Fate weaver’s convergence

C79 Winter’s story 9

the break is over! Heres a two part post! Sorry for the word disparity between this and next chapter! Was difficult to find a good splitting point. Edits will come over the next 2 hours or so to ensure readability.

As always, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!

ps, holy shit i hope i did this flashback justice. Its so hard trying to tell thibgs from a 8 ywar olds perspective while on and off handling other things.

"Morning, how'd you sleep?"

Father nodded to me, turning away from the Captain as I placed the plate in my lap.

"Slept okay... "

I mumbled, idly pecking at my eggs with my finger. Everything we managed to grab was so rushed that we'd only just managed to grab something to cook and eat with. Utensils were limited to whatever knives anyone kept on hand, and a spoon for pourage and stew. Grabbing a clump of the scrambled egg, I placed it in my mouth and chewed idly. I wasn't much for eating at the moment, my appetite escaping me until I'd be hungry enough to be in pain.

No salt… no pepper… gross.

I wanted to complain about the taste, but sleep was all I could really bring myself to complain about anymore. Compared to Papa and the others, I was sure I didn't have as much to worry about. The grown ups were always quiet around me since we left, probably thinking they shouldn't be discussing things around a little girl.

"You know, I talked to the Godess…"

Papa continued with his speech casually, but hesitation could be heard In his voice.

It wasn't uncommon for Mama to speak to Lady Solah, but Lady Solah was never physically around. Mama would just start talking with her out of nowhere and convey to us anything that was sharable. I'd seen her once or twice, but that was when i was super little. Has she started talking to Papa now? Why can't she just help us? What good is a God if she let this happen… useless God… 

I continued listening, returning my attention to Papa's words only a few sentences in.

"She said there is somewhere nearby we can take you. There's some people who would probably take care of you and your Aunt until me and your mother return."

At father's words, I reached to the side and grabbed his shirt. Curling my hand into a ball, I did my best to hold on as tight as possible.

"I'm staying with Papa."

I continued chewing, using my other hand to put food into my mouth.

"Kiyomi, it's too dangerous. We've talked about thi-"

I cut Papa off, glaring up at him as I swallowed my food.

"Bubby Erik said it would be okay. Sissy said it would be okay. Mama said it would be okay. Now I'm left with Papa. I'm staying with you, not some fat lord I don't know with some spoiled booger eating kids."

Papa stared back down to me, his expression shifting between anger and concern.

"We'll talk about it when we get there. You could like it, you never know."

I grumbled as I released his shirt, resigning myself to finishing my meal. As I resumed my eating, Auntie Sarah broke the conversation apart. Seated across from us, her own plate was now in her lap.

"Juro, as Bjorn said, we should set out again in half an hour. Apparently the Morrisons tailing us managed to make good time. We'll clear the cart and tie anything we can't leave behind to the cart's side so Kiyomi can sleep in the back. I'll join her, that way you can have peace of mind as you lead from Goro's saddle."

The Captain, apparently named Bjorn, spoke next.

"Aye Lord, the minute my men are finished with their meals We'll begin packing. You two just worry about the miss."

Bjorn raised a small notebook from his side.

"This is an inventory of every arm we have at hand given the Morissons catch up. Aside from Wyrms tooth-"

Bjorn nodded just behind us to the sword leaning against Papa's saddle. Wyrm's tooth, the sword by right of whoever led the clan. It was wielded by Queen Signe and king Zotikos, my great grandparents who united Va-ren. Then, King Erik, my grandfather. Then lastly, my mother, Queen Elexis. Now the sword sat in our hands. Aside from the safety of myself, and Papa, the sword was our most valuable item. Anyone who wields the sword, rules by divine right in Va-ren. With it, we were safeguarded with any Clan that knew we carried it.

"-Aside from Wyrm's tooth, protecting you my Lord, and Lady Kiyomi is our primary objective."

Bjorn brought a piece of bacon to his lips as he finished speaking.

"With that, all we've to do now is make it into Damus. We're roughly a kilometer from the border, We'll need to make a river crossing before we're safe though."

Papa produced a small map, unfolding it holding it where we could all see.

"This bridge here is one of two entrances to the country from the south and south east. If we were to take the pass, we'd be gambling our lives on Morus not stationing any guard there. If we were to be trapped we wouldn't be able to hold out. However, if we continue along the river, we can split off here and make our way to our first possible safe point. The city of Brenton."

Papa pointed to the location on the map, each of us leaning in to get a better look.

"The Broken Tree…"

Auntie Sarah was the first to speak.

"What was that?"

The Captain asked, confused at Sarah's words.

"Brenton is the largest trading hub this far east. It's safe to say we're pushing the limit by sticking to the fringe of frontier territory. From what my sources have said, Brenton just recently dealt with a similar lash out from Morus as well."

Bjorn crossed his arms, scratching his beard for a moment.

"So it's safe to say we may be able to expect some form of sympathy in regards to being victims?"

Sarah nodded to the side, her mouth casting to the side as she made an unsure expression.

"It's hard to say, most of Damus's nobility are either exiled or estranged relatives of the Imperial family. It's a rather large gamble that they'll even allow us to stay, let alone grant us protection."

Papa interjected soon after.

"Even if we may not, Kiyomi would be guaranteed safety. Damus's culture is very strict on protecting children and adolescents. That's probably one of the few cultural consistencies there. Even if it meant she'd be wed away-"

At Papa's words, I dropped my plate to the side. Hearing the thud of wood against dirt, Papa stopped himself mid sentence, his eyes shooting to me for a moment.

"Kiyomi I didn't-"

"I'm going to use the bathroom."

Those were the words I used to excuse myself from the conversation. I would rather not listen to these discussions, not after recent events. It was different before, when I wanted to eavesdrop on every minor detail and let my imagination go wild. Now, with every word my gut churns instead. 


"Juro, I'll handle her. Bjorn, do you think the men can begin setup sooner?"

Sarah asked in the background, the tail end of the conversation being heard as I left.

"Aye, Lady Sarah. If needed, we can tear down immediately."

"I think I'll help, Bjorn. He and I will discuss the rest as we work. And Sarah… thank you."

Walking away, I could hear the hurried stamp of hooves against the ground as Auntie Sarah did her best to keep up. It was easy to tell it was her, she had a fairly long stride. She was tall, and her staff thumping against the ground with her hooves was even easier to make out. We walked into the woods some three or four minutes before I found a suitable spot to stop. It was at a small grassy clearing along the riverbank. Cattails littered the edge of the water here, and a river crawler could be seen grazing in the distance. I stopped to sit in the grass, breathing deeply as I looked at the water. It wasn't a moment longer until Sarah spoke.

"He's doing his best, Kiyomi."

Her hooved feet could be seen in my periphery as she stopped next to me. 

"Is it me or does his best mean pawning me off, just to die like the rest and leaving me by myself."

I sighed as I spoke, fighting back the tears that were finally managing to build up. I was unable to let them loose still however, thanks to the soreness of my eyes.

"So I was right about needing to talk…"

Sarah placed her staff to the ground, sitting to my side as she responded.

"I'm afraid… of being alone. He knows this… and he's trying to hide me away. To place me somewhere alone. What if I never see any of you again?"

Looking to Sarah, she seemed rather drained, same as always. But, it was evident that the appearance was legitimate in earnest.

"Are you sure he doesn't think the same? You're his only-"

Sarah paused.

"One of his only two progeny, Kiyomi. His daughters, that can never be replaced. On top of your Mother being unaccounted for, I'm sure Juro is terrified for you both at the prospect. Remember, the loneliness you feel, we all feel."

Sarah reached her hand a cross my back, pulling me closer to her by my shoulder.

"You've seen things you should never have to see as a child. You've seen things that drove your great-grandmother mad. The fact that you're still here, in the state that you are, means you're holding together." 

Pressing my head against her chest, Sarah held me there for some time. Possibly expecting me to cry, to let out everything that had piled up. For a little girl, innocent once and now tainted, to somehow let out all the frustration she had built to this point.

I have nothing left, I can't let it out. 

I sat there, breathing calmly. No grand show of tears or sobbing. Not a wail or cry in mourning. Just an unnaturally silent girl, losing the anger and frustration she'd felt just a moment earlier.

"Its just me here, Kiyomi. You dont have to carry that weight."

She whispered.

"You've been holding out, it's not healthy to let those things compile."

I mulled over her words, staring at the grass as I did. 

"That won't change anything."

I remained silent after those words, emotionless in tone as I just sat there and enjoyed her warmth.

I miss them, nothing will change that. It's not gonna hurt any less, I cried plenty as we left home. I still feel the same as I did then.

"Lady Vakara? Lady Kiyomi? We're ready to depart."


The Captain called out, the sound of feet stamping through grass and the snap of twigs echoing along.

"It appears an end has come to our respite."

Sarah stood, grunting as a soft pop escaped her knees.

"Damned knees are starting to pop."

I did my best to force a joke in hopes of convincing her the talk did any good.

"That's because you're getting old, Auntie."

"Oh haha, ya little shite. Well, come on, we shouldn't keep your father waiting. The sooner we move the better."

Sarah rolled her eyes as she leaned down to help me up. 


The day passed as expected, with everyone on edge. We'd traveled through a wide territory of hostile or unknown lands in an attempt to reach marketable safety. It was a near miracle to maintain our pace as we did, thanks in part to the Captain and a few of the guards being human. They were the only ones capable of entering any village we came close to without arousing suspicion. We'd stop from time to time, double check the scrapped together maps we had. Double checking the roads we took, ensuring if they actually continued towards our destination. For the most part, things were going smooth until finally at some point late in the afternoon.

"Why are we slowing down?"

Sarah muttered, leaning forward as the cart rolled to a stop. Immediately after, the carriage rocked as one of the horses seemed to collapse.

"Ambush! Take the cart left! I need two here and two moving this tree no-"

Bjorn could be heard yelling, his voice echoing through the forest before abruptly cutting short. Each of the guards behind us with their raptors suddenly began galloping forward. Sarah sat up suddenly, her breathing suddenly becoming choppy as she stood and looked to the sides of the cart.

"Shit! Kiyomi take this!"

Sarah tore a sheathed knife from her hip, tossing it in my lap. I'd been writing in my diary till this point, so I shoved it inside my bag before clutching the knife in my hands.

"Circle up! Shields ready!"

Papa yelled out, a sudden and crackling noise striking out as he commanded. With it spout of fire could be seen shooting past the side of the cart.

"Kiyomi, stay dow- un."

Sarah fell to the side as an arrow suddenly tore through the cloth siding.

"Stay down- ah- shit! Stay low between the crates!"

Looking up after throwing myself into the floor, I looked as blood began soaking her waist. The mix of white and black clothes staining red in moments.


She whimpered, grabbing the arrow as close to its head as she could manage before ripping it free. The occasional arrow could be heard striking the cart time after time. Yelling could be heard coming from around us, both from our guards and from whoever our attackers were.

"That'll scar nicely-"

The wound was exposed now thanks to her torn clothes, showing the extent of the damage before suddenly closing up. It was swollen and the scar tissue was evident, but it was better than seeing Sarah bleed.

"Stay here, stay lo-"

A shot of red mana tore a sudden hole through the roof of the cart. Sarah looked up in fear as the tarp now flapped loosely in the wind.


Sarah said nothing as she leaned back towards me, grabbing my collar and yanking me towards her. With one tug and a loud, pained grunt, Sarah jumped backwards with me in her arms. As we landed, I got a true idea of the situation. The yelling grew into a chorus as at least a dozen Morrison knights pushed up and out of the woodline. Looking under the cart behind us, I could see why our cart itself stopped. The guard leading the horses lay limply on the ground, same as one of the horses. It was hanging partially from the rigging as it bled into mud, while the other stamped its hooves in fear. 

"Shield wall, move back! Move back!"

Papa yelled orders now instead of the captain as a horse galloped away from the fighting, it's rider absent.

"That was Bjorn's! Kiyomi, stay close to me!"

Sarah ordered firmly, keeping herself from yelling. Just as she stood, her eyes widened and she yank me by collar until I was behind her. 


Falling to one knee, an arrow tip could be seen protruding from her back, just above the hip. Raising her staff in her opposite hand, a burst of fire flew fourth as if it were from a dragon's maw. The fire spewed forward in a near perfect line before slamming into a bowman who appeared near us. 


The man fell backwards, the flames refusing to die down as Sarah began sweeping to the right at the woodline. Just as she was about to hit another attacker that took cover behind a tree, a blast of the same red magic from before slammed into the cart. Wood shot in each direction as the magic slammed into the cart and nearly split it in half. 

They're back! They're back for us!


I yelled out in fear just as Sarah picked me up with her free arm, hiding me close to her as she began limping for a small recess within the ditches along the road. Dropping me into the mud, Sarah screamed as she broke the arrow within her waist, then pulled it free from her backside by its tip.

"Juro! Cart is down, I don't know if I got their mage!"

She stood over me, her head looking every which way as she attempted to safeguard me. Pulling her sword free from her hip, her eyes locked forward as boots could be heard stamping through mud and running towards us.

"Stay behind me Kiyomi!"

Sarah stepped over me, attempting to guard me from something. Righting myself, I was able to get a full view of the scene that befell us.

"It's happening again…

I whispered to myself.

"Come on you faithless fucks! Your God is a pigeon, and your worship a fuckin joke!"

Sarah yelled at two armored figures approaching.

"And you're God's a fool who'll stand as we butcher prey!"

Of the eleven guards we had, only nine still stood. Bjorn lay on his back, his neck torn open by something as he bled into the road. Our driver, limp and dead as his bisected body lay in two pieces, another of the guards that was felled in line as he and the others attempted to make formation alongside Papa. They were actively clashing with the Morrisons that assailed us, each struggling to hold against at least a force twice our size. Papa himself was trading blows with an armored figure, Wyrm's tooth striking the figures shield or dirt with each deflected swing. A stereotypical picture of a Knight, fighting Papa in his simple Gambison. Looking to make an opening, Papa was prodding at the Knights defenses. He seemed unwilling to tale any chances, away of the fatal risks should he overstep.

"I'll see you try!"

Were Sarah's words as the two approaching, drew my attention. Each was partially armored, a chain shirt and gambison was all each wore for armor. Each held one-handed arming swords whilst mana could be seen building up within their palms. With the ground closed, the first swung from the side. Sarah's own sword stopped it, while her staff was jabbed forward and slammed into his stomach. Stumbling back, the first attacker was pushed away but not wounded. The next came in close, his blade catching Sarah's staff arm before she could pull it back.


Sarah yelped in pain as she pivoted, swinging her own sword towards the next attacker. While she missed, he jumped back to do so in a fatal misjudgement. In a sudden flash of light, a concentrated burst of flame shot forth into this attacker's chest. Flying backwards onto the grass to the ditches side. He was dead already, smoke emanating from his chest as his clothes slowly turned red. The still living attacker had already recovered by this point, stabbing forward at Sarah. 

"Forget try! See you fail!"

Sarah backstepped, managing to take the blow to her left, opposite of her arrow wounds. With the blow just missing her, the attackers pulled his blade back whilst swinging toward Sarah. His blade managed to cut into her clothes but seemed to miss its chance at wounding her. 

"Forget the columns, kill the witch and the bastard!"

The armored figure yelled out, this time trading a blow with Papa as he slammed his shield towards Papa. 

No, hold on!

I felt helpless as two more figures broke off from the main skirmish, running towards us.

"For the fuck of it all-"

Sarah exclaimed, raising her staff suddenly as a new form of flames shot forward. She aimed at the feet of her opponent, flames shooting outward in a cones and searing the man's legs. He began to scream in pain before raising his own free hand and shooting forth a jet of water. The jet of water shattered Sarah's staff, cutting the flames short as the wood and iron split under the pressure. While the two initial attackers lay dead and smoldering, two more seemed to rush towards us with little care for what may befall them. They seemed encouraged even by the sudden disappearance of Sarah's staff. 

"Juro, I can only hold out so long! I need to save mana!."

Sarah shouted, but the odds seemed bleak. We were unsure that Papa heard until he whistled and yelled just before deflecting another blow and stabbing forward with his sword.


A shrieking roar echoed as Papa's drake jumped from the woodline, crashing into the back of the Morrison line to the left of the road. One was crushed under Goro's weight, whilst another was flung into the air by Goro's maw. With the line disorganized, the two raptors that were initially mounted jumped from the woodline alongside Goro, picking off two more of the troops beside him. Within an instant, four of our attackers were taken out and the enemies numbers brought down to a nearly manageable amount. 

"At Least they might not come after us as easy."

Sarah muttered, stepping up into the woodline from the ditch. With myself in tow, she was possibly trying to ensure I wouldn't be hit as easy. Considering as I was now, I simply weighed her down in the open. 

Why can't I help?! Why can't I be bigger? 

I wasn't afraid to say I was shivering at this point, but screaming in fear wouldn't do anything at this point. That didn't help when my brothers and sisters fell, and it wouldn't help now. 

Sarah tried ushering me into the woods just as the two new assailants closed the distance, the first swung his sword into the tree Sarah was next to. His blade missed its mark, cutting into the tree as Sarah ducked just fast enough that he only nicked her horns. The other made and attempt to cut around the tree and catch us by surprise, but was met by a sudden bolt of fire that must have shot his own chainmail rings into him. The second attacker that was shot flew a few feet before slamming into an oak behind him with a sickening crunch.

"Just you and I!"

Sarah boasted at the shorthand success, only coming back to her senses when a fist slammed into her nose. Sarah stumbled back a few feet, giving the attacker just enough time in her stunned state to swing his sword. Blood sprayed outward, his blade finding its mark and passing through as if it were swinging at air. 


The blood splattered into my eyes, obscuring my vision. Just as I was going to wipe my eyes clear of the warm liquid, a loud grunt and then a strained wheeze could be heard.

Auntie Sarah! No! No-

My eyes cleared just in time to see the result of the fight. 

"Ki- hah-Kiyomi, look away!"

Sarah yelled in pain, but nothing could force me from ensuring she was still with me. The last of the attackers after us was slumped against the tree we used as cover, his blood splattered over its trunk and Sarah's face and now only remaining arm. 

"Damnit, I said look away-"

Sarah gasped, her teeth clenching as blood oozed from the stump where her elbow once was.

"I can't afford to use this much mana damnit!"

Her left hand coated in fire as she flowed mana into it, a vibrant orange hue escaping her left forearm and the stump of her right.

"This'll hurt…"

Sarah hesitated, grunting in pain as she clenched her teeth so hard I could have swore I heard grinding. 

"Rrrrrrrrgh! Fhhh- rrrhhh-"

She forced her flaming palm into the stump of her right arm, searing her flesh there in some attempt to stop the bleeding. The wound was great, and without another healer she couldn't reattach the severed arm.

"Ah- ah- Juro!"

Sarah stumbled forward as she attempted to yell out for Papa.

"Too much- too much blood already… exhausted."

"Auntie Sarah, stay up! You can stay up!"

I tried encouraging her any small amount I could, attempting to help her stand by propping her with my shoulders.

"I'm here Kiyomi, I won't leave you that easy."

Sarah leaned her weight against the tree as soon as she could stand without my support. Struggling to stand with her two legs, it took Sarah some time for her trembling to cease.

"Just stay behind cover, you're the last person we need in harm's way."

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