Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 21-2 (Lust and Love)

'What... am I doing?' Loraley pondered, inching her face closer to the massive penis hovering above her head, sniffing its musky scent that invaded her nostrils.

'It reeks! How can such a thing belong to a woman?' she grimaced, pulling away in disgust. 'Does she even clean herself down there?!'

"Do not hesitate. Suck." The false goddess commanded with annoyance evident in her voice. "Or do I need to motivate you to hurry?" she asked, pointing her thumb to Sia's direction, gesturing vaguely towards her nether regions.

"I— I will! Just wait! Give me a moment!!" Loraley argued back, although she obeyed the command. 'I've got to do it! For them! For my maidens!' With newfound motivation, she leaned forward once more, her face within inches of touching its throbbing shaft.

'Am I really going to do this?'

The musk grew stronger with proximity. Its odor tickled Loraley's nose, making her face scrunch. 'Ugh!' She nearly gagged. It was revolting! the worst thing she ever smelled! How does someone smell so filthy?! Yet the longer she breathed it in, the more familiar it became.

Loraley felt humiliated, kneeling nude on the stone floor, her dignity stripped away before the enemy. But more than that, she hated the fact that she complied with her demands so easily like this. What happened to the high priestess Loraley that stood proud and mighty?

"Forgive me, Aria... Forgive your humble servant for her sin..." Loraley whispered silently and closed her eyes shut as she leaned closer, brushing her lips against the tip of the veiny member. It trembled under her touch, its warmth radiating onto her lips and sending shivers down her spine.

Too many things happened to her in such a short period of time. Just not too long ago in her recent memories, Loraley arrived in Karda with her men and maidens in tow, searching for the leader of the fast growing cult. They were there to apprehend Ginova, the leader of these heresies and end her reign of terror before it goes too far. However, everything went south. Loraley failed to capture Ginova and ended up getting raped by her, and also her own men. Now she's locked in some sort of underground prison with an unknown person who shared the same facial traits as the false goddess who captured her.

Before she could gather her bearings and thoughts, the false goddess came just at the right moment to blackmail her using her beloved loyal subordinates, threatening to taint them.

Everything moved too fast and confusing, Loraley doesn't understand the current situation anymore. What was happening? What should she do? There was no time to think.

She only understood one thing. To save Sia from the touch of this cruel demon, Ginova. In order to do that, she must obey whatever demands Ginova presents to her and do her best to satisfy her. That was all Loraley knew.

"Keep breathing my musk. Everything from my body, fluids or odor will induce an arousal effect. Do your best to inhale deeply and ingrain them in your system." Ginova announced to Loraley.

"What..? You mean...?" Loraley froze and jerked her face away from Ginova's member upon hearing her statement. "Breathe them willingly!? This... smelly odour?!" she protested in disbelief. "Is this another trap!? Torture?!"

"Does it matter? I'm going to count to three, if you won't lick my cock within that time limit, I'll just go violate Sia instead." Ginova spoke with nonchalance, not batting an eye to Loraley's struggles. "One..."

Loraley panicked upon hearing the ultimatum laid out clearly before her eyes.

"Two..." The false goddess continued counting ominously, glaring at Loraley while stroking her shaft casually without a care.

"Fine!!" Loraley snapped out and grasped Ginova's shaft firmly, lifting its weighty bulk upwards before wrapping her plump red lips against its tip, enveloping it wholly inside her mouth without hesitation. As soon as her tongue made contact with the precum, she recoiled from the shockingly sweet taste assaulting her tongue.

'Wh-what!? What is this flavor!? It's... sweet... delicious...' Loraley blinked several times in surprise, unsure how to process such flavors engulfing her mouth and running down her throat, warming her stomach pleasantly. 'Wait, I shouldn't get distracted! Focus!!'

Taking deep breaths through her nostrils, Loraley lapped her tongue against the mushroom head eagerly, coating every inch of its surface with saliva before swirling around the sensitive underside.

"How is it? Not a bad taste, isn't it?" Ginova giggled smugly at Loraley's lewd display of licking and sucking her shaft passionately without being prompted to do so.

'It feels... good... too good!' she realized belatedly. Her pussy clenched tight, producing copious amounts of fluid that trickled down her thighs to stain the floor beneath her knees.

"Oh..." A gasp left Loraley's lips— the taste, it was unexpected— a contradictory mix of sweet and salty that flooded her senses. She could feel Ginova smirking, a sinister smile that spelled nothing but further degradation.

"Don't stop now, or shall I continue the count? Three!" Ginova teased without stopping rubbing herself. Loraley flinched at Ginova's tone, panic surging inside her chest as she resumed sucking hard without restrain, her cheeks hollowing from vacuum created within her oral cavity. Her lips parted wide enough to take one thirds portion of its girthy length down her throat, bobbing her head forth and backward. Slurping noises filled Loraley ears along with obscene squelching sounds echoing throughout the dark, underground dungeon.

"That's better. Don't disappoint me now, I know your heart aches for Sia's purity. Obey my commands, and I won't touch her and the others. Even despite your lackluster technique, I find your servitude quite satisfactory." Ginova taunted Loraley again between pants, chuckling underneath her breath whilst jerking her hips forth to penetrate deeper past her tonsils.

"Haha... look at yourself now... what would the people from the church say about your behavior? Such a shameful display..." She mocked Loraley again and again, watching in amusement at Loraley sloppy worship of her shaft with enthusiasm rivaling any other devoted follower under her control.

Hot tears began forming inside the corners of Loraley's closed eyes, holding back the tears from spilling out due to the shame gnawing away at her pride with each passing second. Yet Loraley couldn't find strength within her soul to fight off Ginova's advances. Not after seeing Sia being played around so easily like that.

Even if it means sacrificing her dignity along the way, Loraley swore she'd never let Ginova harm Sia nor her beloved servants under any circumstances whatsoever. No matter what, If sucking her disgusting dick makes Ginova satisfied enough, then Loraley shall do exactly that without complaints.

"Yes... like that, keep licking!" Ginova stroked Loraley's golden locks with gentle affection whilst thrusting her cock faster inside Loraley's eager mouth, letting out a grunt every time she bumped against her uvula.

'Just bear it... endure it!' Loraley chanted inside her head repeatedly to calm herself, ignoring the burning sensation crawling underneath her flesh due to excessive exposure to Ginova's musk permeating through her nostrils.

Her brain became fuzzy, clouded by lust induced chemicals flooding her senses permeating through without reprieve. Loraley didn't notice when it first occurred, but her mind started acting strange moments after taking several breaths worth of Ginova's intoxicating stench clinging onto her member. The heat gathering around Loraley's womb became difficult to ignore, her lower abdomen ached whenever Ginova shoved her cock forward beyond her comfort zone with force capable enough to bruise her epiglottis.

Despite discomfort caused by constant abuse, Loraley swallowed hard against Ginova's cock each time it slipped past her lips, swallowing all the pre-ejaculated seminal fluid produced by her ballsack.

'Just bear it... endure... make sure not to gag! But...! UGHH...!"

Ginova pummeled her shaft inside Loraley's throat, it was clear her arousal was taking over. She pushed her phallus deeper until the edge of her glans penetrated past her esophagus, bulging visibly along its entire length and distending her neck. Even then, barely less than half of Ginova's rod managed to fit inside Loraley's throat, though most of her meaty girth was trapped outside due to its thickness preventing a full entry past her tight throat muscles.

After a few seconds of holding position Ginova pulled her dick back out, allowing Loraley a brief respite to breathe. Drops of pre-cum splattered across her face along with drool oozing down her chin, trickling past her jutting collarbone and cleavage. Loraley panted with labored gasps, recovering oxygen lost during the brief oral session which felt like longer than it should.

"Now... kiss me..." Ginova crouched on her knee, meeting Loraley's gaze eye to eye before parting her lips and jutting her tongue out like snakes unfurling itself from hiding. Loraley, coughing still, eyes red and tears flowing freely down her cheekbones, gnashed her teeth before leaning forward with reluctance, closing the distance between them.

Indescribable sweet scents flowed directly from Ginova's hot breaths billowing into Loraley's open mouth. Loraley paused midway, staring deeply into those pitch black eyes reflecting her own image back. She could see herself kneeling down before Ginova naked, breasts heaving and dripping with sweat mixed with pre-cum drooling upon its surface.

Her expression appeared so vulnerable, helpless. She looked pathetic... yet also... beautiful... Ginova's pupils glowed with such intensity underneath the dimly lit dungeon, growing brighter with each passing second until everything around them was drowned out by its radiance.

'What... is this?' Loraley felt hypnotized by her own reflection staring back at her through Ginova's dark irises, unable to pull away even when the goddess closed in and pressed her mouth against hers. Loraley's body went limp, collapsing onto her buttocks after losing balance due to sudden weight shift caused by Ginova's hands pushing against her chest.

Loraley's mind reeled back as soon as Ginova's lips made contact, realizing too late that she'd been caught in another trap set beforehand.

It was then she recalled what this witch said to her before everything went downhill. Something about Loraley breaking through her hypnosis.

'No... I'm not going to fall prey to your schemes! I refuse to let you toy around with my body! This... this kiss! Is nothing!' She fought against the effects trying to overcome her sanity with sheer willpower alone. 'It doesn't matter how good it tastes, I'll fight it! Fight it! Fight it! FIGHT IT!'

A moment passed, or was it more? She had no idea. She had lost track of time since she couldn't feel anything anymore apart from the intense heat spreading across every fiber of her being like wildfire raging through dry grasslands during summer season. Everything became numb, her sense of sight, hearing, taste and touch all faded away into nothingness

The last thing Loraley registered before her consciousness faded into darkness was Ginova's tongue invading inside her mouth, wrapping itself around her own like a python constricting its prey before swallowing it whole.

'No... Please... Something is coming... Coming...'

The next second Loraley blacked out, her vision faded to the abyss. The last thing she heard before slipping into unconsciousness was Sia's voice calling out to her mistress.


"Ah... she passed out from the overwhelming pleasure." Ginova announced with triumphant glee upon seeing Loraley's body slump down onto the floor, buttocks raised up high with her face kissing the floor. Her engorged pussy continued to twitch and spasm, squirting out juices that pooled underneath her crotch and stained the surface below with its transparent liquid.

"A different taste of heaven compared to our previous together, is it not so, Loraley?" Ginova laughed, staring down at her broken prey while stroking her cock faster than before, aiming its tip directly at Loraley's face.

"My lady!!" Sia called out to her mistress, struggling against her restraints with urgency, unable to do anything else but to watch Ginova molest her beloved mistress.

"Shush now, child." Ginova scolded Sia without bothering to turn towards her direction, focusing her gaze upon Loraley's face instead. "Your lady did all this to protect you. Or would you rather I violate you next?" She threatened Sia who flinched at her words, turning silent afterward.

"That's what I thought." Ginova snorted in amusement, stroking her shaft even faster whilst rubbing its head against Loraley's cheek.

"Your mistress is too weak. She can't even take half of me. Lackluster technique, not even knowing how to use her tongue properly." Ginova sneered, criticizing Loraley's oral service with disdain evident in her tone.

"I have to do most of the work here, meanwhile she came so easily despite not even touching her pussy at all." She complained, her breathing grew more erratic as the seconds passed by. Sia standing on the side could tell that Ginova was getting close to climaxing judging by how tense her muscles had become.

Ginova continued to berate the unconscious Loraley while rubbing her glans against her face. "Yet... I have to admit... she's cute, isn't she? And the way she cried so pitifully when forced into submission... makes me want to cum inside her mouth more... ah...!" Ginova grunted, releasing a spurt of white-hot semen that splattered across Loraley's face and back, painting her features white with thick, sticky substance that clung onto her skin.

"Haha... look at that." Ginova snickered at the sight of Loraley covered head to toe with her cum dripping off her body like icing decorating a cake. "That's your mistress for you... A complete mess, yet still so beautiful... So lovely..." She mused aloud, admiring her work with pride and satisfaction.

"My lady... I'm sorry..." Sia whispered, horror written across her expression at the humiliating display, unable to comprehend why her mistress would do something so extreme as to degrade herself for such a servant like herself. She felt both infinite gratitude and extreme guilt, unable to decide which emotion to express first.

"Your lady made her decision knowing what may happen afterwards." Ginova spoke, wiping the last few drops of semen clinging onto her shaft before rising back onto her feet.

"Now then... let's get you some rest with the other maidens." Ginova announced, walking towards Sia's direction, her cock swaying side to side with each step taken.

"N-no! Stay away!" Sia tried to move, to retaliate, to escape, but there was nothing she could've done. The control Ginova had over her body was absolute. "D-don't come any closer! Don't touch me!" she screamed at the approaching goddess looming above her petite form like an imposing giant ready to devour its prey whole.

"Be quiet now. Your lady is too green, she's incapable of satisfying me in my current state. But I'm quite a merciful god, therefore I will give her another chance to prove herself once more and still honor my end of bargain."

"...? What... do you mean by that?" Sia questioned in confusion.

"Your lady will try again tomorrow." Ginova answered bluntly. "I won't touch you and the other two, but if she fails once more... Well..." She let out a devilish smile while leaning close enough for their noses to touch. Sia flinched when her breath brushed against her cheek.

"You... you are not a goddess... you are a demon... a devil incarnate... a vile creature!!" Sia cursed, hatred burned bright within her pupils. Ginova ignored her words however, unfazed by Sia's pathetic barking.

"So you say..." Ginova reached for Sia's chin, lifting it upwards before brushing her fingers across her neck, tracing a line across its surface until they stopped upon touching her collarbone.

Sia let out an involuntary gasp when Ginova's nails raked across her skin, sending shivers down her spine that traveled straight towards her crotch.

"Taunt me more and you might get eaten up." Ginova warned with a smile that didn't reach her eyes. Sia swallowed hard upon hearing those words spoken straight into her earlobes. "Now... let's get you cleaned up." She said, beckoning her to follow her lead while gesturing towards the exit leading outside the dungeon.


As her body began to move against her will, Sia glanced one last time at Loraley lying naked on the ground, her face covered with Ginova's white-hot semen.

'Forgive me... forgive me... forgive me...!' Sia kept on repeating apologies within her
head as she walked alongside Ginova towards the exit.



Freezing Cold.

A familiar sensation washed over her body.

It was similar to what she experienced before passing out earlier. However now she felt herself sinking deeper into darkness, engulfed by something heavy and suffocating surrounding her body. It felt like being trapped within quicksand. Unable to move, unable to breathe.

The longer Loraley remained unconscious, the heavier everything became until she could no longer feel her limbs anymore. It felt like she was floating through space without anything holding her down.

Slowly but surely, Loraley regained awareness of her surroundings after struggling for several minutes. She blinked once, twice, thrice before realizing her vision had returned, albeit blurred.

'Ugh... my head... it hurts... where... am I?'

She looked around, trying to figure out where she had ended up this time. Everything around her remained dark, yet despite that, Loraley could tell she was still in the same underground dungeon, behind the bars and chains locked around her wrists and ankles.

"Ah... So you're finally awake." A childish voice called out to her, breaking her train of thought.

Loraley turned her gaze towards its source and found someone sitting by the corner of the cell. He had short black hair, pale skin, and sharp features. His body stark naked, not even a shred of cloth covering his privates. Arms and legs shackled with chains, similar just like her. His eyes were dark and unreadable, just like the abyss. The boy stared at Loraley without blinking even once since she woke up.

"Who... who are you?" Loraley asked weakly, struggling against her bindings once more when she recalled speaking to the boy before Ginova and Sia came. Memories flooded back inside her head like tidal waves crashing against rocks at the shore.

"Your cellmate." The boy answered plainly with a straight face, disinterest and boredom evident within his tone. "You don't remember? I'm the one you spoke to earlier. You passed out from cumming too hard." He closed his eyes, letting out a sigh that seemed to indicate his disappointment.

"Cum... cumming?" Loraley repeated, trying to understand what he meant by 'cumming'. The word sounded familiar yet foreign at the same time.

"Yes... Cumming." He emphasized on the last syllable while nodding his head, his expression remained unchanged despite using lewd language during conversation. "Do you want me to explain further?" he offered to Loraley, seemingly amused by her cluelessness regarding the concept.

"......" Loraley hesitated, unsure whether or not she should accept his proposal. There was something about this boy's demeanor that made her wary of him despite his friendly attitude towards her.

In the end, she remained silent. The boy followed suit and didn't continue his chatter.

'......What's going to happen now?'

Her men betrayed her. Her most loyal servants, the maidens, were captured and used as a bargaining chip to blackmail her. She was raped and violated multiple times in such a short span of time with no time to recuperate. Now she's stuck within an unknown location somewhere underground locked behind metal bars, naked and restrained without any means of escape.

'Who else is already under this wretched witch's influence? My men... Sia and the others... could it be the whole kingdom?!'

So many thoughts and questions filled her mind, yet none of them provided answers she sought. She felt hopeless, helpless, and defeated.

'What about the empire? They asked me to eliminate the false goddess in the first place, are they also under her control?' Loraley pondered, fearing for her life and safety.

'I must do something... anything! I have to escape this prison... but how?'

Loraley's thoughts wandered aimlessly without direction or purpose. Even after everything she went through, she couldn't figure out how she got herself into this situation to begin with.

'...Even if I escape, where do I go from here? This whole city is under her complete control. Is it possible for me to seek refuge with the king? I... I don't know. I don't know who I can trust anymore!'

"It's futile." The boy spoke up once more, startling Loraley who jumped upon hearing his voice interrupt her thoughts. "You won't be able to escape from here." He said nonchalantly.

"...You." Loraley raised her head after calming down from sudden fright caused by his sudden speech. "Are you... from this city? Are you one of hers?" She questioned him further, narrowing her eyes at his unchanging expression.

'Before I can plan out anything, I need to get my bearings first. I need to figure out the situation, then I will find a way out of here. For now, I don't think the witch plans on taking my life or my maidens. Not all hope is lost...' She concluded, determined to get answers regardless of its nature.

"How crass." The boy raised both of his hands, rattling the chains attached to them before shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. "Aren't you going to introduce yourself first? I was here long before you arrived." He pointed out bluntly.

Loraley blinked once, twice before realizing he expected her to introduce herself instead.

"...I'm... Loraley Rainfield." She answered curtly.

"......That's all? Surely, that can't be all? You must possess an impressive background if you were sent here. What about your title?" He asked further, staring at Loraley with curiosity sparkling within his dark eyes.

"I..." Loraley paused, unsure how much information she should reveal. In the end, she decided it wasn't worth hiding since she believed he'd find out sooner or later anyway.

"I'm a high priestess... representative... of the Aria church... in Deltorra." She answered honestly, her voice trailed off, growing softer by each passing moment. The reality dawned on her, the title she held so dearly now meant nothing in this place. Rather, they instilled a sense of shame and guilt within her soul, knowing she failed her duty to uphold the virtues of being a high priestess.

"That so? You are one hell of a bigshot, aren't you? A high priestess huh..." He murmured under his breath, looking away while scratching his cheek.

'Why... why do I feel like he's laughing at me? This boy...' Loraley couldn't tell whether he mocked her or not due to his stoic expression remaining unchanged despite speaking so casually with her.

"I— I've told you who I am! Now answer my question!" Loraley demanded, trying to gain back her authority despite being in such a disadvantageous position.

"...What's your question again? Oh yeah... That one, it's obvious, isn't it?" The boy shrugged his shoulders once more before letting out a sigh. "Yes. I'm one of hers."

"...!" Loraley's eyes widened at his words, her mouth hung open, lost on how to react to that information. 'He admitted to being one of hers?! This boy... he's dangerous!' She thought, staring at him with suspicion evident within her gaze.

"Oh, come now... don't give me that look." The boy chuckled upon seeing her expression contort into something akin to terror, his lips curved upwards forming a small smile. "You see, I'm in the same boat as you." He continued. "We're both prisoners here, aren't we?" He stated with confidence oozing out of his tone.

"......" Loraley narrowed her eyes at him, frowning at his words. 'Is this boy telling the truth? Or is this another ploy to deceive me?' She pondered, unsure what to believe anymore since everything she witnessed thus far was beyond comprehension.

"Well, since you did tell me your name, I guess I should introduce myself too." The boy spoke again, interrupting her thoughts before she could come up with an answer herself. "I'm Alter." He announced simply with a carefree attitude, not bothering to elaborate any further.

"Alter..." Loraley repeated after him, testing how the name rolled off her tongue. "Is that really your real name?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow at him.

"That's the only name I know." He responded, shrugging his shoulders once more before leaning back against the stone wall behind him and closed his eyelids.

'What is wrong with this boy? I don't think he's necessarily a threat, not at this moment, no. But...' Loraley frowned at his strange behavior. 'What do I do? Should I try to befriend him? Or... Is he one of her pawns sent to keep an eye on me?' She couldn't tell whether he acted like that to mock her or not, however she didn't want to risk finding out either way.

Despite the both of them being naked and bound by chains attached to their limbs, Loraley somehow didn't seem to feel threatened by this boy named Alter. Despite his erect shaft hovering above his stomach, she didn't feel any discomfort towards his nudity. she should be wary of him instead, considering he admitted to being one of hers earlier.

'Urgh, why does he keep flaunting his manhood like that!? I should keep my guard up regardless of how harmless he seems. He's just a boy but... No, I shouldn't underestimate him!' Loraley concluded, resolving herself to keep her distance away from this strange boy who seemed to lack any sort of sexual inhibition. Yet, she couldn't stop her eyes from ogling at his cock for some reason, finding its girth and size quite impressive.

'No! Stop! Don't stare at it!' Loraley forced herself to look away, turning her gaze elsewhere to distract herself from staring at his privates any further.

"...Alter... why are you here? You are one of her, yet she keeps you locked in this prison..." Loraley asked him, hoping to gain more information regarding his relationship with the false goddess Ginova and possibly distract herself from the obscene view.

"...You could say I'm here for the same reason as you." He replied without opening his eyes.

"I don't understand what you're trying to say..." Loraley sighed, becoming frustrated by his cryptic responses. "You're here for the same reason as me, yet you claim you're one of hers. How does that make any sense?" She shot back, narrowing her gaze at him.

"Well, I can't blame you. I know you've been through a lot today." Alter chuckled at her words and seemed to be enjoying her reaction. "No reason to hide it, I guess. We are both doomed anyway."

The boy lifted his eyelids and looked straight into her eyes with an unreadable expression written across his face.

"I am a direct descendant of the goddess. Her son, to be exact." He announced as a matter of fact, catching Loraley off guard at the sudden reveal of his identity.

"Wha- What!? A direct descendant?! Then... Then why is she keeping you locked away?!" Her voice raised an octave higher upon hearing Alter's declaration, unable to comprehend such strange circumstances unfolding before her eyes. "Are you lying to me?!" She said, glaring daggers at him.

Though surprised, somehow it made sense when she looked at his appearance. Just going by the color of his hair and eyes, the boy shared a lot of similarities with the witch. It wasn't a definite proof, but it also not unreasonable to make such connection. In fact, her hunch was tingling when she saw him for the very first time.

"Why would I lie to you? I already told you, didn't I? We're both doomed." He repeated once more, his tone remained nonchalant despite revealing something so crucial about himself.

"Then, why in the world are you locked up here!?" Loraley questioned again, unable to believe such absurdity. "The false goddess imprisoned her own blood relative...? Her own son? Just why...?" she pressed on, demanding an answer from him.

"It's simple really." Alter responded without hesitation nor shame whatsoever.

"I disobeyed her will." A plain and simple answer, yet his tone didn't sound apologetic in the slightest. "I refused to accept her method of ruling. I defied her, hence she locked me away here." He explained briefly, revealing more information regarding his situation.

"......You defied her?" Loraley echoed his words, her voice trailed off upon hearing the revelation.

'That goddess... she imprisoned her own blood relative because of his disobedience... It is not unheard of, even among the nobles and royalty. Some rulers tend to eliminate potential threats regardless of who they are, including relatives, family members or anyone deemed untrustworthy... but...'

One thing that stuck out to Loraley about Alter was his demeanor and appearance. He claimed to be imprisoned here long before she did. That statement wasn't unbelievable, however his looks appeared rather deceiving.

Alter looked clean, his skin was pale and smooth without a single scar marred its surface. His hair and nails were well-kept despite being trapped within this dungeon for an unknown period of time.

He didn't show any signs of malnourishment nor illness either, unlike herself who looked like a mess after spending no more than three days here. Especially after the whole 'debacle' she just experienced, her entire body felt sticky and covered with sweat, dirt and dried up semen clinging onto her skin.

If she were to guess, Alter could very well be lying to her.

Seeing her face turning grim at his words, Alter let out another chuckle before breaking the silence between them once more.

"I know what you're thinking." He began speaking again without waiting for Loraley's response. "You think I'm lying to you, don't you?" his words were like a seeking arrow aimed straight at her thoughts.

"...." Loraley didn't answer him back, choosing to remain silent instead.

"Haha... Well, I knew this was going to happen." He shrugged his shoulders, shaking his head while laughing bitterly under his breath. His stoic expression returned afterwards, staring at Loraley intently with seriousness written across his face. "It doesn't matter if you believe me or not."

"...." Loraley frowned at his words, finding his behavior quite peculiar. "Then why tell me this?" She continued questioning, wanting to know why he bothered sharing this information with her, despite knowing it would result in her skepticism towards him.

"Well, I just thought I should tell you the truth." He answered bluntly, shrugging his shoulders again as if trying to emphasize his point further. "I've been here longer than you, so I figured you'd be curious about the situation."


"Besides, you weren't the first person to be locked in here with me. You are the... hm..." Alter rubbed his chin with one hand and made a gesture with the other. "I've lost count. I'd say more than ten? A lot of them fell under the goddess."

"Fell, you say?" Loraley raised an eyebrow at his statement, wondering what exactly he meant by 'fell under the goddess.'

"What do you mean by that?" She questioned further, growing more intrigued by each passing moment.

"Just what I said." Alter shrugged his shoulders yet again before letting out a sigh. "It means they succumbed to her charms. People who resisted her will, like me, like you, they all ended up as her toys."

Loraley gulped at his words. The way the boy spoke was so casual, as if he was talking about something trivial such as the weather, which ticked her nerves off.


Loraley understood what he meant now. To 'fell' means to succumb to Ginova's influence and became another one of her playthings, one of her slaves to serve her every whim and desire without question. Images of Sia, Aya, and Gylene being violated by the witch flashed through her mind.

"I have to get out of here..." Loraley whispered under her breath, her voice trembling with fear and dread at the realization that she was trapped inside this unknown dungeon with a monster lurking above ground waiting for its prey to slip up and fall into her clutches.

"I have to get out of here!" Panic rose within her chest as her breathing became heavy and shallow, sweat rolling down her forehead whilst trying to pull apart the chains binding her hands together. "I can't... I can't let the same fate happen to me nor my maidens..." She tugged her wrists apart as hard as possible until blood trickled down her skin, staining the floor beneath her naked body.

"Stop that." Alter commanded, his tone turning harsh. "You're hurting yourself." He warned her without bothering to move an inch from his spot. "You won't be able to break free, I've tried it myself." He added, shaking his head in disapproval at Loraley's pathetic attempt at escaping her shackles.

But Loraley didn't listen. Her mind went blank, consumed with fear and despair after being reminded of her current predicament.

"I have to... escape... I must... protect... my maidens... I... I can't... let her... touch them..." Loraley muttered under her breath repeatedly between gasps of air, tugging harder against the metal restraints attached to her arms and legs. When her actions proved futile, she rammed the shackles against the cold floor in frustration, making loud clanking noises echo throughout the prison cell.

"You need to stop that!" Alter yelled out, growing irritated at Loraley's wasted efforts to escape the confines of her cage. "You'll only injure yourself even further! Stop it!" His yell raised to a shout when his warnings fell on deaf ears.

"Shut up... shut up! You don't understand... I can't... I can't let her... touch my maidens... I can't... let her violate them... I can't... let her... rape them..." Loraley sobbed between each word uttered out, her body trembled, her nails digging into the soft flesh of her palms creating deep cuts along the way. Blood continued to drip from the wounds, staining her hands red before dripping down onto the floor below.

"Enough! Stop it already! You are bleeding!" Alter screamed at the top of his lungs, trying his best to break through Loraley's frenzy state of mind and reason with her.

"You don't get it... You don't get it!" Loraley ignored his pleas, refusing to cease her attempts at breaking free from her bindings. Her sanity slipped away, replaced by irrationality and hysteria fueled by desperation and fear towards her captor's intentions with her beloved servants.

'I... I have to protect them... I can't let them... fall under her... I have to... I have to...!' Loraley's vision blurred with tears, unable to stop herself from crying out loud with frustration coursing through her veins like poison spreading across her entire body. 'I have to save them...! I can't... let her touch them... I can't... let her defile them...! I... I can't let her... rape them...!'

"Forgive me... forgive me... forgive me...!" Loraley chanted between gasps, repeating those words over and over again until she felt her strength leaving her body, causing her to collapse onto the floor with a thud. Her chest heaved up and down as she panted from exhaustion brought about by her pointless struggles.

She continued sobbing, whispering apologies to no one in particular whilst staring blankly at the ceiling above her head. "I'm sorry... Forgive me... forgive me..."

"Look at you now... weren't you the high priestess from Deltorra earlier? Now look at yourself, crying your eyes out while begging for forgiveness." Alter snorted in derision at the pathetic sight before him. "Pathetic..." He spat out those last two words with disgust written across his face.

Loraley ignored him however, unable to bring herself to care about what he said to her at this point. A rollercoaster of emotions and thoughts swirled inside her mind like a whirlwind sweeping everything away, leaving behind only hopelessness and despair behind.

She managed to cope with the situation before, thinking she could handle anything thrown at her given time and proper planning beforehand. But now that time has passed, the reality sunk deep through her mind, leaving her broken and defeated. The boy's words struck a chord within her heart, piercing through her defenses and tearing apart her resolve like paper being torn apart by force.

'No... It's all my fault... It's all because of me... If I didn't rush to Karda... Sera, Aya and Gylene... they would still be safe...'

Alter, upon seeing Loraley's lifeless gaze directed at him, shook his head with a sigh escaping his lips. "I can't believe I'm doing this, but I guess it can't be helped." He murmured under his breath, standing up on his feet before walking towards Loraley's direction. The chains on his wrists and ankles jingled as they dragged across the cold stone floor.

"What... are you doing?" Loraley mumbled in a hoarse voice after noticing his approach, her eyes bloodshot and puffy from crying earlier. "What... do you want from me?" She questioned while her eyes locked at his flaunting girthy cock hovering above her head.

"No...! Stop—!!"


Before Loraley could say or do anything to defend herself, Alter grasped both her wrists and opened her palms wide open with force.

"Just to make it clear, I don't do this sort of thing to anyone I just met, you know? You're lucky I'm feeling generous today." Alter commented whilst examining Loraley's injuries. "Besides, you're covered in dirt and semen, so this isn't exactly something I want to do either."

"What are you talking about...? I don't understand..." Loraley protested weakly, unable to comprehend what he meant by saying such words to her. The pounding of her heart grew stronger and faster as the scent of his body odor entered her lungs

"Just shut up and stay still." Alter commanded before kneeling down in front of Loraley's face and began licking her bloody wounds one by one without a moment's hesitation.

Loraley froze when he stuck his tongue out and pressed its tip against her left palm, tracing along the edges of each cut carved into her flesh and cleaned out the dried up blood clinging onto her skin.

"N-no... stop... this isn't... This isn't..."

Alter ignored Loraley's pleas however, continuing to lick her injured hands until they were spotless without any trace of dried blood remaining on its surface.

"What are you doing...!"

It would be very easy for Loraley to push Alter away if she wanted to. He was but a boy, she could tell just how fragile this young man was by his touches. However, despite her protests, she remained motionless underneath his grasp. Her mind went blank once more when his tongue brushed across her sensitive flesh, sending shivers down her spine.


Alter ignored her again, continuing to lap at her wounded hands like a cat grooming its fur. A growing heat formed deep within her abdomen when he pressed his lips against her palm before licking its surface clean once more, tasting her blood mixed with sweat and grime.

"I said... stop... please..." Loraley whimpered, trying to resist the urge building within her lower stomach that threatened to erupt at any given moment. Just as the heat reaching its peak, Alter pulled away from her palm and turned towards her other hand instead, repeating his actions on her other palm until she was squeaky clean once more.

"Haah... haah..."

"There, all done." Alter released her hands and quickly stood up, brushing the smell of
his musk to her face. "I'm not going to waste my time and energy trying to take advantage of someone who has lost her sanity." Cold and blunt were his words. His tone made clear that he held no interest in her whatsoever, yet his actions contradicted that statement.

Loraley didn't respond, staring at Alter with wide eyes while her chest rose up and down, panting heavily after having her hands washed with his saliva.

"What... why... did you..." Loraley stammered between heavy breaths, unable to form coherent sentences due to shock and confusion filling her mind.

"Because I don't want to hear you whining anymore." Alter answered flatly, his expression remained unchanged despite Loraley's bewilderment. He returned back to his usual spot in the corner of the cell and closed his eyes once again, acting as if nothing happened between them.

"I... don't understand... What's wrong with you..." Loraley mumbled in a low voice, her throat felt parched and sore from crying earlier, making it difficult for her to speak.

"Look at your wounds."


Loraley looked down at her palms and saw her injuries had vanished without trace left behind. The cuts had been completely healed, leaving behind smooth, soft skin instead.

"It's gone...? It's gone! My wounds...!"

"Now, go get some rest." Alter ordered. "You won't be able to escape, so I suggest you to stop doing self harm."

"B-but how did you...!?" Loraley raised her head towards Alter's direction, her eyes wide open and filled with wonderment. "How did you heal my wounds so easily!? How did you do that?!"

"Nothing special. Just one the perks of being the descendant of the goddess." He let out a sigh, somewhat annoyed by her incessant questions and queries since a while ago.

"My bodily fluids contain miraculous effects such as healing wounds and diseases. In addition, my body produces large amounts of pheromones which can influence others emotions and thoughts." He revealed another crucial piece of information about himself to her.

"Just like the goddess who can induce pleasure through her scent and touch alone, I too possess similar abilities. Just seeing my figure and inhaling my body odor will make you feel aroused."

Loraley stared at Alter with disbelief written across her face, unsure how to react to this revelation regarding his background and heritage. "That's..."

"Do you understand now? Being in the same cell with me is a danger in and of itself. That's how the others before you fell. They drowned in their lust towards me." Alter explained, his voice monotone and expressionless throughout.

"Why... why would you tell me all these things...?" Loraley couldn't help but to question his motives after hearing his words spoken earlier.

"I'm trying to warn you here. Don't touch me unless you want to fall into the same fate as the others." Alter warned once more, his tone made clear he wasn't joking around at all. "Well, not like you could avoid it anyways since the goddess will screw you herself." He added under his breath.

Loraley frowned at his words, finding it hard to believe he'd willingly share such sensitive information with someone he had just met earlier today without expecting anything in return.

"What's the point of telling me such a thing? What do you gain from this?"

Alter scratched his dark hair, obvious annoyance plastered his face at her endless queries. "Didn't I tell you that I don't agree with the goddess' methods of ruling? We are in the same boat. She's using me to toy with you, but that doesn't make me an accomplice. I'm also one of her victims." He explained briefly.

"Why would she—?" Loraley raised her eyebrow at his words. If he were telling her the truth, then her methods were quite bizarre to say the least.

"—Because she likes to play games." Alter cut her off, his expression remained stoic throughout despite speaking about such horrifying topics.

"Why would she play these unconventional games, you ask? Because she holds absolute control over us." He paused for a moment to word out his reasoning.

"Your mind seemed strong enough to resist her influence, though I do not know why. But such meager resistance still won't save you from your doom. You might be able to resist, but not the other millions of people living in this kingdom. Imagine you were able to escape from this place with your precious 'maidens'. Where would you go? Will you go into hiding for the rest of your life?"


"No. Finding protection from the Aria church might be your best bet. Ginova's influence hasn't fully matured yet, so there's a good chance it's safe there. Going back to the empire is your best choice, but how would you accomplish such a monumental task? Are you a master of stealth? Can you fight your way out? Is your magic capable of such feats?"

Loraley stayed silent, her gaze fixed upon the floor below her feet while pondering on his questions.

"Even if you do manage to reach the empire, how would you explain the situation to them? I have been locked in here for a long, long time, but I'm not so clueless how the church treats failures. According to my sources," Alter made an air quotation with his fingers, emphasizing the words 'sources', "The Aria church tends to punish those who fail to accomplish the mission they're assigned to. In the best case scenario, you'd end up as an exile. In the worst case scenario, you'd be tortured for days before they decide to put you through public humiliation and execution."

Loraley gulped hard after hearing his words spoken in a matter-of-fact manner, causing goosebumps to crawl across her skin upon imagining herself being subjected to such cruel fate.

His words rang true in her ears. Being a high priestess herself she wasn't ignorant of how the church operates. Unlike the old time, the church of Aria has evolved into a powerhouse that rules over a large part of the continent. With such influence comes responsibilities and expectations, one must meet these expectations or else risk punishment worse than death.

With power comes responsibilities.

And with power comes influence.

The Aria church possessed such might, having the capability to control their vassal kingdoms across the continent. Military might, influential figures within political circles, wealth and influence over trade routes and transportation routes... Everything was within the church's grasp.

Unfortunately, the greater one's power, the greater the chance for one to abuse it. And now that the church has gained unchecked influence across the continent, corruption has become rampant within the organization itself.

It wasn't uncommon for nobles and commoners alike to bribe high ranking officials within the Aria church to gain favor. Corruption has become the norm among the clergymen who used their position for their own personal gains.

To combat this, the church has implemented a punishment system for those who failed to live up to the expectations placed upon them. They called it 'retribution'.

The idea behind retribution is simple. It serves as both deterrence and a warning to others who may attempt to defy the church's authority and will. Whether it was for their own people, their allies, or their enemies.

If one were to fail to complete the mission given to them by the church, they would face punishment according to the severity of the crime committed. This punishment varies from losing one's status and position within the church to execution by hanging or crucifixion.

Loraley remained silent throughout, listening to Alter's words spoken without any hint of emotion whatsoever. She knew the fate that awaited her back at her homeland. Unlike the reality, the retribution system was supposed to punish evil doers and corrupted individuals, yet it seemed to have backfired.

Instead, the system was exploited by the corrupts themselves to harm the innocents. The church of Aria has become a den of hypocrisy and injustice, tainted by its own members' corruption and greed.

She had seen it herself before. The women who worked for the church, they who wanted to climb the rank, had to do 'favors' for the high ranking officials to achieve it. They who refused to do these 'favors' received nothing but punishment for disobeying orders and defiance.

That was the sad truth behind the Aria church.

Unlike those women, Loraley had a 'special' background that differentiate her position from them. She was born in the Rainfield family, one of the main noble houses within the kingdom of Deltorra.

Though they weren't royalty nor dukes, they wielded significant influence within the empire itself, possessing powerful connections with prominent figures within the government such as the king and his ministers.

This made Loraley one of the most important assets for the church. It was how she secured her position as the high priestess, earning her a great responsibility to overwatch the kingdom of Deltorra, something that only the best of the best within the church was tasked to do. Through nepotism, the majority of the high ranking officials within the church tried to curry favor with her, fawning and pampering her whenever she visited the church.

But she knew deep down that those people were nothing more than sycophants and bootlickers. Their loyalty belonged to themselves, not to her nor the church. If she failed her mission, those same people would turn on her without hesitation and abandon her.

No, they would be happy to trample over her, kicking and stomping her to death for the sake of saving themselves from any potential repercussions from the higher-ups.

'Is this... my retribution? For turning a blind eye to the corruption within the church itself? for ignoring those who were exploited and abused under the pretense of justice?' Loraley sighed inwardly, closing her eyes shut tight while trying her hardest to hold back tears threatening to escape from her lids.

'If I fail this mission, will I be punished just like those women...? Will I... will I suffer the same fate as them...? Will I be killed by the church I've sworn to serve and protect since the day I was born? Will my family and friends be forced to watch me being tortured and executed in public?'

Her chest tightened at the thought of her family members witnessing such a horrible scene unfolding before their very eyes.

Loraley bit her lips in frustration, unable to refute Alter's claims nor counter his arguments regarding her predicament.

"What you did earlier... you did it out of pity, didn't you?" Loraley spoke up after taking a deep breath to calm herself down. Her tone held no accusation nor anger towards him, only curiosity and understanding.

Alter stayed silent for a few seconds before meeting her gaze.

"...You're different." He commented after noticing how composed she seemed despite her situation. "Maybe this time, I won't get raped after all." He mused under his breath, letting out a small chuckle afterwards.

"This time..." Loraley echoed his words, "You mean..." She asked with widened eyes.

Alter nodded his head.

"As I said, my body's constitution makes people feel aroused upon prolonged exposure with me." his voice trailed off when he spoke those words.

Loraley stared at him with mixed emotions swirling her heart. It was a morbid, yet casual remark, and she couldn't help but notice the hint of sorrow hidden within his voice when he uttered those words.

"You won't believe me since the blood of the goddess flows within my veins, but I really am being held captive here against my will. Every time someone new comes here, no matter how stubborn or strong willed they are, they would fall for the temptation of the flesh. It's been the same thing over and over again..."

Alter shifted his posture, adjusting himself on the floor. His phallic shaft rose above his stomach, its tip pointing straight at the ceiling while it continued to throb, demanding attention from those around him. Loraley's gaze was drawn towards the pulsing organ, eyes unable to look away from its size and girth.

"W-well, that's not going to happen to me." Loraley quickly averted her gaze away from his manhood and turned her head towards the opposite direction, feeling her cheeks heating up in embarrassment despite seeing his privates multiple times already.

"That's good. You might be the first person I met who managed to resist my charm." Alter let out a sigh of relief before continuing his words.

"Just... don't try to kill yourself or anything else silly. I won't repeat this twice." His warning was short and blunt, yet Loraley found it strangely reassuring. She crawled to the opposite corner of the boy, the chains jingled along her actions.

Silence befell the dungeon. The candles on the walls flickered within the darkness, casting shadows upon the metal bars locking them inside this underground prison cell. Her fear and anxiety had subsided for now after conversing with the son of her captor. The air no longer felt so suffocating.

Loraley didn't understand why, but she felt oddly comfortable being in this boy's presence even though she knew him no longer than a day. Perhaps it was because they were truly in the same boat, or perhaps it was because he healed her wounds despite having nothing to gain from doing so. Perhaps it was both. Perhaps it was because of other things.

She felt her tension melting away, replaced by something else she couldn't quite describe yet. An emotion she never experienced before... something akin to warmth spreading through her body. A strange sense of peace washed over her as if she'd known him forever, knowing that she wasn't alone in all this.

'Even though he's the son of that witch...'

Loraley sat on the cold floor, her body shivered due to the freezing temperature. She wrapped her arms around her knees, pulling them close to her chest for warmth. As time continued to pass by, Loraley became aware of how exhausted she really was after everything that happened. Now that the peaceful and quiet time has arrived, she could finally process all her thoughts and emotions.

'I feel so tired and sleepy...'

She glanced at Alter sitting across from her. His soft breathings echoed throughout the dungeon cell, indicating he'd fallen asleep already. His face appeared calm and serene, void of any worries whatsoever. Lowering her gaze, she saw his shaft continued to twitch and throb between his legs, standing at full attention even in his slumber.

Loraley swallowed hard at the sight of his arousal, her cheeks blushing red at the thought of its size and girth. It looked so... big and thick... even compared to her soft and delicate hands. Just thinking about touching his cock made her face flush hot with embarrassment and shame, feeling guilty for entertaining such lewd ideas despite everything she'd been through today.

She closed her eyes, trying to block out those obscene images flashing inside her mind.

'No, something's wrong! Why would I be lusting after a kid like him! I'm already in my thirties! There's no way... I can't possibly...!' Loraley berated herself for having such perverted thoughts towards Alter's privates.

'That's right! These must be the effects that Alter spoke about! This is not me! I'm not like those women who fell under his charm!' She convinced herself with her own reasoning, hoping to justify her actions somehow.

'I can resist his charms... I can resist... I can resist...!' She repeated those words over and over again, trying to convince herself that she wasn't affected by his scent nor his appearance at all.

'I... I'm not like them...'

Loraley rested her chin atop her knees and hugged herself tighter, shivering from the cold air seeping through the cracks on the walls surrounding them.

'I'm not like them...'

She repeated those words in her mind, saying them over and over until they became an incoherent murmur echoing within her head.

'...Not like them.'

Her eyelids grew heavy, slowly drifting away into slumber, not realizing the growing warmth spreading through her lower stomach.

'I'm not...'

The last thing she remembered before falling off into the abyss was her body leaning towards Alter's direction, wanting to snuggle against his warmth...

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