Fantasy Lord: Starting with Daily Information

Chapter 24: Planning a Large Iron Mine

Chapter 24: Planning a Large Iron Mine

Of course, there are resources beyond his current reach, but there are also those he can acquire right now. Among these are the third, fifth, seventh, and eighth points, which are within his grasp.

Even the first and second points are potentially attainable.

Thor's gaze swept over the second and first points, ultimately settling on the first.

Compared to unicorns, iron mines are undeniably more beneficial for the development of his territory.

The only problem is the large goblin tribe. Typically, a large goblin tribe consists of at least a thousand goblins, possibly even several thousand. Given his current strength, conquering such a tribe would be challenging.

However, it is just a challenge.

The immense value of the iron mine makes this challenge worth it.

Apart from its use as currency, iron is crucial for territory construction and farmland development. As previously mentioned, it can also become a major economic pillar for Eagle Ridge.

This is extremely important.

Currently, Eagle Ridge is still struggling financially. Relying solely on agriculture may not be sufficient for territorial development.

For the territory to have a prosperous future, establishing its own industry is paramount.

This is the best option.

Even if it requires some sacrifice, it is best to secure it as soon as possible.

Night deepened.

Thor finally made up his mind.

As the morning sunlight poured in, Thor summoned Steve as soon as he got up.

"My lord!"

Steve greeted respectfully.

"Gather some men and scout the area fifty miles east of my territory. There seems to be a tribe of timid goblins there. I want to know exactly how many there are."

Thor issued his order.

"Yes, my lord!"

Steve was a bit surprised but quickly nodded in agreement.

Having witnessed his lord's extraordinary decisions before, he had no objections this time either.

As Steve left, Thor began to wait.

If he wanted to seize the iron mine, he needed to be fully prepared.

The first step was to understand the number of timid goblins in that tribe.

If there were only a thousand or so, the four hundred knights could easily handle them. But if there were thousands, other methods would need to be considered.

"Hopefully, there aren't too many," Thor muttered, his expression contemplative.

Meanwhile, Steve quickly led a team to scout the area fifty miles east.

The scouting took about three days.

Three days later, Steve hurried back with astonishing news.

The number of goblins in the eastern tribe far exceeded his expectations.

Even from the initial scouting, Steve confirmed that there were over three to four thousand goblins, possibly five to six thousand.

This number was shocking even to Thor.

Goblins are among the weakest of the beastmen, the lowest tier of any beastman tribe.

Timid goblins are even weaker within goblin tribes.

However, numbers matter.

With thousands, even timid goblins become formidable.

With just over a hundred apprentice knights and less than forty official knights, Thor knew that conquering them would be costly, if even possible.

More importantly, it would be almost impossible for four hundred men to completely eliminate several thousand goblins. Any survivors would continually harass the iron mine, potentially attracting other goblins or beastmen.

That would be disastrous.

Eagle Ridge could not currently withstand attacks from other beastmen.

In his room, Thor furrowed his brow.

Steve stood quietly by, not interrupting.

"Steve, do you have any ideas on how to deal with those goblins without letting them escape, at least not on a large scale?"

Thor asked after pondering for a moment, his gaze turning to Steve.


Steve hesitated, then shook his head, unable to come up with a solution.

"No, my lord," Steve admitted.

"Alright, you may go. I need to think."

Thor waved Steve away, not expecting him to have a solution.

Steve had potential, but he was still lacking in other areas, which was understandable.

The initial phase of territorial development required primarily martial prowess, which was why Count Engel Dresrosa had chosen knights with good potential for him.

Other talents would likely be selected for him once he became a baron and returned to the family.

"Yes, my lord."

Steve bowed and left.

After Steve's departure, Thor left the room, walking through the territory deep in thought.

The territory now resembled a small town, bustling with life.

People's faces were filled with vitality and hope.

"My lord!"


"Lord of the territory!"

"Lord of the territory!"



Voices of respect greeted him as he walked, whether from knights, commoners, or serfs.

The contrast to when he first arrived was stark.

Especially the serfs, whose eyes were filled with fervor.

"Have you heard? The lord will pardon more serfs in three months. I wonder if I'll be among them!"

"I heard. I hope I am too. Then I can become a free citizen of Eagle Ridge!"

"I don't know if I have a chance!"

Amidst the chatter, a smile appeared on Thor's face.

As his smile spread, a sudden idea struck him.

He paused, considering a solution that could ensure victory.

His thoughts raced, his gaze falling on the laboring serfs, his smile widening.

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