Wives’ Endeavours VIII

Seeing the situation get worse and worse and feeling the threat emanating from whatever Morgan was prepared to no doubt deal with him, Merlin was forced to pull out the big guns . . .

"Don't you have any mercy for your former lover? I can make it up to you you know~" The half incubus said in a teasing tone.

Unadulterated rage and humiliation spread through Morgan's mind. Even though she had Pan Human History Morgan's memories, including those of her "relations" with Merlin, this Morgan was certainly not her.

The dick wizard's words were already insulting enough based on that alone but having surrendered her heart, mind, body and soul to a husband she found truly worthy of them, such a statement could not simply be ignored.

It was an insult to her husband's honor, something far graver than an insult to her own honor.

If Jun could hear Morgan's thoughts on the matter and see the value she put on him, even above herself, he might just lose control and go on a spoiling spree, fulfilling every last whim of his icy fairy wife.

Alas, Morgan's pride made her never say it to his face and Jun was far too much of a gentleman towards his wives to probe into their minds.

"I'm not her." Morgan said with cold rage. She naturally meant that she was not the Morgan/Vivian that this Merlin knew, however . . .

"Finally got a response!" Merlin exclaimed with a trickster's smile. Naturally, he had noticed this the moment he had seen Morgan, that she was not the Morgan he knew, neither was she Vivian.

However, betting on her having certain key similarities, he quickly hatched a plot to draw a reaction out of her since she seemed intent to ignore him.

This Morgan, wherever she may have come from, already had both knowledge and a really low opinion of him based on her attitude but only by drawing her into a conversation, regardless of his methods, would Merlin be able to discover more.

The Fae Queen could only twitch uncontrollably after realizing how easily Merlin had manipulated her into starting a conversation.

Even when saying just meaningless things, the half incubus always had a way to make his words so much more effective, Morgan doubted it had to do with his powers since it woulçd be night impossible for such subtle manipulations to work on her.

She was not immune to all his abilities but those that directly influenced her mind and body would not work, he could speak to her mind and even show her illusions depending on the method he used but directly twisting her to suit his purpose, not matter how slightly, would be utterly impossible, even for the "Great" Merlin.

Still Morgan was not the Morgan from before, rather than try to disguise her failure and engage in a verbal war with Merlin, she clammed up again and hurried her work, shocking the dick wizard who was not at all expecting such a reaction.

'A different Morgan indeed . . . ' Merlin thought to himself, wondering what to do.

Unfortunately, Morgan went of the extent of casting a powerful metal hypnosis spell on herself to make her single mindedly pursue the goal she had arrived to Avalon with. In other words, she would only function for the establishment of her Merlin Banish Reverse Summoning Ritual and be unable to even process anything else.

Merlin was out of tricks, there was nothing he could do to Morgan now but . . . It was not like he could not do anything at all . . .

Realizing that he was not long for this World, the crafty wizard began setting up a little spell. It would hide itself away, undetectable to all, and only reveal its purpose when the time was right.

As a proficient reader of the start, he knew that this would not be his and Morgan's last meeting, in other words, he would survive but probably be sent to or locked someplace else. Since they would meet again however, the spell he hid was meant to give him an advantage in that next encounter.

In her self induced single mindedness however, it was utterly impossible for Morgan to notice this, even if she had the power and skill to do so. It seemed like, in the end, Merlin still managed to win over her, even if in a relatively small way.

What this small win meant for the far future however, it was not something, not even Merlin himself could tell at the moment . . .

Time passed and Morgan was successful in establishing her ritual and, looking at it in its complete state, Merlin immediately realized its nature, at least partially.

'It seems to be tailored for me and it is a reverse summoning ritual meant to send me away somewhere, I'm just not sure exactly where . . .' He correctly deduced.

Finally recovering her normal mind after she was finished setting up the ritual and completely unawares of Merlin's secret plotting, Morgan activated the formation to start the ritual and the half incubus didn't even bother putting up any resistance.

It was certainly off putting but, confident in her preparations, Morgan forged on ahead.

There was no big impact like space folding and bending, much less the tearing of a hole in the fabric of spacetime. No, it only seemed as if Merlin was slowly fading away from existence and a stare but cute white furred creature cheered on the side.

'Is this the way to act when your master of several centuries is vanishing!?' Merlin thought with outrage as the fearless white beast cheered for his demise.

In the end, as he was fading, Merlin realized he was fusing with another self from another timeline.

'Hmm looks like this Morgan will come to the timeline I am being sent to . . . She probably wanted to get rid of him by fusing me with another self, thus annihilating one of our existences.' Merlin correctly guessed.

'Hah! Too bad, little fairy, looks like it will be double trouble for you once you go to that timeline.' He internally chuckled as the unknowing Morgan sighed in relief when he was finally gone.


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