Wives’ Endeavours VI

And so did Morgan turn, to one location she could access that would fulfill her magical energy supply needs that were required and more.

That location, was none other than the Inner Sea of the Planet, also known as the Reverse Side of the World, still governed by Mystery rather than physics and with a concentration of magical energy that would kill even a first rate magus due to being to high.

Particularly, Morgan was connected to Avalon, that paradise of the fairies, beyond any human or beast that would taint its hallowed ground, a location which corresponded to Britain, one being on the regular side of the world and the other in the reverse.

'The only issue, is the troublesome, annoying, despicable scammer, the summiest of all scum, that unbearable trickster and waste of space . . .' The Fae Queen thought to herself.

Needless to say, the one she was thinking off was beyond doubt, the most famous and notorious Merlin himself.

The half incubus that cemented himself as one of the greatest mages in human history, fulfilling the steep requirements in legend and power as an heroic spirit along with off the charts clairvoyance that one needed to be qualified for the Grand Caster position, being the preferred candidate in the event that the King of Mages himself, Solomon loses the position.

Other than his legendary skills as one of the greatest magi to have ever existed, Merlin was also Artoria's instructor in swordfighting, being perfectly capable of cutting down Demon God level opponents by pulling an Excalibur out of his ass.

Perhaps his most famed attribute however, was his consummate skill as the greatest kingmaker in human history, having single handedly brought about the rise of Artoria Pendragon through various magical and non magical means.

Morgan's pan human history counterpart was both Merlin's enemy as Morgan and his lover and student as Vivian, the Lady of the Lake.

Merlins own dealing with her led to the Great Mother Class Fairy to use the highest class boundary field she had access to, the Garden, to trap her former lover for all of eternity in Avalon where he had ran to in order to, in his own words, "vicious claws of the witch".

Lostbelt Morgan had her own Merlin to deal with and, despite no clear relationship of the master-student of lover variety having been referenced, the half incubus still earned Morgan's ire in some way or another, resulting in a rather identical imprisonment.

This was due to one simple reason and that was Merlin's own immortality, in a way, he is like a dream made manifest and so, he can't really be killed, and so, left with no other option, Morgan elected to imprison him until the end of time itself.

To enact her current plans however, interacting with Merlin would most likely be an absolute requirement, at the very least, she would have to get close to his prison and make all her work around it so as to not interfere in its making and let him escape.

As for the reason morgan was so resistant to doing this, it was due to the fact that, though she would never admit it, she was somewhat scared of him in a particular way.

It was important to never get close to Merlin after trapping him and that was simply because while his magecraft and other special powers did not frighten Morgan in the slightest, she was "afraid" he would find some way to fool her once again with his cunning talk.

'No . . . This is unbecoming of me . . . So long as certain preparations are made, I'm confident things will go my way, if I leave nothing to chance, there's no way the insufferable fool will be able to trick me me into helping him . . . Right?' Morgan questioned herself.

If Jun could see his icy wife behaving in such a fragile way due to another man, he might just waste some extra energy to erase Merlin's existence utterly from the current timeline alas, he was not there to see Morgan and so, Merlin escaped death once more.

Though for some reason, in his tower in Avalon, Merlin felt a chill travel up his spine . . .

"Eh? A beauty must be scheming against me somewhere out of unrequited love . . ." He sagely declared, being rewarded with a cute paw strike to the face by a mysterious fluffy white creature.

"What was that for!?" He claimed to his longtime companion who simply cutely eyed him with pure and utter derision in its shiny eyes.

Back in Domina Coronam however, having found a solution to her problem though said solution created several other problems on its own, Morgan got to work devising a way to deal with her Merling issue before moving forward with her summoning project.

She could not kill him, over her millenia long reign, Morgan had come to terms with that fact however, if she wanted to claim Avalon as her own without having to bring the menace himself into her and her husband's life, the Fae Queen had to concoct a method to rid herself of him.

After some careful deliberation, she came up with an idea, one that made use of Merlin's damnable dream like characteristics that gave him his immortality against him.

The plan she made would almost entirely deplete her magical energy reserves but, with a Merlin free Avalon on her hands, Morgan was confident she could make up for it all.

If her calculations were correct, with Avalon being both her and Artoria Avalon's birthplace, she could use to make the summoning system even more efficient too.

"Now all I have to, is not fall for Merlin's tricks while setting this up . . ."


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