Fatal Attraction

Chapter 28

Control seeped slowly back into Jason’s muscles. As they exited the cold room that had served as his prison for the past few hours Jason regained the ability to hold his own head up. It was a far cry away from complete motor function, but it certainly felt good. The hallway just outside of the room proved to be just as featureless. The walls remained cold gray cement and bare lightbulbs hung from the ceiling every few feet.

 A rust-like smell hit Jason’s nostrils and it didn’t take him long to spot the source. The guard, who Jason had assumed had left earlier, lay dead a few feet down the hallway. Judging from the long gashes and multiple stab wounds across his body, Jason knew who was responsible. None of the girls paid the body any mind as they rushed over it and down the hallway. Jason noted a few doors that looked similar to the one he just left on either side of the long dim passageway. Given the lack of armed opposition outside of these doors, Jason had to assume they were vacant.

It didn’t take long for the group to reach a gated staircase. Metal bars spanned the entryway but a small built in door stood open. Remi slid past the group and winked at Jason before she disappeared up the steps.

“I’m glad this is still open.” Kylee pulled her weapon’s slide far enough back to ensure a round was in the chamber before letting it snap shut. “We go out the way we came. With any luck, we’ll be gone before they notice we’re here.”

Jessica and Kirsten, still on either side of Jason’s shoulders, nodded in agreement. The group ran quickly up the wooden stairs and into the mansion above. Jason had to marvel at the stark contrast between the basement level and what he saw now. The drab gray from below was replaced by clean white. The marbled floors were polished enough to act as a mirror. Finely carved wooden tables stood against the walls every few feet, decorated with fresh flowers and expensive vases. Paintings of various scenes of nature were hung over the tables. Small chandeliers hung from the ceiling every few feet and served as the primary source of lighting.

“I’m… underdressed…” Jason wheezed.

Jessica pinched his arm and the corners of Kirsten’s lips twitched upwards. Jason was able to help the two a little bit now. Walking was still out of the question but Jason was beginning to support his own weight with his legs. He smiled.

“Thanks. I…” All four girls paused to look at him. 

He considered how to express his gratitude for their rescue. The brief light hearted moment was cut short by shouts coming from down the hallway.

Kylee cursed. “They’re back and it sounds like they’re searching the building. This way, quick!”

The group dashed away from the voices. At the next intersection they turned to the right and into the furthest doorway to the left. This area of the mansion was dark and from the seven ovens, three sinks, and five stoves Jason was led past, he determined they were cutting through the kitchen. There were two doors on the far side of the room. One to the left, which was flanked by empty serving carts, and one directly in front of them. Remi, not having to worry about being heard or seen by anyone else, was already at the far door. Jason could see her reaching for the handle, but she stopped and cock her head to the side. Her multicolored eyes widened considerably and she whipped around to Jason with her hand pointing at the left side door.

“Down!” Jason hissed.

Too late. The door burst open and three men sprinted into the room. Each of the men were armed with a compact submachine gun. They wore suits, kevlar vests, and black helmets over their heads. Kylee dropped down to the floor and hid against one of the central counters. Jessica and Kirsten were less prepared for the sudden order. Their hesitation was just enough time for the men entering to see the trio drop down to the ground.

“They’re here!” One of them shouted before a hail of bullets drowned out any other sound in the room.

Sparks flew as bullets struck all of the metal appliances, pots, and pans that filled the room. Jason clapped his hands over his ears as the noise quickly became overwhelming. After the initial volley ended over their heads Kylee rose smoothly to her feet. The trained detective kept most of her body behind cover while her weapon came up to face their assailants. Kylee managed to squeeze off four quick shots with her handgun. A gargled scream let Jason know she had at least found one of her targets. Kylee didn’t linger, she immediately dropped back down and frantically crawled back towards Jason, Kirsten, and Jessica.

“We need to deal with the remaining two.” Kylee shouted over the gunshots. “Jessica, go around the side. I’ll cover you. Kirsten, get Jason out of here.”

Jessica gave Jason’s arm a quick squeeze before darting away.

Surely she’s not going to charge into those guys with a sword. Jason reeled back at the idea.

“Wait…” Jason’s weak protests went ignored.

Kirsten dragged Jason to the opposite side and paused. As if on queue, Kylee lifted her gun over the counter top and began to fire blindly at the two remaining men crouched near the door they entered. Jessica used the distraction to close the distance between herself and the gunmen.

Not enough. Jason felt his blood freeze in his veins as Kylee’s magazine ran dry and the men rose from cover.

The closest of the two turned his weapon towards Jessica who was fully committed to her advance. She should have died. The only thing that saved her was a certain demon girl who lifted the barrel of the man’s gun just as he fired. Hot led flew just over Jessica’s silver hair and into the distant wall.

“Kirsten!” Kylee shouted as Jessica engaged the men at close quarters. “Go now!”

Jason heard the detective slam home a fresh magazine into her weapon as Kirsten began to rush Jason forward. Jason hobbled as fast as he could to help, but his limbs still lacked much of their functionality. They made it to the far door at the same time as Kylee did. Jason risked a glance to the left. Two of the gunmen lay dead on the kitchen floor. One shot by Kylee and the other with a slit throat. The last one had caught Jessica’s hands and was trying to wrestle the sword from her grip.

“Go!” Jessica shouted. “I’ll catch up!”

Kylee didn’t hesitate. The detective shoved Kirsten and Jason through the door and into a back storeroom. Remi slipped in the door just as Kylee slammed it closed behind them. Jason expected the group to keep running. Instead, the detective grabbed a nearby shelf and tipped it over in front of the door.

“B-but…” Kirsten stammered.

“Jessica!” Jason lurched forward.

Kylee shoved the pair back.

“There’s no time.” She angrily pushed through and moved towards an open door along the right side of the wall. “She’ll be fine. We can’t risk others getting through before she’s free.”

“Remi.” Jason called out to the demon girl standing nearby.

Kirsten frowned. “What was that Jason?”

Remi winced and bit her lower lip. “I-I… I’m not supposed to get involved, Jason.”

Jason didn’t speak. He simply continued to stare her down.

“Jason?” Kirsten tried to follow his gaze but could only see an empty wall.

“Fine!” Remi stomped her foot on the ground. “But I’m doing this of my own accord and not because you asked me to.”

She sighed and stepped over to the tipped shelf. “Go. I’ll make sure Jessica has a way out.”

“Jason.” Kirsten gently shook him. “We have to go.”


Relieved that Jessica would have help, Jason let himself be led away. They followed Kylee out of the side door and into the cool autumn night. Jason heard the faint sound of a shelf being pushed out of the way behind them.


Jessica was in trouble. The last guard proved much better in close quarters than his companion had been. Though Jessica obviously had more experience than he did, the one hundred pound weight advantage proved to be far more difficult than she had initially anticipated. By the time she got her blade in a position to fatally wound the man and free herself, reinforcements had arrived.

The first person through the door was huge. Broad shoulders, thick neck, bald head, and a large pistol in his scarred hands. He froze when he saw Jessica standing in the room surrounded by three bodies of his henchmen. Jessica knew who it was. Apparently, the man knew her as well.

“You.” Xander Tiggs threw his arm to the side to stop the men behind him from shooting Jessica.

The man’s eyes flashed dangerously. “Where’s my daughter!”

Jessica wiped the blood from the edge of her blade along her black shirt. 

“Sobbing in the dungeon you call a basement.” She replied calmly.

Xander inhaled deeply and set his pistol down on a serving cart next to the door. He reached into his suit pocket and removed a pair of scratched objects. Brass knuckles.

“Keep the sword.” Xander spat on the ground as he put the knuckles on. “It will make this more enjoyable.”


This is going too smoothly. Kylee frowned as the remaining trio sprinted along the outer compound wall. There should be people patrolling…

A dark shape on the ground ahead made Kylee slow down. She aimed her gun at the lump, but it made no movement whatsoever.

“What is it?” Asked an out of breath Kirsten.

The poor girl had been carrying most of Jason’s weight on her own and her exhaustion was visible. Kylee wanted to help Jason. Carrying him actually sounded quite nice to her.

Maybe he’ll let me baby him a bit when we get somewhere safe. Kylee smiled at the thought.

Without bothering to answer Kirsten’s question, the detective crept closer to the shape in the well kept grass. It was a body, two bodies in fact. They were guards like the ones that had found them in the kitchen.

Both shot in the back of the head. High caliber round. Kylee scanned the scenery towards the front of the compound. Who shot them? The same person who blew up the entrance? Are they watching our progress?

There were too many unknowns for Kylee’s liking. She needed to get Jason out of here and somewhere safe. Kylee knew she’d probably have to leave town. The police department was asking too many questions. They needed to find somewhere else where they could live in peace. That meant tying up loose ends. While it had pained Kylee not to finish off the mob boss’ daughter down in the basement, Kylee really couldn’t afford Jason losing confidence in her again. Jessica on the other hand…

With any luck, she’ll be dead.

The thought brought a smile to Kylee’s lips. The sword wielding high schooler had served her purpose in getting Kylee to Jason. Leaving her in the mansion was the perfect scenario. The guards would catch and kill her and Kylee could deflect blame.

Jason will understand. Kylee assured herself. He’ll see that I’m the only one who can protect him. Everyone else has failed him, but I won’t. Not ever again.

All that was left for Kylee was to get rid of the nerd.

The trio reached the strangely quiet front gate and peered around a broken piece of wall near the car.

Once again, too clear. Kylee clutched her weapon close. There should be guards here. Or the fire department at least.

“We should make a run for the car. I don’t see anyone.” Kylee reached her hand backwards. “Kirsten, hand me the keys.”

There was no sound of keys being pulled out of a pocket. Nor did Kylee hear a response from the quiet girl. What she did hear was an alarmed intake of breath from Jason. Kylee turned around just as a gunshot shattered the night.

She blinked. Kylee’s mind refused to understand. Out of all of the possible scenarios she had gone through for tonight’s events, this had not been one of them. Kylee collapsed to the ground at Kirsten’s feet. A smoking gun in tKirsten's hand.


Squeaky wheel gets the grease or whatever, lol. Here's a chapter for you guys. I was saving it up for a bulk release, but... You know people made me feel bad about missing a release this last week, (totally understandable, I'd feel the same), so I figured I'd help satiate the need a little bit. I'm still going to release a few at the end of this week. At least two. So don't worry about that. I'll also make my final decision whether I like the bulk release or the goal for every other day better, but I'll post about that next time.

Also I know that I miss chapters here and there, but please rest assured that I still enjoy writing and am very committed to finishing Fatal Attraction. I run into writer's block, as most people do, and might slow down at times, but I will never stop for too long. Besides, we're getting to the good stuff :)

As always, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed.

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