Fate weaver’s convergence

C78 Winters story 8

Hola, thanks for sticking around. This chapter is at the old standard length of 2k words. Decided it would be best not to keep anticipation for the next dozen or so chapters by splitting them up evenly where I can. The next chapter is half done already, just want to keep my timing good. Originally, I anticipated keeping this whole event under three chapters... well I was wrong in how short I could make it. It's safe to say if I shortened this arc up now, it'd read like dog water. 

As always, thank you for reading! And please, enjoy~

“Shit- Vaughn!”


I screamed aloud as the boy flew through the air, his weight crashing down into a pile of crates and scrap along the edge of the yard. Healers rushed towards him, over a dozen mercenaries, or court mages appointed by our adversary to keep any fatal injury from befalling us.


“Kiyomi, I know you don't want to do this! But you have to stop holding back!"


Beryl weakly pressed a hand against my shoulder as she righted herself, her coils trembling as she attempted to stand. Her other hand trailed along my arm, finding its place atop my own that limply held my sword.


“We’re here with you, we can hold our own. We need to split its attention up, you can't hold our hands while fighting this thing.”


I looked hesitantly over my shoulder, dirt, and blood smeared over Beryl’s face as she faintly smiled. She was attempting to motivate me, though I doubt the same turmoil she imagines in my mind amounts to anything near reality. 


Don’t smile at me like that! I know God damn well you can handle yourselves!


I looked over my mana and health reflexively, thinking of the damage I could truly do.


Health: 824.6% / 1000

Mana: 1037 / 1300


“Kiyomi, snap out of it-”


Beryl yanked me backward, a giant beak snapping at the air where my arm had just been. Beryl yelled as she raised her right hand, lightning coiling and arcing along her arm as a streak of it shot outward. Electricity crackled as it reached outward to the birdlike head of the wyvern, streaking along its head and forcing it to turn itself away on instinct.




The wyvern bellowed before swinging its head back towards us. Swinging its head as if it were a whip, the behemoth struck us both before we could react. Beryl was sent flying just the same as Vaughn was. Her long body flew through the air and slammed into the stone walls of the arena with a loud whipping noise. Blood began pouring from her nose and mouth as she landed, healers rushing to her side just the same as Vaughn. I was thrown as well, but instead of catching the brunt of the swing, I was struck by the monster's beak. Tumbling against the ground some twenty-odd meters, I just barely caught myself as I stabbed at the ground with Wyrm's tooth.


This is the last inning! Are they really going to let us get mauled by this thing!? It's clearly afraid!


I shot a glance up at our spectators, Callum, Lorn, Avery, and Maria. Each looked down at us, anticipating the fight's end. Maria was the only one that didn't seem detached, but instead was doing her best to bear witness. Seeing my hesitation, Lorn yelled out. 


"We won't be intervening here girl, either you kill this thing or there's no hope for you other than dying within these walls!"


Leaning against the railing ahead of them, continuing her speech.


"You've killed a Bulette, you've killed Giant Wolverines, for us to keep peace of mind you need to kill that Wyvern in front of us! If you don't, then it will smash that gate and roam the streets above. Then it'll be the problem of those that CAN'T fight it."


My left hand clamped down on the grip of the sword, the leather creaking as I squeezed.


Those memories, do I have to worry about opening that floodgate on accident again?


I looked at the blade, tilting the sword over in my hands until the crossguard sat in my opposite palm.


They aren't mine… but.


I thought back to why I was in this position, to begin with.


This is for Kiyomi, this is so she won't have to deal with this on her own. So none of them will…


The wyvern slowly backed away, attempting to make space between it and myself. The Wyvern was clearly terrified, her head turning each way in an attempt to find an exit. Its wings were torn and purposely sown in a way to prevent flight, making its momentary flaps pointless as it tried to raise its body off the ground. Realizing its escape was impossible from this venture, it looked at the iron-barred gate that it entered through. After a moment of staring at its only egress, it then looked directly at me.


 It seems reality has struck…


The monster glared at me, Its forward-tilted eyes spying its only standing obstacle keeping it from smashing the gate and rampaging across Brenton. Adjusting my position, I readied myself for the beast's eventual lunge.


Well fuck.



The night prior…

"Let's see, if I'm reading these right…"


I spoke to myself as I sat in the living room, the crackle of the fire and its radiance warding away the cold of the winter air that seeped into the walls. The couch was nice and cozy, as part of me didn't want to sleep in mine and mothers bed without her present. Of every first to come and pass, this was my first winter night without her. I'd made a bad habit of curling up against her when It was freezing, and with her gone, I'd settled with fire instead. Though at the same time, I couldn't sleep anyways, deciding to look into Stannis's lesson.


If I follow correctly, the runes read out some kind of vague phrase.


"Tooth of  Wyrm and blood of Jormungand, flow forth with steel and mana."


It's overly ornate for a sword meant for actually killing shit. Usually, stuff like this would just be for a bullshit show, right? At least I know it predates the name change… this sword… over two hundred years...


I thought back to the history that bled into this sword.


Time to put what Stannis taught into practice.


I'd been wondering what exactly I can do with the runes on my sword. I'm able to dump mana into the sword through my palm, so I was sure there must have been some other use.


Let's see…


I turned the sword over in my hands little by little, doing my best to inspect every surface of the sword before I came back to the runes. If there was anything hidden to be wary of, I'd notice it at this rate. The primary concern was hoping not to damage it somehow. 


Time to try and move mana. What if I applied it to the runes specifically? Like Stannis with his mace…


I could safely dump mana into the blade all day long, but the next moment punished my curiosity severely. Mana began flowing rapidly as I tried to move it through the etched runes, so much so that it nearly heated to the point of wanting to release the blade. I was unable to reign in the mana flow, the sword suddenly sapping it free of me. Within that short few seconds of rushing energy, it felt as if a fine thread had snapped. And with it, a flood of energy coursed it's way back into me.


Oh shit-


I felt myself suddenly drifting, my body becoming heavy as I fell to my side on the cushions. The feeling in my head was comparable to a sudden nicotine high, a sudden rush and pressure as everything lit up, and dimmed soon after. The fire was bright still and would have normally kept me awake if not for how heavy I now felt.


What did I set off- someone- help- some-

The sound of hooves and claws stamping against mud and brush filled my ears. Alongside it, the sounds of water, crickets, and the cool evening breeze accompanied the backdrop.




My voice was meek, but alone in the silence of the night. The only noise that accompanied it was the sound of horses and drakes walking, and the carts they pulled clattering in turn.


"Papa, when do you think we can stop?"


I asked aloud, the sky just barely lit by the sunrise to where I could see a man's face. He remained silent, appearing tired and lost in thought. I'd been awake alongside him this entire time, sitting in his lap as his mount strode alongside the wagon.


Papa, answer!


"Hmph! Hrm-pfff!"


I'd bitten down on his forearm, fed up with his silence and mute tendency.


"Ah! Damnit Kiyomi! That hurts!"


Flicking my horn, Papa chastised me as he pried his arm free.


"Baby, we'll sleep as soon as Auntie Sarah and the guards say it's safe. We can't just stop, we have to keep going until we know you're not in danger."


Papa shifted me closer, leaning me into his chest. It wasn't cold, but the night air combined with the lack of sleep over the week was wearing me down.


"But I'm tired…" 


I whimpered, nuzzling into Papa's shirt in an attempt to comfort myself.


"We all are sweetheart. Just a bit longer, think you can hold on?"


Papa asked softly, nudging my shoulder with his hand. 


"I'll try."


Looking at the water to our side, I wondered how long we'd exactly been traveling. I couldn't remember exactly, only that u hadn't seen Mamma in a few months now. Papa said I shouldn't cry because Mama was alive, but he wasn't there for the others. It was a struggle at this point cause I knew things were tough for Papa and auntie Sarah, so I stayed as quiet as I could.




A familiar voice spoke, walking alongside our horse. 




Looking down, Auntie Sarah was by our side. Her staff in one hand, and a waterskin in the other.


Auntie is here at least… 


Looking at the woman, she appeared as tired as Papa now. She was older than Mama and Papa, I remembered that much considering she was old enough to know my grandparents before Mamma was born. She looked as If she hadn't slept in days, her eyes darkened underneath.


"It looks clear, none of the hounds have sniffed anything out, and none of our detect-life spells came up with anything other than some wildlife. After talking with the Captain, we think we'll be clear to set up camp the moment the sun rises."


Papa sighed at Auntie Sarah's words.


"Good, that'll give me time to get Kiyomi to sleep. I doubt I'll get much rest myself though."


There was a short silence, save my occasional sniffle. 


"She'll be fine Juro… if anyone will survive, It'll be Elexis."


Auntie Sarah smirked weakly, keeping pace with the drake we sat upon. 


"I just wish we could have stopped it…"


"We did all we could Juro, they struck in the middle of a Clan festival. There was no way we could've known they had Morissan troops amongst the people following."


Auntie Sarah looked back to the trail we followed. 


"All that matters is what we do now."






"Kiyomi, sweetie."


A hand nudged at my shoulder, waking me from a sleep I couldn't recall falling into.




I slowly sat up, wiping the sleep from my eyes.


"It's Sarah, come on you have breakfast waiting."


With my eyes adjusting, I could see auntie Sarah leaning into the tent. Slowly getting up I saw that at some point, we'd stopped and made camp.


"Did I fall asleep on the ride?"


I asked, still groggy.


"Mhmm, Juro didn't want to wake you. I held you while he pitched the tent and set out the bed rolls. You slept pretty heavily compared to the last few nights."


Sarah stopped me, pressing her hand against my chest as I tried to leave the tent.


"Before breakfast… is there anything you need to talk about?"


Her expression was gentle, and caring as she always was given her place as either aunt or retainer.


"About Erik... you were with him- and your sisters."


I cut Auntie Sarah off, looking to the ground now instead of her.


"Not now Auntie… not never…"


I don't want to think, I just wanna be home.


With those words, Sarah removed her hand and stood aside. Looking around, what wagons we had were circled to protect from arrows. The mounts were each posted alongside separate wagons, horse with horse, raptor with raptor, and Papa's drake, Goro, by himself. Papa sat around one of three holes, a subtle trace of white smoke emitting from the holes signaling they'd dug small firepits. Most of the guards sat at two of them, while Papa and the Captain of the guards sat at their own. Alongside them both, two wooden plates of meat and eggs sat as if they saved two final spots.


"Go on, choose your plate. I figured you might want the spot next to him, so I'll sit next to the captain."

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