Fatal Attraction

Chapter 9

Hit you with that quick double feature. Thought I'd drop a second chapter today to make up for missing a few planned releases. Check back in two days for the next chapter. Enjoy!

After all of the drama Jason had to deal with outside of the school’s front gate, he fully expected another long day of conflict inside the classroom. Much to his surprise, Courtney backed off and kept her snide comments towards Jessica to a minimum. For her part, Jessica also seemed more self conscious of her actions around Courtney. She seemed to take the threat of being expelled or suspended seriously after what Jason had said to her this morning. While Jason was grateful both parties weren’t at each other’s throats, it meant all of their efforts were turned in his direction instead.

Courtney found every opportunity she could to lean closer to Jason and make physical contact with him however she could. Jason was tactful enough to keep his gloves securely in place and his face far enough away so that she wouldn’t make any dangerous contact with him, but Courtney was still determined to brush his arm with her own, place a hand on his leg, or lean her head against his shoulder. The duration of her touches increased along with her boldness as class wore on. Jason also realized that he shouldn’t have encouraged her by ogling her body yesterday. He never saw her do it, but Courtney’s skirt seemed far higher on her legs than it ever had before. That and the fact that sometime during the day another button came loose on her shirt, made turning Jason’s head to his right extremely dangerous.

Unfortunately for Jason, staring directly ahead was becoming increasingly hazardous as well. Jessica frequently sank low in her chair and stretched. Her hands would drift back to brush against Jason. While it wasn’t overly concerning at first, Jason wasn’t expecting the first time she leaned her head back to rest it on top of his own desk. Jason had been trying his best to take notes on the lesson the teacher was currently writing on the blackboard. His shock gave Jessica enough time to snake her hands behind his head and pull him down towards her. Jason stiffened but Jessica’s powerful arms kept him locked in place, his forehead against hers. The angle at which she arched her back made it so if Jason were to look up he would be gazing straight down her shirt. The contents of which were just as eye-catching as Courtney’s, if not more so. Jessica held him there for a brief moment, a blissful smile plastered on her face, but she let go just as the teacher finished writing on the board and turned back around to address the class.

I’m going to fail all of my tests. Jason mourned his grades that he knew would flatline this year. There’s no way I’ll be able to pay attention to anything like this.

The bell rang to signal the start of the student’s lunch time. Almost immediately, two hungry sets of eyes set their sights on Jason. An unexpected hero rose to the occasion.

“Hey Jason I found someone who can help with your computer issues.” Hayden snagged Jason’s arm and pulled him from the room before either girl could make their move.

“Thanks.” Jason breathed easily for the first time today. “I guess I forgive you for bailing on me this morning.”

Hayden avoided his eye contact. “Yeah… Sorry I figured she wouldn’t actually hurt you… you know, physically…”

Jason shook his head. “So, who’d you find?”

“Uh…” Hayden scratched the back of his head. “Well that’s the tricky part I guess.”

Jason waited for him to say more but Hayden stayed quiet. It was only then that Jason became aware of a presence following closely behind him. Jason turned his head back and found Kirsten matching his pace perfectly. Her soft hazel eyes shot down to the ground when Jason looked at her face. The trio stopped and Kirsten lifted her shaky hands to present Jason with yet another homemade lunch.

I forgot I had Hayden ask her to do that. Jason cursed the sheer number of events that had transpired over the last day and a half.

It was proving a lot to keep track of.

“I-i-it’s fish.” Kirsten managed to say.

Jason’s heart stung. He popped open the lid to find a meal cooked to absolute perfection. The smell alone caused Jason’s mouth to water. He couldn’t imagine how good it would taste. The guilt in his heart grew more prominent as he inspected the lunchbox.

“This looks incredible.” Jason sighed. “I’m so sorry Kirsten. We barely know each other and I already used you like a restaurant filling out an order.”

Kirsten shook her head quickly but Jason didn’t want to be let off the hook so easily.

“No, it was rude of me. The fact that you even went along with my request just makes me that much more of a jerk for taking advantage of how kind you are.”

“Th-th-that’s not true!” Kirsten finally met Jason’s sad gaze.

Her mouth was downturned and her eyes blazed with a determination to stop Jason from blaming himself any further.

“I-I would never think you’re a j-jerk!” Kirsten declared. “Besides…”

Her tone grew much softer and a hint of red entered her cheeks. “I w-want to be useful to you.”

“Well, I’ll keep that in mind.” Jason still felt awkward but didn’t want to turn Kirsten’s desires down directly. “But I don’t really think there’s anything-”

“Now hold on Jason.” Hayden interrupted and shot Jason a meaningful look. “There’s actually something Kirsten can help you with.”

“What… Oh.” Understanding struck Jason and he turned to the dark haired girl in front of him. “You’re a tech person?”

Kirsten looked a bit embarrassed. “W-well, I may know a thing or two that others don’t.”

“She’s being modest.” Hayden chuckled. “Everyone I talked to said she’s a genius when it comes to computers. She’s already got multiple full ride scholarship offers lined up from top of the line universities from what I’ve heard.”

Kirsten’s face reddened and she ducked her head down. Her feet shuffled in place as Hayden continued to laud her famed technical prowess. 

“Okay, I get it.” Jason lifted his hand to stop his friend from praising Kirsten any further. “Would you be willing to help me open up an encrypted hard drive Kirsten?”

Kirsten nodded.

“Thanks, you’re-”

“Um!” Kirsten burst out. “I expect… I expect payment!”

Jason blinked at the unexpected outburst from the reserved girl.

“Right.” He recovered quickly. “Of course. How much do you charge per h-”

“No!” Kirsten shouted before quickly covering her mouth.

“I m-mean…” She said much quieter. “I don’t want money.”

“Oh.” Jason glanced at Hayden.

His friend simply shrugged.

“...d-dinner.” Kirsten spoke so softly that Jason only caught the last word.

“You want me to buy you dinner?” Jason guessed.

Kirsten clenched her hands tightly to her sides and nodded.

“Oh.” Jason felt relieved. “That seems fair. After all, you made me a meal so it makes sense you’d want the favor returned. Would you like me to order something to your house? It can be something a little more expensive since you’re also helping me out with that hard drive.”

Kirsten’s pouted and stomped her foot onto the ground.

Cute. Jason found himself thinking once again.

“N-no.” Kirsten fought to fully express herself. “I want you to t-t-take me to…”

The shorter girl’s face was so red Jason could almost see steam blowing out of her ears. Jason finally realized what she was really after.

“You want me to take you out to dinner?” He asked.

Kirsten stopped stammering and gave a very small nod. Hayden cleared his throat and lifted an expecting eyebrow at his friend.

He’s right. Jason sighed. As much as I don’t want to put myself in potential danger by actually going on a date with Kirsten, we need her help.

“Okay.” Jason didn’t have to try too hard to sound enthusiastic.

He hadn’t spent a lot of time around the extremely shy girl, but she seemed very sweet. Jason knew she had a tendency to stalk him around the school. It was unnerving, sure, but it wasn’t nearly as aggressive or invasive as either Jessica or Courtney’s actions towards him. Jason considered this a good opportunity to learn what type of person Kirsten really was. Kirsten’s hazel eyes grew large and she lifted them up to Jason.


Jason nodded and smiled. “Yeah, though it still sounds like I’m getting far more out of this deal than you are. When do you-”

“Tonight!” Kirsten demanded.

“Oh, uh, yeah. Sure, that’s fine.” Jason only planned on doing more research after school anyway, so it didn’t really conflict with anything.

Kirsten squeaked and put her hands up to her mouth to cover up the huge smile that enveloped her lips. Jason couldn’t help but smile along with her.

“Should we exchange numbers so we-”

“I have it!” Kirsten interrupted Jason once again.

Jason blinked. “You already have my number?”

Kirsten’s face lost a bit of color. “I-I-I’ll call you when I’m ready tonight!”

The short girl dashed down the busy hallway and vanished from sight.

“Are you sure she’s our best option?” Jason asked Hayden.

He nodded. “Absolutely. I may have been trying to butter her up with all of the things I said, but that doesn’t mean they weren’t true. Everyone who knows her says that she’s a genius.”
“All right.” Jason sighed. “I really hope she’s as sweet and innocent as she seems.”


In a distant clearing surrounded by towering trees, a young deer struggled to breathe. The bloodied animal had a messy gunshot wound in the side of its body that had collapsed one of its lungs. Too weary to move any further, it collapsed to the forest floor. A sound echoed off of the trees all around the wounded animal. The laughter of a young human girl. Wearing an oversized camouflage patterned coat, torn grey sweatpants, and hiking boots that were a few sizes too large, the girl stepped out into the clearing and approached the deer. The girl carried a terribly bloodied hunting rifle over her shoulders and a large knife strapped to her hip.

“Is that as far as you can run?” The girl cackled at the drained and bleeding animal on the ground.

She unslung her rifle but instead of ending the creature’s suffering with a bullet, she tossed it onto a nearby bush. Instead, the girl unsheathed the massive hunting knife and plunged it into the deer’s side. It kicked weakly, but could not do anything to save itself from its fate. The girl continued her work, expertly carving into the living creature while she hummed a nameless tune.

“There it is.” She cooed softly as the deer’s heart was exposed.

The girl quickly severed the flesh around the heart and pulled it free.

“Much better.” The girl nodded, pleased at how quickly she was able to extract the organ.

Granted, the hunter she had dissected the day before had been much better practice. After all, her ultimate prize was the most precious heart in the world and it wasn’t some random deer.

I’m almost ready for my reunion with him.

Exhilaration flooded her veins at the thought of seeing his face once again. To feel his skin against hers. To finally see the heart that rightfully belonged to her.

I’ll be there soon, Jason.

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