Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 24-3 (Deceit)

The expansion of influence inside the capital of the Solheim Empire was slow, but it wasn't a problem. What mattered wasn't speed, but safety. Inside the heart of the enemy's base, Ginova knew that there were potential people who had some immunities towards her essence.

It was obvious, but Ginova had to confirm it anyway. Controlling the minds of the clergies and servants had been too easy. She had tainted their food and drink with her essence, and soon they were under her command. But the High Pontiff and the Saintess Aurora remained untouchable, immune to her powers. Ginova's influence couldn't penetrate their minds and bodies.

The goddess watched from the shadows as the High Pontiff and Saintess went about their duties, discussing matters of faith and strategy. Their voices carried confidence and determination, unaware of the threat lurking in their midst. Ginova observed their every move, studying their habits and routines.

However, no matter their struggle, Ginova was assured of her triumph. Her ability to perform miracles with Faith Points was just one tool in her arsenal, the most convenient and effective. Ginova had other methods to break their spirits and bend them to her will.

'For example, the aphrodisiac that our body emits…'

The Solheim Empire's dungeon held a prisoner like no other. Alter, his slender form imprisoned within the cold, damp cells, was an enigma to his captors, the High Pontiff and Saintess Aurora. They sought to extract information from him, to understand the threat posed by Ginova and her cult. Yet, despite their relentless interrogation, Alter remained a mysterious character, his true allegiance unclear.

As the days turned into weeks, a bizarre change began to take place within the dungeon. The cloying scent of pheromones filled the air, an invisible seduction emanating from Alter's very being. Unbeknownst to his captors, Ginova had blessed all hermaphrodites with this power— a subtle, irresistible charm that grew with repetitive exposure.

The very thing that made the High Priestess of Deltorra, Loraley, fall.

The dungeon guards were the first to succumb. They found themselves lingering near Alter's cell, entranced by his presence. Their shifts would end, but they'd find excuses to stay, drawn to the youth like moths to a flame. Some grew sympathetic and even thought to bring him gifts, trying to offer him comfort and luxury in secret, while others simply stood and watched, transfixed by his allure.

Despite having their entire life being indoctrinated, taught and raised as a fellow believer of the Aria's Church, their will wavered before this 'boy'. They felt compelled by him for reasons they cannot fathom.

The High Pontiff and Saintess, dedicated to their faith and duty, remained vigilant. They noticed the strange behavior of the guards, their uncharacteristic leniency and distracted expressions. Yet, they attributed it to the tedious nature of their task and the unusual capture. They had no idea that with each interrogation, with every moment in Alter's presence, the pheromones slowly eroded their resistance to him.

'Even the High Pontiff and the Saintess have no idea that their mind is being affected by Alter's pheromones. After all, such a concept is practically unknown in this world. The church's demise draws near…'

But that wasn't all of it. Ginova's influence had spread to the majority of the members of the Aria Church's clergy. However, she knew there were many ways to conquer Solheim. Brute force was an option, and with her armies of hermaphrodites possessing enhanced physical and magical abilities, she could easily overwhelm them. But Ginova valued her followers and knew the cost of war. Death was permanent, and she had no power to resurrect the fallen. While she was confident in her ability to perform miracles, the potential casualties made this option unappealing.

Ginova leaned back against the plush cushions of her throne, a satisfied smirk playing on her lips. The High Pontiff and Saintess Aurora were closer to her grasp than they could possibly imagine. The seeds of doubt and desire had been sown, and all she had to do was watch them take root.

'The only type of carnage that I want is not blood, but of sex and lust.'

This all naturally led into Loraley's espionage inside the great castle of Solheim, the place where the leader of Aria Church resided in. The High Pontiff was Ginova's main target. The Saintess being there was just an added bonus.

'Loraley carried with her a limited amount of the 'holy water'. By contaminating their water source, she managed to 'infect' almost everyone except those two. I was planning on waiting for a little bit longer, but Aurora's pilgrimage was a surprise. She will be leaving in a month from now, I would like to claim her before she leaves.'

Ginova saw an opportunity in having both the High Pontiff and the Saintess in one place. A thought popped in her mind. Nothing morally correct, of course. The goddess of 'salvation' wasn't exactly known for greater good itself, but rather through a subjective 'infinite joy and entertainment'.

'I think things are going well enough. It's time for me to act.'

Ginova's power of miracle relied on 'probability'. The higher the probability of success, the cheaper the cost of Faith Point will be. At this stage, she could teleport anywhere within Deltorra's kingdom by spending a small amount of Faith Points, but the price of teleportation outside of the kingdom will be exponentially higher.

That's because Deltorra was considered to be her territory. How hard can it be to travel around one's own home? Not very difficult, therefore the cost will be low as well. But travelling to a foreign area far, far away from home? That will be more dangerous and difficult, thus the steep price of Faith Points.

So, how about teleporting to Solheim? Into the heart of the castle within the capital itself? The territory of her enemies? The cost was in the millions.

Ginova could afford that.

It would hurt her savings by a significant amount, but she could afford entering and escaping such a place.

But why should she do that? She realized there's a way to make things easier for herself through Loraley. By turning the inhabitants of the castle, the heart of Solheim, into her zealots would make the place less dangerous and less difficult to penetrate.

Days turned weeks, and soon her seeds of influence grew and finally bore enough fruits for her to pluck.

The cost of teleportation into the castle of Solheim had drastically reduced, from millions to the hundreds of thousands. It was still very expensive, but far more manageable than before. Besides, she had no reason to escape the castle. She meant to conquer the place, after all. By the end, she would regain all of her expenses and more in no time.


The sun rose over the Solheim Empire, bathing the grand castle in its warm rays. The High Pontiff, unaware of the impending intrusion, began his morning routine as usual. He broke his fast in the dining hall, the morning sunlight streaming through the windows, illuminating the table laid out with an assortment of dishes. The aroma of freshly brewed tea and baked pastries filled the air as he quietly went over the day's agenda.

The peaceful morning, however, was soon to take an unexpected turn. As the High Pontiff finished his meal and pushed his chair back, he sensed a disturbance in the air. A tingling sensation crept up his spine, and he turned, half-expecting to find one of his trusted advisors with urgent news. Instead, the room seemed eerily still, the usual hum of activity replaced by an unsettling silence.

Shadows flickered along the walls, cast by the flickering flames of the ornate candelabras. The High Pontiff's keen senses, honed by years of spiritual discipline, alerted him to an unseen presence lingering just beyond the threshold of the dining hall. His eyes narrowed as he scanned the room, his mind racing through the myriad possibilities that could explain this sudden unease.

Then, he turned around and his eyes widened in disbelief at the sight before him. Standing just a few feet away, in the very heart of his stronghold, was a woman with jet-black hair. Her presence seemed to distort the very air around her, as if reality itself struggled to accommodate her. An otherworldly aura enveloped her, shimmering with an ethereal light that cast unsettling shadows and bathed the room in a surreal glow. Every detail about her— from the gleam in her eyes to her poised stance— exuded a power that sent the High Pontiff's mind to blank out for a moment.

"Good morning, Your Holiness," She purred, her voice sweet and gentle, yet carrying an unspoken power. "I hope I'm not interrupting your breakfast."

The High Pontiff's eyes narrowed, his hand instinctively reaching for the pendant around his neck, a sacred relic that was used to protect the wearer against any kind of threat and evil.

The High Pontiff could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he stood frozen, his eyes locked on the mysterious woman before him. Her attire alone says enough that she wasn't 'normal'. A low-cut bodice hugged her ample breasts, the fabric shimmering in the candlelight. The short skirt grazed her thighs, and her hourglass figure was accentuated by a crimson sash that emphasized her tiny waist. Her hair, long and dark, framed her face, and her lips curved in a smile.

His eyes darted around the room, taking in the empty seats, the abandoned plates, and the silence that now seemed oppressive. The realization that they were alone struck him with full force. "Who... who are you?" His voice cracked, betraying his unease. "How did you get in here?"

Ginova took a slow, deliberate step forward, her movements graceful and fluid. "My followers call me 'goddess' or 'lord', but you may call me Ginova," she replied, her tone warm and melodic. "I have come to see you, Your Holiness."


The High Pontiff's eyes darted around the room, his face a mask of panic. He tried to call out again, his voice cracking with desperation. "Guards! I demand your immediate presence!" His words echoed through the hall, but there was no response. The castle, usually bustling with activity, was eerily quiet.

His attempts to prepare a protective magic spell were interrupted by Ginova's raised hand. A simple gesture that held unimaginable might.

"Now, now, Your Holiness," she chided, her voice carrying an edge of amusement. "There's no need for magic. I come in peace and merely wish to have a little chat."

The High Pontiff's eyes narrowed, his breath coming in short, sharp bursts. The high level magic befitting of a High Pontiff such as himself was rendered useless with a wave of a hand. "How... How dare you intrude upon me in my own castle? Do you have any idea who I am!?" His voice rose, threatening the woman in an attempt to regain his composure and authority.

Ginova's eyes sparkled with amusement at the High Pontiff's outburst. She took another step forward, her movements carrying an unspoken threat. "Oh, I know exactly who you are, Your Holiness," she purred, her voice dripping with honeyed poison. "The question is, do you know me?"

The High Pontiff's eyes flickered with uncertainty as he took in the figure before him. He recognized the power that emanated from her, a power that rivaled his own. No, perhaps even greater. Much greater. His mind raced, trying to understand the existence of the woman standing before him, to understand how she had breached their defenses so effortlessly.

"You..." He hesitated, his eyes narrowing. "You are the one they call Ginova. The false goddess... The abomination."

The High Pontiff wasn't sure what to make of the situation yet. To him and the members of the church, 'Ginova' was an elusive figure. One who identified herself as a goddess and possessed both reproductive organs. To him and many others, the description of Ginova was akin to a monster, a creature that could not be imagined to be a 'proper' human. What are they? How would they look? Loraley's report spoke of Ginova to be a proper human with 'decent' appearance.

But now, assuming that the woman standing before him wasn't an imposter, the word 'decent' would be a huge understatement. This 'Ginova' standing before him was beyond like any woman he had ever seen in his life.

Ginova's smile widened, her eyes glittering with a mix of mirth and something darker. "False? Abomination?" She shook her head, her hair shimmering in the candlelight. "Such harsh words, Your Holiness. And here I thought we were going to have a pleasant conversation."

The High Pontiff's breath came in short, sharp bursts as he struggled to maintain his composure. "What do you want from me?" he demanded, his voice laced with a mixture of anger and fear. "If you have come to threaten me, know that I will not bow to your demands."

In that split second, the High Pontiff made a decision.

Whether this Ginova standing before him was real or not, the fact remained. For whatever reason, nobody came to his aid and his magical power didn't work. His sacred relic too, might not be reliable in this situation. The woman standing before him was an enigma, and her abilities were unknown.

These two facts alone were enough to make him realize he was at a disadvantage. It would be better to buy time to think and figure out the other party's intention.

"Threaten you?" Ginova's laughter filled the hall, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "My dear High Pontiff, I have no need to threaten you. Your fate is already sealed."

Ginova approached the High Pontiff, her high heels echoing on the stone floor, away from the candles and into the sunlight streaming under the windows. The light illuminated her face, highlighting her radiant beauty. She moved with a fluid grace, her every gesture seemed to be capable of enticing and alluring anyone in the world.

Ginova's hand reached out, her fingers trailing lightly along the back of a nearby chair as she slowly circled the High Pontiff. Her movements were deliberate, her gaze intense as she studied him.

"Your defenses are impressive, I'll admit," she said, her voice lilting. "But they couldn't keep me out, could they? Just like they couldn't keep my influence from spreading throughout your empire."

That sentence was enough to stir the High Pontiff's mind. The meaning and implication of her words.

The High Pontiff's eyes followed her movement, his body tense, poised for any sudden attack. "What do you want from me?" he repeated, his voice steadier this time. "Are you here to gloat? To show me that you have infiltrated my castle?"

"Gloat?" Ginova's lips curved in a sultry smile. "My dear, I have no need to gloat. My power speaks for itself." She paused, her gaze locking with his. "But I will admit, it is satisfying to see the stronghold of my enemies fall under my influence."

The High Pontiff's jaw clenched, his gaze flicking around the room as if searching for a way out. "You may have breached our walls, but you have not won," he said, his voice laced with determination. "The Aria Church stands strong, and we will not fall to the likes of you."

Ginova's laughter filled the hall once more, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Oh, Your Holiness," she chided, shaking her head. "You are a stubborn one, aren't you? Always so sure of yourself and your precious church."

She paused in front of a window, the sunlight bathing her in a radiant light. Her eyes seemed to glow with an otherworldly power as she turned to face him. "But that's what makes this all the more better, don't you think? The mighty High Pontiff, brought to his knees by a mere 'abomination' as you so delicately put it."

The High Pontiff's eyes narrowed, his gaze fixed on Ginova. Despite his determination to remain strong, he found himself captivated by her. Her beauty, her power, and the very air of confidence she exuded drew him in, like a moth to a flame.

She stepped closer, her eyes locking with his. "Your followers are already mine, Your Holiness. They kneel before me, offer their devotion, and bask in the pleasure I provide." Her voice lowered, taking an intimate tone. "Isn't it time you joined them?"

"What foolishness!" The High Pontiff straightened his back, his eyes flashing with a mix of anger and determination. "I will never succumb," he said, his voice steady despite the turmoil within him. "The Aria Church stands for righteousness and justice. We may have our flaws, but we are not the corrupt, degenerate cult like yours!"

Ginova's laughter echoed through the hall once more, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Righteousness and justice?" She shook her head, her hair shimmering in the light. "Oh, Your Holiness... Your lies are almost endearing."

"What do you know of justice?" The High Pontiff challenged, his voice rising. "You, who infiltrate and manipulate people's desires for your own selfish goals. You are the true abomination, spreading your perverse influence wherever you go."

"Infiltrate and manipulate?" Ginova's eyes widened in mock surprise. "Why, Your Holiness, whatever do you mean?" She took a step closer, her eyes glinting with a dangerous light. "Are you referring to the way your officials have been engaging in blackmails, rape, slavery, and other unspeakable acts? Acts that you, as the leader of this church, have turned a blind eye to?"

The High Pontiff's breath caught in his throat as if she had read his mind. His eyes darted around the room, searching for an escape from the truth that hung heavy in the air between them. He was caught off guard by her statement and couldn't control his facial expression well.

As for the truth of her words, Ginova didn't personally witness it. It was all through the stories and the eyes of her followers. Everything they knew, they shared with her. Even Loraley knew of this. Reol's origin, too, was heavily connected with the church.

The Aria Church was originally built to be just and loving to its people. But as time passed, the new generation came, and the old dogma was replaced with corrupt ones. Like a tumor, the corrupt people grew in number and became more prevalent as the march of time continued to this very day.

They abused their power to take from and hurt other people, all for the sake of their own amusement. All in the name of their goddess, Aria. With her name, none could resist.

Ginova herself held no favor for the church. It wasn't because she believed that she was more 'right' than them. It wasn't because she thought that 'her way was better' either. She knew what she did, and she had no reason to justify anything, as morals held little to no value for her anymore. It was all about 'what feels right and good' to her and nothing else.

She acted upon her own self-interest because she knew she was beyond those man-made concepts.

Gender barriers had no meaning to her.

Morals had no meaning to her.

What is wrong, what is right, had no meaning to her.

She decided everything for herself, and her followers followed.

Standing at the peak, there was nothing left to bind her. Others were bound by her.

Ginova judged the Aria Church not by the traditional sense of 'hurting others is wrong. Killing, rape, theft, is wrong. Therefore they are the bad people.' No, her method was more simpler.

'Do I like what they are doing?'

With the answer she derived from that question alone, she promptly decided to conquer the Aria Church.

She will take them and mold them to her desires. Like the devil herself, it was all for her own benefits, for her own sake and being.

Ginova smiled, her gaze never wavered. "Oh, yes, Your Holiness," she purred, her voice silky and dangerous. "I know all about the dark secrets you keep. The abuses of power, the exploitation of the innocent... it's all part of the grand corruption that plagues your so-called righteous church."

The High Pontiff's face paled, his hands balling into fists at his sides. "You... you have no proof of such claims," he said, his voice shaking slightly. "And even if you did, it is not representative of the entire church. We have our codes and doctrines to follow!"

"Proof?" Ginova scoffed, a bitter sound that rang through the hall. "I don't need proof, Your Holiness. I only need to look at the suffering your church has caused. The lives ruined, the families torn apart... all in the name of your so-called righteousness."

"That... that was not by our hands!" The High Pontiff took a step toward Ginova, his voice raising as he tried to defend his organization. "Those acts were committed by corrupt individuals! They do not represent the true nature of the Aria Church!"

Ginova's eyes narrowed, her gaze like a physical blow. "Corrupt individuals?" she repeated, her voice laced with scorn. "And who allows these 'corrupt individuals' to rise to power within your church? Who turns a blind eye to their atrocities as long as they further your agenda?"

The High Pontiff's face contorted with a mix of anger and desperation. He took another step forward, his voice rising as he refuted Ginova's claims. "You think you know everything, don't you?" he spat, his eyes blazing with a fierce determination. "You think you can just walk in here and accuse us of these heinous acts without any consequences?"

Ginova's gaze remained locked with his. "I don't think I know everything, Your Holiness," she replied, her voice calm and measured. "But I know enough. Enough to see through the façade of righteousness you hide behind."

The High Pontiff's hands clenched into fists at his sides, his body trembling with barely contained rage. "You know nothing," he growled, his voice low and dangerous. "Nothing but lies and deceit, spread by those who seek to undermine our holy mission."

Ginova let out an exasperated sigh. "Lies and deceit?" she repeated, her voice laced with amusement. "Oh, Your Holiness, you are a hypocrite. You accuse me of the very things you yourself are guilty of."

The High Pontiff's face reddened, his eyes narrowing to angry slits as he glared at Ginova. "How dare you," he hissed, his voice barely above a whisper. "How dare you stand there and accuse me of such things? I have dedicated my life to the service of the goddess Aria, to the betterment of her people!"

Ginova's smile widened, her eyes glinting with a dangerous light. "Is that what you call it? Allowing corruption to fester within your ranks, turning a blind eye to the suffering of those you claim to serve?"

Without giving the High Pontiff a chance to say anything further, Ginova continued to speak. "I know everything, Your Holiness. Of Aria and how you've managed to keep everyone subservient under your control."

"W-what…!?" The High Pontiff's eyes widened at her claim.

Ginova's expression didn't change as she sensed the High Pontiff's growing unease. "You thought you could keep your secrets hidden forever?" she asked, her voice laced with amusement. "That your schemes and manipulations would go unnoticed?"

The High Pontiff's face paled, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. "You... you have no idea what you're talking about," he stammered, his voice lacking conviction.

"Oh, but I do," Ginova replied, her eyes glinting dangerously. "I know all about the lies you've spun, the truths you've buried. How you've twisted the teachings of Aria to suit your own agenda, to keep the people under your thumb."

The High Pontiff's breath came in short, shallow gasps as he struggled to maintain his composure. "You... you can't possibly know..." he whispered, his voice barely audible.

"I know everything, thanks to Loraley's memory. She might not remember it herself, but it was as easy as taking candy from a baby for me to find out."

The both of them locked their gaze for a second, leaving a moment of silence between them before Ginova revealed the truth.

"Goddess Aria… she's still here, isn't she?"


The High Pontiff was beyond flabbergasted. His eyes widened in shock, his mouth opening and closing as he struggled to find the words to respond. The color drained from his face, leaving him pale and shaken.

"How... how did you..." he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. His mind reeled, unable to comprehend how Ginova could possibly know the deepest, darkest secret of the Aria Church.

"Aria is dead. But her body remains, her physical flesh neither decaying nor rotting." Ginova held her chin between thumb and index finger as she recited the facts gleaned from Loraley's memories.

"Her heart lies still, without beat or breath, yet blood continues to course through her veins. An immortal body without soul. Feeding her still works. Aria digests food and water just any normal person would. Even her excrement was no different. She naturally produces bodily oil, sweat, and grime. You have selected very few people to take care of her body on daily basis, keeping her clean and hygenic—"


The High Pontiff's voice echoed through the hall, his face contorted in anger and desperation. "Stop!" he cried out again, his voice cracking under the strain. "Don't say another word!"

Ginova's lips curved into a smirk, her eyes glinting with a triumphant light. She has no desire to comply.

"The church has been experimenting with Aria's body since the moment of her death. After so many years had passed, the church chanced upon a fascinating discovery. Her blood, and other bodily fluids were special. They have unique properties to 'indoctrinate' those who consumed them. They became loyal and submissive to Aria—"


The High Pontiff charged towards Ginova. All of his magical power sealed and rendered useless, he instinctively relied on his old and decrepit body to shut her up.

But it was all in vain.


With fluid grace, Ginova sidestepped, easily avoiding the High Pontiff's clumsy tackle. He lost his balance and tumbled to the floor in an undignified heap. Acting as if nothing of importance happened, she continued her story.

"Thus began the crusade to conquer the world, all in the name of Aria. With her name, you commanded the zealots that have drunk her blood. It was a rather simple strategy, but effective. What held the church back all these years from dominating the entirety of the world was none other than Aria herself, is it not? Despite the potency of her blood, her body could not keep with the church's greed. By the day, her skin complexion grew paler and paler. It wasn't long before your predecessors realized that Aria might truly perish."

The High Pontiff struggled to regain his footing, but his legs refused to cooperate, held fast by the icy grip of fear— of long-buried truths clawing their way to light.

"Therefore, the church restricted access to her blood, bestowing it only upon those within the organization who wielded significant authority and power. The High Priestesses, for example."

"……" The High Pontiff made no reply, his head bowed in silence as Ginova's damning words washed over him.

"Loraley had a drop of her blood. That was how she resisted my influence. It wasn't because of her strong faith or some other nonsense, but she was already claimed by another. But in the end, she fell into my grasp anyway. All it took was a little bit of patience and… creativity."

The High Pontiff lay on the floor, his body trembling with a mixture of anger, fear, and despair. The weight of Ginova's revelations crushed him, stripping away the veneer of righteousness he had clung to for so long. He felt exposed, vulnerable, his secrets and sins laid bare before the very being he had sought to destroy.

"Our nature is similar. Aria and I, despite our differences in ideology. Her zealots seems to reign supreme over herself, but mine is more loyal, submissive and cuter."

Ginova stood over him, her eyes glinting with indifference triumph. She had exposed the truth that the church has been trying to keep hidden for so long.

"You see, Your Holiness," she said, her voice soft and measured, "I know the truth about your church, about the lies and corruption that lurk beneath its sanctimonious façade."

The High Pontiff raised his head, his eyes meeting Ginova's gaze with a mixture of defiance and resignation. "What do you want from me?" he asked, his voice hoarse and ragged. "Do you seek to destroy the Aria Church, to tear down everything we have built?"

"Destroy the Aria Church?" Ginova repeated, puckering her lips. "No, Your Holiness, I have no desire to destroy it. I seek to reshape it, to mold it into something new, something better."

The High Pontiff's eyes widened, a flicker of uneasiness sparking within their depths.

"Something… better?" His stomach churned and twisted as he echoed her words.

Ginova nodded, a soft genuine smile formed on her beautiful face. "Yes, Your Holiness," she said, her voice low and seductive. "A church that embraces the truth of human nature, that accepts the desires and needs of its followers without judgment or shame. A church that worships not a dead goddess, but a living, breathing embodiment of power and pleasure."

The High Pontiff's breath caught in his throat, his mind reeling at the implications of Ginova's words. A new church, one that cast aside the shackles of guilt and hypocrisy, that embraced the very things he had fought so long to suppress and eradicate—

"We shall coexist! Together, we will reform this world into our will and desire!"

Ginova opened her arms wide, a monumental statement of her grand vision and ambition.

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