Wives’ Endeavours VII

"Now all I have to, is not fall for Merlin's tricks while setting this up . . ." Morgan thought to herself.

For that purpose, she decided to limit the time she would need to spend around the despicable fiend to the bare minimum by doing every last possible bit of work in the safety of Domina Coronam, leaving only the final setup to be done in at most a few hours in Avalon.

"A few hours . . . I should be able to simply ignore him for that long." The Fae queen asserted ut loud to herself before getting to work.

Her plan was simple, she would adapt the summoning system she had created, basically manufacturing a copy of the formula but rearranging it for the exact opposite.

Namely, Morgan would use the system to send someone (Merlin) away, rather than bringing someone (Artoria Avalon) to her.

Normally, this would expend equivalent or even greater amounts of magical energy when compared to the summoning she wished to accomplish, thus putting it out of her reach as it as a prerequisite for obtaining the needed magical energy.

However, knowing Merlin's dream like nature, Morgan made a few tweaks that would make the progress far less costly.

Since Merlin was an illusory existence, it was rather easy for him to split into multiple "hims". After all, his his "real" self was basically a living illusion, a manifested dream. As such, splitting apart and joining back together was simple enough, just like he could ignore wounds to his form.

Morgan's intention was to create a path connecting the Merlin she was about to meet with a Merlin from another timeline and force a merging to occur.

The beauty of the plan was, that after setting up the channel and triggering the merging which she was fairly confident she could do regardless of Merlin's resistance, she was quite familia with his nature and abilities after all, it would be Merlin himself would would be drained of his magical energy to make the merging happen across spacetime.

Thus, not only could Morgan further reduce her expenditure, she could even bully the hated Merlin further by not only deporting him from their timeline, but also making him pay for the costs as well.

A truly cunning plan worthy of such an accomplished witch, the Fae Queen was in fact, rather proud of what she came up with.

Spending some time making sure her new, anti Merlin system was truly Merlin Proof because, if there was one things that piece of crap was good at, was evading Morgan's efforts to rid herself of him. In fact, even he himself bragged at how good he was at escaping women trouble.

After she made sure everything was as foolproof as it could be, Morgan took some time off to relax and prepare herself. The Fae just sat on her throne in the Lordess Camelot and closed her eyes, dreaming of her wonderful husband and redying herself to face the fearsome Dick Wizard.

An undetermined amount of time later, the Queen of Winter opened her eyes, her face an icy mask of unflinching resolve to go through with her plan no matter what.

WIthout telling another soul Morgan left the confines of Domina Coronam and headed for Britain in the timeline she, her husband and their group was active in.

Shrounding herself to avoid all detection from the lesser mages of the Association, she neared London, formerly Londinium where Camelot was once built and crossed into the Reverse Side of the World, finding herself in Avalon.

In the distance, at the center of a sea of pink flowers, laida floating tower and, on the top of said Tower, a dumbfounded white haired man looked at the intruder to his very own little paradise/prison.

Though perhaps intruder was not exactly the right word . . . After all, Morgan was, at her very core, a Fairy born right there in Avalon, she belonged there far more than he did.

"See Cath Palug!? I told you there was a beauty scheming against me out of unrequited love!" the Man exclaimed to his fluffy companion in regards to the chill he had felt some time prior.

Hearing his words, Morgan's resolve to just utterly ignore Merlin while she set her little system up was immediately chipped as her brow twiched due to her nearly unstoppable desire to tell the insufferable buffon how wrong his statement was.

Alas, the Fae Queen knew this would only start her down a path that would allow the flowery trickster to manipulate her, she could not give in and establish communication, in fact, she went even further and muted her sound so she could not hear him again.

She swiftly started her work while Merlin kept calling out to her, not yet realizing what Morgan intended to do but knowing it was not going to be good for him at all.

Realizing she was not ignoring him and had in fact taken measures to prevent his words from reaching her, Merlin smirked before his voice sounded directly inside Morgan's head.

"Nice try but I'm not so easily ignored!"

Morgan could literally taste the smugness in his tone and it made her want to experiment of her Merlin killing/torturing methods to see if she could find some luck in the regard but she managed to hold herself back and pretend she did not hear him.

He kept trying to get her attention but the Fairy seemed absolute intent on acting as if he didn't exist and whatever she was doing, severely diminished Merlin's power to run interference outside his prison, something which he had figure out how to do by bending the rules a little.

Seeing the situation get worse and worse and feeling the threat emanating from whatever Morgan was prepared to no doubt deal with him, Merlin was forced to pull out the big guns . . .


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