Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 21-1 (Lust and Love)

The chamber was filled with depravity. Sounds of slapping flesh and carnal grunts permeated through the air, mixing with Loraley’s babbling nonsense. The words tumbling from her lips were as nonsensical as they were provocative.

Her body was splayed out on the carpeted floor like a sacrificial offering, and her legs spread wide and welcoming. The soldiers held her down, rough hands groping her tender flesh, squeezing her breasts, pinching her hard nipples while others ventured lower, fingers rubbing her clitoris. The room reverberated with their lustful murmurs and vulgar whispers.

Ginova leaned in closer to Loraley, pressing her lips against that alabaster neck, soft kisses turning into hungry nips as she tasted salt and sweat on her tongue. Her hands roamed lower, thumbs brushing over Loraley's stiffened nipples before gliding down her stomach, finally stopping at the wet apex of her thighs.

All the while, Loraley could feel Ginova’s sweaty balls slap against her ass cheeks with each powerful thrust, an obscene rhythm that she found herself unconsciously grinding against. The sensation of that thick shaft slipping through her love canal was maddening – it was as if she was being filled to the brim only to be left wanting again and again.

Her body writhed under Ginova's unyielding pace, every nerve ending tingling with an insane amount of pleasure. It was as though her entire world had narrowed down to the feeling of Ginova inside her. Nothing else mattered. Her body yearned for more, craved every inch of Ginova’s cock even as it stretched her to her limits.

The soldiers watched in awe, their hands skimming over Loraley's trembling body, fingers tracing paths down to where Ginova’s rod disappeared into her weeping core. The sight of their High Priestess being fucked by a goddess was too much for them; some knelt, hands moving to their aching lengths, while others continued to grope and caress every inch of Loraley’s body, adding to the intoxicating blend of sensation that had her head spinning.

Loraley was drowning in lust; her body was a vessel for pleasure, each convulsion drawing her deeper into the depraved sea of desire. She could feel the waves of ecstasy washing over her, threatening to pull her under into a mind-numbing abyss.

Time became an abstract concept for Loraley. A distant memory drowned out by the sensual rhythm of Ginova's thrusts. She had long lost count of how many orgasms had wracked through her body, each one blurring into the next in a continuous wave of pleasure that left her breathy and spent. Every inch of her aching pussy was being claimed by the false goddess' relentless rod, stretching and filling her until she was left whimpering beneath the onslaught.

Loraley's mind was awash with ecstasy, every coherent thought replaced with base desire. All she craved now was more— more touches, more caresses, more exquisite pain mingling with spine-tingling pleasure. Her insatiable need for Ginova had consumed her entirely, every ounce of self-restraint vanishing under the relentless assault of sensation.

"...One more shot! I'm cumming!" Ginova's voice echoed throughout the chamber as she announced her impending climax. The declaration hit the once holy and pure high priestess like a physical blow, stoking the fires within her core even further. She could already feel Ginova’s divine and girthy rod throbbing inside her, pre-empting what was about to come.

And then it happened, hot streams of cum spurting deep inside Loraley's stretched pussy. Each spurt sent waves of warmth radiating through her lower abdomen, further filling her womb to its limit. Her body convulsed in response, another orgasm washing over her as semen leaked out of her cunt. A large stain of cum grew slightly wider on the carpet.

Exhaustion was creeping up on Loraley. Her body trembled, muscles spasming as they struggled to keep up with the torrent of pleasure. She wanted to scream, to beg for more, but all she could manage were pitiful whimpers that echoed through the chamber.

The sudden emptiness that followed Ginova's withdrawal left Loraley gasping in shock. Her body felt hollow, a shell devoid of any sensation other than the lingering aftershocks of the violent rape. The once sacred chamber was now tainted with sin that could never be washed away, the air thick with the smell of sex and sweat.

Loraley lay there, a messy spectacle of fucked-out bliss. Her consciousness wavered, threatening to plunge her into oblivion at any moment. Her body was slick with sweat and cum, like a second skin that served as a grim reminder of what had just transpired.

"Ah..." Ginova's voice cut through the heavy silence like a knife through butter. Her words were casual, a simple declaration that held a world of debauchery in its wake. “You guys can have your fun with her now,” she said, smirking at the ravenous wolves that were the soldiers.

"She's all yours. Just make sure to keep recording. Make her squeal like the pig she is. I still have some use for her."

The men cheered, their voices reverberating off the chamber's stone walls. They swarmed around Loraley's vulnerable form like vultures circling fresh carrion. "Thank you, Goddess!" one of them bellowed, his rigid cock standing at attention, a crude flagpole ready for action.

His companions echoed his sentiments, murmurs of gratitude falling from their lips as they watched their 'real' lady saunter away. Their eyes were hungry, burning with a primal lust that would not be satiated until they had devoured the once pristine and holy priestess whole.

One soldier had taken it upon himself to be particularly cruel. He gripped his dirty, unwashed shaft and guided it between Loraley’s lips. As the glans parted them, he groaned, reveling in the feeling of his manhood sliding past those plump lips. She could feel every vein, every ridge of his cock as it invaded her mouth without any semblance of gentleness.

His pubic hair followed next, a rough forest that tickled against her nose and lips before pushing past them. The sensation was disgusting, coarse hair scraping against her soft palate as he began to thrust into her mouth. Each movement brought with it another wave of nausea, but she swallowed it back. She had no choice.

Her body convulsed, attempting to reject the foreign invasion, but it was futile. The soldier's hands were firm on her head, fingers tangled in her once luxurious locks as he used them to control his pace.

Loraley’s world was reduced to the thick slab of flesh filling her mouth. Any form of protest or scream was swallowed by the dense girth that claimed her oral cavity. The soldier’s filthy cock silenced her effectively, reducing her to nothing more than a helpless fucktoy.

Each thrust shoved his unwashed member further down her throat, leaving behind a trail of pungent taste that made her stomach churn. Her gag reflex kicked in over and over again as she struggled against his brutal pace, but there was nothing she could've done. Every attempt to push him out only seemed to encourage him more.

The taste of him was indescribable— raw and unrefined, like an animal marking its territory. His musky flavor coated every inch of Loraley's tongue, seeping down her throat with each gagged swallow. It was a taste etched into her memory that would forever haunt her for the rest of her life if she ever managed to escape this predicament.

His scent invaded her nostrils, a putrid odor that clung to the delicate lining of her nose. It was an assault on all senses, an olfactory nightmare that threatened to overwhelm her soul. It was a smell that made her eyes water, the sting of tears adding another layer of discomfort to her already torturous situation.

Her throat was raw from his repeated invasion, each gagged choke vibrating up his length as he plowed into her mouth with a mind-numbing pace. The thick saliva coating his cock eased his passage slightly, but it did nothing to alleviate the discomfort she felt.

Every push forward sent his dirty balls slapping against her chin, another degrading sensation that added to the torment.

Loraley was no longer a high priestess. Not anymore. Right now, she was just a receptacle for these men's perverse pleasure. Her dignity was stripped away along with her clothes, leaving her exposed and vulnerable under their lascivious gazes.

Her brain had turned into mush a while ago, reduced to little more than a pleasure toy for these depraved soldiers. Loraley couldn't even remember when she'd last drawn a breath. It was like drowning in a sea of ecstasy, surrounded on all sides by the thick, oppressive fog of lust.

Ginova stood off to the side, watching with an amused smile.

'My hypnosis isn't very effective. It works when her guard is low, but she fights me when she realizes what's happening. Ginova mused. 'I wonder how she did it? Though her position as a high priestess is nothing to be scoffed at, even the king and the queen of this kingdom could not resist my influence.'

Closing her eyes, she pondered the situation momentarily before coming to a conclusion.

'Maybe I can twist her up with my 'Avatar.' I would like to know if it will work. If I fail, I could just try a different method.'

Ginova snapped her finger and activated a unique skill the miracle system granted a long time ago. The Avatar. The power to clone herself while still sharing the same mind. Like two bodies and two brains connected to the same consciousness.

She has experimented with it before, though there was little need to utilize it. But today, Ginova felt like taking things further with the high priestess.

The Avatar consumes Faith points every second they are activated; thus, Ginova would rather not tinker with it unless the situation calls for it. But as her influence and powers grew, she managed to raise enough income to support the clone and herself comfortably.

'Maybe... being a normal, well-endowed male every once in a while isn't so bad.' Ginova smirked as she thought of her alternate persona.



Freezing cold.

Bitter, biting cold. A frigid chill invaded her very marrow, freezing her to the bone. Loraley's awareness clawed its way back into focus, eyelids fluttering open as the harsh reality of her predicament crashed over her like an icy wave. Every inch of her ached, a constant throb of raw pain echoing from her core and reverberating down her spine with every tiny movement.

The room was cloaked in an oppressive darkness, pierced only by the wavering glow of scattered candles. Their dim light created a dance of shadows upon the walls, grotesque figures cavorting in silent mockery with each shaky breath that escaped Loraley's lips. Her mouth felt like a desert, lips split and raw, her throat burned still from the countless times she had screamed herself hoarse.

She could still hear the echoes of those screams bouncing off the chamber walls, ghostly remnants of the torment she had endured. Her body trembled involuntarily, memories of the violation she had suffered rising like bile in the back of her throat, sour and bitter, refusing to fade.

The stiff and rusty chains chafed against her wrists and ankles as she strained against them in a futile effort to break free from her bonds. But they held fast, biting into her flesh, keeping her imprisoned within her own private hell.

She closed her eyes again, fighting back the tears that threatened to fall from the corners of her weary gaze. The reality dawned on her. Naked and cold, her body was splayed out on the filthy stone floor like a broken doll waiting to be picked apart. Her knees rubbed against the coarse surface, a thousand tiny pinpricks dancing up her skin with each ragged breath she took.

Her head swam, the lingering effects of Ginova's hypnosis still clinging to the edges of her mind, obscuring the world around her in a cloud of static. Loraley could feel the echoes of the goddess' touch still dancing along her skin, phantom fingers skating across her curves and exploring her most intimate parts. It was as if the evil goddess' presence lingered over her, taunting and teasing, reminding her that she could never escape the torture she had been subjected to.

'How long has it been?' she wondered absently, her thoughts drifting without aim through the haze surrounding her.

'I... I failed to apprehend that witch...' she lamented silently, her gaze dropping to the filthy stone floor beneath her bare feet. 'She... She defiled me. Defiled me to the point that I cannot wash away the filth inside me.'

Tears prickled at the corners of her eyes, stinging her tired lids as they dripped down her cheeks onto the ground below.

'My own men betrayed me. I was impaled by one man's thick member whilst being held down by the others. My naked body, ravished, violated, and filled with their seed... It was shameful...' she shuddered at the memory, her breasts quivering against her chest with the movement.

'Gylene, Aya, Sia... my faithful servants, did they turn on me too? Or did they remain loyal...?' She didn't want to think about that. But the guilt weighed heavily on her heart. 'No... No! They wouldn't betray me! They love me! I raised them! I taught them the ways of our goddess! They would never... Never!'

Loraley let out a strangled sob, her body quaking as she fought to suppress her emotions. The horror of the last moments before she lost consciousness played through her mind on a loop, taunting her. She could see it all so clearly, Ginova's grin, her wicked laugh as she forced her way inside Loraley's body, violating her to the deepest reaches of her womb.

'I feel so dirty,' she admitted to herself, her fingers curling against the stone floor, nails scratching against the rough surface. 'Like I'll never be clean again...'

The words were whispered to herself, barely audible above the sound of her own ragged breathing.


The silence shattered as an unfamiliar voice rang out, cutting through the gloom that permeated the chamber.

"Are you awake now?"

The voice behind her was smooth and sweet, sending shivers up Loraley's spine. Her head whipped around, her gaze searching the shadows that clung to the chamber's corners. But there was nothing except darkness and the faint outline of flickering candlelight dancing across the floor.

"Who's there?" she hissed through gritted teeth, her fingers twitching against the stone floor, seeking purchase where there was none.

"Where are you looking? I'm right here."

The voice sounded somewhat childish as if belonging to a young girl.

Squinting her eyes, Loraley made out a faint outline in the corner of the room.

"Show yourself! Don't hide, you coward!" she spat furiously, her fingers scrabbling at the stone beneath her.


A figure stepped out of the shadows, his slender frame silhouetted against the dim candlelight. Something unnervingly familiar about his movements sent ice trickling down Loraley's spine despite her best efforts to remain calm.

As he stepped closer, Loraley felt her breath catch in her throat. His features were almost ethereal, his skin luminous in the dim light, casting strange shadows across the stones beneath his feet.

The boy's short hair was as dark as the darkest night, matching his charcoal irises and accentuating his pale complexion. Just like her, the boy was naked and chained, revealing his lean build and slender limbs.

However, there was something different about the boy. His penis was of significant size, with thick veins running along its length, leading up to a bulbous tip crowned with a shining droplet of pre-cum.

The sight of the boy's member made Loraley's stomach drop to the floor, her heart hammering in her chest as she stared at him in shock. Like a trigger being pulled, the trauma of her rape flashed back through her mind, sending shudders of terror through her body.

The boy seemed no older than 15, his features a strong reminiscence of the false goddess she failed to capture.

"You're..." she whispered, her voice trailing off, unable to discern the child's real identity. "Who... what are you...?"

"Me? Oh... I'm just a little lamb." The boy shrugged dismissively.

He took a step towards Loraley, his stride lithe and fluid, reminiscent of the graceful movements of a feline predator. As he drew closer, she realized how petite and dainty he really was, his slender limbs giving him the appearance of fragility despite his monstrous cock hanging between his thighs.

"S-stay back!" she warned, desperately trying to summon the strength to ward him off. "Don't come any closer! You... You monster!"

"Monster? Are you serious?" His tone was nonchalant, his expression flat, save for a hint of amusement dancing across his features. The boy raised his wrists for her to see, showing the chains that bound him.

"You told me to show myself. Now that I did, you are telling me to stay away. Such inconsistent behavior," he said in a matter-of-fact tone, tilting his head to one side. "Which is it? Stay or leave? Your wishes don't add up to make sense."

"Stay where you are, you fiend!" she hissed, struggling against her bindings with renewed fervor. "Identify yourself! Who are you?!"

"Hmm... What should I tell you?" The boy's lips twitched, curling into a mocking smirk. "You wouldn't believe me even if I told you. I might even get hurt if you believe me." His words trailed off as he looked directly into Loraley's eyes, his gaze piercing and intense.

"I guess it doesn't matter since we will soon share the same fate." His statement caught Loraley off guard, causing her blood to run cold in fear. "Ginova will do as she likes with us. To treat us like her toys." the boy explained, smiling wryly as he shook his head. "Either she will grow bored of us, or we break first. No matter, in the end, we'll be tossed aside like garbage. Forgotten by everyone, including ourselves."

"What...?" She swallowed thickly, trying to process his words.

"It's how things usually go, anyway." The boy shrugged, walked back to his corner of the room, and sat down in silence.

A long pause filled the room before Loraley gathered the courage to speak. "What... do you mean?" Her voice trembled despite her best efforts to conceal her uncertainty and apprehension. "Do... you know her? Do you know Ginova? What in the world is she!? Explain!"

"Why would I explain anything? There's no reason to. It won't change anything. If anything... It'll only serve to increase our despair." He laughed mockingly at Loraley before laying himself on the cold ground with a huff. "Get used to the idea of becoming a living sex toy."

With that said, the boy fell into silence. He ignored Loraley's calls for answers, closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.

Loraley cursed at him in silence, cursing her helplessness as she continued to struggle against her bindings in vain. It was pointless. No matter how hard she tried, she had no escape.

'What's going to happen to me? To us? The sentinels and paladins that I brought conspired against me. What's going on? How is that possible!? What about the holy empire!? Do they know about this!? Are they also in cahoots!? What's going on?!' her frantic mind raced through the scenarios, the worst-case scenario.

If this wasn't an isolated incident, and the entirety of the Deltorra kingdom and the Solheim empire were also part of this conspiracy, then she's utterly doomed. And with her failure to capture Ginova, the domain would suffer.

'I don't know what's going on anymore! I need someone to explain! But who?!' Her gaze landed upon the sleeping boy, whose penis erected like a log as he slept.

'Also, who in the world is this boy!? Why does he look like Ginova?!' her eyes widened as an idea formed in her head.

'Could he...?' She hesitated to believe it. She didn't want to entertain the thought, lest the reality be crueler than she could imagine. However, the boy's features were undeniably similar to Ginova's. Just like the boy said himself, she probably wouldn't believe him, and it would be better for her to remain in the dark.

'No!' She shook her head stubbornly. 'I need to know!' She needed to find out what was really going on! That boy knows! Perhaps he could enlighten her of the truth! The whole thing is driving her crazy! The lies, the deceit! Everything! She needed to know! At the very least, she must understand what Ginova has planned for her.


Silence blanketed the room as she contemplated whether to disturb the sleeping boy or wait till later. However, before she could reach any decision, the door of the chamber flew open. Bright lights flooded the space, making Loraley flinch as her vision adjusted to the glare.

Two people entered the room, the light behind them making them appear like shadowy wraiths. Loraley squinted at them, her eyes adjusting enough to recognize the feminine silhouette.

'Sia!? What...? Why is Sia here?!' Shock and confusion overwhelmed Loraley as she stared dumbfoundedly at her female servant.

The two people stood before the bars that separated them from Loraley. One was Ginova, the heretical goddess, and the other was Sia, one of the three maidens who followed the high priestess. The maidens were specially selected by the high priestess to become her personal maidservants, each possessing unique qualities such as extraordinary beauty, intelligence, and proficiency with magic.

Thus, it wouldn't be wrong to say that the maidens were the closest individuals to the high priestess, and yet, they stood before the cell where their master was locked up, gazing upon Loraley's humiliated state as if the High Priestess meant nothing to them anymore.

"Si...a...?" Loraley's voice faltered as she struggled to comprehend what she saw before her eyes.

"Do not worry. No harm done to her, yet." Ginova stated playfully as she grinned, her pearly white teeth were visible under her seductive lips. "This lovely girl is under my influence. Her body is mine to control."

"You witch! What have you done to her!?" Loraley demanded, her anger masking her fear and anxiety. "Let her go! Release her, NOW!"

Ginova didn't even blink an eye at Loraley's outburst, merely raising an eyebrow before chuckling. "Or else what? What would you do?" she challenged smugly.

"You...!" Loraley's voice trailed off as she glared daggers at Ginova. She held the bars and tugged at them, trying desperately to rip them off the wall with sheer rage alone. "I will kill you!! Let Sia go!!! Let the others go!!!" she growled through clenched teeth, her knuckles turning white from gripping the iron bars so tight.

"Tch." Ginova clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes. "Your useless threats are annoying." The false goddess grabbed the hem of Sia's clothes and tore it apart with ease.

"What are you doing!? Stop!" Loraley protested angrily, glaring daggers at the false goddess.

"Ah..." Sia moaned softly, her body trembling as the torn fabric fell to the floor, revealing her nakedness underneath.

"My... my lady..." Sia's lips parted, calling out to her mistress with a trembling voice as her nipples hardened at the cool air of the dungeon. Tears flowed freely from her emerald eyes as her naked form revealed itself for all to see. Her petite breasts swayed lightly atop her slim chest, and her smooth legs stretched out before her, slender toes wriggling upon the cold stone floor.

The sight caused an unbearable ache to grow deep within Loraley's chest, and she swallowed hard past the lump forming in her throat. "S-Sia...!? You... You witch! Don't... Don't lay your hands on her!!"

"Shut up," Ginova snapped dismissively, ignoring Loraley's shouts and insults. Her hand grasped Sia's breasts, squeezing and fondling them roughly.

"I'll kill you!" Loraley shrieked, tugging furiously at the bars separating them, shaking them again with all her might until her palms chafed, hoping they'd rattle loose and grant her freedom.

Alas, the bars proved too sturdy to bend under her force, holding firm even as she smashed her fist against them repeatedly, letting out a frustrated growl with every hit.

All the while, Ginova paid her no heed, instead focusing entirely on molesting the innocent maiden.

"Ooh~, it seems like her mind is still conscious. Though, her body is powerless and belongs to me now." The false goddess smiled triumphantly, twisting and tweaking Sia's sensitive nipples between her fingers before trailing her hands lower across her curves.

"S-stop..." Sia whimpered as she watched the scene unfold before her eyes. "D-don't... don't touch me...!" She begged while Ginova continued her assault upon her body.

"Mmm...! Ah... ah..." Her voice became muffled when Ginova shoved her fingers past Sia's quivering lips, forcing her tongue to wrap around her digits as if they were a cock.

"Sia!! Sia!!!" Loraley screamed her name like a mantra, desperate to somehow reach out and comfort her loyal maiden who now served as Ginova's puppet. "Stop it!! Please!! STOP!!!" she shouted until her throat strained, watching helplessly as the false goddess continued to molest Sia, probing and caressing every inch of her young and supple skin without restraint.

"Siaaaaaa!!!!!" Loraley wailed hysterically, hot tears streaming down her cheeks as she witnessed her beautiful servant getting abused right in front of her very eyes.

"My, look at her. So innocent and pure... yet she reacts to my touch so strongly." Ginova's lips curled upwards in a malicious sneer, eyes glinting in the dim lighting. "Such a whore." She chuckled before leaning in and capturing Sia's mouth in a deep kiss, devouring the maiden's muffled cries of protest while her hands roamed freely across her soft skin.

"No! No, no, stop!! Please!!" Loraley pleaded as Ginova ravaged her loyal maiden's lips without mercy. "STOOOP!!!!!"

Even when Sia's moans turned lustful, begging for more attention from the false goddess, Loraley refused to believe what was happening. She couldn't accept this horrifying scene as reality. After all, she had put everything into trusting these girls, relying on them, mentoring them, and treating them like family.

And yet...

"Ahh... ohh..."

Her mind went blank when she saw Sia's legs suddenly trembling with such intensity, her juices gushing from between her nether lips. She orgasmed. Hard.

Her fluids spurted outwards, splashing against Ginova's belly and staining her luxurious gown while she rode out the orgasm, gasping and panting heavily against the false goddess' lips.

It took a moment before the shock wore off and Loraley came back to her senses, shaking her head in desperate denial.

"Oh dear, your pussy juices soaked through my gown." Ginova sighed, inspecting the mess on her clothes as she withdrew her hands from between Sia's thighs, dripping wet and covered with vaginal fluids. She tilted her head back and licked it clean from her palm up to her fingertips.

"Oh~ your taste is exquisite, sweet and succulent like nectar." Ginova complimented before grabbing Sia's chin between her forefinger and thumb. "But more importantly, your loyalty to your beloved Mistress shines true! Even after being enthralled, you still resisted my influence enough to keep your mind intact! The result of your strong love for the High Priestess herself, I presume?"

Sia couldn't answer, but it was obvious by just looking that despite her body's reaction, she still held some semblance of control over her own mind.

"WHY!?" Loraley croaked hoarsely, her throat dry and raspy from screaming, tears pouring down her flushed cheeks like a waterfall. "Why!? Why are you doing this!?" she questioned, her eyes burning with hatred towards the false goddess as she shook her fists violently against the bars separating them.

Ginova didn't respond. Instead, she kept staring at Loraley, contemplating whether to answer her question.

Then finally, she broke the silence. "Because I can."


"I can, and I will." The false goddess shrugged, speaking with such a casual and relaxed tone unbefitting of the situation. "As simple as that. There isn't any deeper meaning behind it besides my own entertainment." She explained, waving her hand dismissively, as if she truly found no other reason to justify her actions beyond her own desire.

"That's it...? Is this... all to ease your boredom...? You are torturing me... my maidens... everyone... because you're... bored...?" Loraley choked out the words in utter disbelief. "Just because you're fucking BORED!? WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT!? ARE YOU INSANE!?" she bellowed in frustration, spittle flying out her mouth as she shouted like a madman.

Ginova's smile grew wider, taking on a sinister edge. "Yes. Yes, I am. I'm bored." She replied without hesitation, speaking so plainly and simply as though admitting she had simply stubbed her toe on something or forgot to feed the cat this morning. Nothing special.

"N...No!" Loraley shook her head in utter disbelief.

'What kind of justification is this!? How can someone be so absurd and twisted!?' Loraley's sanity teetered on the verge of collapse. The woman's answer rendered her speechless, leaving her stunned and disoriented at the complete absurdity of this entire situation.

"What... why... just why..."

Like a broken doll, Loraley kept on repeating the same words over and over again.

"You violated me... My men... turned against me... and betrayed me... You toyed with my maidens... wreak havoc across the kingdom... imprisoned me... all... because... of... boredom..?" her words trailed off in utter bafflement at the sheer nonsense.

"No... No, you can't be serious..." her voice grew fainter as she spoke.

"I am serious. Very serious." The false goddess insisted. "You can blame yourselves for being such easy prey." She added spitefully. "Had you been a bit stronger, smarter... faster, maybe you wouldn't have ended up captured and defiled by your own soldiers. And maybe your precious maidens would still remain untouched and chaste, serving by your side."

"Uuuu...." Loraley fell silent, her face contorted with emotions of despair, fear, pain, guilt, anger, shame and countless others flooding her mind all at once. Her brain struggled desperately to piece together the puzzle before her eyes, the events, the questions, everything, yet the image remained vague and distorted, refusing to materialize into clarity.

Ginova's gaze drifted to Sia, staring at her intently, studying her like an experiment subject.

"So, Sia..." she murmured lowly under her breath, "shall I take your virginity next?" the false goddess asked casually, caressing the maiden's cheek lovingly.

"NO!" Loraley roared with desperation, her voice echoing throughout the chamber, reverberating off the walls, pounding inside her skull like a drumbeat.

Her panic boiled over the edge, surging forth like waves crashing against the shore during a storm. She pounded her fists against the bars over and over again, rattling them fiercely, throwing her body weight behind every strike in hopes of bending them and breaking free.


But nothing worked.

Nothing worked, and she knew it was futile to struggle at this point, yet her body acted on instinct alone, unwilling to give up, driven to protect her faithful servant no matter what cost.


Ginova tilted her head to one side and then the other, rolling her shoulders to relieve the stiffness that settled in after hours spent sitting in one position. A slow grin spread across her face, revealing sharp canines which glistened in the candlelight that flickered around the darkened chamber.

"Sorry, but no." The false goddess spoke sharply, her voice echoing throughout the room. "I'm very aroused right now. Therefore, I need a hole to fuck." She declared coldly.

"You bitch!! You evil wretch!! You shameless beast!!!"

"You seem to have mistaken me for someone who cares. Well, if you must insist..." Ginova said, her hand wandered lower to Sia's slit. Her forefinger traced along her delicate folds, spreading them open wide for everyone to see the juicy pink flesh hidden within her nether lips, slick and wet with love juices.

"Are you willing to satisfy me instead?" the false goddess proposed, pressing her finger index and middle finger deep inside Sia's tight pussy, probing her inner walls, seemingly searching for her 'G-spot.'

"Ahn! Uuhn!" Sia yelped as Ginova violated her without mercy. Eyes rolling back against her skull, her hips buckled wildly, thrusting herself further against those invading digits.

"Yes!" Loraley cried out instantly, desperate to spare her maiden the suffering she herself had gone through moments ago. "Take me instead! Use me however you want! Just please! PLEASE LET MY MAIDENS GO!!" she pleaded with tears trickling down her cheeks like waterfall. Her hands clinging onto the bars so tightly, nails scraping against the iron and rust.

"Hmm... Interesting..." Ginova pondered briefly before withdrawing her fingers from Sia's dripping entrance, drawing out a trail of sticky fluids as she moved. Her fingers danced lightly over the maiden's abdomen, tracing patterns against her silky smooth skin, drawing closer to her breast with each movement.

Finally, the false goddess cupped Sia's left bosom and squeezed firmly, pinching her nipple with her thumb and forefinger, causing her to whimper pitifully in response.

"Alright, then. I will leave your girl alone so long you can satisfy me.." Ginova smirked before pulling her hand away from the maiden.

"N-noo... My... Lady, don't... don't fall... for it..." Sia begged through laboured breaths, gasping heavily for air. Her mind reeled from the sudden release of pleasure she had experienced moments ago.

"I will do it! Just... Just let her go!" Loraley yelled and rested her knees on the floor, doing everything she could to save her maiden at all cost. "Let her go! Let the others go!! I beg you!!" she pleaded, banging her fists against the bars separating them desperately.

"My lady..." Sia called out weakly, tears falling off her eyelashes as she looked upon her beloved mistress begging to the enemy for her sake. "Please... save yourself..." Nothing but a whimper, her voice cracking midway through the sentence.

Loraley's expression softened visibly upon hearing her subordinate's plea, a sad smile gracing her lips despite the grim situation they were both trapped in. "I cannot bear it," she confessed gently. "I cannot stand idly watching you being violated in such a manner while remaining unfazed myself."

"Oh, so touching." Ginova clapped her hands mockingly, her smile widened upon seeing her plan bearing fruit. "However, you do understand I won't touch her ONLY if you satisfy me properly, yes?" she reminded the high priestess, emphasizing each syllable carefully, leaving no chance for misunderstanding.

"I do..." Loraley nodded resolutely, determination set alight in her amber orbs. "I shall satisfy you beyond your imagination! Until you pass out from ecstasy!"

"Hmph, those are some big words you are spitting out. Prove it to me, then." The false goddess taunted before turning to face Sia. "Watch her closely. Do not remove your gaze from her, you hear? Especially when she pleases me." She instructed the maiden sternly, her tone threatening and commanding obedience from her puppets.

"After all, your lady is doing this for you." Ginova finished with an exaggerated flourish, gesturing dramatically at Loraley.

Sia winced at the harsh words but obeyed nonetheless. Her gaze remained fixed upon her mistress, following her every movement carefully.

Ginova let out a soft sight as she walked closer towards the Loraley's cell. The obvious tent below her luxurious gown was clear to see, and she slipped her thick boner between the bars.

Loraley shuddered upon noticing its size, her hands trembling slightly as she reached out hesitantly towards the massive member waiting for her.

With an audible gulp, she lifted up the hem of the gown and peeled it away to reveal the thick, veiny shaft underneath. It throbbed beneath her gaze, growing larger and fatter every second that passed. The bulbous tip dripped pre-cum, leaking steadily, forming small droplets that dribbled down its length, pooling on the floor below.

'How did she fit that monstrosity inside me...' Loraley shivered at the memory of being impaled by Ginova's massive dick. It felt impossible for such a thick girth to fit inside anyone, yet here it was, twitching and pulsing under her palm, growing bigger with every beat of its owner's heart.

'It smells musky... Must be because of her vigorous activity... just how many people has she screwed with such a...' She gulped again before grasping Ginova's rod in her palm, squeezing firmly as if testing its solidity and thickness. 'Gods, it's so heavy...'

"Well, what are you waiting for? Are you going to use your teeth? Are you going to bite? If you try to chew it, I'll have your men to impregnate all of your maidens. Or perhaps, you'd prefer to watch while I break your maidens' innocence first, hm?" Ginova threatened without a change in her relaxed expression, eyes staring down at Loraley's shivering form.

"I... I won't... But..."

Loraley hesitated, glancing at her faithful servant standing beside Ginova. 'Sia... Everyone...' She steeled herself. It was time to fulfill her duty as High Priestess and protect her family! To preserve their honor!

'But... I've never done this before... I don't know how!' Panic overwhelmed Loraley at the thought. Her experiences with the opposite sex were limited, if not zero, having grown up inside the Church from a young age, devoting herself fully to Aria and her teachings.

She didn't know the basics, much less the proper technique required to service a man, especially a massive shaft of Ginova's size! Fear gripped her soul; cold dread seeping into her bones as she gazed helplessly upon the monster cock looming over her face.

"Now, go on. Don't make me repeat myself." Ginova growled with impatience.

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