Fate weaver’s convergence

C60 Opening breeze, fading flowers 7

Next chapter, folks! Thanks for reading and being patient with me. It means a lot that so many people are still here for the story~. As always, enjoy~


"Fine! If she wants to be that way, fine!"


I could feel warm tears falling one at a time down my cheeks, tears of frustration, that for the life of me I couldn't stand. I just felt frustrated, I'd failed. I was sure the seat that Kiyomi had within this body was in the front row, just the same from the sadness too. 


"Kiyomi, wait, Beryl just needs to calm down."


Mother attempted to call me back as I stomped toward the entrance that Beryl just passed through.


"Whatever! I'm going home!"


I yelled over my shoulder, unable to face mother with what may have been the first legitimate face of defiance I'd probably shown her. Most of all above that-


I can't let them see me ugly cry! I don't want Mamma's help with this! Fuck, why are we even crying?!




I slammed the door to the courtyard closed, cutting Mother off as I continued. The entire time I tried looking to the ground, avoiding eye contact with anyone I could. The walk felt like it took an hour at the least as I continued to cry silently, clenching my teeth in anger. Seeing the Adventurers guild, I wiped my face the best I could as I approached its entrance.


Why is it like this? Why couldn't it have worked?! Fuck, this stupid haze! Fuck!


Rubbing the sides of my head I crept into the closest entrance to the stairs to home that I could. It being peak afternoon hours for the guild, most of the entrances had constant traffic.


Distraction, we need a distraction. Napping won't cool us off.


Step after step creaked as I walked up the stairs. The sound of flexing wood only stopped as I came face to face with the front door.


Maybe I should have run to Callum's forge?


I waffled on my decision for a few seconds before thinking of my next best place for distraction.


Lorn, screw it. We had reading to do anyway.


Before finishing the thought, my feet were already pivoting and the fast pace of my walk resounded on the wood floor. Walking along the balcony, up the stairs, and eventually rapping on the two giant doors to Lorn’s office. Just as I was thinking that my nock may have been a bit too much, one of the doors swung inward. On the other side of the doorway, I was greeted by an elf staring down at me. With a hand on her hip and a dropped brow, Lorn looked rather perturbed.


“Of all places after your little attempt failed, you come directly to me?”


Lorn’s words felt accusing for some reason, biting at an unseen wound. 


“I- wanted to do some-. Some studying to distract myself…”


I could feel my tail plant itself on the ground, hoping she’d put up with my presence as she worked. Thankfully, after a few moments of staring down at me, the Elf rolled her eyes and nodded for me to enter.


“Just try not to be too loud. If you have any questions, write them down.”


Thank you… 


With Lorn’s answer, I exhaled with a slight sense of relief.


I don't have to brew on this, thank fuck.


The sobs of a young girl echoed throughout the residence of a particular trio of Lamia, the cracking of her voice mixed with gasps for air were all that was made out.


"Shhhhh, Beryl, calm down baby girl. Calm down."


Sophia sat coiled in the corner of their living area, her daughter coiled as well within her 'lap'. Sometime after Hatsumi took the children to see Claire, Beryl came rushing back home in tears. As to what it was over, Sophia still didn't know. The poor girl had been bawling her eyes out since, and all her mother could do was try to console her until she was calm enough to talk.


What could have gone down in that little head of your's baby? What are you keeping down?


Sophia thought as she hugged Beryl close.


You're not so little anymore, you're thirteen. Whatever it is, it's eating at you badly. 


Sophia had half a mind to use 'insight' on her daughter to at least try and pry around the issue. At the very least, she couldn't will herself because of the level of trust her daughter might lose in her.


She has to do so on her own… 


"Beryl, sweetheart?"


Sophia called her daughter's name, not really expecting a response.




Surprisingly, through the sobs, Beryl responded; though she was muffled since she was burying her face into her mother's shoulder.


"Can you tell mommy what happened?"


For a few moments, Beryl continued sobbing, before giving an affirming, muffled-.




Why did I push it away? I'm angry but why did I have to suddenly blow up? I'm supposed to be big sister! 


Beryl continued to berate herself in her own mind. The secure coils of her mother were granting her enough of a sense of security that she could think semi-straight.


She's a little kid compared to me and Vaughn! Of course, she isn't still scared! She probably thinks she's invincible! 


Beryl shifted as she continued, the muffled voice of her mother barely getting through to her as she cried.


And Vaughn?! He virtually IS invincible! You survived because he helped you! 


Beryl shifted, her coils tightening as if she were clenching a fist.


 Stupid, stupid, stupid! You're a stupid snake, Beryl! Kiyomi was just trying to make you happy and you ruined it!


"Beryl, sweetheart?"


Beryl was finally able to understand her mother's words, after probably a half hour she'd settled down. Her eyes were reddened and sore. With a catch of her breath, Beryl buried her head wherever she could manage and responded.




"Can you tell mommy what happened?"






"She reminds you of Aisha…"


Sophia restated the end of Beryl's explanation.




Beryl wiped a few stray tears away with her forearm, sitting back on her own coils as she left her mother's lap.


"Beryl, I know what happened when this all started- affected you. I also am not blind to why you suddenly stopped disliking Vaughn. He was with you when we returned."


Sophia moved to continue but clamped her mouth shut momentarily. A heavy sense of hesitation overwhelmed her, forcing her to hold her tongue.


I was there in the midst of the purge. I can only imagine what they both saw.


Sophia's daughter slouched slightly at the mention of the events.


"And I can't say everything will be normal, nor as it once were. But-"


Sophia paused thinking over her words.


"You and your friends are strong. You three, of all the children in the world, have lived, and survived through so much already."


Leaning towards Beryl, Sophia tilted her daughter's chin upward. Looking her child in the eyes, she gave her final words on the matter.


"You have so many people watching out for you three already, and more powerful figures looking out for you than you could imagine. I can't tell you to feel safe. But what I can tell you, is that none of us will ever let anything bad happen to you or your friends."


Beryl smiled weakly at her mother's words, wiping her already dry eyes once more.


"You don't have to talk to her now, Beryl. But you should at least go talk to Kiyomi and Vaughn both, tomorrow. Okay? One of the first steps to building trust as a team is voicing your concerns to each other."


In response, Beryl cleared her throat and replied.


"Okay, momma."


Sophia smiled, placing a hand on Beryl's shoulder.


"Now, let's get your tail cleaned up. You've got dirt and grass on you."











The sound of a scale the size of a silver dollar dropping on hardwood repeated time after time.






As I raised a hand once more, I released the scrap of monster that I'd been messing with as I read.




At some point, Lorn may have begun to lose her patience as she finally spoke up over the scratching of a pen on paper.


"Kiyomi, would you mind stopping? Please? While I appreciate the noise keeping me awake, I can't very well concentrate on my paperwork all the same."


Looking up I was met with furrowed brows from Lorn, who was hunched over her desk.


"Ah, sorry."


 I slowly placed it in my pocket, not wanting to lose my access to Lorn's library for the time being. I posted my chin in the now free hand and returned to the book I was sifting through.


'Resources of the frontier'


It was a crudely cobbled-together book on herbs and maps detailing areas where they grew. The same could be said of water, and whatever small game was recorded on the eastern edge of Brenton's territory. If I was to pick up on anything, for the time being, I could at least study up since I'd failed Mother's last test.


'Section lll

Medical herbs

Few of most herbs are necessary for physical recovery and are attributed more to niche cases. There's less emphasis in this section on herbs such as aloe. This section emphasizes herbs for use of stimulants, sedatives, poison, or pain relief.


I rubbed my temple, attempting to at least absorb what I could. The contents of the book were fairly similar to a field manual. Its contents were dry, but that was expected. None of it was made easier of course by what felt like a crippled attention span.


I feel like scraping my eyes out. 


Rubbing them, they felt sore and a slight chafe was developing on my cheeks each time I'd rubbed them with my sleeve. The feelings of anger and regret had ebbed away, replaced with something empty. It had been well over an hour by now, and mother had yet to return. Probably assuming I'd want my space from how I left. 


What am I supposed to do now?


I couldn't help but ask myself, sighing as I did.


Come on Kiyomi. That intuition of yours, I could use that intuition of yours. I was the one to come up with the idea so the fallout isn't your fault. We need to do something though, still. 


I found some kind of comfort in asking what I assumed was nobody for help. Regardless if she heard or not, at least hoping Kiyomi was listening made me calmer. Minutes passed as I continued skimming through the manual, biding my time as I thought.


Should I ask Lorn for help?


I glanced up at her, searching for an opportunity to interrupt her work.


Our chance isn't going to come any time soon…


I looked back down, turning a page. ‘Stimulants found regionally’ was the next line, the first displayed sketch containing a coffee tree. 


Yeah, yeah, we’ve known this- 


Turning the page, I was intent on skipping a section I’d thought I was fully informed on. Only to recognize a roughly colored sketch.


Wait, this is-.


Looking to the corner of the page detailing the herb displayed, a strange sensation struck my spine. It was something I’d only seen in one other place. 


‘Azure-lace’, a powerful stimulant found within the Tyrian mountain range of Damus. The closest growing area is along ‘Clerics pass’, several Kilometers from Brenton’s primary gate. Covering roughly a kilometer, the herb favors locations in between the roots of trees, and in narrow crevices of rocky formations. 


This is the flower Beryl wasn't able to get… She wanted it… She seemed saddened when she said she’d probably never find one. 


Continuing to read, I skimmed past its purpose as a stimulant.


Where is it, where is iiiit- Ah! Peak blooming season is-.


A sudden rise of excitement hit me at the next few words. I had to do my best to not smile suddenly.


‘Peak blooming season is during the onset of winter, the plant taking a similar look to onion in the summers and winters, only flowering in this specific window. As such, it is not a significant source of-.’


Enough of that!


“Miss Lorn?”


Once more I attempted to hold down the sudden excitement.




Lorn looked up, seemingly caught off guard by the sudden call to her name.


“Can I borrow this?”


I closed the field manual, holding it up where the cover was viewable. Looking at the book, Lorn spent at least a minute debating with herself before caving with a sigh.


“Bring it back in the same condition you borrowed it, I know you're probably going to take it with you and your Mother. So do your best, understood?”


Lorn raised a brow as she awaited my answer. 



Some part of me still managed to force out an overexcited reply, what I felt like my tail wagging behind me emphasizing it. With a raised brow from Lorn, she waved her pen towards the door and sighed.


“Borrow it, leave.”


“Thank you!”


With those words, Slinging my sword over my shoulder and pushing the chair into the small table; I ran to the door, manual in hand. 


Let this work! Please Solah let this work!


“The child is not shy to hide her excitement.”


The disembodied voice of a youthful man crept into Lorn’s ear. 


“No she is not, does that surprise you?”


Lorn responded, accustomed to the voice's sudden interruption of her reacquired privacy. 


“No, I’ve seen it play out. She’s enthusiastic, regardless of what decision she makes.”


Lorn tilted her head, nodding slightly.


“A child that can bounce back like her? I doubt she’d be much else.”


Lorn continued speaking with what she considered an annoyance, begrudgingly entertaining the small talk. 


“I understand you do not appreciate this much, Lorn. Thank you for putting up with my prattling, regardless.”


Lorn placed her pen on her desk, leaning back suddenly within her chair. 


“Would you mind keeping to the point then?”


Lorn wanted to complete her work, fed up with the intrusion. 


“Ensure that the girl is not debarred from leaving the city tonight.”

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