Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 25-1 (The Saintess’ Hidden Side)

That day, Ginova made history. To influence the High Pontiff wasn't supposed to be this easy. Her power of miracles couldn't affect him directly, but she has many other methods in her arsenal. Her high stats, hypnotic voice, pheromones, etc. was enough to make even a eunuch to go question their vows with her voice alone.

Even mundane drugs and toxins would still affect him; while their efficacy varied, he was, after all, still mortal. Ginova, however, was something else entirely.

With a snap of her fingers, footsteps of soldiers approached from the front and back of the dining hall. The empty room began to be filled with people. People who gave their life to Aria Church, those who have been indoctrinated to its teaching.

The High Pontiff looked around him and found himself surrounded by his own subordinates. But he knew better. Everyone has fallen for Ginova's influence. The air in the grand dining hall turned heavy, thick with tension and unspoken words. The church soldiers, once loyal to him, now stood with an unusual glint in their eyes— a fervor that sent a chill down his spine.

Ginova, with her captivating presence, sauntered closer, her hips swaying with each step. "You see, Your Holiness," she cooed, her voice a siren's call, "even those closest to you are not immune to the truth of their nature. The desires they've suppressed, the needs they've denied... all laid bare before me."

She raised her index finger, her manicured nail glistening in the morning light. A droplet of blood formed on the tip, slowly growing until it trailed down her slender finger and fell to the ground with a soft patter. The High Pontiff's eyes followed its path, transfixed by the crimson liquid.

"Now, you will show me everything that I want to know—"


The next day came. It was peaceful and quiet with birds chirping outside the window. The Saintess had just woken up, her eyes fluttering open as the first rays of sunlight crept through the grand, arched window of her chamber.

A gentle knock on the door signaled the arrival of her maids. They entered with practiced grace, their footsteps soft and unobtrusive. "Good morning, Saintess," they greeted in unison, their voices harmonizing in a melody of respect and adoration.

The Saintess sat up, stretching her limbs as the maids busied themselves with her morning routine. One drew a bath, the scent of lavender and rose wafting through the air as the water cascaded into the tub. Another laid out her attire for the day—a gown of pure white, its fabric shimmering like moonlight.

As the Saintess slipped into the bath, the warm water enveloped her, washing away the last vestiges of sleep. She closed her eyes, savoring the moment of tranquility amidst her duties. The maids chattered quietly among themselves, their conversations a comforting backdrop to the Saintess's reflections.

After the bath, the maids helped her dress, their hands deftly tying and buttoning until she stood resplendent in her gown. Her hair was brushed until it shone, each strand a spun gold in the sunlight. As the maids finished their tasks, the Saintess took a deep breath, ready to face the day.

One of the maids curtsied before the Saintess Aurora. "Your Grace," she said, her voice polite and measured, "The High Pontiff has requested your presence in his chambers at your earliest convenience."

A flicker of surprise crossed Aurora's face, quickly masked by her composed demeanor. It was unusual for the High Pontiff to summon her so early in the day. Unless something big has happened, there was no reason to do so. Nevertheless, she nodded, her decision made. "Thank you. Please inform the High Pontiff that I will be there shortly."

The maid curtsied again, a smile tugging at her lips. "Yes, Your Grace." She hurried off, her footsteps echoing on the stone floor.

Aurora took a moment to gather herself, smoothing her gown and ensuring her appearance was impeccable. She knew the importance of maintaining her image as the Saintess, especially in times of uncertainty. With a final nod to her remaining maids, she swept out of her chambers.

Knocking on the door of the High Pontiff's chambers, the Saintess stated her name and called out to the person inside.

"Your Holiness, you wish to see me?"

It didn't take long before a familiar figure turned the knob and opened the door, inviting her inside. The High Pontiff stood before her, his expression grave, yet a hint of excitement flickered in his eyes.

"Ah, Aurora, thank you for coming so promptly." His voice was steady, belying the undercurrent of urgency in his tone. He stepped aside, allowing her entry into his chambers.

The room was spacious, lined with bookshelves and adorned with intricate paintings of religious origins. Something that relates to Aria, one way or another. She has visited this room many times before in the past. A large, ornate desk sat in the center, its surface cluttered with scrolls and texts. A familiar view.

The High Pontiff led her to a plush sitting area, gesturing for her to take a seat. Not a single thing was amiss.

Aurora settled into the proffered chair, arranging her gown around her. She looked up at the High Pontiff expectantly. "What is it that you wished to discuss, Your Holiness?"

The High Pontiff sat across from her, leaning forward, his eyes intense. "It's about Ginova," he said, his voice low. "I believe we may have underestimated her influence."

Aurora's heart skipped a beat at the mention of Ginova. It was then a bad premonition started to manifest in her heart. The serene morning seemed to darken, the world outside the window losing its luster. She maintained her composure, but a flicker of unease danced in her eyes. "What do you mean, Your Holiness?" she asked, her voice steady despite the growing sense of dread.

The High Pontiff sighed, the weight of his position seeming to press down on his shoulders. He leaned back in his chair and began to recount the 'events' of the previous night. "Last night, Ginova herself appeared in my chambers," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "She materialized out of thin air, as if summoned by some unholy magic."

"W-what…?" Aurora was taken aback. Her eyes widened, and a chill ran down her spine. The news of Ginova's sudden appearance was alarming, hinting at the goddess's immense power and disregard for the sanctity of their holy order. That is, if the High Pontiff wasn't lying.

She couldn't process his words properly, thinking that she misheard.

"Surely, you must be jesting, Your Holiness—"

The High Pontiff continued without batting an eye, his voice trembling slightly as he recounted the events. "She came with a proposal. To rule the world together."


Aurora sat there, mouth agape, struggling to find the words to respond. Her eyes darted back and forth, twitching as she studied the High Pontiff's grave expression, searching for any hint of jest or deception. But his visage remained somber, his eyes unwavering, and his lips set in a grim line.

"She wanted to work together with us, to coexist and cooperate behind the scenes. At the surface level and to the public, we are at odds. Enemies, rivals, nemesis— but it would serve as nothing but a show. To perpetuate conflict, to create tension that was never there. All for the sake of… 'peace'."

"I… I don't understand—"

"Truth be told, me neither. We are the Aria Church. Me, you, and the rest of our followers. Our objective is to convert those who are lost and sinful to the right path. Path of justice, the righteous and fair. Ginova and her zealots are our anti-thesis. They seek salvation and redemption through hedonistic desires, to indulge in uncontrolled lust. How could we possibly cooperate? The differences of our values were as wide as the ocean. Yet, I could not resist."

As the High Pontiff continued to speak, the gnawing terror in Aurora's heart grew bigger and apparent. Something was wrong. Very wrong. She felt her blood being drained out of her body. Cold sweat dampened her palms and scalp. Her legs felt like lead, powerless and heavy. The world seemed to spin in her eyes.

'What is happening? I don't understand—'

The High Pontiff let out an exasperated sigh. "Do not be alarmed, my child. There is nothing to be afraid of. Stay in your seat."

And with that, the High Pontiff stood up from his seat. He walked up to a drawer, large enough to store various things. He opened it and reached his hand inside.

Aurora was facing away from the High Pontiff. She could not see what he was doing behind her. Only the sound of her beating heart echoed in her eardrums. The worst part of it all was the fact that she couldn't escape from this situation. The Holiness's words were absolute—


The High Pontiff settled back into his seat across from Aurora, his eyes locking with hers once more. As he did, a faint clicking sound caught their attention. He carefully placed a small, transparent vial on the table between them with a deliberate motion.

Aurora's gaze was drawn to the vial, viscous fluid contained within it. The liquid's origin was a mystery to her, appearing to be of an unfamiliar nature. She found herself filled with a sense of dread, a nagging feeling that whatever the substance was, it couldn't be anything good.

"Ginova sees potential in our existence." The Holiness said. "She is the goddess of salvation, but world peace isn't her objective. No, it is much grander than that."

"…What are you talking about, Your Holiness?"

The High Pontiff leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with a newfound intensity. "Ginova believes that conflict is necessary for the world to function. A delicate balance between two opposing forces, each keeping the other in check. She believes that by maintaining a constant state of tension between her church and ours, she can ensure that neither side ever truly gains the upper hand. A sort of...controlled chaos, if you will."

As the High Pontiff spoke, Aurora felt a chill run down her spine. The idea of deliberately fostering conflict, of allowing the world to teeter on the brink of destruction for the sake of some twisted sense of balance.

The High Pontiff seemed to sense her unease, for he reached out and held her damp hand in a comforting manner. "I know it is a difficult concept to grasp, my child. But Ginova is convinced that this is the only way to prevent either side from becoming too powerful, too dominant. She fears that if one were to emerge victorious, it would upset the natural order of things."

Aurora shook her head, her voice trembling with emotion. "Your Holiness, you are not making any sense—"

The High Pontiff leaned back in his chair, his eyes distant as he continued his explanation. "Humanity is a strange and fickle creature, Aurora," he mused, his voice tinged with a hint of melancholy. "They need an enemy, a common threat to unite them, to give them purpose. Without it, they would turn on each other, consumed by their own petty squabbles and selfish desires."

Aurora listened, her heart heavy with the weight of his words. The idea that conflict was necessary, that the very fabric of society was held together by the existence of an enemy, was a difficult pill to swallow. It went against everything she had been taught by the church and the High Pontiff himself, in fact.

"And so," he continued, "Ginova proposes that we maintain this delicate balance, this illusion of conflict. That we work together behind the scenes to ensure that neither side ever truly emerges victorious, and to reduce unnecessary death and sacrifice."

As he spoke, the High Pontiff's eyes drifted to the vial that sat between them, the viscous fluid within seeming to shimmer in the light. Aurora followed his gaze, her morbid curiosity driven by the unease that twisted in her gut.

"What... what is that, Your Holiness?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

The High Pontiff smiled. With an enigmatic expression, he answered. "That, my child, is the key to everything. A gift from Ginova herself, a symbol of her commitment to this grand plan of ours."

He reached out, his fingers brushing against the smooth surface of the vial. "It is a substance of great power, a tool that will allow us to control the minds and hearts of those who would stand in our way. With it, we can shape the world as we see fit, mold it into the image we desire."

Aurora's breath caught in her throat, the implications of his words sinking in.

"Your Holiness, surely there's a misunderstanding somewhere—" she protested, her voice trembling with emotion.

The High Pontiff held up a hand, silencing her objections. "I know, my child. I know it is a difficult thing to accept. But trust me when I say that it is for the greater good. Sometimes, we must do things that we do not like, things that we do not agree with, in order to maintain the balance that the world so desperately needs."

He leaned forward, his eyes locking with hers, his gaze intense and unwavering. "I need you by my side, Aurora. I need your strength, your conviction, your unwavering dedication to the cause. Together, we can do this. Together, we can shape the world into what it needs to be."

Aurora felt the weight of his words, the pressure of his expectations bearing down upon her. She knew, in that moment, the High Pontiff was no longer himself. Her instinct screamed at her, but once again, she was powerless before him.

"In the name of our goddess Aria—"

His order was absolute. The moment he mentioned the name of the goddess, nobody could defy his words.

"—Drink everything inside this vial, Aurora. Do not waste a single drop."

And just like that, Aria felt a click. As if her body was no longer hers, her hand obeyed The High Pontiff's command. She reached out to grab the small, transparent vial and opened the cork.

"N-no… I can't… Your Holiness…"

"It's for your own good, Aurora. Have faith in the goddess."

Her mind screamed no, desperately trying to resist the command. Aurora attempted to vocalize her refusal, but no sound escaped her lips. Panic and fear intertwined within her, forming a suffocating knot in her chest. Yet, despite her internal struggle, Aurora found herself powerless to defy his words. This was the reality she had faced her entire life.

From her earliest memories, The High Pontiff's word was law, an unbreakable dictum that she was forced to obey without question. The weight of his authority pressed down upon her, stifling her free will and leaving her no choice but to submit to his every decree.

After all, the High Pontiff's will was Aria's will. She could not resist her goddess' command no matter what. Even if she dislikes it, hates it, or is disgusted by it, she will comply no matter what. This was proven true to other high-ranking members of the church.

An absolute hierarchy.



With the High Pontiff standing at the top, everyone must obey.

"Ah… please reconsider, Your Holiness. Please…"

Her hand trembled in fear, Aurora placed the rim of the vial by her lips. Tears traced the contour of her cheeks. She begged him for mercy.

"Obey the goddess' will and drink, Aurora."

The High Pontiff ordered. With a voice cold as ice, the Saintess' fate was decided at that moment.


Aurora raised her trembling hand and the contents of the vial flowed into her mouth. The taste hit her tongue, surprisingly sweet and deceptively delicious. The Saintess swallowed everything, tears still streaming down her face as she obeyed the High Pontiff's command.



Aurora screamed her lungs out, her shrill cry echoing through the dark bedchamber. Cold sweat dampened her entire body and bed, soaking the sheets and leaving her trembling in a state of sheer terror. Her heart raced, pounding against her chest as if it were trying to break free from the confines of her ribcage.

The Saintess, normally a picture of poise and grace, was reduced to a quivering mess, her body betraying the immense fear that gripped her very soul.

'Ah… what— what was that… dream…?'

The Saintess struggled to remember the contents of her dream, but the details slipped through her mind like grains of sand through fingers, leaving behind only a vague sense of dread. As she lay there, trying to regain her composure, a gentle knock on the door announced the arrival of her maids.

"My lady, it's time for your morning routine," a soft voice called from outside the door.

Still shaken, Aurora managed to pull herself together enough to sit up in her bed, her pale skin glistening with sweat in the dim light. "Come in," she replied, her voice trembling slightly as she tried to maintain a semblance of control.

'It was a dream… I can't recall… but it was definitely a nightmare…'

The door opened, and two maids entered, their faces etched with concern as they saw their mistress in such a state. They exchanged a quick glance before one of them spoke up. "My lady, are you alright? You look as if you've seen a ghost."

Aurora shook her head, attempting to dismiss their worries. "It's nothing, just a bad dream. Please, help me get ready for the day."

The maids hesitated for a moment before nodding in unison and set about their tasks. One began to strip the sweat-soaked sheets from the bed while the other fetched a clean set of clothes for the Saintess to wear.

As the maids worked, Aurora's mind raced, trying to piece together the fragments of her nightmare. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong, but the more she tried to grasp onto the fading memory, the more it seemed to slip away.

"Um, my lady, would you like to have a bath first?" One of the maids spoke up to Aurora with concern, seeing her body covered in sweat.

"…Yes, I would love to."

The Saintess nodded in agreement, and the maids took her in, leading her to the adjoining bathroom. The room was expansive, with a large marble bathtub that could easily accommodate several people. One of the maids turned on the tap, and the sound of rushing water filled the room as the tub began to fill with warm, inviting water.

Carefully, the maids helped Aurora undress, peeling the damp nightgown from her body and discarding it to the side. As they worked, they couldn't help but notice the tension that seemed to have taken hold of the Saintess' body, her muscles taut and trembling beneath her pale skin.

Once she was fully undressed, the maids guided Aurora to the bathtub, helping her step over the high ledge and into the steaming water. As she sank into the warmth, a soft sigh escaped her lips, the heat of the water seeming to melt away some of the tension that had coiled within her.

"Is the temperature comfortable, my lady?" one of the maids asked as she knelt beside the tub, a washcloth in hand.

Aurora nodded, her golden colored eyes closing as she allowed herself to relax into the water's embrace. "Yes, it's perfect. Thank you."

With gentle strokes, the maids began to wash the Saintess, their hands gliding over her skin and long silver hair with practiced ease. As they worked, they could see the tension slowly ebbing from her body, the tremors that had wracked her form subsiding as she surrendered herself to their care.

As the minutes ticked by, the only sound in the room was the gentle splashing of water as the maids tended to their mistress. Outside the small window, the sun continued its ascent into the sky, the first rays of morning light breaking through the darkness and casting a warm glow over the city.

Despite the warmth of the water and the soothing service of her maids, Aurora couldn't shake the lingering sense of unease that had taken root within her. Every time she closed her eyes, she could see the shadow of her nightmare lurking at the edges of her consciousness, just out of reach but never truly gone.

It was then Aurora noticed something else was amiss.

Her unease grew as she noticed her maids glancing at each other, their eyes darting back and forth as if communicating in secret. The Saintess, her senses heightened from her earlier fright, felt a prickle of apprehension run down her spine.

"What's wrong?" Aurora asked, her voice cutting through the silence as she looked at her maids with curiosity and wariness.

The maids hesitated, their eyes meeting once more before one of them finally spoke up. "We were just wondering, my lady," the maid began, her voice trembling slightly as she chose her words with care. "Are you aware of the Salvation Church…?"

Aurora's eyes opened wide, her pupils dilated for a moment. She opened her mouth but no words were spoken. The maids gazed upon their lady with bated breath. Anticipation filled their eyes, waiting for the Saintess to respond.

"What do you mean?"

The Saintess frowned, her eyes turned cold.

"Ah, my apology, my lady—"

One of the maids opened their mouths, trying to explain herself. The others casted a look of disappointment, their shoulders slumping as they realized that their mistress had not yet succumbed—

Aurora's eyes narrowed as she spoke, her voice low and stern. "You are not to mention the Salvation Church so casually within these walls," she warned, her gaze sweeping over the maids before settling on the one who had spoken out of turn. "Do you understand what could happen if the public heard us acknowledging their existence as a church? The consequences could be dire, not just for us, but for the entire Aria faith."

The maids exchanged glances the moment they heard their lady's words, a silent communication passed between them, their eyes alight with a newfound understanding.

Aurora, still reeling from her nightmare and the strange behavior of her maids, remained oblivious to the truth that lay before her. Her instincts screamed at her, telling her that something was wrong, but something of insidious nature kept her from fully grasping the reality of her situation.

Aurora began to explain to the maids that Church of Salvation and Aria Church are to work together behind the scene, away from the public's eyes and maintain the status quo on the surface.

"The relationship between our church and the Salvation Church is a delicate one," Aurora started, her voice low and measured as she chose her words with care. "We must maintain the appearance of conflict, to keep the public's faith in the Aria Church strong. But in truth, we will be working alongside the Salvation Church to ensure that both of our organizations continue to thrive."

The maids listened intently, nodding their heads with a smile.

"It's a balancing act," Aurora continued, her gaze intense as she looked at each maid in turn. "We must be careful not to let the truth come to light, lest it destabilize the very foundations of our faith. The public must never know of our collaboration with the Salvation Church. They must believe that we stand against them, even as we work together in the shadows. People's faith is at their peak when there is conflict after all."

The maids exchanged glances once more, their eyes sparkling with a newfound sense of understanding and relief. They nodded in unison, their smiles growing wider as they listened to Aurora's words, their doubts and concerns melting away like snow beneath the first rays of spring sunshine.

"My lady," one of the maids spoke up, her voice tinged with a mixture of excitement and relief. "We couldn't agree more. Your wisdom and foresight are truly a blessing from the goddess herself."

The other maids murmured their assent, their faces alight with admiration and devotion as they gazed upon their mistress. It was as if a weight had been lifted from their shoulders.

With their doubts assuaged and Aurora's loyalty reaffirmed, the maids began to move with a newfound sense of glee. They exchanged a series of quick, meaningful glances before turning their attention back to the Saintess, their eyes roaming over her slender frame with a hunger that had been previously held in check.

Aurora, still lost in her thoughts, barely registered the change in her maids' demeanor. It wasn't until she felt a touch upon her skin that she was pulled back to the present, her eyes widening in surprise as she looked down to see the maids' hands beginning to explore her body with little to no restraint.

The maids moved with a practiced ease, their fingers gliding over Aurora's slick skin, tracing the curves and contours of her form with a reverence that bordered on worship. They caressed her breasts, their fingers teasing her nipples into stiff peaks, while others trailed lower, dipping beneath the surface of the water to stroke the sensitive skin of her inner thighs.

Aurora's breath caught in her throat, her body responding to the maids' touch with a fervor that she couldn't deny, even as her mind screamed at her to resist. She knew that this was wrong, that she should be stopping them, but something within her refused to cooperate, a quiet voice whispering in the back of her mind that this was exactly what she needed.

'What… what's happening? What are they doing? This isn't right…'

Just as she was about to protest, one of the maids approached her from behind and whispered into her ears.

"Do not be afraid, my lady. To be the Saintess of the Aria Church, your duty is to serve and be served, isn't that right?"

Aurora's eyes trembled as she watched her maids begin to disrobe, their movements fluid and graceful as they shed their clothing. Her heart raced, confusion and panic coursing through her veins as she took in the sight before her.

As the maids' garments fell away, revealing their lithe forms, Aurora's breath caught in her throat. There, nestled between their legs, were the unmistakable bulges of a male genital, each one locked away behind the bars of a chastity cage.

The Saintess's mind reeled, struggling to comprehend the reality of what she was seeing. Her maids, the very women who had served her so faithfully, were not women at all, but hermaphrodites, a characteristic of Ginova's followers.

The maids smiled, their eyes glinting with hunger and devotion as they moved closer to Aurora, their caged members swaying with each step.

"I… I don't understand," Aurora stammered, her voice trembling as she tried to make sense of the situation. "How can this be? You're… you're supposed to be women, my loyal maids…"

The maids exchanged glances, their smiles growing wider as they moved to surround the Saintess, their bodies pressing close to hers. One of them, tall and willowy with long, flowing hair, stepped forward, her eyes locking with Aurora's as she spoke.

"Do not be alarmed, my lady," she purred, her voice low and sultry. "We are still your loyal servants, devoted to your every need and desire. Our bodies may be different, but our hearts remain true to you and the Aria Church."

Aurora's mind spun, her thoughts a jumbled mess as she tried to process the maid's words. She knew that she should be horrified, disgusted by the very idea of her maids being anything other than pure, untouched women, but something within her refused to let her pull away.

"Our church established partnership with the Salvation Church, their goddess gifted us a blessing. All the maids now have become a hermaphrodite. You have nothing to fear, my lady, for our existence is to serve and assist you."

The maids moved closer, their hands reaching out to caress Aurora's trembling form, their fingers teasing her sensitive flesh. The Saintess gasped, her body responding to their delicate touch despite her mind's rejection, a shameful heat building between her legs as they worked.

"Relax, my lady," the willowy maid whispered, her breath hot against Aurora's ear. "Let us serve you as we were meant to, as you deserve. There is no shame in taking what is yours by right of birth and station."

Aurora's resolve wavered, her body betraying her as it yielded to the maids' touch. She knew that this was wrong, that she should be fighting against the temptation, but she couldn't resist.

'No… isn't this normal? Like what they said, they are here to serve me… I live… to serve… and to be served… right?'

As the maids moved to surround Aurora, she tried to resist, her instincts screaming at her to fight against this violation of her body and spirit. Yet, as much as she wanted to break free, her body betrayed her, moving as if it were not her own, following the whispered commands to relax, to allow the maids to do as they wished.

The maids' touches became more aggressive, their hands moving from gentle caresses to firm grasps. One of them tweaked Aurora's sensitive nipples between deft fingers, twisting and pulling until the delicate flesh turned a deep red. Another maid's fingers found their way to the Saintess's clitoris, rubbing and flicking the bundle of nerves with relentless vigor.

Aurora cried out, her voice hoarse, a mix of pain and a pleasure she couldn't deny, tears welling in her eyes as she was forced to endure the maids' lust.

"Do not fight it, my lady," one of the maids whispered, her voice thick with lust. "Your body knows what it wants, even if your mind is slow to accept it. You were born for this, to serve and be served in turn."

Those words, 'to serve and be served' continued to ring in Aurora's mind. It was like a mantra, something triggered inside her.

'T-that's right… It is my right, my duty as a human being and as a Saintess— to serve others, and let others serve me. They are free… to serve me. To do whatever they want with me—'

Aurora's eyes closed, her lips parting in a silent surrender as the maids' mouths claimed hers in a passionate kiss, turn by turn. The Saintess' body trembled as she was bombarded by an onslaught of sensations. The maids wasted no time, their hands continuing their exploration of Aurora's body, groping and squeezing her breasts, their fingers pinching and twisting her nipples, sending jolts of pleasure and pain coursing through her.

At the same time, the maids forced their caged erections against the Saintess' body, the hard lengths of their members pressing into her stomach and thighs, the metal of their chastity devices biting into her soft skin.

Aurora moaned into the kiss, her tongue darting out to taste the maids' lips, the salty sweetness of their skin sparking a fire within her. The maids' testicles grazed her thighs, the weight of their sacs heavy and full, their skin slick and hot against her own.

With each passing moment, Aurora felt herself slipping further away, her mind succumbing to the relentless tide of pleasure that washed over her. The maids' hands and mouths worked in perfect harmony, their touches and kisses pushing her closer and closer to the edge of a precipice from which she knew she could not return.

Then, with a suddenness that startled her, the maids broke the kiss, their mouths trailing down her neck, their breath hot against her sensitive skin. As they nibbled and sucked at the delicate flesh of her neck and shoulders, their hands worked their way downward, their fingers tracing patterns on her abdomen before dipping lower still.

Aurora gasped as she felt one of the maids' fingers teasing the entrance to her most private place, circling the tight bud before slowly pushing inward. At the same time, the other maids grasped her face, their thumbs hooking into her mouth, forcing her jaw open as they demanded her attention.

The maid's finger pushed deeper into Aurora, stretching and filling her in a way that both thrilled and terrified her. As the Saintess squirmed, her hands grasping at the sides of the tub, the maids' thumbs pushed past her lips, forcing her mouth open wider still.

"Taste us, my lady," one of the maids whispered, her voice thick with lust. "Taste what you've been missing."

Aurora's eyes widened as the maid's thumbs retreated from her mouth, only to be replaced by the heavy weight of their sacs. The Saintess hesitated for only a moment, her eyes closing as she drew in a sharp breath, the musky scent of their arousal filling her nostrils.

Then, with a soft moan, she opened her mouth, her tongue darting out to taste the smooth, sensitive skin of the maids' testicles, their heat and flavor exploding on her taste buds. The maids groaned, their bodies pressing closer to Aurora as they felt the wet warmth of her mouth engulfing them, their fingers moving in and out of her body with increasing speed and urgency.

Aurora's mind spun as she suckled at the maids' sacs, their size and weight a constant reminder of the true nature of her servants. She could feel their desire, their need, pulsing against her tongue, their fingers working her body into a frenzy of pleasure and want.

The maids' fingers pushed deeper into Aurora, their thumbs now joining the fray, stretching her, filling her in ways she had never imagined. The Saintess cried out, her voice echoing off the tiled walls of the bathroom, her body trembling as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her, threatening to pull her under.

"That's it, my lady," one of the maids whispered, her breath hot against Aurora's ear. "Let go. Surrender to us. We're here to serve, and you, my lady, are here to be served."

Aurora whimpered, her body arching as she felt the first stirrings of her orgasm building deep within her. The maids' fingers moved in unison, their thumbs pressing against the sensitive bundle of nerves that controlled her pleasure, their other hands reaching up to tweak and pull at her nipples, sending bolts of electricity coursing through her.

The Saintess cried out, her voice hoarse and raw as she tumbled over the edge, her body convulsing as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her. The maids groaned, their own pleasure building as they felt their lady surrender to the depths of her own desire, their fingers slick with her essence, their testicles heavy and full, twitching with need.

"Now… it is your turn to serve, my lady."

Completely entranced, the Saintess obeyed without question. Aurora's inhibitions melted away as she leaned forward, her tongue extending to taste the smooth, sensitive skin of their testicles once more. Her inexperience in sexual matters only added to the maids' excitement, their eyes sparkling with anticipation as they watched their mistress explore this new side of herself.

The maids' breaths quickened as they felt Aurora's tongue dart out, the wet warmth of her mouth engulfing their sacs one by one. They moaned softly, their fingers tightening in her hair, guiding her movements as she suckled and laved their most sensitive areas with growing skill.

Aurora's hands reached up to cup the maids' testicles, her fingers gently rolling the heavy orbs as her tongue swirled and flicked, learning their shapes, memorizing the contours of their bodies. The maids' fingers grasped her hair with even more force, their hips shifting unconsciously, thrusting their caged erections against the Saintess's face and limbs as they sought relief from the building tension.

"Ah... my lady..." one of the maids moaned, her voice thick with desire. "You learn quickly. It's as if you were always meant for this."

The Saintess paid their words no heed, her focus entirely on the task at hand. She sucked and licked without rest, her tongue and lips working in concert, savoring the unique flavor and texture of each maid, committing them to memory as if they were sacred texts to be studied and worshiped.

As Aurora lost herself in the act, the maids' breaths quickened, their bodies tensing, their moans went louder and higher in pitch. The Saintess' mouth worked furiously, her tongue and lips never stopping, never slowing, as if driven by a need that went beyond mere physical pleasure.

The maids cried out, their voices filled with ecstasy as they reached their peaks. Their caged erections twitched and pulsed, their testicles contracting as they spilled their seed, the essence of their desire dripping down to mix with the bathwater.

Aurora opened her mouth wide towards their trembling glans and swallowed, her eyes closed, her throat working as she consumed every last drop, reveling in the taste of their release.

In the aftermath, the maids slumped back against the sides of the tub, their breaths coming in ragged gasps as they struggled to recover from the intensity of their orgasms. Aurora sat back on her heels, her eyes half-lidded, her body still buzzing with the remnants of her own pleasure.

The maids exchanged weary grins, their eyes shining with satisfaction and adoration as they took in the sight of their mistress, their lady, transformed before their very eyes.

"Oh, my lady..." one of them breathed, a hint of wonder in her voice. "What a glorious mess you've made of us."

The maids, their bodies still trembling from the force of their climaxes, gazed at Aurora with adoration, concern and raging lust. Though their hermaphroditic nature left them far from satisfied, they knew better than to push the Saintess too far, too quickly.

It was, after all, her first foray into the world of carnal pleasure, and they could see the conflict raging within her, the battle between her ingrained modesty and innocence, and the newfound desires that had been awakened within her.

Aurora, her lips still tingling with the lingering sweet taste of the maids' essence, felt a wave of shock and disbelief wash over her as the weight of her actions began to sink in. She had just engaged in acts that, mere hours ago, she would have considered unthinkable, a violation of everything she had been taught to believe in. Her heart raced, her breathing came in shallow gasps as she struggled to process the enormity of what she had done.

Yet, as the storm of emotion raged within her, a strange sense of calm began to take hold. It was as if a voice deep inside her was whispering, soothing her fears, telling her that this was right, that this was what she was meant for.

'To serve… and be served by others…'

The maids watched this transformation with bated breath, their eyes shining with hope and anticipation. They knew that this was only the beginning, that there would be many more opportunities to guide their mistress, their lady, down this path of discovery and self-realization. For now, they would be content with such 'foreplay'.

As the last tremors of pleasure faded away, the maids rose from the tub, their movements slow and languid, their bodies glistened with water and sweat. They gathered around Aurora, their hands reaching out to stroke her hair, her face, their touch gentle, almost reverent.

"Do not fear, my lady," one of them whispered, her voice soft, soothing. "This is but the first step on a long, but rewarding journey. We will be with you every step of the way, guiding you, serving you, as you discover and unlock the true depths of your potential as the Saintess."

Aurora looked up at them, her eyes wide, filled with uncertainty. She knew that she should be horrified by what had just transpired, that she should be fighting against this strange new reality with every fiber of her being. Yet, as she gazed into the maids' adoring eyes, as she felt the gentle caress of their fingers on her skin, she could not bring herself to resist.

"Trust in us, my lady," another maid murmured. "Trust in yourself. Embrace this new world, this new you, and let us help you explore the wonders of this new world that our and Salvation Church is creating."

Aurora nodded slowly, her resistance crumbling in the face of their gentle persuasion. As she surrendered herself to their care, she knew that her life would never be the same again, though she couldn't pinpoint the exact reason why.

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