Fate weaver’s convergence

C47 Paper plans and Building Blocks 6

Here's part two folks! Again, this was a twofer, don't skip the previous chapter! Hope you enjoy!

Oh God's, I can't believe I'm doing this!

Vaughn thought as he ran out the doorway to the temple, the lumbering body of the massive Bulette pressing towards the water.

What the hell even is this situation?! The system talking about the Gods?

Vaughn swallowed some air as he reached his destination, the circle where they had log benches and a fire pit. Looking to the temple's steeple, Vaughn saw Kiyomi. She was staring intently at the Bulette before looking for Vaughn. When their lines of sight met, Kiyomi nodded, prompting Vaughn to look back at the beast currently facing away from him.

I hope to the gods this works... for all of us.

Taking in more air with this final thought, Vaughn forced the now trapped air out of his lungs. 


Yelling as loudly as he could to grab the lumbering beast's attention.

Oh, Gods, please don't let us die!

Vaughn couldn't help but recall his experience evading mercenaries and the invading soldiers from Orion's church. He'd never faced a monster like this. It was all trained dogs and horses. He used himself as bait before to try and save his friends, and it worked. At the very least, Beryl escaped the first time. But there was a difference now. Kiyomi, Vaughn, and Beryl. They were here together, and they couldn't simply run. The Bulette could outrun them, no matter what. But, they could outmaneuver it. And with luck, they could kill it... or drive it away. 

Kiyomi, please don't miss it!

Vaughn screamed in his mind. With the Bulette turning to face him, Vaughn felt his blood run cold, yet he held his ground. The beast bellowed and roared as it shifted its entire weight. Moving towards Vaughn with the single-minded goal of killing him, dirt was flung from the ground as it advanced. It was like a giant armored horse was galloping. In a matter of seconds, it had already cleared half the distance. Vaughn was preparing to roll out of the way; shield prepared so he could at least deflect whatever hit may come, just to buy one additional second. Just as the creature came within five meters, it was stopped in its tracks, stumbling as the impact of something large and heavy, impacted with a dull *Dong* sound that reverberated for just a moment. 


The Bulette stumbled, stunned as it was hit with a metal object that must have weighed a hundred fifty kilograms at the least and probably going a hundred kilometers per hour. With the impact of the bell, a sickening crunch could be heard. The Bulette itself couldn't, as it could only perceive the ringing that now filled its ears. 

"Oh, come on! That couldn't kill it?!"

Kiyomi yelled in frustration from the steeple.

She hit it!

Kiyomi's mark was the fire pit. The plan was to disorient the bulette the best they could before bothering to fight it, and with that, she proposed she 'ring its bell' or whatever that may have meant. 

I swear, for her to joke like that right now. 

Stumbled as the bell forced its head to the side, the Bulette struggled to regain its composure. Its armored plating was shattered along the left side of its head now, and blood was pouring along its snout and dripping to the ground. With that, their biggest advantage, for now, was gone. Yet with it, they possibly leveled the playing field. 

"Vaughn, sit tight! I'm on my way!"

Kiyomi yelled, jumping from the side of the steeple to the clay-tiled roof of the temple. With her sword in hand, she attempted to make her way to Vaughn without falling randomly.


Just as Vaughn let his guard down, the Bulette let out a monstrous growl before lifting onto its haunches. Bringing its monstrous size to a new height, the monster used its entire weight with its swipe as it proceeded to drop its weight down. It was using its entire body to bring its next blow down onto Vaughn. 


Vaughn barely managed to roll out of the way in time for the monstrous claws of the Bulette to punch into the ground as soil and grass were thrown into the air. 


Attempting to swipe at Vaughn without wasting the energy on pulling its paw from the earth, the Bulette settled with simply forcing its claw through the soft earth towards the morsel. Still unable to fully recover from the prior dodge, Vaughn was thrown the air, the dirt beneath him being the only thing the protected him from being gutted by the massive claws. As he landed, Vaughn was stunned. The impact left him disoriented as he struggled to lift his head and look for the following swing. The Bulette made its approach, attempting to swing down onto the human child once more. Seeing the massive forepaw that was barreling towards him, Vaughn instinctively brought the shield to bare, trying to roll away as he did so. With the Bulettes massive paw forcing its way to the earth, the shield was simply pushed to the side, considering the shape of the tapered claws. Luckily, with this, Vaughn was also pushed to the side and out of danger. The immediate moment after, Vaughn heard a surprising ding.

Crap, I can't look now!

Vaughn thought, trying to pick himself up as the Bulette pulled its claw from the ground once more. 




Seeing the poor boy being tossed for the second time in not even a minute forced me to press further. I feared for Vaughn's life right now; my own could be damned at the moment. Jumping from the lowest point of the roof, I landed to the side of the church. The reason I took that particular route was that I couldn't let Vaughn out of sight. 

"Vaughn, I'm on my way!"

From my own perspective, the beast was turning its sight back to Vaughn, who was still on the ground in a daze.

Fuck, run faster!

I was in a full sprint and was still struggling to keep up as the beast brought its claw down, thankfully mistakingly tossing Vaughn to the side. Being moved closer, Vaughn was nearly up against one of the recess's walls now. 


I skidded to a halt next to him, slamming my knee's into the clay as I leaned over him to check him for injuries.

Oh, thank God, he looks fine.

Looking over Vaughn, he looked fine and was entirely cognizant. He didn't even seem to be in pain, albeit other than the sudden toss.

"You okay?"

Vaughn nodded.

"Yeah, but-"

Vaughn forced himself to his feet. Helping him up, I found myself tightening the grip on my sword in my right hand as we watched the Bulette turn towards us.

Okay, we're off to a good start! Let's keep it that way.

I attempted to talk myself up in my own head but still couldn't help audibly gulping in some air. 

"Are you okay?"

What? Vaughn? What the hell do you mean?


"You're shaking."

Vaughn fixed his stance, ready to react. Meanwhile, I looked down to my now free hand. It was trembling severely. 

What the fuck? I'm that out of the fight? Is it cause these two are in danger too?

"That's me worrying for you, dumbass."

Grabbing my sword with both hands now to stop my trembling. With both hands secured, I had enough control to give a sense of confidence alongside Vaughn. 

"Let's just kill this thing so we can all go home."

With the Bulette pulling its claw from the ground once more, Vaughn and I settled with splitting its attention. We'd have a better chance of landing a strike this way. With me now in the fight, the Bulette appeared confused as we approached. Apparently, the sudden appearance of another enemy surprised it, especially considering its left eye was thrown out of position slightly.


I asked, preparing to push myself forward to the monster's left flank. 

"Were we ever?"

Vaughn asked, ready to run with his shield at the ready.

"Is Beryl in place?"

Vaughn asked, staring at the Bulette as it began approaching. 

"She will be soon; just hang in there, I'm here with you."

Answering and in motion with the monster, we launched ourselves from where we stood at the last minute. The sudden diversion in position splitting the beast's attention as it tried deciding which prey to attack. On its right flank, Vaughn occupied the periphery of the beasts one good eye whilst I continued around, attempting to catch its flank. Conscious of its joints in its own blindspots, the beast attempted to turn its whole body around to match me, keeping me from its backside. 


The Bulette roared as it thrust forward, its maw slamming into the dirt where I was just a moment ago. I'd thrown myself off its path completely, dodging the retaliatory strike. Forcing my body forward, I was able to cover just enough ground to give myself the opportunity for an overhead swing. As I reared my whole body, the beast must have known what was coming. I looked into the eye I aimed to cut; it slammed it closed, attempting to utilize whatever natural armor was left over it after the bell impacted. I was able to bring the blade down just as the monster was yanking its head upward. As the blade fell, I felt it cut through the flesh and chip away at the shattered armor surrounding it. As the tip of my claymore existed the creature's flesh on the lower end of the swing, everything passed in slow motion as it slammed its head to the side before I could move.


The impact felt like I'd been hit by a truck. Flinging me at least a couple meters or so before I felt myself splash into the shallow water and mud of the pond. 

Fuck! God damnit!

I forced my head above the water, my arms wrapped around my chest as I struggled to pull air into my lungs.

"-huff-huff- eugh- huff- ahhaaahhh."

Struggling to breathe, I scrambled to look for the beast. 

Fuck, my sword!

Looking to my sides, I didn't see the blade that was in my hands just a moment earlier.


Hearing Vaughns's voice yell out, I could now see the Bulette sprinting at me. Unable to move because of my trouble breathing and the speed it was traveling at, I did my best to think of a way to divert the attack somehow. Unfortunately, I was out of luck. The Bulette threw itself forward, nearly crushing me as it attempting to smash me with its massive head. Thankfully, with its vision off-center, Its head scraped by me. Its maw was now planted into the mud, and with no intention to be crushed in this pond, I did the best thing I could. 

Let's hope it does this like I think it will. 

Grabbing onto the Bulette as hard as I could, I did my best to clamp its mouth shut, to which it responded by shaking its head side to side.

Thank God, it's isn't scraping me off!

Taking my cue, I let go just late enough to land in the area where I was thrown the first time. With a thud, I rolled across the torn grass and dirt.

Fu-shit, that didn't feel good.

Looking up, sure enough, the sword was just a meter from where I'd been. Stumbling forward from where I landed, I managed to grab the hilt but was too slow. The Bulette had already made its way from the pond, throwing water, mud, and grass as it ran forward.

Fuck, this is it! I can't dodge this!

As it approached, the Bulette lifted its upper body off the ground and bore both claws as it attempted to bring its full wrath down on me. I wasnt sure mana burst would compensate for that kind of strike at the moment, nor if the sword would stop its weight coming down. . I felt myself shake in fear for a moment, unable to move fast enough as thoughts raced back and forth. 

Kiyomi, I'm sorry I wasn't better! I hope these two can get away if this doesn't go well!

But just as my mind was panicking, an unexpected shift occurred. 

As the creature bore down its entire weight, Vaughn placed himself between the Bulette and myself. Yet what I expected to happen simply didn't. In my head, I initially feared for Vaughn's life

NO! You stupid bastard! Did you want to die here?!

I was berating him within my own mind as I struggled to stand. Yet, the unexpected happened. When Vaughn brought up his makeshift shield, a flash of orange light emitted from the shield as the beast's claws struck it, and it was suddenly pushed backward. It was as if the strike was completely deflected. 


The Bulette fell on its back, struggling to right itself after landing. Looking at Vaughn in surprise, I was perplexed. This kid, this normal kid just deflected a full-powered strike from something the size of an elephant. 



Vaughn looked down in confusion a crooked smile plastered across his face. 

"Y-yeah, I saved you!"

Vaughn replied, almost laughing and crying simultaneously as he spoke. Picking myself up, I managed to grip my sword with stability once more as I got back to my feet. 

"How did you do that?"

I asked, looking myself and my health over for any kind of injury 

"A new skill! When I deflected that first hit, I got an alert for it. What about you? You haven't been using mana burst!"

Vaughn nudged me as he looked with worry.

"I don't want to waste my Mana too early. If this fight get's drawn out and I don't have the energy to keep up, you'll be alone."

I yelled back, mindful that I could blackout if I used it haphazardly. 

"Hopefully not, look."

As the Bulette was still attempting to right itself, Beryl appeared at the ledge of the recess, her arms raised to the sky, just before a sudden formation of low flying black cloud formed overhead. 

So this is combat magic at work?

The sight was mesmerizing, as the clouds swirled just before a white spark formed, and a sudden flash of lightning shot down onto the Bulette. The sound was pervasive, loud beyond belief, and constantly resounding and echoing throughout the forest and reverberated through the ground. One would expect the lightning to last but a second, but what happened, was akin to watching a tesla coil constantly arcing to a target. 


The Bulette roared once again, the surge of explosive electricity in its body causing it to smoke. Strangely though, it still appeared in control of its motor function and slowly brought up its body.

"That wasn't even enough?" 

Vaughn yelled, distress clear in his voice. 

Fuck, he's right! It's getting up like nothing happened. 

I struggled to think of why it could even move right now. 

Wait! The armor! The armor is conducting the electricity!

Looking over the beast, its armor was smoking as electricity danced and licked at it. Something in the bone plating was grounding the Bulette from being damaged too severely. 

"Vaughn, I have a plan. But we need to do this, fast!"

With the lightning stopping, and the clouds dissipating, Berly stumbled. Finding purchase on a tree nearby, she yelled out to us.

"I only have one more in me! I don't think I can even scratch it!"

Beryl yelled in desperation, exhaustion apparent in her voice. 


The Bulette lashed out at the ground around it. Stamping the ground and swinging its limbs in a daze in an attempt to keep itself safe. 

It's being grounded... grounded... a conductor! Something bypassing the armor!

"Beryl, I have a plan! Wait for my signal!"

Beryl looked to us, she was apparently weak, possibly thanks to the sudden drain of so much mana. 

"Please... hurry!"

Beryl pleaded, barely holding herself up.

Fuck, did that hurt her?

Looking at Beryl's mp from the party line, it was almost cut in half.

"What exactly is the plan?"

Vaughn nudged me, asked as he drew close, nearly bringing us back to back. It would seem as if we were two fighters covering each other's weaknesses from someone's external view: one wielding a sword, and the other, a shield. 

"If I can plant my sword... into the soft spot on its back.-"

I pointed to the dorsal fin and its exposed flesh as the appendage stood at full attention. 

"-then Beryl will have a conductor to run the electricity through with. It'll cook it from the inside out."

Looking each other in the eyes, we each nodded to the other before stepping off—this time, together, rather than separate. 

"As you block, I'll do my best to immobilize it! When the timing is right, I'll go for the back. Think you can manage that?"

"I know I can!"

Vaughn answered, trying to maintain an image of confidence.

God damn kid thinks he invincible, doesn't he?

Having come to an agreement, we found ourselves pressing into space that the Bulette was still thrashing about in. We prepared ourselves as it barreled one of its claws towards us from the side. Just like before, Vaughn's block stopped the strike. It didn't repel the monster, but it was enough for him to drop his shield as we swapped places. Breathing in and forcing my mana through my body as I channeled 'Mana burst'; my body was already in full swing with the sword. As I brought it down onto the Bulettes left paw, it managed to catch one of the exposed joints, chopping partially through one claw and completely through the outermost, leaving the Bulette with only two functional claws on its front-left appendage. 


The Bulette recoiled in pain, bringing its other arm down onto us, to which Vaughn readily raised his shield as we rotated in sync. Managing to block the force of the strike but brought to his knees, Vaughn called out for help.

Keep it up, Vaughn! We slow down and we'll be done!


On it!

With the beast still trying to exert its force downward on a bent limb, it exposed one of its joints at the elbow.

"Let's see you swing without an elbow, prick!"

I yelled, bringing my sword around in an upward swing, rotating my body with as much force as I could. The result was my blade burying itself into the creature's joint. Pulling the blade back simply intensified the injury as muscle rippled back, and the beast recoiled once more.

"Hahaha, holy shit! We're doing it!"

Fuck, wait, look out!

My gloating over our turn in luck distracted me just long enough for the Bulette to swat me with the limply hanging limb. The force it hit me with was enough to throw me at least five meters. As I flew through the air, I half expected to continue until skidding onto the ground. That was something I could recover from, but instead, I felt my body wracked with pain as I slammed into the wall of the temple. Everything still hurt, even though mana burst was in full swing. 

F-fuck.. what-

"F- Kha- hah- fu-uck."

I coughed up blood as I attempted to breathe. Looking over to my health percentage, it was down by half and dropping by a single point each moment.

Fuck, that would have killed me without mana-burst. We have to end this fast - fuck

My sight became hazy for a moment before becoming clear once more.

This is probably a bad idea... but what choice do we have?

I channeled my own mana, careful to control the draw, so I didn't drain myself prematurely.



Vaughn could be heard in the background, scuffling with the Bulette. Thud after thud reverberated as the beast slammed its forepaws and maw down on the boy's shield with newfound ferocity. The only thing keeping him alive and from being crushed, the skill he'd gained but over a minute ago.

Fuck, heal fast-

"Gahk- Blegh-urp-"

As I let the mana run its course, I began to cough up what must've been a cup of fresh blood. With that, I could feel things shift around on my insides, presumable a broken rib or two realigning themselves and some kind of internal puncture sealing itself. Enabling my ability to breathe again and managing the pain as I righted myself. 

We have to end this; I can't take another hit like that. Not with Vaughn being unarmed.

Changing my grip around my sword, I ran as fast as I could. With the distance closing between myself and the Bulette, and Vaughn's ability to continually take on the full force of its assault, I needed to act fast.

Please, for the love of the Gods, let this work. Solah! Please hear me; let this end the fight. 

Pleading out of desperation in my mind, I forced myself forward. 

Hang in there, Vaughn!

With that sole thought, I gripped my sword as I twisted my body, attempting to ready whatever mechanical force I could. Finally, coming to the beast's flank while it was distracted, I ran in line with its rear left haunch. Refusing the urge to stop as I did so, I brought the sword to bare across the soft flesh at the back of the Bulettes knee and dropped my weight, causing me to skid across the broken soil to its other side. The left leg began to buckle under its weight from what must have been its 'PCL' being severed. As I came to a halt, the Bulette faltered, and the leg collapsed. With this, I heard a sudden *ding* noise but couldn't stop to focus on it.

It's right there! It's within reach!

Staring at the exposed dorsal fin, I launched myself from the ground. Just barely managing to land correctly as I flew through the air, I was lucky enough not to drop the very reason why I'd come up here.


Unwilling to have anything surprises happen, I grabbed the soft flesh of the dorsal in one hand and readied the other to swing. What I expected to happen was a simple cut to the flesh. To cut the muscle so it couldn't contract and close up the only opening. But instead, I was forced to release the dorsal flesh as my sword wrought the entire appendage from the Bulette's back, even cutting the armored spine. 

The fuck?


The Bulette roared in agony from the wound; its entire body shifted, writhing as it attempted to get back to its feet. Releasing Vaughn from under its paws as it attempted to throw me off.

It's now or never! Please, Solah! Let this work!


With a defiant scream, I tried my best to force my sword into the Bulette's back. Blood poured forth as the blades pressed further and further. Stopping from a sudden obstacle.

I hope this is what I think it is!

I grabbed the sword with both hands and forced it further in. A sickening wet crunch noise could be heard, and the monsters entire rear end collapsed and it began wailing more than roaring. With the sword full planted to the hilt, I considered it sufficiently deep enough to do its job. 

"Ha-ha- Beryl!"

Exhausted from the exertion, I could barely force the words out over the Bulettes roaring and groaning. Jumping from the top of the monster and attempting to clear some ground, I realized that Vaughn hadn't moved.

"Fuck. Vaughn! Vaughn, we have to move! Vaugh-"

Fuck! Is he hurt!?

I managed to reach Vaughn, realizing he was unconscious thanks to the continuous assault from the Bulette It rendered him unconscious by now.

Fuck, please let this work!

The Bulette, while more than likely mortally wounded, continued to press forward. Trying to lift Vaughn and gain some space, I found my own legs were giving way underneath me. Possibly from the sudden strain and lack of energy.


I screamed at the top of my lung's trying to pointlessly rush our friend who possibly held our lives in her hands.

Just as the beast was rearing its one usable claw, I attempted to shield Vaughn, hoping at least my body would soften the impact. But what happened next forced even the Bulette to pause.

The ground rumbled, reverberating with the feeling of some force that felt eerily familiar. Like I'd experienced it before.


The deafening soundwave hit each of our ears, forcing the Bulette to recoil before shifting and staring in the direction of the noise. As it did so, I raised my head to see a debris cloud that was easily a couple of hundred meters tall. It was reminiscent of a 'Jdam' slamming into its target.


I yelled once more, trying to urge her forth, and with the final push, our friend came through. A sudden flash of light engulfed our vision, engulfing every shadow in our vicinity as the lightning bore down once more. It was deafening, and I could hear nothing else. But there was a key difference that I caught a glimpse of just as I brought Vaughns's head to my chest, trying to shield his ears. The plan worked, the sword was conducting the electricity, and the Bulettes body was convulsing violently compared to before. One could even say that the smell of cooked meat and burned flesh were emanating from it. With this, though, the intensity of the lightning suddenly increased, however.


I attempted to move us in time, yet Vaughn was still out cold, and I could not move from exhaustion. 

Vaughn- stay with me; you still have to build all those amazing things!

Unable to move and pleading silently to myself, all I could do was shift the door in between us and the lightning that now tore at the ground around us as well. I was left with no choice but to try and shield us both with mana-burst. I watched, moment after moment, as my health trickled down as we were both lashed and cut by the lightning. My shielding worked, but I could only speculate as to how long I could manage as it continuously drained MP. Soon after, thankfully, the roaring turned to wails, and the wails soon ceased. Just a moment after that, so did the sound of the lightning.

Is... it over?

My MP ceased dissipating just as I dropped mana-burst. Vaughn's, as expected was one-hundred percent still. Beryl's own appeared nearly empty, just a sliver of her capacity was still displayed. Looking back to my health, it ceased its decline as well. The same was said for Vaughn and Beryl. While Vaughn was at eighty percent and Beryl at one-hundred, my own was barely above twenty. But this didn't matter anymore; we'd survived. 


Soon after, the same cursed dinging noise that signaled the start of all this signaled its end.

"Ha... haha... hahaha! We did it! We did it! Hahah-ha ha-snf-sniff-whaaa-haaaaa-"

As I held Vaughn close, the laughter turned to tears, thankful that we made it through such a surprise event as the notification filled my vision. 

"Kiyomi- I'm on my way down- hah-  don't- don't move!"

Beryl weakly shouted from the ledge, the sound of rocks and dirt shifting as the Lamia forced her body down. Meanwhile, all I could do was stare a the system message with blurred vision as I cried while holding onto the unconscious Vaughn. 


Party constituents:

-Kiyomi Jormanr - Reward: Skill- Cleave - LVL 1

-Vaughn Baros - Reward: Skill- Reinforced block - LVL 1

-Beryl Halkias - Reward: Skill- Mana pool - LVL 1


-Eliminate or escape 'Orion's dog' - Bulette, Apex

Conditions met!


Alert! Party disbanded by the Goddess, Solah. 


We made it! I didn't lose them!

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