Fate weaver’s convergence

C59 Opening breeze, fading flowers 6

Howdy all! Here is another chapter! Sorry for the wait, I'm just glad I could get a chapter this large out within a month of the last for now. Enjoy! And thank you all for reading!


post note, corrected maria and clair being used interchangeably, i don't know what i was on.


If this doesn't work… where do I go from there? What if Beryl doesn't like it and I ruin our- Kiyomi's relationship?

I kept replaying the thought in my head, a feeling of lightness emanated throughout my body as the possibilities of the afternoon played over repeatedly. 

Calm down! Calm down. You're spiraling here. 

The sounds around me reawakened me from my thoughts as I stared into my satchel. 

Please let this work… 

I said to myself one last time as I went over the contents. Instead of my usual empty satchel, it was now packed with books. One book on the local and regional flowers and other plant life, a smaller book on small animals to accompany it, a blank book that's freshly glued and bound, and lastly the newest version of my baseball.

Hopefully, she likes it.

“Hey, Kiyomi. You okay?"


Vaughn's voice roused me from my thoughts as I was staring into my satchel 


Perking my head up, I looked at Vaughn. He was sitting across from me at one of the tables inside the adventurers guild main hall. The drone of the moving crowd nearly washed him out. We were the first two to finish getting ready for the trip to the garden.

"Well, you don't have your sword. And you've been eyeing your bag this whole time. I've seen you carry that stick everywhere since Mister Callum gave it a fresh leather wrap."

Vaughn said as he scratched his neck.

Ah, my sword.

"It's with someone safe."



Alone in her office, Lorn leaned back in her chair, slumbering. The elf's sleep would have been more peaceful had it not soon been interrupted by the sliding of a sheathed sword leaning up against her chair.

"Mmmmmm, tea… meat… no more responsibility…"

For but a moment, she mumbled in her sleep, only for it to be unceremoniously cut short by the sword sliding against the armrest.

"This is the li- Ah, shit!"

The elf awoke to the pommel of a particular little 'imp's' sword smacking into her nose. 

"For Tyr's sake, you brat!"



"In the meantime, I'm borrowing these."

I pulled the books from my satchel, one by one, and placed them on the table. 

" 'Flora of Brenton' and 'Plants and their symbiosis with other wildlife'."

Vaughn looked from one book to the next, stopping as he noticed the completely blank copy.

"Why's this one a blank?"

Vaughn asked, opening it and flipping through its pages.

"It's for me and Beryl. She likes flowers, so I figured we could try and start a book."

"She actually showed you those books she has. Huh." 

Vaughn took a secondary look at the blank pages before closing the book and placing it down.

"So we aren't gonna be playing catch or getting caught in some surprise training with Mister Callum?"

Vaughn asked, squinting as he raised one of his brows.

"She hasn't talked about flowers or gardening in a while- I thought you weren't into that kinda stuff. What made you want to start pulling this out? I didn't think you were girly enough to like flowers."


"I can like this stuff too! Besides, Beryl shared one of her interests with me. She's been pushing herself a lot lately! She needs to chill out, so I wanna help."

"Chill out?"

Vaughn looked at me sideways for a moment, then shook his head.

Fucking kids, I may be the youngest here physically. But God damn does this chafe my nerves sometimes.

"You noticed she's not doing well too, right?" 

Vaughn hesitated before responding.

"Kinda… I mean. She hasn't done that tail thing in a while. She also hasn't talked to me much, either. She's been on edge since 'that' happened."

Vaughn trailed off while staring at the ceiling, tapping one of his feet.

This boy. For someone so knowledgeable about engineering at his age, he can't focus on shit.

I felt myself rolling my eyes as Vaughn rambled momentarily before spotting Beryl slithering back into the main hall from a side entrance.


I felt my stomach roll over slightly at the sight of her as my anxiety rose. Not wanting to spoil my effort, I hastily forced the books back into my satchel. My tail's mechanical movements are the only outward hint of my nervousness.

Let's hope this goes okay.

As Beryl slithered our way, it wasn't hard to notice that she wasn't all there. She was staring at the ground as she went, only looking up once and scanning the room to see where we were.

That's off-

Beryl's usually straightforward, cocky appearance gave way to nervousness, constantly stopping as workers or adventurers cut her off. 


"Hey, guys. All ready to go. Is Miss Hatsumi still upstairs?"

Beryl asked as she was barely a meter away now.

"Yeah, Mama is taking her time right now."

A flashback played of Mother sitting confused on the bed as she debated what color bow she wanted to take out today. Ramblings of colors clashing with her fur echoed in my mind while I simply changed into a tunic and pants. 

I sincerely hope I don't end up that indecisive. 

Beryl sighed at my response, moving onto a chair before suddenly dropping her head on the table. With any more force, she would have made the characteristic sound of slamming a hard object onto the wood.

"What is it we're doing, Kiyomi?"

Beryl's muffled voice bounced off the table as she asked, her hair obstructing any view of her face.

God's, the girl looks drained.

"Well, there's this place we have reserved kinda. It's supposed to be a surprise though, so I can't say much more. You okay, Ber?"

Beryl slowly lifted herself from the tabletop, leaning back on her coils as they clamped around the chair for security.

"Yeah, I'm fine." 

Beryl brushed her hair aside, revealing an exhausted smile. Her eyes somehow seemed dulled in color compared to their usual hue.

"Just tired after today. I used most of my mana reserve, so I'm a bit sluggish right now."

With her explanation given, Vaughn and I shrugged. Leaning back in our own chairs, we were resigned to waiting for Mother so we could set out. As if on cue, our wait was made even worse by a sudden call down from the balcony.

"Sorry kids! Just need to talk to someone really quick, I'll be right down!"

Aaaand great, more anxious waiting.


"She pushed herself that far?"

Sophia turned away from a cast-iron oven, placing a set of leather gloves on an iron bar sticking from its side. The family of Lamia made no waste of effort in making their new home as comfortable as possible, no matter how temporary. Slithering closer to Hatsumi, she poked the demi-human lightly until she moved from the table she sat on.

"No sitting on the kitchen furniture! I may just be playing Housewife, but I take it seriously."

"Ah, sorry Sophia.-"

Hatsumi moved from the edge of the table, choosing instead to lean against the doorway to the small kitchen.

"-But yes, she pushed herself to the point her mana was trickling out and she couldn't stabilize it. She should be recovered in just an hour or two, but still."

Hatsumi looked down, her ears falling slightly.

" She was lucky that the 'Arc lightning' worked. The fact she did so off of just the theory instruction you gave her was a miracle."

Hatsumi exhaled.

"She's just not taking to the training well. There's something bugging her, and she's not speaking her mind about it. She's just festering in her frustration."

Sophia took a moment, crossing her arms as she looked to the ceiling.

"Beryl's been one to hide things since… well, you know." 

Sophia looked down, a slight grimace forming.

"While I want to say something, I can't expect Beryl to take us hovering over her anymore. She's molded herself to act so different in the last couple of years because of us."

Bringing a hand to her temple, Sophia exhaled sharply before looking back to Hatsumi.

"I trust in your judgment Hatsumi, just… let me know if it gets worse."

Sophia smiled weakly, earning a nod from Hatsumi and a wave as the demi-human left.



"So, where exactly is this place?"

Vaughn asked as he tossed the makeshift baseball between each hand.

"Yeah, it just looks like we're headed to the tailor."

Beryl chimed in, slithering alongside Mother just behind myself and Vaughn.

"That's cause we are, Miss Claire has something waiting on us, she has a garden. I thought it would be nice to take you two there. Since you like flowers so much, we do enough fighting and playing ball.”

Beryl smiled awkwardly in response.

“You wanted to do this? That's a far cry from the boy I thought you were.”

Beryl prodded lightly with her joke and was met back with me poking out my tongue at her.

Haha, funny, ya’ll forgot I was a gir-... I’m not gonna finish that. 

“I can expand my interests.”

Ending my taunt with a smile, I turned back around as I continued to lead our small group to Claire's shop. Coming to its entrance, the store was clearly empty as we passed the front display window. As we reached the entrance, Mother pressed forward through the front door. With the ding of the bell mounted at the door, we were greeted by the echoed response of Claire. 

“I’ll be there in just a minute! Who’s there?”

Claire asked loudly.

“It’s Hatsumi, Claire, I brought Kiyomi and her friends along.”

“Oh! Just a moment, make yourselves at home. I’ll meet you in the living room shortly.”

Claire called back, a sing-song tone now present in her voice. With her knowing we were here, Mother gestured for the three of us to follow. Guiding us into the living room, Mother took a seat in the same chair she’d sat in when I’d first entered the room.

“Take a seat you three, she says she won't be long but she might be a while.”

Mother flicked her tail to the side, laying it neatly over her lap and taking out a small book from the seam of her top. Vaughn took a seat in Maria’s chair, reclining it back and exhaling. It was clear he was tense since this morning given how relaxed he became since we’d left the guild. In comparison to the others, Beryl seemed spaced out. Looking randomly to some plants, then to a bookshelf placed in the corner, then lastly back to the floor.

If operation cheery snake is gonna start, it needs to be now.


Taking a seat on the floor next to her, I placed the satchel on the hardwood. An audible thud hinting at the contents of the bag. As I pulled the bag between the two of us, Beryl managed to break her image of boredom as she looked at the satchel intently. 

"What did you bring? Normally you’ve just got snacks in that thing."

Beryl leaned in as I pulled each book from my satchel. At first, she was confused as I pulled out the blank one. But as each of the next two were brought out, her posture shifted. She still appeared interested, yet something was off. 

Come on, let this work! Please…

I pleaded to myself internally for a moment, awaiting Beryl's response as I nudged one of the books toward her.

“Flora of Brenton.”

Beryl read the title of the book as she lifted it, slowly prying open its cover. 

“I wanted to try and pick back up where we left off. With the flowers and stuff, y’know?”

Beryl looked up, confusion in her eyes before she smiled weakly as she looked back to the book. 

“S-sure… yeah… “

We broke through… good… 

With relief washing over me, I realized I was so nervous I was sweating. Beryl flipped from page to page before pausing and looking towards the blank book. 

“So we’re gonna make another?” 

“Yeah, if you want? I thought it would be nice. We could make it while we adventure… Since being adventurers will take us to all kinds of places, we could finish it as we travel.”

Beryl closed the book slowly, 

“I’d… like that.”

She said, slowly placing the book on flora down and picking up the blank. Beryl looked to the cover for some time, strangely fixated on its cover that was barren of anything but its single color. 

H-hello? Did she freeze up? 


Just as I moved to nudge Beryl, Miss Claire appeared in the doorway to the room. Instead of wearing her usual outfit, she was wearing a simple sun dress. Something that was not usual for the oncoming chill of winter. 

“Sorry for the wait. Ah, hello there, Beryl. Kiyomi told me a lot about you, it's nice to meet one of the new ladies to the city.”

Claire Approached Beryl and myself, kneeling in front of us as she spoke.

“Oh-ah, uh, hello, ma’am. It's nice to meet you! My apologies; I was caught up for a moment.”

Beryl was surprised by Claire's appearance, even when we’d been expecting her. 

“Sorry, Kiyomi. But why now? I mean, we won't be starting for at least a few years, right? Winter is coming, so most of the flowers are out of season.”

“Not here, they aren't~.”

Claire chimed, standing as she motioned for us to follow.

“You can thank Kiyomi for setting this up. I imagine this will make you ecstatic.”

Beryl slowly rose from her coil, book still in hand.


Beryl asked without turning around, instead following Claire to a door to the opposite side of the room. As they reached the door, Beryl raised her head and flicked her tongue in the air. 

“Is that-”

Beryl paused, turning to me in surprise. 

“I wanted to find something to cheer you up, and Miss Claire was more than willing to help.”

With those words, I smiled at Beryl. Gathering my satchel and joining the two, Clair nodded and pushed open the door. 



“It's- wh- so- How is this possible? 

Beryl was in awe, her nervousness and sadness from earlier held at bay temporarily. She’d followed the seamstress, Claire, through the door into what appeared to be a courtyard filled to the brim with all manner of lush plant life. Flowers, ferns, produce, and smaller carnivorous plants. The entire sight was almost too much to take in as she struggled to comprehend each and every last plant she could identify.

This was her surprise?!

Beryl attempted to wrap her head around how this many out-of-season flowers were all in one place and still blooming.

“C’mon, Beryl! Check these out!”

Kiyomi called to Beryl, running past and further into the courtyard, kneeling in the lush plant life.

“Come on! There's Snapdragons, Daisies, all kinds!”

Kiyomi brought out the blank book from her satchel, opening it and placing it on the ground as she called for Beryl.

“But- how? None of these flowers should be blooming right now.”

Beryl looked up to Claire in confusion. 

“Shhhh, child, I don't share my secrets so readily~.”

Claire nodded towards Kiyomi, a gentle push to Beryl's shoulder signaling her to go. At that moment, Beryl felt a slight surge of mana in her shoulder.

What? Mana like that-

Beryl continued to look up to Claire for a few moments in confusion. Hesitantly, she slithered towards Kiyomi. 

It's all so out of place. This shouldn't be here, should it?! That mana- what's with this?! We were attacked barely a week ago, and now we’re just relaxing like that alone wasn't strange enough?!  

Beryl’s anxiety slowly simmered within her, but she was still unwilling to speak her mind for fear of worrying the others. Had it not been for their own participation in their training, Beryl thought she’d have already broken down by this time. 

“Kiyomi, this shouldn't be possible. This close to winter?”

Settling on her coils next to her friend, Beryl voiced her confusion for a moment.

“Alright, you two, you can lounge out here with the rest of us.”

Claire called to Hatsumi and Vaughn in the background, occupying them as Beryl and Kiyomi looked at the plants. Looking back to the lounging boy and the beast kin who now sat contently in the shade, whilst Clair simply tended to some of the plants.

“Is this what you've been up to while I was holed up in my room?”

Beryl turned to look at a demon that was returning a goofy, ear-to-ear smile in response.


How are you all so calm? You were right there? Why aren't you scared?

For a moment, Beryl saw a familiar face behind that grin. Not Kiyomi’s, but one that led to her feelings of wariness. Beryl sighed for a moment, attempting to push the feelings down, unsure if the turn of events left her thoughts.

This is the kind of thing Aisha would do-.

“Listen here, tomboy, you can't outdo me here. I’ve been doing this since I was five!”

Mustering forth her usual front, Beryl replied as haughtily as she could before snickering and lowering down to look at the flower Kiyomi held ready for pressing. Kiyomi appeared to stifle a laugh at Beryl’s reply as the girls began chatting over the first flower they’d pressed together. It was Kiyomi’s favorite from how she’d gone on about it. Beryl could remember from showing her Aisha’s book. Here they were now, beginning their own. 

She’s as much a tomboy as Aisha. It makes me wanna pick on her the same way with how alike they are. 

“Oh look, Gazanias. Figured this would be a good next showcase since the snapdragons were yellow.” 

Beryl picked the next flower within reach, handing it to Kiyomi. Trying her best to follow her friend's lead. To simply not worry, and to stifle the thought that a week ago the one in front of her could have joined Aisha.

For some time the pair sat within the courtyard, Kiyomi looked as if she thought her efforts were taking hold. At Least that's from what Beryl could tell. 

I can't concentrate at all. My mana is back; can't I just train for a little while?

The entire time, Beryl tried her best to play along, yet she felt she could barely manage it any further. The feelings of fear, of worry, of her own helplessness. Every time she saw Kiyomi smile or heard a joke, she thought of Aisha. And each time Aisha's memory was pushed to the front of Beryl's mind, a wave of anxiety would hit her.

I can get better. Kiyomi's trying so hard to distract me, but I just can't-

Beryl was taken back to the moment that began compiling her fear. The Bulette, groaning, and roaring as Kiyomi frantically tried to drag Vaughn away from the monster. The crackle of lightning overhead as mana concentrated over the beast. And as Beryl could feel the mana building as if a hand guided her, releasing the mana in a torrent of energy. Beryl could only stand there in fear as she stared at her only two friends, Kiyomi and Vaughn, huddled behind a makeshift shield as electricity licked at them and everything else within the immediate area of the Bulette. 

I can't let it- I have to be better for them! I can't do this right now! She'll end up just the same as-

"Hey, Ber'? Are you okay?"

One nudge tore Beryl from her thoughts, and with that, the slowly building wave of anxiety crashed down upon her.


Beryl pulled away from Kiyomis's touch, looking at her friend with an expression of frustration.

"I'm not okay, none of this is okay! What happened a week ago? What's happening now?"

Beryl clenched her fists, the jagged movement of her tail cutting at the ground like before.


Vaughn noticed a particular sound of dirt being cut into. As he looked up, Hatsumi's attention was also grabbed. Coiling her body, Beryl began to stand, pulling herself towards the door they'd entered through. With her frustration suddenly grabbing the attention of Vaughn and Hatsumi, Beryl's anxiety by no means faltered.

"You can't tell me none of you are afraid! How can you just relax after that?"

The lamia could barely think as to why everything had happened so far, let alone what she could do to take her mind off of it. 

"Beryl I-

Kiyomi hesitated momentarily before standing and approaching Beryl.

"I saw you pushing the stuff you liked away after being so absorbed in it. I just wanted to get your mind-"

The friend whom Beryl was suddenly afraid of losing so much tried explaining herself. Yet her words weren't those that Beryl could stand to hear.

'We'll be stronger', 'nothing like that will ever happen again', or 'that was just a dream'. Was everything she wanted to tell herself. 

"You can't just let it absorb you, Beryl. You can't change that stuff overnight. It takes ti-."

Kiyomi slowly moved forward, attempting to reach Beryl.

"Kiyomi, I can't just sit here and do this- not when I could-"

The tipping point for Beryl occurred as another flash of memory hit her. The image of Kiyomi in her mind. The horrifying thought of two charred bodies sitting in front of a dead monster.

"Just- grrr! Leave me alone!"

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