intel she had gathered, she knew there were high ranking noblemen and women mixed in with the common folk. Thus, resorting to murder or violence might not be the best approach even though she wanted to do so, knowing that her actions shall be justified by the empire thus relinquishing her of any guilt.

The nobles were used not only by the common people to satisfy their depraved desires, but also the god-forsaken creatures for the sake of entertainment and pleasure. It was despicable, and she was determined to bring them to justice one way or another.

Once the patrons of such an accursed place was chased away after taking notes of their appearance, Loraley began questioning the captured hermaphrodites.

"Speak, wench, where does the false goddess hide?" Her command whipped through the perfumed air like a velvet-edged blade.

"False goddess? Oh, you jest, surely you speak of our lord and savior Lady Ginova?"

The voluptuous vixen before Loraley was the incarnation of carnal desire. Skin shimmered like satin under the fragrant oils that adorned her voluptuous form. Twin peaks of desire jutted proudly, while her manhood stood as a monument to dual-pleasure below— a hedonistic testament to her making. Those sultry eyes, hooded by pleasure's veil, paired with the wicked curve of lips that whispered promises of sensual expertise. Even as rage simmered within Loraley's breast, she registered every provocative line of the creature's form.

"Lord and savior?" spat Loraley with a venomous bite, her words slicing through the muggy air of carnal debauchery. "A false idol, nothing more." Quick as a whip, she seized the sin-blessed creature by her glossy locks, yanking the bunny to her trembling feet. A gasp of pain escaped those once-smirking lips, now twisted in a grimace which wiped away the sultry confidence from her face.

"Your very existence is a perversion," Loraley hissed, her ire branded into each syllable. "An affront to the purity and sanctity cherished by true believers."

As condemnation rained down on her, the bunny's eyes flickered to her comrades, bound and vulnerable, quivering on the floor. They bore witness in silent horror with glazed eyes, unable to intervene, yet yearning for salvation.

"Please," the hermaphrodite bunny's plea quivered like a delicate leaf in a tempest, desperation etched into her pitched tones as Loraley's stern gaze forged chains of ice around her heart. "We mean no harm, we merely wish to fulfill our roles of service…"

"To serve?" The word erupted from Loraley with a scornful laugh, acid-laced and biting. Her fingers tensed, serpent-like around the sultry sinner's tender neck, steeling against the softness there. "You, a flock of overindulgent whores wallowing in your hedonistic excess? Your sinful desires are an insult to the holiness of our empire, and you shall pay the price for such defiance!"

In a momentary fit of rage, Loraley's hand clenched, her knuckles whitening and tendons straining against the taut skin of her fist. The bunny's body stiffened, her eyes widening, as the realization dawned upon her of the looming danger that she and her brethren faced.

Reaching the peak of her fury, Loraley felt the beast of wrath writhing within her, yet she mastered it, unraveling her grip. With every breath drawn into her lungs, the flares of anger dimmed, leaving only a chilling composure.

Crouched close, she hissed a venom-laced whisper into the trembling bunny's ear, each phrase punctuated by cold resolve. "Spill it—where does the she-devil slither? Cough up that info, and maybe—just maybe—you'll get off on a technicality called pity." Releasing her quarry, Loraley receded like the tide after a storm, leaving behind a gaze sharp enough to carve sculptures of loathing in the air. "Monstrosities like you," she spat out with contemptuous finality, "should've never seen the light of day."

The hermaphrodite's heart pounded against her ribcage, each throb echoing the fear and adrenaline coursing through her veins. Desperately blinking back the tears that threatened to fall, she tried to gather what little courage she had left. A quick scan of the room offered no comfort—only the hopelessness of their situation settled heavier upon her shoulders.

The sentinels had their swords drawn, poised to strike at any moment, while the paladins stood with steely gazes, ready to mete out justice without mercy. A fleeting glance at her fellow hermaphrodites confirmed her worst nightmare—they were trapped like lambs in a den of lions.

Yet still, a small flame of rebellion flickered within, refusing to be extinguished.

She could feel Loraley's power towering over her—it was palpable, like a storm cloud about to burst. Though shaken, there was an innate stubbornness in the bunny that couldn't bow, an untamed spirit that wouldn't break. Perhaps it was due to her nature and constitution as a hermaphrodite, but she had no time to think. Her breath came out ragged but with an underlying rhythm of resolve.

For a stretched moment, they were locked in a battle of wills—a high priestess and a highly valued escort exchanging silent volleys through glares charged with unspoken understanding. The defiance bubbling inside the rabbit echoed powerfully in her gaze as she slowly shook her head, a serene surface belying the chaos beneath.

The action was more than a refusal, it was almost a dare. It declared that the rabbit was willing to endure any torment or torture that may come her way, even if it would cost her her life. All for the sake of the heretical goddess who had blessed her with her gifts.

But Loraley's resolve didn't waver; she was a devout enforcer, unshaken in her crusade of cleansing what she deemed iniquity incarnate. Her voice swelled with righteous fury, echoing through the hallowed halls of debauchery.

Leaning forward, she fisted her hand in the bunny's silky tresses, yanking her closer until their breaths mingled in heated anger and fear. "Listen close, you filthy whore," Loraley sneered, spraying spittle across the other's face, akin to an unholy baptism of scorn. "I'm going to give you one more chance to sing like a canary— where is your wretched mistress hiding?"

Her grip on the bunny's hair tightened with unabashed cruelty, wrenching the head back into an exposed submission. The posture thrust her dual assets outward, offering and vulnerable.

"Or maybe I'll go for a more direct kind of purification," Loraley threatened with venom-dripped glee. "Should I have one of my men cut off your devil's member and parade it around for all to see?" Her words struck the hermaphrodite like bolts of lightning, stunning her with horror and revulsion.

Loraley hurled the frightened rabbit down like a ragdoll, hitting the floor with a skin-slapping thud that resounded across the lavish lounge. Curled up on the plush scarlet carpet beneath her, she was bare and vulnerable.

"If you still won't sing, well..." Loraley sneered, her voice devoid of empathy as it cut through the thick atmosphere of dread. She pointed an accusing finger at the quivering form on the floor. "I've got no problem shifting focus to your little friends here," she motioned towards the others, all bound and watching through teary eyes. "I'll keep cutting through you freaks of nature one by one until there's nobody left!"

A chorus of stifled sobs echoed Loraley's ultimatum as the hermaphrodites quaked, the chilling threat worming its way into their bones. Their eyes wide with terror, reflecting the grim fate that might soon befall them, pain laid bare for pleasure lost.

"Sing or suffer," she proclaimed, her voice dripping with smug satisfaction. "It's your choice, whores."

Heaving herself up from the floor, the hermaphrodite caught Loraley's eye with a stare bold and resistant. Quakes of fear challenged her frame, yet there it was— a spark not yet smothered by intimidation. In the pools of red that were her eyes, there shimmered a fervor unextinguished by the high priestess’s looming threat.

As she rose, fragments of broken spirit fell away, and there stood an emblem of defiance. Her form was battered but unbowed, a picture of pride in a defiance tableau.

This sudden surge of courage took Loraley off guard, her features wrestling with emotion before settling into a contemptuous sneer. An animalistic desire to subdue surged through her; it was one thing to break the weak, but another to subjugate those with the courage to rebel.

Chuckling coldly, Loraley looked down upon the valiant rabbit, her derisive tone carrying a hint of grudging respect for the defiance flickering in their eyes. "Proud, even on your knees," she mocked, her eyes capturing the shape of their physique. The firm swell of breasts and the semi-aroused state of her shaft, a potent mix of femininity and masculinity that was their gift and sin.

She eyed them with unintended hunger, a surge within her chastising her ingrained desires. Her eyes drank in the sight, admiring the way they arched toward her in unison, two forbidden fruits ripe for the taking. Their nipples were hard and erect, betraying a sensual thrill that excited and repulsed her.

But as quickly as it came, she shook off the merciful tide of emotion, her pupils narrowing back into slits of conviction. With brute force, she cast away depths of sinful yearning clawing at her soul. To yield was unthinkable. It fortified her resolve all the more; these feelings must be purged along with the blasphemous seduction shared by this curvaceous creature before her.

Ripping her gaze from detestable temptation, Loraley's eyes blazed with sickened fury as she turned towards her men. "Do it. Show these degenerate whores the cost of defiance," she bellowed. Her finger jabbed toward the hermaphrodite's exposed form sprawled on the floor. "Chop her genitals off, and gag her with it. When you are done, parade her around town to show everyone the price of sin!"

"Yes, High Priestess." A sentinel stepped forward at Loraley's command, the cruel glint of his sword catching the chandelier’s light, casting fractured beams across the room. His face was obscured by his helm, yet the eager gleam in his eyes was unmistakable. A morbid thrill, a hunter's anticipation for the coming bloodletting.

The bunny's heart pounded like a war drum in her chest, her every nerve alight with the fear of what was to come. Her breath hitched as she caught sight of the cold metal that threatened to cut short her very essence.

"That's enough."

A hush fell as a new presence unveiled itself— a figure stepping from shadow to light with the authority of the cosmos itself. Ginova declared a commanding tone that resonated with power and elegance.

With her presence came into view, the air itself seemed to thicken, charged with her raw, magnetic allure. The sheer black and gold veil that adorned her did little to obscure the lush contours of her celestial flesh. Rather, it played a tempting game of conceal-and-reveal, offering teasing glimpses of her ample bosom and the smooth, supple glide of hips meant for hands to anchor upon in fervent worship. Every fold of fabric accentuated her form, draped over erogenous zones with blatant intent, like whispered invitations to touch, taste, explore.

Akin to the mythical sirens of the sea, Ginova's beauty was mesmerizing, enchanting all who beheld her with desire that burned like a starry sky.

"Such theatrics aren't necessary." Her voice was honeyed silk, smooth and rich, with a hint of unbridled passion simmering below the surface. "You were looking for me, weren't you?" Her red-lipped smile spoke volumes, piercing through Loraley's stoic exterior.

Loraley took a step back, her chest rising and falling with sharp, uneven breaths. She blinked hard, fighting off the lingering effects of Ginova's charisma, her mind struggling to regain focus amidst the fog of desire and lust.

'W-what is this...?' she thought, her throat dry as she stared up at the voluptuous goddess before her. Her skin tingled and her nethers grew moist, a heat stirring deep within her core that she had never experienced before.

This creature radiated sex, her body undulating in a way that was both graceful and predatory. Every movement she made was calculated and deliberate, sending tremors of wanton lust through Loraley's body. Her fingers itched to reach out and touch the charlatan before her, to trace the lines of her body and feel the softness of her skin against her own.

Her breasts heaved and her nipples hardened beneath her robes, the fabric rubbing against her sensitive peaks and sending shivers of desire shooting through her spine. She couldn't deny it anymore; she was aroused, and it was terrifying.

With a shaky breath, she forced herself to look away, to gather her thoughts and regain her composure. She cleared her throat, her cheeks burning with shame and embarrassment at the unwanted desire coursing through her just from a simple glance.

Ginova continued to smile, her eyes glimmering with amusement at the effect she had on the high priestess. It was clear that she had never experienced such lustful feelings before, and it gave Ginova an intoxicating rush of power and control. She reveled in it, drinking in the sight of Loraley's flustered reaction and savoring the way her body responded so readily to her charms.

The bunny who almost had her manhood chopped off looked up, relief washing over her features at the arrival of her savior.

"L-Lady Ginova! You came!" The hermaphrodite exclaimed, her eyes shining with adoration and awe.

"Naturally. I couldn't stand by while my people are treated in such a barbaric manner." Ginova's voice was soft and gentle, like a summer breeze blowing through the trees.

The sentinels and paladins of Loraley's side stood frozen, entranced by the goddess's presence. The high priestess herself remained rooted to the spot, unsure how to process the sudden change of emotion that had washed over the room.

Ginova's crimson lips curled upward in a mischievous smile, her gaze darting between the high priestess and the hermaphrodites held captive by her men. "Do not be rash, my dear," she cooed, her tone laced with seductive undertones that echoed through Loraley's core, vibrating with unspoken promise.

"Why don't we settle this in a more... civilized manner?" she proposed, her voice dripping with desire. Her eyes darkened as she leaned forward, her breasts pressing together, showcasing the deep valley of her cleavage.

Loraley's mouth went dry, her pulse quickening as her eyes roamed over the goddess's voluptuous form. Even as a woman herself, she couldn't deny the allure that exuded from the deity, her mind swimming with salacious images that made her body flush with heat.

She couldn't explain what was happening to her; she had never been attracted to women before, or to men, for that matter. But something about Ginova drew her in, calling to her on an instinctive level that she had never experienced before.

Ginova turned around, showing off her perfect curves and the way her breasts swayed with each step she took. Loraley's breath hitched, her eyes fixed on the way the goddess's ass moved beneath her robes, swaying with such perfection that she longed to reach out and touch it.

"Follow me," Ginova said, her voice echoing through Loraley's mind, like a sweet melody meant only for her ears. "And leave my people out of this. They are innocent and do not deserve your wrath."

With a last glance over her shoulder, the goddess began to ascend the stairs towards her office on the top floor. The sentinels and paladins approached the high priestess from behind, they spoke of careful suggestions in hushed voices, urging her to follow Ginova lest they miss such an opportunity to negotiate with the powerful deity.

"What shall we do, my lady? Should we take them hostage? Or should we just leave them be?" One of her subordinates asked in a whisper.

"This 'goddess'… She wields more than mere strength. There’s an enchantment about her that I had not anticipated. We shall proceed with caution henceforth." Loraley replied, her eyes fixated on Ginova's form, following her up the steps. "Let's play along for now and see where it leads."

"Understood," the soldier nodded, gesturing for half of the men to stay put and not to cause a commotion. As for the rest, they tagged along the high priestess, preparing for anything that might arise.

As they reached the upper floors, Loraley felt her stomach flip, her breathing becoming more and more erratic as she was faced with the task ahead. Her mind buzzed with an indescribable urge, the image of Ginova's full and kissable lips seared into her brain.

'This is impossible. I am a high priestess, chosen by the empire herself. I have gone through the sacred ritual of purification and obtained immunity to magic that influences the mind! And yet, here I am...'

The soldiers and her maidens followed close behind, their eyes glancing over the plush furnishings and expensive decorations that lined the halls. It was clear that the Rabbit Hole was not just a place for debauchery; it was also a lucrative business that catered to the elite and privileged of society.

But Loraley's thoughts were elsewhere, her mind consumed with images of Ginova's soft lips and gentle embrace, the scent of her skin filling her nostrils, making her head swim with desire.

They reached the end of the hallway and approached a set of double doors engraved with ornate patterns and designs. With the slightest touch, Ginova pushed them open as though inviting Loraley into her own sacred sanctum.

'Maybe it wasn't magic. Maybe, she's relying purely on her charms and her natural beauty alone to bend people to her will. No, is that even possible? Why am I following her words? Why... are we doing this? We shouldn't listen to her, we have to fight back, we have to...'

As Loraley stepped over the threshold with her bare feet into the goddess's inner chamber, she was awestruck by the opulence and luxury that surrounded her. The room was draped in silk curtains, creating a luxurious space that was unlike anything she had ever seen. Thick rugs muffled their footsteps, the fabric was so rich and deep her feet sank into them as if she were striding across the clouds.

Wherever their eyes looked, they found themselves dazzled by the sheer grandeur of the room. Walls adorned with paintings of naked figures twined together in erotic poses, statues of fertility deities, and luxurious cushions and pillows to create a plush haven for decadence and debauchery.

All this orchestrated to frame Ginova, a deity not merely sculpted in form, but crafted from raw sexuality and unbound desire as she stood poised at the heart of this hedonistic sanctuary.

"Have a seat. Let us discuss things like civilized individuals and not like savages, yes?" Ginova's voice was an intoxicating wave of warmth, her invitation as soft as the plush cushions that adorned the seats before her.

Loraley found herself both conflicted and compelled, her body responding to the command without consultation from her mind. She carved a path forward and settled into one of the chairs with a gentle caress of her pure white robe against the silken pillow.

Her soldiers remained standing behind her in an arch, observant statues to this peculiar parley. Meanwhile, Loraley's pulse picked up speed under Ginova's laden stare, those eyes pierced through her defenses like a hot knife cutting through butter, igniting within her a wildfire that threatened to consume her very soul.

"There, there," Ginova crooned, her voice dripping with honeyed tones that stroked Loraley's nerves with the precision of a master musician. "Please, relax. There's no need for hostilities now."

Ginova's hands danced through the air, her fingers weaving a spell that Loraley couldn't comprehend. Her eyes tracked the movement, hypnotized by the goddess's grace and fluidity.

"Would you like tea? How about you gentlemen? Would you like some refreshments too?" she questioned, her words floating like petals on the wind, feather-soft and delicately delicious. "Please, let us take the time to talk things over and come to an understanding."

With a blank look, she nodded, unable to comprehend the situation that changed so dramatically. It felt like she couldn't refuse the offer. Loraley watched as Ginova flicked her wrist towards a hidden cabinet that emerged from the shadows. From within, she procured a teapot and cups, all decorated with exquisite gold filigree that sparkled under the light coming through the window.

The soldiers felt cold sweat trickling down their necks as they tried to remain composed. They had no clue what was going on, but something told them to stay calm and focused. Loraley's eyes were still fixated on the goddess, her mind unable to shake off the haze that enveloped her thoughts.

As the aroma of freshly brewed tea filled the air, Ginova poured six cups in total. One for the high priestess and the rest for the sentinels and paladins behind her.

"Well? Aren't you going to drink?" she smiled at Loraley, who snapped out of her daze.

"......" Loraley opened her mouth, but no words came out of it. She gulped hard and reached for the cup, her hand trembling slightly as she brought it to her lips.

She sipped the liquid slowly, savoring the sweet and floral taste of the tea. She wasn't used to this kind of beverage, but it tasted divine, nonetheless. Her fingers grasped the porcelain handle firmly, her eyes never leaving Ginova's, who was watching her with an amused expression.

As Loraley lowered the cup, she felt the tension dissipating from her muscles, replaced by a warm, tingly sensation that spread throughout her body. The effect of the tea was instantaneous; her mind cleared, and her senses heightened. She looked around the room with fresh eyes, noticing every detail, from the softness of the cushion she sat on to the fragrant scent of flowers wafting through the air.

She glanced down at her tea again, noticing the peculiar nature of the tea. She inhaled deeply, taking in the aroma of roses and spices, and an undertone of something else, something sweeter and more enticing than before.

"How is it? Is it to your liking? Please, help yourself." Ginova's voice brought Loraley back to reality, and she took another sip of her tea, savoring the flavors dancing across her tongue.

She had never tasted anything like it before; it was unlike any tea she had ever had before, and she couldn't deny that it was having a profound effect on her body.

"Come. Help yourself." Ginova gestured towards the soldiers standing behind Loraley. "Quickly, before it gets cold."

The soldiers hesitated, glancing at each other, unsure of what to do next.

"Go ahead, please."

Hearing the goddess's encouragement, the soldiers grudgingly accepted the invitation. They shuffled forward and reached for the cups, bringing them to their lips and taking cautious sips.

The effects of the tea were immediate, causing their bodies to relax, their muscles loosening up and their minds clearing up. They breathed in the sweet fragrance of the tea, letting the soothing aroma fill their nostrils and calm their nerves.

"Isn't it wonderful? This blend is special. Something you can't get from the market. I'm the only one who has access to it." Ginova continued, her voice smooth and reassuring. "So, let's enjoy it while it lasts. Shall we?" She encouraged, gesturing towards the high priestess.

Then like a sudden clap of thunder, the reality dawned upon her.

There has been an unknown beverage spreading across the kingdom for the last decade. A white creamy substance usually to be mixed with coffee or tea that could induce euphoric bliss and sexual appetite in large quantities, but if consumed in lower dosage could grant a sense relaxation and pleasant tingling in the body. It could restore one's focus and stamina, enhancing it even, to an abnormal extent.

The beverage quickly became widespread and trending among the populace. However, since the origin and creation of the drink was dubious, the kingdom prohibited its distribution. Of course, that didn't stop the people. Through the black market, the beverage thrived still and became a highly valued commodity.

As the high priestess, Loraley naturally distanced herself from such goods, thus she hadn't tasted it before. This was her first time, and the experience was beyond what she expected. The emergence of the false goddess seemed to coincide not just with the recording stones, but also the beverage.

The false goddess was the source of evil and depravity in the land, and Loraley knew she had to eliminate her at all costs. She threw the tea cup away, shattering it into pieces, and jumped forward. She grabbed hold of Ginova's neck, pinning her to the wall, her eyes burning with fury and disgust.

"You wretched woman, I knew you couldn't be trusted! Now you're using drugs to try and enslave me?!"

"Oh?" Ginova chuckled, unfazed by the sudden turn of events. "I did not expect you to break out of my hypnosis so soon. As expected of the high priestess, you are different from the rest of them."

"Hypnosis?! You think this was all fun and games? You're committing sacrilege here, and I won't stand for it!" Loraley tightened her grip around Ginova's throat, her eyes blazing with righteous fury. "Your reign of depravity ends here!"

"Gahck...!" Ginova choked out, her eyes glittering with amusement and intrigue. "So rough..." She grinned, her hands reaching up to grasp at Loraley's wrists. "I didn't think... you were into that...! Sort of thing, High Priestess...! Gaack..!!"

"Shut your filthy mouth!" Loraley snarled, tightening her grip further. "You're nothing but an abomination, a stain on the face of our civilization, and I will not stand for it! You have committed one of the highest acts of blasphemy for conspiring against the empire with your little cult and for an attempted assassination of me!"

"Assa...ssination...?" Ginova coughed out, her voice strained. "That's...cute..."

"Don't play games with me, witch!" Loraley spat, her nails digging into the smooth, pale flesh of Ginova's throat. "I might've spared you before, but've crossed the line, and you will pay for it with your life! You and every single follower of yours!"

"Now, now...!" Ginova wheezed, her face turning red. "Be reasonable...High Priestess...! There's no need for violence...!"

"I'll show you violence, you heretical whore!" Loraley hissed, drawing back her fist and punching Ginova squarely in the jaw. A loud crack echoed through the room, followed by the goddess's soft grunt of pain.


"Aghh...!" Ginova groaned, her teeth gritting against the stinging sensation. Blood dripped down her chin, mixing with her spit and trailing down her throat.

Loraley didn't flinch nor relent in her assault. Her fingers curled around Ginova's throat once more, constricting and squeezing, her eyes blazing with unbridled fury and determination.

"You will pay for your sins!" she cried, her voice ringing with righteous indignation. "You and your followers will face judgment and retribution for your transgressions against the empire and the Church!"

Then, Loraley threw another punch to Ginova's belly, her knuckles making contact with the softness of her abdomen.


"Arghh..!" Ginova doubled over in pain, clutching her stomach and gasping for air. The force of the blow had knocked the wind out of her lungs, causing her to cough and splutter, tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

"Filthy slut!" Loraley's voice tore through the chamber, her fists raining down upon Ginova's midsection with brutal, rhythmic thuds. Each blow carried an unrestrained power that echoed against the marble walls.

Through the haze of pain and pleasure, Ginova laughed. A raspy, breathy sound escaping her battered form. "You're...getting aroused by this...! Look at you...! So wet between your thighs...!" Her words cut through the air, sharp and heavy with taunt.

Loraley froze in shock, realizing that she was indeed wet and slick between her legs. Her eyes darted downward, her face flushing with humiliation and horror. Her thighs trembled, her juices dripping down her leg and pooling on the floor beneath her.

"What's wrong?" The raspness in Ginova’s voice could not mask its underlying lure as she witnessed Loraley caught in a self-revelation. Despite bruises flowering across her skin and blood adorning her lips, mischief still burned bright in those eyes.

"Feeling excited...? Your nipples are rock hard through your robes...!" Not caring being deprived of oxygen and under duress, Ginova continued her taunt— each sentence carved to undermine Loraley’s righteous veneer with undeniable truths written upon her flesh.

"You...filthy beast! Shut your damn mouth!" Loraley growled, her hands twisting and tightening around Ginova's throat, cutting off her air supply once again.

But her efforts to stifle Ginova's provocations were in vain; she could not quiet the pulse of her own arousal, nor could she shut out the growing heat between her thighs, a searing blaze threatening to engulf her sense of self.

The sight of Ginova's supple form contorting and writhing under her vice-like grip only served to stoke the fires of Loraley's burgeoning desire, igniting within her a primal hunger too potent to quell. Her mind raced, chaotic thoughts colliding into a singular, undeniable truth—she was consumed by an insatiable need for the woman before her.

Her body betrayed her, heat pooling between her thighs as she trembled with an unleashed yearning. Eyes clouded over with carnal lust, lips slightly agape, Loraley's breath turned ragged, synchronizing with the erratic pounding of her heart.

'W-what's going on!? What's happening to me!? Why am I...!' she thought, her mind racing and body trembled with an ever increasing lust. Her eyes glazed over with sexual craving, her lips parted and her breathing quickened. She couldn't believe what she was feeling, but she couldn't deny it either.

Her fingers twitched with a yearning ache, the urge to explore the curves and valleys of Ginova's flesh overwhelming her senses. Fantasies of deviant caresses played across her mind, each illicit thought a sweet poison further diluting her restraint. She craved the taste of Ginova; the salt on her skin, the metallic temptation of blood from her split lip, the intoxicating sweetness underlying the tang of sweat.

In a fit of desire, Loraley's fingers crept up Ginova's neck, tracing the contours of her jawline with a delicate touch. They lingered on her bruised throat, a tender gesture that belied the violence inflicted upon her mere moments ago.

As her touch ghosted over the goddess's skin, Loraley felt her inhibitions melting away, replaced by a hot, molten lust that threatened to consume her whole. Her thumb traced a slow, deliberate trail over Ginova's bottom lip, eliciting a low, breathy moan from her. The sound shot through Loraley like lightning, igniting a spark of carnal need within her, driving her to press harder, deeper, until Ginova's lips parted to allow her entry.

"What... have you done to me...?" Loraley's voice came out as a hoarse whisper, her eyes darkening with desire. "You've cursed me with unnatural lust, haven't you?"

Ginova merely smiled, her eyes sparkling still. "I did no such curse...! This is all you, High Priestess..." she teased, her voice raspy and seductive. "Perhaps... you want this, deep down...! Perhaps... you crave it...!" She moaned, her lips parting even wider to accommodate Loraley's finger inside her mouth.

"Ahhhh...!" Loraley gasped, her breath hitching at the sensation of Ginova's lips closing around her digit and the tip of her tongue flicking against her fingertip. "A-ah...! Stop...stop it, you wicked creature...!" She stuttered, her words betraying the desperation creeping into her voice.

She pulled her hand back, yanking away from Ginova's lewd touch and staring at her own fingers with horror. Strings of saliva coated her digits, glistening under the light and highlighting the contrast between Ginova's crimson lips and her pale skin.

But her resolve had already faltered, and she could feel the remnants of her desire spilling out of her, leaving behind an aching emptiness that begged to be filled. Her nipples hardened against her robes, her thighs slick with arousal that trickled down her trembling legs.

Ginova sensed her vulnerability and struck with renewed vigor. "You want this...! Admit it!" She hissed, her eyes gleaming with a lustful hunger that made Loraley shudder. "You want me, High Priestess! You cannot resist my charm...!" She whispered, her voice laced with an unspoken challenge that cut through the fog of Loraley's shameful denial.

"! I do not...!" Loraley cried, her eyes darting around the room in search of an escape. It was then she looked behind her—


One of the soldiers standing on the back was holding a familiar device directed at her.


A device that appeared a decade ago that took the kingdom by storm. It was said to capture scenes of life and store them in mana stones for an indefinite amount of time. It was a revolutionary invention that had created a new wave of art and entertainment that changed the landscape of culture forever.

However, its sinister potential was made evident when someone discovered that it could be used to record sexual acts, a violation of the holy decency and order of the church. The device was banned and deemed blasphemous for its ability to record forbidden lust and taboo pleasure, but it survived through the black market and was coveted by those who wished to preserve moments of desire and intimacy forever.

"What are you..."


The soldiers didn't react to her words. They merely stood there, circling around her, their expressions hidden behind their helmets.

Their silence only fueled her anxiety, sending her mind into overdrive as she struggled to make sense of the situation.

"Y-you cannot..." She stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. "You cannot...record...this...!" She pointed a trembling finger at the device in the soldier's hand, her fear palpable in the air around her.

Her heart pounded in her chest, each beat echoing through her body like the beating of drums of war. She took a step back, her feet sinking into the plush carpet beneath her bare toes.

In a moment of clarity, Loraley realized the gravity of the situation.

"You guys! Are you filming this?!" she demanded, her voice rising to a fever pitch. "Are you insane!?"

Her gaze darted to the others surrounding her, but they remained eerily silent. Their eyes remained hidden behind the shadows cast by their helmets, their expressions unreadable and unnerving.

"Answer me! Put that thing away! Right now!"

Her demands went unanswered, save for the rustling of fabric and the creaking of armor as the soldiers shifted in place. A hush descended upon the room, punctuated by the steady drumming of Loraley's heartbeat, a constant reminder of her perilous position.

"Why... did you stop, high priestess Loraley?" Ginova's voice slithered through the air, sharp and pointed, her eyes glittering with amusement. "Aren't you enjoying this?"

Upon hearing her words, Loraley snapped her gaze back at the woman she just choked, rendering her speechless and paralyzed with fear. She tried to speak, but her tongue turned heavy and thick, refusing to form words.

"I... I don't..."

Her protests died on her lips, silenced by the realization that she was utterly trapped, caught in a web of seduction and lust that threatened to swallow her whole. Her arousal refused to abate, the slickness between her thighs betraying her deepest desires, her yearnings for something she couldn't name but oh-so-eager to fulfill.

"Are you not going to continue? Then... shall I?"

Loraley's gaze widened in horror, her breath catching in her throat as she saw Ginova's fingers reaching up towards her chest, tracing the contours of her breasts through the thin fabric of her robe. She tried to pull away, but her feet remained rooted to the spot, frozen by her conflicting urges to submit and resist.


It was then the soldiers except for the cameraman approached from behind Loraley, holding her arms and legs. She yelped and struggled in their grip, her eyes wild with panic and alarm. "What are you doing? Let me go!"

They ignored her cries, their hands roaming over her body, exploring every inch of her flesh with an unrelenting fervor. "Unhand me! Unhand me at once! Filthy beasts! In the name of the Holy Empire Solheim, I command you to release me! I am your high priestess! By the holy light of Aria, you shall regret defying me!" she yelled, thrashing and kicking her legs in vain.

But her protests fell on deaf ears, as the soldiers continued to violate her with their crude gropes and touches, tugging at her robes and exposing her flesh to the air.

As they worked, they murmured to each other in hushed tones, their voices carrying the weight of illicit desire that simmered beneath the surface.

"Ah...ahh...!" Loraley moaned, her eyes rolling back into her head, her mind spinning with delirium. "S-stop this! Stop it at once!"

Despite her commands, the soldiers refused to relent, their fingers caressing every curve of her body with a hunger that sent shivers of pleasure running through her spine.

From her breasts, to the tip of her nipples, to her clit and pussy, even her feet, they explored every inch of her, unearthing desires she never knew she had. Their hands wandered over her skin, teasing and caressing her most sensitive spots, and eliciting moans and cries of ecstasy from deep within her soul.

Loraley's body trembled, her muscles tensing and releasing, her breaths coming in short gasps as she writhed beneath their merciless touch. Her skin burned beneath their fingers, seared by the flames of desire that consumed her every thought, her every breath.

The sensation was unlike anything she had ever experienced before; a mixture of pain and pleasure, of shame and exhilaration, a combination that sent sparks shooting through her veins and her blood boiling with unbridled passion.

Meanwhile, Ginova wiped the blood off her lips, her wounds regenerated at an alarming rate. She stood watching the high priestess being ravaged and violated by her very own men, relishing in the spectacle of it all.

"Keep going," she ordered, her voice sharp and commanding. "Show her who's in charge now."

The soldiers obeyed, their hands drifting over Loraley's skin, tracing the outline of her ribs, the swell of her hips, the curve of her buttocks, and the arch of her spine. She was a work of art, a canvas painted with the shades of desire, her flesh ripe for the taking, her body trembling with the sweet agony of unrequited lust.

"L-let go of me...! W-why are you doing this!!" Loraley whimpered, her body jerking and writhing beneath them, unable to resist their advances. She couldn't deny the mounting pressure building up within her, her arousal building to an inevitable climax, an explosion of sensation that threatened to consume her whole.

But she held it in, her muscles coiled tight, her body clenched against the rising tide of desire threatening to wash away her inhibitions. She couldn't let herself succumb to these urges, not in front of her own men, and certainly not in front of her enemies!

Loraley tried to reach out, grasping at anything within reach, seeking an anchor amidst the chaos raging within her core. But her efforts proved futile, as she found herself wrapped tighter than ever in the grip of the soldiers' hands, her struggles only serving to heighten her arousal all the more.

"N-no...! No...! Get off me...! Don't touch me...! D-don't touch me...! Stop it, you imbeciles!!" She gasped and cried out, her words drowned out by the schlicking sounds of her vaginal fluid and the heated panting of the soldiers violating her.

"Aah...! Nooooo...!" Loraley's pleas rang through the room, echoing off the walls with an intensity that would send shivers down her spine. She had never felt so helpless, so vulnerable, her body exposed and vulnerable to their carnal whims, unable to escape the clutches of her captors.

"I was hoping you would do so much more to me, but you broke through my influence much earlier than I thought." Ginova commented, her voice thick with disappointment. Her fingers stroked her lips, brushing across the swollen surface of her lips where Loraley had punched her. "What a pity." She mused, her black-painted fingernails sparkling in the dim light.

"But no matter. Even if you are completely resistant to my power, it wouldn't make a difference. After all..." Her eyes locked with Loraley's, her voice carrying the weight of promise. "Every single soul in this kingdom is already mine."

"N-no...! Noooo!!" Loraley's cries rang out, her body jerking and convulsing as she struggled to free herself from the soldiers' relentless touch. She was forced to watch as they pulled down her robes and bared her breasts, cupping and massaging her nipples with vulgar glee. "Aah...!" She moaned, her voice ragged and strained, her cheeks flushed with heat.

Her breasts were bountiful and full, her nipples stiff and erect, as if begging for attention. She felt the soldiers' hands caress her flesh, teasing and tweaking her sensitive buds, sending waves of pleasure crashing through her body.

"After 13 long years, my power has grown to an unprecedented level," Ginova proclaimed, her eyes never leaving Loraley's as she spoke. "But I still couldn't take control of everyone. Far from absolute, my reach still has limits." Her eyes darted to the soldiers behind Loraley, watching as they stripped her bare and laid her spread out like a sacrificial offering upon the plush rug beneath her.

Loraley squirmed and writhed, her body naked and vulnerable to the soldiers' predatory gaze. She felt them tug at her robes, pulling them down her legs and baring her folds to the open air. The sudden coolness of the air against her hot flesh sent goosebumps prickling across her skin, her nipples grew harder even further against the chill.

She tried to scream, to fight back, to protest, but the words died on her lips, lost amidst the thundering of her own pulse and the roaring of her desire within her core. She was trapped, helplessly ensnared within the web of her own carnal longings, unable to escape the sweet torture of the false goddess.

It was a living nightmare, a waking hell, a maddening maze of pleasure and pain that she couldn't escape. Her body surrendered to the touch of the soldiers, her skin tingling and taut with anticipation as they ran their hands along her curves. She was putty in their hands, molded and shaped by their desires, a plaything for their amusement and lust.

"One step at a time. What's another 13 years, right? 20, 50 or a hundred years, it doesn't matter. One day, the entire world will be mine." Ginova purred, her voice oozing with confidence. "And everyone will worship me."

Once she finished her solo monologue, Ginova crawled towards Loraley's quivering form and pressed her lips against hers, smearing her blood across Loraley's mouth.

At that moment, Loraley gave in. Her body shook with tremors of pleasure and heat, her skin tingling with goosebumps at Ginova's touch.

"Make sure you record every single detail of her fall, boys." Ginova hissed, her breath hot against Loraley's cheek, her tongue flicking across her lips, savoring her flavor. "We'll be showing this off to her maidens later. I wonder how they will react?"

The soldiers chuckled, the sound dark and ominous, echoing through the chamber. Loraley shuddered, her stomach knotted with dread at the prospect of having her tainted image shown to her closest, most precious servants, the three maidens that she had been taken care of under her wings since they were children.

As Ginova continued to kiss and lick her face, Loraley could feel her strength fading, her resistance waning with each stroke of her tongue. It was as though Ginova's touch possessed magical properties, drawing forth desire from the deepest recesses of Loraley's soul.

"I think you are more than ready for me now," Ginova breathed, her lips curling into a smile. "Come on, let's give the boys a good show." She revealed her erect cock with a smirk, the shaft long and hard, dripping with precum at its tip.

Loraley's eyes widened in disbelief, her lips trembling with fear and disgust. "N-no..." she gasped, her voice hoarse with dread. "I can't... I won't let you...!" She tried to struggle, her body twisting and writhing beneath them, her muscles burning with exertion. But it was no use; she was trapped, pinned down and helpless at the mercy of her captors.

Ginova chuckled, her eyes glimmering with amusement. "Don't worry, it'll feel really good." She purred, her fingers trailing up Loraley's thigh, tracing the curve of her hip bone. "You'll love it."

She lowered her shaft between Loraley's folds, sliding the head up and down her slit before thrusting deep inside her without warning.

The sudden penetration drew a cry from Loraley's lips, the shock of it ripping through her body like a bolt of lightning. Her back arched, her fingers digging into the rug beneath her, her skin tingling with electricity.

"Ahhh! Ohhh! Ahhnnn...!" Her breath hitched, her eyes rolled back into her skull, her body twitching and convulsing with the sheer force of Ginova's thrusts.

It was like nothing Loraley had ever experienced before, a surreal combination of pain and pleasure that left her reeling with each stroke of Ginova's shaft within her walls. Her nipples throbbed with arousal, her clit pulsating with a need for release that threatened to consume her whole.

"Yes...that's it! Take me...take all of me...!" Ginova breathed, her voice hoarse with desire, her fingers curling around Loraley's neck and tightening around her windpipe. Her hips moved in a frenzied rhythm, her cock pistoning in and out of Loraley's tight cunt with reckless abandon.

This would prove to be too much for Loraley, whose mind has turned into mush, her thoughts clouded with euphoria and longing for the woman atop her. She bucked and writhed beneath Ginova, her muscles straining and shaking with the effort of keeping herself from surrendering to the rapture of her enemy's touch.

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