Fatal Attraction

Chapter 27

Jason’s immobilized eyes watched Courtney bring the knife down towards his chest. For just a brief moment, her amber gaze lifted and Jason saw uncertainty flicker through her actions. The knife’s point stopped just as it touched Jason’s shirt. Jason saw it. A small break in the obsession that clouded Courtney’s mental state. Her hands shook violently and tears began to form in her eyes. Jason pushed as hard as he could to speak.

If I could just say something! He mentally shouted at his limp lips. I could talk some sense into her!

Try as he might, the chemicals in his veins proved too strong. The moment passed in the blink of an eye. Several things happened at once. The metal door leading into Jason’s room was kicked open with tremendous force. At the same time, Courtney pulled Jason up into a sitting position and coiled herself around behind him. The blade that had been hesitating at Jason’s chest was lifted up to his exposed neck, his head falling limply backwards onto Courtney’s shoulder. A flashlight’s tight beam of light swept the room and stopped on Jason’s face.

“Drop the knife!” A voice Jason recognized as Kylee shouted at Courtney.

After his eyes adjusted to the new source of light shining directly into his face, Jason could just make out the red hair of the detective. She was wearing a long sleeve black shirt, matching pants, dark gloves, and her hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail. Her hands were crossed, with the hand carrying the flashlight supporting her dominant shooting hand. Jason noted that the detective wasn’t using her police issued Sig Sauer but was instead using a Glock Jason hadn't seen before. If she wasn’t using her police issued weapon, Jason had to assume Kylee wasn’t here as an official representative of the police department. His suspicions were more than confirmed when three more people filtered into the room behind the detective.

First came Jessica, who was sporting a long, curved blade that Jason disturbingly noticed had a fresh coat of blood over its surface. Jessica’s initial relief upon seeing Jason was quickly replaced with a snarl of anger when she noticed the blade held to his throat. His childhood friend tightened her grip on her weapon and walked to the right edge of the room. Right after Jessica came Kirsten, who was clutching a small bag close to her chest. Jason could tell the shy girl was frightened. Probably not as frightened as Jason was himself, but she was definitely out of her element here. Her eyes widened considerably and she stopped just behind Kylee. Last in the door was Remi. The demon girl’s smug expression evaporated immediately upon seeing the situation in the room.

“Put your gun down or he dies!” Courtney ordered back.

On the surface, Kylee didn’t react, but Jason could see her eyes narrow slightly and her head give an almost imperceptible nod. It had to be a signal they agreed on before they entered because the moment Kylee’s head dipped Jessica sprang into action. The long curved sword spun up in her hands and Jessica slammed the pommel into the cement wall as hard as she could. The unexpected movement and loud noise caused Courtney to reel back. The knife hand was lifted up and away from Jason’s neck, just far enough for Kylee to take her shot. The handgun sounded extremely loud in the confined space. Jason winced mentally, but was unable to recoil from the barrel’s trajectory. A splotch of his check began to burn fiercely and for a moment Jason thought he had been shot. The scream that sounded from just behind him told a different story.

Courtney’s knife flew slowly through the air with fresh blood covering the handle. No longer being supported, Jason fell back onto the bed in time to see Courtney falling to the right. Blood furiously poured from a hole in the center of her hand.

Kylee shot the knife out of her hand! Jason’s head spun.

It was reckless, dangerous, and not standard police procedure. If Jason was suspicious before he knew now for sure, Kylee was outside of the law on this rescue. All four girls dashed forward the instant Courtney’s knife was out of her hand. Kylee kicked the now injured girl out of the bed and forced her into the corner. The gun’s barrel never left Courtney’s head as they moved. Jessica and Kirsten crashed into Jason from either side and both hugged him tightly. Jason was glad Jessica at least had the presence of mind to sheath her blade before embracing him. Immediately their hands began to run up and down Jason’s body searching for injuries. At least initially they were looking for injuries. Jason would have protested if he could but the drug kept him a limp spectator.

“Why won’t you move Jason?” Jessica finally paused her wandering hands and pulled his face up to look at her.

All Jason could manage was a long slow blink. Kirsten understood the unspoken message first. Reluctantly leaving his side, the dark haired girl darted over to the table and began to look through the open duffle Courtney had left there. She gasped loudly and pulled out a small array of needles and bottles.

“What is it? Did she poison him?” Kylee asked with a sidelong glance.

Kirsten’s hands shook as she examined each bottle. “N-not poison. It looks like she was planning on drugging him for a long t-time.”

“Put those back!” Courtney shouted at Kirsten.

The injured girl attempted to stand, but was pushed back onto the ground roughly by Kylee. Courtney cried out as her injured hand smacked the wall.

“H-here!” Kirsten excitedly lifted the last bottle. “I think this is an antidote.”

Jason felt his body being lifted gently by Jessica and she cautiously rolled back one of his sleeves.

“You sure this is the antidote?” Jessica posessively pulled Jason into her chest. “It’s not going to hurt him is it?”

Kirsten filled one of the needles carefully with the clear liquid. “I’m sure.”

After a quick flick of the tip, Kirsten lowered it gently to Jason’s exposed arm. Jason felt the prick of the needle but no pain. A cool sensation began to cascade out from the injection sight. Jason immediately tried to move the arm that was injected, but was still unable to.

“It might take a few minutes.” Kirsten said in response to Jason’s silent struggling.

“That’s good. In the meantime, what are we going to do about her?” Kylee nodded her head forward at the whimpering Courtney on the floor.

Jessica gently set Jason down on the bed and stood up to regard the perpetrator behind this whole kidnapping. Kirsten remained next to Jason but she too looked contemplative. A worried demon girl’s head poked into Jason’s vision above.

“Are you okay?” Her red and black eyes filled with regret at the sight of his current state.

Jason fought to speak but only managed to move his lips slightly. It wasn’t much, but the progress filled him with relief.

“We don’t have much time. Her father’s security will be back soon.” Kylee turned to the other two girls with a dark face. “We should kill her.”

Jason felt his heart drop into his gut. What was even more surprising than Kylee’s suggestion was the lack of opposition. Kirsten, the shy sweet girl that Jason had gone out with, nodded in agreement. Jessica remained silent, but Jason could tell she wasn’t going to oppose.

No! You can’t! Jason felt breath leaving his lips but it lacked the power to form the words he screamed within.

“She deserves this.” Jessica’s hands dropped to the sword at her hip.

“Y-yes…” Kirsten once again fidgeted with the small bag she carried with her.

Please! Jason felt tears sting the edges of his eyes. Not again!

He fought. With every fiber of his being he pushed the words in his mind towards his mouth. His breathing quickened as Kylee straightened the gun in her hands and took careful aim towards the sobbing Courtney. Jason cursed his helplessness. Cursed this situation he had been placed in. Cursed that so many decent people had to suffer because of his weakness. Kylee’s finger entered the trigger guard of her handgun and rested itself on the trigger. With one final effort, Jason felt his words return.


It was little more than a raspy wheeze, but it was just enough to catch Kirsten’s attention.

“Wait!” She shouted.

Kylee froze just before squeezing the trigger.

The detective’s emerald eyes blazed fiercely. “I told you we don’t have time. It has to be now.”

“Jason said something.” Kirsten leaned closer to Jason’s face, her cool breath tickling his nose as he slowly regained feeling. “Jason?”

“N-not…. Her… fault…” Jason managed to whisper after great effort.

Kirsten frowned. “What do you mean Jason? How is this not her fault?”

“Of course it's her fault.” Kylee snapped. “He’s delusional because of what she did to him.”

“Don’t… k-kill…Can… f-fix.” Jason longed to be able to explain everything, but he had to settle for the hope that they would listen to what little reason he could muster in the moment.

“What does that mean?” Jessica took a step towards Jason and pushed Kirsten aside. “What do you mean it can be fixed?”

“Don’t tell me my sweet Jason didn’t explain his theory to you all?” Courtney snickered from the corner.

Kylee kicked Courtney harshley. “We didn’t ask you. I’m still fully in favor of putting you down like the rabid animal you are.”

“M-my… fault…” Jason forced out.

“Your fault?” Jessica whirled around and pointed her sword directly at Courtney. “What did you do to him? Why is he convinced this is all his fault?”

Courtney laughed. “I didn’t do anything. He confided in me something he hasn’t bothered telling any of you.”

“Out with it!” Kylee stepped on Courtney’s injured hand.

The girl howled in pain, but that scream turned once again into laughter when Kylee removed her foot.

“Jason is convinced he has this power over us.” Courtney said breathlessly. “That he drives us crazy because we’ve touched him. He thinks he can find a way to get rid of it.

“He thinks he can cure me.” Courtney cackled. “I don’t know about any of you, but even if it is true I don’t think I want to be cured.”

Kirsten glanced down at Jason. “Is that true?”

Jason wanted to nod but still lacked the ability to do so.


A stunned silence fell over the room. The only thing that broke everyone from the stupor was a loud bang in the mansion above their heads. Kylee was the first to recover.

“Our time is up. You two carry Jason. We need to get out of here.”

Her gaze lingered on Courtney a moment longer, but she left without another word.

“Come on, help him up.” Jessica kept her sword out but snaked her other hand behind Jason and started to lift.

Kirsten continued to stare blankly at the far wall. It wasn’t until Jessica pushed Jason into her that the shorter girl snapped out of her funk.

“W-what?” Kirsten shook her head as Jason’s shoulder collided with her.

“Help me.” Jessica ordered.

The pair managed to support Jason’s still limp body between them and they clumsily began to walk towards the door.

“J-Jason!” A pained cry sounded behind them. “Please, wait!”

Neither Jessica or Kirsten even flinched at the anguished pleadings from Courtney.

“Don’t leave me alone Jason!” Courtney screamed.

Unable to control his own movements, Jason simply closed his eyes and prayed that he would be able to relieve Courtney from this madness as soon as possible.


Despite being early fall Hayden felt a chill settle over his body as he rounded the street corner. He glanced down to a message on his phone that served as his directions.

“This is it then.” He said aloud to himself.

The street looked normal enough. There were a few empty homes, but in this day and age that wasn’t uncommon around here. A pair of flickering street lights provided brief flashes of illumination of Hayden’s ultimate destination. He glanced a few times between the message on his phone and the address on the side of the building in front of him. The building was as non-descript as they come. A two story building with no windows, plain tan stucco exterior, and a single front door facing the street. It was red. A deep maroon color reminiscent of fine wine. Despite it being a clear night with no rain in sight the door was wet. Thick droplets ran down its length. The reflected red color in the flashing light made the droplets look eerily like trails of blood.

Every inch of Hayden’s skin began to crawl as he stood before this door. His body wanted to run, but Hayden forced himself to stay. There was far too much on the line to back down now. After one shaky breath, Hayden lifted his hand and knocked on the door. No sooner had his knuckles left the wood than the door swung open without a sound.

Hayden found himself standing in the doorway to a bar. It appeared to be empty save a single patron seated near the back of the room. This man wore a completely white suit and complemented it with a deep red button up shirt that matched the door. The man didn’t acknowledge Hayden’s presence. Instead, the well dressed man continued to sip at a wide glass in front of him. Hayden’s legs began to tremble. He knew who this man was and what he could do.

“Don’t stand on ceremony Mr. Lindon.” The man called over to Hayden. “Come in.”

Hayden stepped forward. His jellified legs did little to support him so Hayden had to grab onto the nearby counter as a crutch. Determined, Hayden made his slow approach.

“I’d have to say I’m surprised to see you, Mr. Lindon.” The man said casually when Hayden drew within arms reach. “You didn’t seem the type.”

“I’m… not.” Hayden’s mouth felt painfully dry.

A crimson eye turned towards him. “Then I assume you’re here on her behalf?”

Hayden flinched but nodded.

The man smiled. “I’d have to admit. I’m a little disappointed. I was looking forward to meeting her in person. Though, I suppose I could understand why she felt she couldn’t make it this evening.”

He turned to face Hayden directly. It was a handsome face, but the longer Hayden looked at it the more it disturbed him. There was something off about the man’s features. Something that Hayden couldn’t describe but couldn’t let go of. Most unsettling of all were the man’s crimson eyes. They were unnatural and appeared to see right through Hayden’s soul.

“While I may sound hypocritical, I don’t do deals through stooges.” The man turned back to his drink. “Tell her to come back herself and we can do business.”

“She will.” Hayden swallowed as he recalled what he had been asked to convey. “But she wanted to see if it was worth her time first.”

“Oh ho ho.” The man chuckled and lifted an eyebrow. “All right. I’m intrigued.”

“She wants to pay Jason’s price.” Hayden recited.

A twitch flickered over the man’s lips.

“Jason Simmons, I assume?”

Hayden nodded.

The man gave him a wry smile. “Jason and I don’t have a deal. I’m sad to say I haven’t had the pleasure of making his acquaintance.”

A bit relieved that the man’s response was expected, Hayden nodded again.

“Not yet.” Hayden explained. “She wants to pay for the deal he is going to make.”

The man in the white suit laughed at this. His hand slapped the counter.

“What is it those religious people call it? Pay if forward?” He laughed harder.

It was then that Hayden noticed a small fire starting on the counter where the man had slapped his hand.

“Is that possible?” Hayden asked, his eyes not leaving the flame in front of him. "To pay for Jason's deal."

The fire grew to the size of the man’s glass. Without hesitation, the man reached into the flames and withdrew a single lit cigarette. He took a long draft before answering.

“Why yes.” He blew out a thick cloud of smoke. “I suppose it would be.”

A crimson eye turned his way. “But that can’t be the only thing she’s after. Not after everything she’s done.”

Hayden shuddered but nodded.

“There’s one condition.”

The man’s eyes filled with a terrifying glee.

“Now we’re talking.”


I truly honestly wanted to make the second release today. I written most of this chapter two days ago and entered the weekend with full intention of finishing the rest for this release. Sadly, my whole household became sick and what was supposed to be a great weekend turned into a bit of a downer. I finished off this chapter but have too pounding a headache to even consider finishing the next one.

In exciting news, we reached #1 on the trending page. Can't thank you all enough for giving my story a read and for all of the feedback I've received from everyone. This has been, and continues to be, a very positive writing experience and I'm looking forward to continue it.

As always. Thanks for reading.

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