Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 24-2 (Deceit)

Days turned to weeks, and Aurora's unwavering gaze fixed on Loraley yielded nothing of consequence. The suspected double agent moved through the halls of power with calculated grace, her interactions deftly navigating the intricate dance of loyalty and intrigue. Yet, no matter how closely Aurora observed, no telltale signs of betrayal surfaced.

She even casted the highest level of dispelling magic that the church possessed under the guise of 'health inspection' to which Loraley passed with flying colors. Nothing happened afterwards, Loraley was perfectly normal. This fact pretty much cleared her of any suspicion in Aurora's heart. But the High Pontiff begged to differ and asked her to observe the High Priestess until the very end.

Frustration began to creep into the saintess's heart, a nagging voice that whispered of misunderstanding and paranoia. Even so, her gut instinct sided with the High Pontiff's judgement. Still, there was nothing to fear and much left to investigate of the cult. Thus, Aurora decided to shift her focus.

Alter, the mysterious youth captured from Ginova's cult, became the target of her interrogation. She sought to extract any knowledge that could shed light on the elusive goddess and her plans.

In a dimly lit chamber, stripped of his humanity, Alter bound to his seat, his slender frame contrasting the harsh restraints. He seemed to grow accustomed to the environment, his eyes flashing with fear as Aurora entered.

"Where is your so-called goddess now?" Aurora's voice carried an edge, her patience worn thin by the lack of progress. "Tell me, what power does Ginova hold over her followers?"

Alter's gaze flickered, his lips pressing into a thin line. "I've told you everything I know. She... she controls us with pleasure and pain. Our minds are linked, but mine is my own."

Alter 'refused to talk' in the beginning, but after Loraley's 'interrogation', he finally opened his mouth. A full report was submitted, but the content was pretty much the same as Loraley's initial report. Nothing of real value was gained.

"How are your minds linked, then?" Aurora probed, her interest piqued despite herself.

The youth, Alter, swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing. "I... I can feel her presence in my head. It's like... a constant hum in the back of my mind. I know when she's pleased or angry, and sometimes..." He trailed off, a flicker of fear crossing his features.

"Sometimes what?" Aurora pressed, leaning forward, her eyes narrowing.

"Sometimes, she takes control. It's like my body isn't my own. I become a puppet, acting out her desires." Alter's voice dropped to a whisper, his eyes darting around the room as if expecting Ginova to appear and punish him for his candor.

"Does she do that often?" Aurora asked, her tone softening slightly as she sensed the youth's genuine fear.

"Not often, but when she does, I'm powerless to stop it." Alter shuddered, his eyes closing briefly as if steeling himself against the memory. "It's like being trapped in a nightmare, unable to wake up."

"Have you tried resisting?" Aurora's curiosity battled with her skepticism.

Alter shook his head, his eyes widening. "No, never. Her power is too strong. I... I don't want to anger her."

Aurora studied him for a moment, searching for any signs of deception. "What about the others? The other followers of Ginova, do they experience the same thing?"

"Yes, we all do." Alter's voice was barely above a whisper now. "It's our bond with her. It's how she keeps us in line."

"And how does she reward you when you please her?" Aurora's question held a hint of disdain, but her interest was genuine.

Alter's cheeks flushed, and he averted his gaze. "With pleasure... and freedom. When she's pleased, the link feels like a warm embrace. We're still aware of her presence, but it's not overwhelming. And sometimes, she grants us our deepest desires."

Aurora's eyes narrowed, her face a study in conflicting emotions. She knew the church's shadows, the rot that festered beneath the surface of piety. Nepotism, blackmail, and worse— she had heard whispers, but never witnessed it directly. The dark underbelly of the Aria Church remained hidden from her sheltered existence.

Hearing Alter said the words 'deepest desires' made her think of those immoral acts— acts that hurt, that satisfy one's selfish ego, immoral and depraved. Acts that she wants to forbid and cleanse off the church, but unable to. One day, when she finished her pilgrimage, she will return and fulfill her obligation.

"What do you mean, 'deepest desires'? Elaborate." she demanded.

Alter shifted uncomfortably in his restraints, his eyes darting between Aurora and the floor. "It's different for everyone. For some, it's wealth or power. For others, it's the fulfillment of their wildest fantasies. Things that are… impure and dirty…"

Aurora stood silent, her eyes never leaving Alter's face. "And what were yours?"

Alter bit his lip, his eyes filling with longing. "I... I wanted to be free of her control. Just for a while. To have my body to myself."

Aurora's eyebrows knitted together, her expression softening despite her better judgment. "And did she grant you this wish?"

Alter nodded slowly. "Yes, but it was a trap. I thought I was free, but it was an illusion. She was still there, watching, and when I least expected it, she took back control. It was then that I understood the true extent of her power. I thought that she would grant me an exception considering I was her direct descendant."

Aurora processed this information, her gaze turning inward as she considered the implications. "So, she dangles freedom as a reward, but it's nothing but a trick. A cruel illusion."

"Yes." Alter's voice was barely audible, his shame evident. "She plays with our minds, manipulating our desires against us."

"And do you still desire this freedom?" Aurora asked, her voice gentle, despite the weight of her words.

Alter's eyes snapped to hers, hope and fear warring within them. "More than anything. To be truly free of her grasp, to make my own choices..." His voice trailed off, as if the very idea was too much to contemplate.

Aurora held his gaze, her expression unreadable. "Why should I believe any of this? For all I know, you could be under her influence right now."

Alter's shoulders slumped, and he lowered his gaze. "The distance between this place and Deltorra is very far, I'm sure. Ginova can create miracles, but they have limits. Distance is one of them. Especially here, her influence is very weak…"

The saintess studied him for a long moment, her mind weighing the possibilities. "Very well. I shall consider your words." Turning on her heel, she made her way to the door. "For now, rest. We shall continue this another time."

With that, Aurora left Alter alone with his thoughts, his fate hanging in the balance as the saintess weighed truth from deception.


'Things are rather tough in Solheim, but it isn't that bad.'

Ginova squeezed every single information Loraley knew of Aria Church before her departure to Solheim. Even the memories that she already forgot, buried deep within her subconsciousness were brought back with her power.

Ginova knew of Aria Church's power, how Loraley managed to resist her power of hypnosis and 'holy water' in the first place. It was rather tricky, since she was confident that both the High Pontiff and Aurora the Saintess would be even more resistant to her influence, if not, almost immune.

It was all a hypothesis, but she couldn't act rashly to prove her conjectures. Rather, Ginova decided to take things slower and more traditionally, relying on deceit and trickery upon the minds. There was no magic nor miracles in action. Except for Loraley herself who was busy planting spies around the corners, Alter shall perform with his words and flesh to survive and assume control of the situation.

Furthermore, Ginova has obtained another crucial piece of information regarding the Aria Church.

'The time for the Saintess' pilgrimage draws near…'

The Saintess' pilgrimage was a well-known centuries-old tradition in the Aria Church. The chosen Saintess would embark on a three-year-long journey to spread the teachings and perform miracles in the name of the goddess Aria. It was a tradition that strengthened the influence of the church and inspired devotion among its followers. At the end of that journey, she will return to Solheim and ascend to her throne as the true leader of the Church with the High Pontiff as her backer.

Aurora V. Solheim, the current Saintess, was eagerly anticipating her upcoming pilgrimage. She had spent her life devoted to the church and its teachings, and now she would have the opportunity to spread those teachings far and wide. As she prepared for her journey, she could not help but feel a sense of excitement and nervousness. She knew that the pilgrimage would be a challenging and arduous experience, but she was determined to fulfill her duties with grace and dedication.

"I shall bring light to those shrouded by darkness and show them the righteous path." Aurora spoke to the High Pontiff, her eyes shimmering with determination. "With the goddess's blessings, I shall perform miracles and heal the wounded hearts of the faithful."

The High Pontiff smiled at the young Saintess' enthusiasm. "Your devotion is admirable, Aurora. You embody the virtues of the Aria Church, and I am confident that your pilgrimage will be a successful one. Go forth and spread the word of the goddess. May her light guide you and protect you on your journey."

As Aurora made her final preparations, the High Pontiff couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in his heart. The threat of Ginova and her cult loomed over the Holy Empire Solheim like a dark cloud. He wondered if it was wise to let Aurora embark on her pilgrimage during such tumultuous times.

"Are you certain about this, Your Holiness?" A trusted advisor, an Archbishop called Calon voiced the concerns that lingered in the High Pontiff's mind. "With the cult activities on the rise, perhaps it would be wiser to delay the Saintess' pilgrimage until the situation is more stable."

The High Pontiff sighed, his weathered face filled with concern. "I share your worries, Archbishop. But the pilgrimage is a sacred tradition, and Aurora is eager to fulfill her duties. We must trust in her abilities and the protection of the goddess. Besides, Ginova's influence has yet to reach beyond the Kingdom of Deltorra. For now, we must focus on uncovering the extent of their threat and protecting our people from their dark teachings."

As much as the High Pontiff wanted to eradicate the cult, knowing that the kingdom itself had fallen to Ginova's influence made things even more complicated than it already is. Had they found out of the cult's existence in its infancy stage, committing genocide wouldn't be such a big deal. But to go to war against an entire kingdom, despite having a high chance of success, could result in major consequences.

The High Pontiff knew that the consequences of a war with the Kingdom of Deltorra would be devastating. The countless lives, guilty and innocent alike would be lost, and the military power of the Holy Empire Solheim would diminish, even if it was slight, the empire has many enemies. The risk was high, and their information of the enemy was scarce. Even if they emerged victorious, it would take many years to rebuild and stabilize the conquered kingdom.

Even so, Deltorra was still one of Solheim's vassal kingdoms. They still have authority to control them. A communication attempt must be made.

Archbishop Calon nodded, his expression grave. "Of course, Your Holiness. We shall keep a close eye on the situation and provide Aurora with the support she needs. May the goddess watch over her and guide her steps."

As the days drew closer to Aurora's departure, the Holy Empire Solheim buzzed with activity. The people prepared grand celebrations to send off their beloved Saintess, and the churches throughout the land prepared for her visit. Banners were hung, processions were planned, and the faithful awaited the opportunity to catch a glimpse of the embodiment of the goddess's grace.

'I will have to send an envoy to Deltorra,' thought the High Pontiff. 'The risk is high. I shan't underestimate this Ginova, the highest level of preparation is required…'

Little did they know that Ginova's eyes and ears were everywhere, and her influence continued to spread like a silent, unseen poison. Loraley hadn't been slacking in her attempt to carry out her goddess' mission…


In the grand throne room of the Kingdom of Deltorra, King Fouzalt Deltorra sat upon his ornate throne, his red hair shining like flames under the light of crystal chandeliers. The room buzzed with an eerie silence as the king's advisors and nobles stood by, their faces obscured by the shadows cast by tall marble columns.

An envoy from the Aria Church had arrived, seeking an audience with the king. The group consisted of three members: Archbishop Volgan, a seasoned diplomat, and two younger priests, handpicked for their unwavering faith and strict adherence to the church's doctrines. They stepped into the throne room, their footsteps echoing on the polished stone floor.

Archbishop Volgan stepped forward, his eyes narrowed behind half-lidded lids, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. He approached the king, his eyes taking in the nervous whispers of the court, basking in the tense atmosphere. Volgan seemed to enjoy the attention and the authority his presence brought.

"Your Majesty," Volgan's voice carried a subtle hint of condescension. "I have been sent by the High Pontiff himself to address the growing threat within your kingdom."

King Fouzalt's face remained impassive, his expression unreadable as he gestured for the archbishop to continue.

Volgan's eyes flicked to the gathered crowd before settling back on the king. "We have reason to believe that a heretical cult, led by a false goddess, has taken root in your lands. This cult, and its so-called goddess, Ginova, pose a grave danger to the teachings of the Aria Church and the stability of your kingdom."

The king shifted in his throne, his purple eyes flashing with a hint of coldness. "Ginova… we have come to learn of her existence for a while."

"You are aware of her?" Volgan's eyebrows rose in feigned surprise. "And yet, your majesty has done little to address this threat. The Aria Church cannot stand idly by while such an abomination gains power within your kingdom. We demand your full cooperation in rooting out this cult and destroying their influence."

The king's advisors exchanged concerned glances, knowing the implications of the church's involvement. King Fouzalt's expression remained guarded, his eyes flicking across the nervous faces of his court. He was acutely aware of the delicate balance of power within his kingdom and the influence the Aria Church held over him and his people.

"Your demands are reasonable, Archbishop," King Fouzalt replied, his voice steady. "We have, indeed, been monitoring the situation. Ginova's followers have brought... unique challenges, and we are taking steps to understand their nature and intentions."

The archbishop's smirk widened, his gaze taking in the court's reaction. "Unique challenges, Your Majesty? This cult is an affront to the goddess Aria and must be eradicated. We will, of course, offer our assistance in identifying and purging these heretics. The full might of the Aria Church stands ready to support your kingdom."

The king inclined his head in acknowledgment. "Your offer is most appreciated, Archbishop. We welcome the church's expertise and guidance in this matter. Rest assured, we will work together to address this threat and ensure the stability of our kingdom."

Volgan bowed slightly, his eyes gleaming with piety and ambition. "It is our duty to protect the faithful and uphold the teachings of the Aria Church. With your permission, Your Majesty, we shall begin our inquiry immediately."

As the archbishop and his entourage turned to leave, King Fouzalt's eyes remained fixed on their retreating figures.


He called out. Archbishop Volgan stopped in his tracks and turned around to face the king. His gait is slow and somewhat exaggerated, almost playful in fact, knowing full well that the king cannot refute his words whatsoever.

"Yes, your majesty? Something else on your mind?"

King Fouzalt's gaze darkened as he spoke.

"Archbishop, I wish to discuss the matter at hand further. Our kingdom has enjoyed peace and prosperity thanks to the empire's aid, but the situation you present is grave. You speak of eradicating this cult, but I must consider the risks of civil war. The followers of this Ginova are not limited to a small fringe group; they have influence and supporters throughout our lands."

A murmur rippled through the court, reflecting the concern etched on the faces of the king's advisors. They knew all too well the potential for unrest and the fragility of the peace they maintained.

Archbishop Volgan's expression softened, taking on a feigned look of sympathy. "Your Majesty, we understand your concerns. The Aria Church values the lives of the innocent above all else. Rest assured, our methods will be meticulous and discrete. We will work alongside your forces to identify and neutralize the leaders of this cult, minimizing collateral damage."

The king's eyes remained unconvinced, his brow furrowed in thought. "Neutralize... How many lives are you willing to sacrifice for this cause, Archbishop? Ginova's followers are not mere zealots; they are our people. Do you think they will stand idly by while we 'neutralize' their leaders? The risk of rebellion is very real, and the bloodshed that could follow is not something I take lightly."

Volgan's smirk faltered, but only slightly. "Your Majesty, I understand your hesitance. But I must remind you that the threat of this cult cannot be understated. Ginova is an abomination, a corruption of the goddess Aria's teachings. The longer we delay, the stronger their hold becomes. We must act with purpose and conviction to preserve the integrity of our faith and the safety of your kingdom."

The king's advisors exchanged worried glances, understanding the weight of the king's dilemma. Civil war would tear their kingdom apart, but allowing the cult to flourish unchecked could lead to a different kind of destruction.

King Fouzalt's gaze swept across the room, taking in the anxious faces of his court. "Very well, Archbishop. We shall proceed with caution. But mark my words, should this escalate into a full-scale conflict, the lives lost will be on your hands. I expect the church to handle this matter with the utmost discretion and efficiency."

Archbishop Volgan's eyes narrowed at the king's subtle threat, his annoyance clear. He was unaccustomed to being challenged, especially by a mere king who owed his throne to the support of the Aria Church. Volgan's influence stretched far and wide, and he had little patience for those who dared to question it.

"Of course, Your Majesty," Volgan replied, his tone respectful yet carrying a hint of condescension. "The Aria Church has no desire to see your kingdom descend into chaos. We will do everything in our power to ensure a peaceful resolution to this matter. I assure you, any actions we take will be for the greater good of your people."

The archbishop said his piece, and the silence that followed was heavy with unspoken tensions. King Fouzalt's face remained impassive, but his advisors could sense his displeasure. They knew their king was being forced to cede power to the church, and the potential consequences weighed on them.

Volgan, sensing he'd pushed the king far enough for the time being, offered a shallow bow. "With your permission, Your Majesty, we shall begin our investigation and keep you apprised of our findings. The Aria Church is committed to working alongside your forces to address this threat effectively and discreetly."

The king nodded, his expression stern. "See that you do, Archbishop. This matter requires our full attention, and I expect regular updates on your progress."

"As you wish, Your Majesty," Volgan replied, eyes closed. A respectful gesture, but everybody present knew that was nothing but a show.

With that, the archbishop turned and strode out of the throne room, his priests scurrying to keep up with him. As they exited the throne room, the tension in the air eased, and the king's advisors breathed a collective sigh of relief. King Fouzalt, however, remained pensive, his eyes fixed on the spot where the archbishop had stood.

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