Fatal Attraction

Chapter 10

The lunch Kirsten provided Jason was delicious, which he was grateful for, as it provided him enough drive to make it through the rest of the day intact. The unspoken ceasefire between Jessica and Courtney was still in place and both parties took advantage of that as much as they could before school was out. Between all of the flirty winks, casual touches, and flashes of skin, Jason was quite relieved to hear the bell ring. Jessica seemed to remember Courtney’s ambush behind her back when class was released yesterday, because she turned around immediately and clapped her hands on top of Jason’s own.

“Hey!” She said with a bright smile. “You want to go get something to eat? Our chat yesterday was cut a bit short so I was hoping to make it up to you.”

“Oh.” Jason really didn’t want to admit he had a dinner appointment with Kirsten tonight so he came up with a half truth to tell her instead.

“I’ve actually had some issues with my computer at home and I had to schedule someone to help me out with it after school today.” Jason explained smoothly. “Maybe another time.”

Jessica’s face fell. The genuine disappointment on her face pulled at Jason’s heartstrings but he forced his face to remain passive.

“That’s too bad.” She frowned.

Jason watched a spark flicker through Jessica’s eyes and she perked up.

“That’s okay. I can just come hang out at your house while they help you fix your computer.”

She looked incredibly excited from the idea. He could see a flame of desire in her heart to come home with him and see where he lived. Jason swallowed and tried to finesse his way out of her suggestion.

“Well the technician is working on a tight time table and I actually have to go meet him somewhere, he’s more of a freelancer shared between a few stores in the area, so I don’t even have the location yet. I’d feel bad to waste your time like that so we should just wait for another day.”

Jessica pursed her lips.

“What’s your shipping address?” Courtney suddenly barged in from the side.

“What for?” Jason turned and found her typing into her phone.

She shrugged. “I was just going to overnight you a new computer. Top of the line stuff so I’m sure it's better than whatever you’ve got now.”

The edges of her lips tugged up into a smug smile. “Just thought if I saved you the trouble of having to meet up with this ‘professional’, you’d have time to come hang out with me instead.”

“Don’t worry, this way you won’t have to keep trying to let this idiotic monkey here down easy.” She added with a wink.

Jessica’s hands tightened over Jason’s own, squeezing them uncomfortably inside his gloves.

“I can help you get a new computer.” Her violet eyes bore into Jason with a fierce determination.

“I don’t need a new computer!” Jason affirmed.

As tempting as Courtney’s offer was, Jason saw it exactly for what it was. Leverage. Courtney was the type to do favors and then expect something later in return. He already had that ‘favor’ owed to her that she had yet to cash. Jason didn’t want to add any more ammunition for her to use. Jessica on the other hand was clearly only willing to do so to not let Courtney one up her. Jason wasn’t sure what her financial situation was like, but it probably wasn’t one where she could actually afford to buy top of the line computers and not suffer painful consequences. Jason pulled his hands free from Jessica and stood up from his desk.

“I get that you want to spend time with me.” Jason glanced at both girls and spoke firmly. “But I honestly can’t today. I’ll talk to you both tomorrow.”

With that, Jason hurried out of the room. He only made it to the stairs before he heard the sound of rushed footsteps coming after him. Jason turned, expecting to find either Courtney or Jessica coming after him anyway, but was surprised to find Hayden.

“You handled that well.” He jerked his thumb over his shoulder back towards the classroom.

“I suppose so.” Jason shrugged and continued walking down the steps.

“Come on dude.” Hayden thumped Jason on the back and fell in step next to him. “Maybe you can keep doing that.”

“Keep doing what exactly?” Jason lifted a skeptical eyebrow.

“You know, taking charge. Using their obsession with you as a way of… directing their actions.” Hayden paused for a moment. “I mean, you know, to make them not do anything crazy.”

Jason nodded. “I’m trying to. It’s hard though.”

“Yeah I get that.” Hayden laughed. “I can tell they’re a handful.”

“I didn’t mean them.” Jason grimaced. “I meant it's hard for me.”

Jason lifted a hand and showed Hayden, it was still shaking ever so slightly.

“I’m slowly getting used to talking with them, but even that makes me like this.” Jason stuffed his hand shamefully into his front pocket. “I’m worried that I’ll completely freeze up if they really push me.”

“Can’t you tell that to them?” Hayden suggested. “The last thing they would want to do is hurt you.”

Jason shook his head. “For now.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Hayden asked.

“It means there reaches a point where what I think no longer matters to them.” Jason explained. “Trust me. My leverage over their feelings only gets weaker over time.”

Hayden frowned but didn’t say anything more. The pair left the school and took the train back to their respective stations. Jason’s thoughts were a tangled mess as he entered his home. He subconsciously checked all of the doors and windows to be sure that the house was secure while he remained deep in thought. The most frustrating thing for Jason was the lack of a real exit strategy from this whole situation. He had no idea what this ability of his was or how to stop it. Even if he ran away to try and protect Courtney, Jessica, and Kirsten from each other, their obsession for him would still remain. His sudden disappearance might even insight action between them. That doesn’t even take into account his insane middle school crush who escaped from a mental asylum. 

“You’ve reached Shannon McCloy. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to answer your call. Please leave me your name and number and I’ll return it as soon as I’m able. Thanks.”

Jason hung up the phone, not bothering to leave yet another message for his aunt. The worry Jason had set aside this morning returned in full force. Shannon would have checked in by now. There’s no way she wouldn’t. Scrolling through his contacts, Jason found Shannon’s office number and dialed it. It was late into the workday, but Jason hoped at least someone was there.

“Pellucid Insights, this is Helen speaking, how may I help you?” A pleasant older woman’s voice answered the phone.

“Hi Helen.” Jason’s voice cracked a bit due to nerves. “I’ve been trying to reach Shannon on her trip but I’ve been having trouble doing so.”

“Good to hear your voice Jason.” Helen chuckled sweetly. “Gosh I haven’t seen you in ages. Sorry to hear about not being able to reach your aunt, let me see if I can contact her hotel and get in touch with her.”

“That would be great.”

Helen could probably hear the tension in Jason’s voice as she began to speak much softer and a bit more serious.

“Don’t you worry about a thing Jason. You know how these international trips are. You think you set your phone into your purse but next thing you know it's in your luggage and the airline went and lost it. That’s just how it goes.” Jason could hear the kind older woman’s smile through the phone. “I’m going to have your aunt call you as soon as she can, okay hun?”

Jason nodded and let out a long breath. Jason had tried to tell himself similar things this morning but it was far more convincing coming from someone outside of his own head.

“Thanks Helen.” Jason smiled over the phone.

“You’re absolutely welcome Jason. You have a good day now.”

After a pleasant goodbye, Jason hung up. A large weight had been lifted off of his shoulders and Jason was incredibly glad he decided to call Shannon’s work. He could now focus on other matters at hand. As if the universe were listening to his thoughts, Jason’s phone rang at that exact instant. It was a number he didn’t recognize.

“Hello?” Jason asked when he answered the incoming call.

A soft feminin voice squeaked in surprise over the phone. Almost like she hadn’t expected him to answer.

“H-h-hello.” Came the eventual response.

Jason had to smile. Kirsten really was adorable.

“Are you ready to go to dinner?” He asked.

“Y-y-yes. I’ll send you my address and I’ll m-m-meet you out front.”

Jason nodded. “Okay. Sounds good.”

He heard a soft giggle of excitement.

“Oh, and b-b-bring the hard drive.” Kirsten added as an afterthought. “I’ll t-t-take care of it tonight.”


Stupid Jason. Jessica pouted as she kicked an empty beer can down a narrow wet alleyway.

Though she had spent many years without Jason, now that Jessica had been reacquainted with her one and only love, every second apart felt torturous. She wanted to watch to be near him. To hear his sweet voice, see his warm eyes meet hers, and feel his electrifying skin touch her own. Her body felt hot just thinking about it. From the way he looked at her, especially on their date, Jessica just knew that Jason felt the same. They were made for each other, after all, how could he possibly not feel the same?

But that rich red-highlighted tramp is ruining this for both of us. Jessica fumed.

Jason was too kind for his own good. Jessica knew the poor boy wanted to tell Courtney what he really thought of her but simply lacked the heart to do it. Jessica was more than ready to beat her into submission but had to admit that Jason was right. That wouldn’t be a long term solution if Jessica were to remain at Jason’s side.

“Ugh!” She pulled at her scalp in the hopes that the pain would spark an idea on how to deal with her situation.

“Oh don’t go doing that sweetheart.” A gruff voice called up from the entrance to the alleyway. “You’ll ruin your hair.”

Jessica turned to find the once empty alleyway now filled with two burly men in dark suits. The speaker was on Jessica’s right. Given that his eyeline was an inch or so higher than Jessica’s own, she had to guess he was just over six feet tall. He had dark hair, sunglasses low on his nose, and a few scars decorating his face. His companion was a full head taller than the first guy and thick as a barn. The second man was bald and wearing his sunglasses properly, obscuring his eyes.

“Finally.” Jessica muttered under her breath.

The two had been following Jessica. They weren’t the types to easily blend in with a crowd but they had certainly taken their sweet time following her into the alleyway.

“There’s no use in running.” the first man cackled. “But maybe if you make it worth our while, we’ll let you go.”

Jessica snorted. There’s only one man in the world she would ever let take advantage of her and he’s not here. Jessica reached back and slid a long tube from off of her shoulder.

“Tut, tut, tut.” The first man wagged his finger as the second man stepped forward and put a hand on the end of the tube.

“We know you’re a fencer. Why don’t we leave blades out of this.” The first man flicked open a hidden switchblade from his sleeve and made a dramatic motion of tossing it to the ground.

Jessica eyed the second man, who eyed her right back. After a few tense moments, Jessica slid the strap off of her shoulder. The second man relaxed.

Idiots. Jessica smirked as she shoved the tube forward, jabbing the second man in the stomach.

The first man leapt forward, clearly expecting Jessica to back away in an attempt to free her weapon. Instead, Jessica simply stepped forward, and rotated her hips to bring her left fist directly into the first man’s face. Just as the second man was recovering from the initial blow. Jessica pivoted in place and brought her right leg up. Her foot kicked the man’s jaw with a sickening pop. The second man cried out in garbled pain as the first man scrambled back to his discarded knife.

This is just what I needed. Jessica rolled her shoulders, enjoying the adrenaline pumping through her veins. I’ve wanted to crack open someone’s head all day.

By the time the first man had picked up his switchblade and turned to face Jessica, her foil was already out of its tube and swishing the air in front of her. The first man’s eyes widened at first, but then a smirk crept onto his face as he saw the flimsy blunt weapon.

“And what are you gonna do with-”

His confidence evaporated when the blade whipped across his face. Jessica’s hands blurred as she swept her sword across the thug’s body. Over, and over again. His face was a bruised and bleeding mess. The man lost his grip on his blade and let it drop to the floor. Jessica lunged forward, using her foil to push the first man back and stooped down to pick the knife from off of the ground. Ducking her head, Jessica stayed low and pivoted backwards just in time to plunge the switchblade deep into the chest of the second man who had tried to sneak up behind her. He fell back without a sound.

“... Please.” The first man began to beg, blood covering his battered face.

He struggled to pull himself backwards, desperate to reach the entrance of the alleyway and possibly get help.

“Please, don’t kill me.” He shivered as Jessica pulled the knife from the second man’s chest and approached him. “I was just hired to do a job. I can give you all of the money I was paid.”

“I don’t care about that.” Jessica pocketed the switchblade and grabbed the man’s soiled suit coat, lifting him from the ground. “I just have some things to get off of my chest, and you’re going to help me do that.”

The man’s eyes clouded with confusion, but that quickly faded as Jessica punched him down into the concrete. She didn’t know who these guys were or what job they were referring to, but she was glad they came around when they did. It saved her the trouble of finding someone else in the city to vent her frustrations on.


Thanks for reading. Another chapter in two days time.

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