Fate weaver’s convergence

SS1 NSFW Elexis/Brand

Firstly, thank you for your patience, both new reader and old. I will first address this chapter. This one had been waiting nearly a month, and I managed to complete it, albeit twice the length than anticipated. I shall judge myself and consume alcohol to get over the fact that I made this. 

Secondly, the exact reason I told you all about the two-week Friday only schedule.

I had gone back over the material I'd outlined before and changed it slightly for the better. This is because some of it was very roughly thought out and lacked any concrete direction. Now, however, there is a general idea for the next 22 arcs at the minimum. YES, 22 ARCS. This, of course, is the whole anticipated story for now. All there is left to do on them is coming up with names, minor events, a list of monsters/enemies to use, and actually writing it.

With all that said, please enjoy!

... end me, please...

This chapter picks up from the beginning of CH40...

Over the course of their meal, Elexis and Brand took to reminiscing about their younger years. They had moved well past the food and were simply engorging themselves on their wine at this point. 

"Elexis, I'm telling you, you proposing me to be your attendant the way you did was still endearing the way I remember it."

Brand and Elexis were discussing their link to each other, in particular. 

"Brand, I literally asked you to accompany me as my bodyguard. You were the one that kept giving advances."

Elexis rolled her eyes, twirling her wine in its glass as she sat with her legs crossed, appearing rather imposing compared to the actual mood of the room. 

"Aye, and it worked out, didn't it? Now you have a bodyguard AND an attendant."

"I'd say I gathered a concubine more than anything."

Elexis teased, sipping her wine as she peered at a now flustered Brand who was feigning as if an arrow struck his chest. 

While they joked, Elexis truly didn't care whether the company Brand provided was that of a warrior or an attendant. All other factors aside, he was a valued friend whom she'd known since they were young. Looking at him, he appeared to age slightly faster than herself. Compared to her pale, developed figure, Brand's was littered with scars, tanned skin, and darkened brown fur. Coupling these with his cotton shirt and leather trousers which gave him a more rough and grizzled appearance. The appearance of a warrior in his prime. Every single moment he was in her presence, Elexis would take him in like a fine liquor, savoring every moment. Of her closest allies, Brand was one of only two to escape with her and her daughter and the only one left that she could give a child. Before the events two years prior, she had never taken him as a priority. She had actually pressed him to find other women, to move forward with his life. However, over the course of the last few months, she'd become so possessive of him that the thought of letting him even near another female set Elexis on edge. She was now treating him almost as if he were second only to Juro. Gulping back the last of her wine, Elexis settled in her mind the pace that she wished to set for the night. She would allow him to bed her, giving herself to him as if she were his and his alone.

"I'd still say the role isn't too bad, though-"


Just as Brand was moving forward with their reminiscing, his attention was grabbed. Elexis was eyeing him; her smile was warm, and a light blush adorning her pale face as she leaned forward in her chair; head posted upon her now intertwined fingers.

"Brand, do you remember long ago... when I confided in you my thought? That you should seek other women?"

Brand was caught off guard for a moment.

She isn't back on this business, is she?

That was what he was thinking for, but for a moment, however, he knew there must be more to the question, considering they'd already decided how they would end the night. 

"Aye, I remember... that you felt guilty for 'holding me back' for so long after we had opened up together."

Brand could roughly recall the first time it was brought up and the continued justification for the push.

"Brand... I don't think I can stand by those words anymore..."

Elexis slowly rose from her seat, posting her arms upon the tabletop. As she stood, strands of her maroon hair fell forward, serving only to accentuate Elexis's now sultry gaze in Brand's eyes. 

"Is that so?"


A loud thud reverberated through the hall as the two demons found themselves already pressing into each other's arms. Finding little need to worry about witnesses, the two made their way to their chambers.

"Impatient now, are we?"

Brand muttered, bringing his hands to the wall of the hallway. Posting himself on them, he looked to Elexis, who was feigning innocence through a rather toothy grin. The two were little more than embracing at this point, as Elexis settled with jumping into Brand's arms, wrapping her legs around his hips to lock him in the position she was eagerly anticipating. If any onlooker were to catch a glimpse of the scene under any other circumstance, it would have been quite scandalous. There in the hall, a large framed manticore that was bearing his weight onto the walls, as the Head of the Clan straddled his waist with her legs locked around him and her back against the very wall that the manticore found purchase. 

"All that time trying to hold back, sleeping in tents amongst everyone else, and I was supposed to stave myself off some other way?"

Elexis pulled herself up, bringing her lips to Brand's. With her advance, she could feel him follow her lead as they interlocked. While he gave the illusion of a hardened man, Brand answered with a tender kiss at first, only parting his lips in time with Elexis's own. Pushing onward, Elexis could feel Brand's tongue meet and intertwine with hers. Adjusting Elexis, Brand brought an arm behind her waist and pulled her in close, pressing their bodies together. As he did so, he pushed off of the wall and brought his opposite hand down to Elexis's ass, doing his best to fill his palm. Elexis couldn't help but gasp into the kiss; the feeling of Brand's muscled hands squeezing and groping her through her pants was exciting her further. Responding to the advances by wrapping her own arms over Brand's shoulders, Elexis pulled herself ever closer into the embrace as Brand continued to carry her. Catching glimpses as her eyes opened from time to time to look into Brand's, she could see they were just about to enter her room. All that was left was to open the door before they would find themselves no longer holding back in any meaning of the word. As they arrived at the door, Brand wrapped his tail around Elexis's waist. Opening the door with his now free hand and slamming it shut just as soon as they passed through, Brand made way for the bed at the end of the large room. Within the next moment, Elexis found herself embraced by the larger demon's frame as he broke their kiss. The absence of his lips and tongue disappointed her for only a moment, the feeling of absence and loneliness giving way to a sudden mix of pain and pleasure. 

"Oh, fuck!"

Elexis moaned as Brand's teeth brushed against her skin. With his teeth now sunk into her shoulder, Brand brought his hands down to remove her top. Pushing the freshly cleaned material upward and over the supple mounds, Elexis's soft and well-developed breasts were now exposed to the air. Taking a breast in either hand, Brand pressed up from their base, softly massaging them in a circular motion. With the slow and meticulous motion of his hand's and the feeling of her top pressing down on her chest, Elexis was forced to simply mewl and gasp each time pressure was re-applied.

"Brand, I-"

Elexis found her words cutting short as the feeling of the biting canines was now absent, replaced by tender pecks along her skin as Brand made his way along her neck.

"Brand, I- what? Is the Lady already lowering herself so as to ask this one?"

The manticore spared no amount of haughtiness in his response, choosing to take a much less intimate approach. 

"You arrogant prick- nmm!"

Elexis was caught off guard by the sudden change in demeanor, her own temper rising for the briefest of moments before she felt a gentle caress between her legs. Looking down, Brand's tail had found its way along the seam of her trousers. The hard appendage gently rubbed and pressed against her groin, massaging her nether region through the smooth, taut material. 

"A-ah, ever the man to make a woman plead, and now I find myself-ah! "

Elexis paused, biting down on her lower lip as she felt the fabric of panties bind between her trousers and her awaiting mound. If she focused intently, she could hear the lewd noise of wet fabric sliding against her skin. The sensation was strangely overwhelming, even though this was far from their first time together. 

"-Accosted by the same man who was acting so tender a moment-ah- a moment earlier- mnn!"

Brand forced Elexis to continue biting at her lip, one of his hands finding purchase on the areola of one of her breasts. With his fingers pressing downward and distracting the Oni that was pressed beneath them, Brand took the opportunity to move the opposite hand south. 

"Brand, a moment- ah! "

Shooting eyes downward once more, Elexis was met by the sudden lewd image of her own mound being shadowed by the larger hands of the manticore that loomed over her. Small strings of fluid trailed randomly, undoubtedly her own. Her resistance, to begin with, was due to her misconception that it would take her longer to be warmed up. Evidently, she'd underestimated herself.

"Are you saying I should cease? If you have that wish in mind, say no more."

"Brand, wait- I-"

Brand's hand vacated its place at her pussy, the feeling of his warmth disappearing from her flesh now giving her a sense of dejection.

"Grrr- fine!"

As Brand pulled his hand away, he was stopped, his arm completely entrapped in Elexis's.


He was content to leave his arm to Elexis; he knew truly that he wouldn't be able to wrest his arm free. Meanwhile, Elexis found herself unable to cross the line of vulgarity required for Brand to finalize his advance. The sensation that threw her rationality to the wind was the sudden twitch she felt from within her folds, the throbbing sensation as her body was now overwhelming her own pride. The feeling of her tail nervously swaying on the bed showing Elexis's intent to go through with her next action. As she averted her gaze, her face flushed, and her horns kept what hair would usually conceal the view from her eyes, Elexis spoke. 

"Please, Brand, I beg of you-"

Elexis pressed Brand's hand back over her entrance, the feeling of her fluids moistening his hand and causing it to slide over her clit. 

"-Fuck me... Breed me and make me your woman."

Elexis pleaded with a far-off look in her eyes as sweat glistened and formed on her brow. In truth, the sight of the flushed Oni that lay underneath his hands made Brand's heart flutter. Her desperation for contact was evident, her blush that covered her face overwhelming, her eyes glistening with moisture, and her arms holding his hand in place with her now slick mound. 

"About time that the Lady made a proper demand."

Brand smirked, maintaining eye contact as he brought his head down to the breast he still held under his grip; replacing his strong fingers with his teeth as he bit down at Elexis's nipple. The action now forcing shock through the smaller demon's body, Brand forced Elexis to loosen her grip on his arm and grant him the freedom of movement.

Let me give you one last taste of abstinence~

Brand thought briefly before plunging his now glistening fingers into Elexis's waiting folds. 


Elexis gasped as she felt herself parted, her pussy lips spread as Brand first slipped one, then two fingers inside her. Coupled with this, Brand's thumb found its place around her clit, massaging the area around it slowly as his other two fingers plunged in and out at a now steady pace. All of these culminating sensations were forcing moan after moan from the Oni, even making her react so far as to roll her hips in time with the thrusts of Brand's digits as he curled them, aiming for the cluster of nerves her knew would send her over. Using her pleasure as a cover, Brand pulled down the trousers which concealed Elexis's legs. Pulling her legs free of the constricting garment, Brand was given a full view of the Oni as he released her nipple from his teeth. The sight of his woman rolling her hips in time with his fingers as she looked back up to him. Her trembling legs, fidgeting tail, and ragged breathing all showed that this was no act. This was not Elexis forcing herself; this was her holding back. Pulling his fingers free, Brand held his reclaimed hand to the light.

"Ah? Huh? What gives?"

A clear trail of fluid led back to Elexis's pussy, drooping slightly before it snapped and broke the final ounce of contact they had left. 

"This excited... I almost feel bad for teasing you so much~."

Brand leaned back over Elexis, now looming over her from between her legs with one hand posted over her right shoulder.

"Taste of your own essence, maybe you can tell for yourself."

Brand pressed the two fingers into Elexis's mouth, the feeling of her teeth and warm tongue brushing against his skin as her lips sealed over them. The feeling of her tongue lapping her own juices off of Brand's fingers excited him. He could feel his own member struggle as it was contained in his own trousers. The only thing stopping him from releasing it at that moment was the view of Elexis suckling at his fingers, a warm yet lewd smile forming around them. Taking but a second more to absorb himself in the moment, Brand pulled his fingers back.


Elexis gasped as Brand's fingers left her maw. Looking down, she caught a full glimpse of her prize. Brand sat back on his heels, untieing the leather strips which held his trousers closed along the front, and stepped back for but a moment as the material fell to the ground. Elexis was absorbed in the view, as she could feel her already beat red face continue to fill with color. With the hide trousers no longer present to restrict it, Brand's member throbbed to life, stiffening further and raising with each heartbeat. Elexis stared as she adjusted herself, propping her upper body by her elbows as she took in the view. With her legs spread apart, she had a full view of Brand standing in front of her in all his confidence. His built, scarred figure would have been imposing in a much different way had she never met him. But knowing what that body was capable of making her mouth nearly water, her jaw slack as her eyes traced down to his shaft that now stood at full mast.

"Here I was, wondering as to why you liked to entrap a view of myself in your head. But I find myself doing just the same-"

Elexis raised her chin, her jaw clenching shut as she gave a pleased smirk, attempting to recover her image as she ushered out her words.

"Well... come and take me for yourself!"

The manticore threw his shirt to the side with those words and then himself back onto the bed. 

"Ah-hahahaha, Brand, ah-hey~"

Brand kissed along Elexis's body as he moved closer, stopping only as he was over her once more, and their lips met. With Elexis currently struggling to suppress her own giggles thanks to Brand's stubble, he took his chance. Pressing her legs upward, Brand was in prime position to simply fuck Elexis as he desired. Holding back for just a moment, he readjusted himself and broke their kiss. The sound of Elexis's gasping taking over the lewd sound of their lips intermingling. Brand positioned himself, raising one of her legs with one hand and positioning his member at the Oni's eager entrance. With his shaft in position and the woman he loved lying below him, Brand could not help but whisper her name. 


With that, Brand pushed his member forward, spreading Elexis's folds to their limit as they tried their best to accommodate his size. 

"Hah- Brand, I-ahh!"

The sound of their flesh meeting resounded throughout the room, only overshadowed by the sudden uproar of a warming fire.


Elexis called out her lover's name, finding the strength to raise her torso from the bedding.

"Give me everything, your cock, your lust, your anger! Everything!"

Elexis sat up, wrapping each of her arms around Brand's shoulders. With her weight readjusted, Brand brought the other leg up as well and pulled Elexis firmly against his body as he wrapped his arms around her. 

"I doubt you need a moment; I'll move now."

"No, I won-mnn-mnnn~."

Elexis was silenced as Brand pressed their lips together,  the sound of their kissing blocked out by the lewd wet slapping of their waists. 


Calls for his name were muffled as Brand thrust in time with their movements. He would lift her ever so slightly as Elexis shifted herself each time using her own leverage. 

God's, I forgot he was actually-


-thick enough to remind me how young I was- fuck - That's it! Spread me with your cock! Oh, Gods, I always forget you're actually good at this. 

Elexis found herself hard-pressed to process many other thoughts than this as she rode the waves of pleasure and pain. On the one hand, every time Brand bottomed his thick shaft into her, she could feel it nearly prod at her cervix. She was no masochist by most means, but a sense of wholeness, the feeling of his cock scraping and massaging her g-spot, and his warmth all overshadowed this pain. For the first time in well over a decade, she wanted him to fuck her with more than just his lust, and Brand readily answered her after maintaining his patience. Brand continued to hug Elexis tightly as he thrust in and out, over and over again. His arms holding her tightly, and their lips locked all except for the briefest of moments as they caught their breath from time to time. 


Brand muttered before dropping forward, pressing her body into the bedding. The constant, monotonous sound of their bodies colliding as Brand continued thrusting, his shaft leading a trail of Elexis's feminine fluid each time. With her legs still raised and to his sides, they were in prime position for Brand to finish her with a mating press. Parting their lips, Brand took the opportunity to breathe as he continued.

Gods damned it, Elexis, you would figure you for a woman without a single pup from how tight- Ah!

Brand continued pounding as his thoughts frayed.

"Harder! Keep going, Brand! Fuck my pussy harder~."

Elexis appeared euphoric beneath Brand as he looked down over her. 

"-Shove your cock as deep as you want! Finish inside me!"

For a moment, Elexis's deepest feelings bled to the surface. 

"Fuck me! Give me your child!"

Elexis was borderline yelling as she pulled Brand's head closer to her own. A move that usually would have distracted Brand from watching his rear before, however-

"Ah-ah, I learn, Elexis."

Brand managed to grab Elexis's tail just before it made contact with his own rear.

"You shan't milk me like before! Everything I give you is with my own effort!"

Brand never once failed to keep his pace, even when Elexis's folds clenched tightly around him with her sensitive tail in hand. 

"I have a better place for this~."

Brand teased, bringing his own tail in line with Elexis's, wrapping them together as if the two were a pair of mating snakes. For Brand, the sensation would have been no different than someone simply touching the armored appendage. However, to Elexis, another erogenous zone was now under a constant assault of sensation.

"Ah-ah! Brand! -love! I love you! I-! Mnnmm~"

Sealing her lips with a kiss once more, Brand could tell he'd finally done the trick. Maintaining his pace, Brand knew it was just a matter of time before Elexis would climax, thanks to this combination. Or so he thought before a light massaging sensation was felt on his ears. 

This bitch!

Brand's eyes shot open, catching one of Elexis's arms in the periphery, confirming that she was playing with his ears at this moment of all times.

Know what? Fine!

Brand thought, shoving an arm beneath the small of Elexis's back. As he did so, his pace quickened, and he could feel her squeeze down on him once more.

I'm close! Brand- ah

Almost every other thrust, Elexis felt her folds shift and contract around Brand's shaft. 

"Mnn! Mn-fwa, Brand! I'm close! Inside! Please! Ah-ah!"

Elexis felt that begging was usually below her, but she wasn't doing this simply for recreation at the moment. 


Brand continued the pace, gritting his teeth as he could feel his own climax approaching, the occasional clenching of the muscles at the base of his shaft.

"Brand- ah- I love you! I love you, Brand! Keep goi-mmnnf!"

Brand forced their lips together, momentary grunts emitting from his throat. 

"Hah-ah-f-ck. Elexis! I know! I've always loved you! I'll take all you have to give!"

Brand grunted as he continued, broken up by his constant effort. Elexis was also faltering in her own way; her mind was flooding with thoughts and emotions. A chemical high that she had not felt the past couple dozen times they had done it that year alone. Not soon after, her body was wracked with a mind-quaking spasm as she came. 

Oh Gods, this addicting feeling again!

"Brand-ah- I'm cumming! I'm-"

Elexis was silenced one last time as Brand forced his tongue into her mouth. With her eyes fluttering, Elexis could do little but ride the high of her constant spasms and the chemicals that flooded her brain; all of this accompanied by the warm feeling of Brand cummin inside of her, his seed almost guaranteed to impregnate her as he kept his waist pressed down onto her own. Inversely, Brand was in heaven as his climax overcame him, his groin spasming as his seed flowed forth. He usually would have rolled himself with Elexis atop him, but in this case, Elexis's heels were firming locked, and squeezing him close to her. 

She probably doesn't even realize it.

The thought escaped as Brand's climax reached its end, the soft spasming of his groin subsiding and leaving behind a subtle flood of hormones that made him feel slightly triumphant and protective of his 'prize.'

"Ha-ha, hey, Elexis?"

Brand called out to the panting Oni beneath him, realizing that her eyes were almost glazed over. For a moment, he debated slapping her lightly.



The two were conversing, their voices gentle in comparison to maybe ten to fifteen minutes prior. 

"I meant it... I love you... I won't lose you... I won't let you go... I promise you that."

Elexis spoke quietly, a meek smile forming on her lips as she did so.

"I love you too, my Lad- Elexis... as always, I'll protect you with more in mind than your leadership."

With that, the two shared another kiss. From there, rather than gaining some rest for the following day, the two opted to continue their lovemaking well into the night.


The next morning, the dining hall was rife with talk as soldier, knight, mercenary, and adventurer all found themselves discussing the rumor that flooded the keep at sunrise. Stolen glances exemplified this from time to time as they passed the raised, fur-covered, wooden throne. Atop it sat Elexis, a self-satisfied smile on her face as she slowly sipped from a coffee mug. With her tail happily swaying to and fro, she was the perfect image of a Clan matriarch.

Her noble demeanor was only offset by two things. The first was the Manticore that sat on one of the steps that led to her throne; currently grumbling in pain as he drank from a cup of ale in one hand and pressing at the small of his back with the other. 

The second was the rumor being spread. A certain rumor that the Lady of the Clan had spent the night, and well into the morning, being rather boisterous. Supposedly, without her knowledge, the lodging for her troops was located the floor below her own chamber. And the keynote of this was that there was a severe lack of insulation in her floorboards and in the room's ceiling below.

Ah... fuck it... I can worry about this later... yeah, let's push this on future Elexis! Let's think of our Daughter's~ Aahhh, happy memories~

And with that, business in the keep continued as expected. 

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